Wow Bob! This is great! The 1000000 pixel page sounds like a fantastic idea. I'de be down for at least 100 pixels. I came to the thought process last year that if I am really occupying my own timeline (arguable crazy talk) the only way such a revolutionary energy technology will ever manifest in my world is if I am integral in having it built, funding it, or building it myself. This is possibly the only competition type mechanism I've seen that might just do the trick. I don't know if you could attach the payout to a smart contract of which you and two other independent parties were designated as the oracles to certify payment of the payout. I don't think your going to have any issue getting the first 50k, but for those who aren't familiar with your work and are worried you might abscond with the money a smart contract might ease their worries.
Regarding the optimal operating range or possible circuit designs for a xenon bulb based system. I would direct people to Moray B King's book quest for zero point. On page 71 he says the following "A super tube which combines the use of the hollow cathode discharge, radioactive cathodes, and inert gas mixtures should create an axcessive energy output when tuned to cycle in the abnormal glow discharge regime. Output energy in the form of large voltage spikes are efficiently absorbed by a Pulse Current Multiplier circuit which might offer a solid state means of tapping the zero-point energy". On later pages he gives multiple examples for circuits as well as cathode designs and a discussion of the "abnormal glow discharge", it might be worth looking at for anyone considering attempting this challenge.
Also I've had a number of people tell me that emails I've sent them have never arrived, so I'm going to paste some information below that I emailed to you but think may have just disappeared.
I recently saw a video on youtube and then shortly after had a family member also contact me about the specific paper covered in that video.
Anyways I was trying to explain to my family that the most important take away from this experiment and effect isn't even what they are talking about in the paper.
It is the relation to micro-ball lightning or EVO's. The centripetal accelerations experienced inside a ball lightning or EVO is going to be well within the range that it could be extracting at least 1K thermal energy just from the quantum background field.
I think this may be something worth considering as a mechanism that feeds energy to EVO's in addition to the energy achieved by transmuting matter and compressing it into a smaller box.
I lack the mathematical understanding to fully digest how this works, but I think I have a fair intuitive understanding.
Anyways I have some back of the napkin calculations below just to illustrate what I mean.
If we have a micro ball lightning of radius 0.002 m (this is a typical size in an experiment if I remember correctly) with an outside velocity of 1/3 rd the speed of light (also reasonable I believe).
One can see that it is just two orders of magnitude off, but it is in the range of the aforementioned effect that would generate a 1 K thermal photon temperature per some unit area I presume.
If you take the micro ball lightning and drop it's size to 20 micron, now you have 4.993084326×10^20, which would generate energy comparible to that described in the paper.
This also gives a very good intuitive explanation in my mind as to why these EVO's and ball lightnings might tend towards smaller sizes as they decay. (I say might as I don't really know if this is the case or not)
Basically the amount of energy they can extract from the quantum background field would be higher they smaller they are because of the centripital acceleration they experience.
I'll leave it there but this line of thinking very much ties back into the work of Konstantin Meyl and his explanation/derivations of subatomic particles as combinations of nested vortex fields.
Thanks Bob for responding to that last part. I was under the impression that the acceleration in the order of 10^20 m/s^2 was causing 1K of thermal photons to be generated from the vacuum. You needn't respond here, but if as I think the establishment is claiming the predicted emission of thermal photons happens during acceleration of the matter (and by our reckoning the corresponding/subsequent formation of the coherent matter) (I would argue it needs to be a specific type of acceleration, vorticular compression), what is the conventionally understood mechanism in "science" corresponding to our understanding of the extraction of the thermal photons during the collapse of coherent matter? Would it be the explosive decompression of matter via a vorticular path? My honest impression of that whole paper ( is that their replication (if attempted) is going to be a failure because it is not a vorticular compression of matter (like I assume happens in a black hole) just a lateral oscillation and they were going to then hold it up as a failure example of why energy cannot be drawn from the vacuum. Much like the Michelson-Morley experiment was held up as proof no aether exists, when some would argue it was flawed in it's construction (I can try to dig up a reference of at least one counter argument if anyone is curious). Thanks for all you do Bob and sorry for what must seems as questions you feel you have already answered.
I have the book and read it in Vietnam in January 2020, yes this is likely what Rossi is doing deliberately or by accident, in a way it is not to dissimilar to those doing corona discharge where I believe coherence is achieved - latest to do this is Savvatimovva at ICCF-23.
You could build a pickup around the tube and also a penning trap to hone the active area. I suggested the use of Krypton 85 as an accelerant if it can be got! But I don't think it is necessary.
Hey Bob, Thanks! Just to be clear, I bought this book on your recommendation so thanks for the tip-off :). Also I agree a pickup is probably a better technique than what is proposed in the book as if one is waiting to absorb "large voltage spikes", one would presumably be absorbing the energy from de-shelving EVO's. I can only imagine that if they were to fully de-shevel they would do greater damage to the small terminals on the xenon lamp. Versus yours/Solin's suggested technique of using a pickup coil to bleed energy off a persistent EVO, which I can only imagine will do much less terminal damage. I am so very much looking forward to seeing what the community comes up with regarding this challenge. People including myself need to know there is another way through this mess than the big industry solutions they are being given (which they know either won't actually solve the issues, and/or will never arrive), which they can build themselves :) It's the only way!
Also the more I think about it the more I think using a smart contract is an unnecessary complication that might just backfire, best to perhaps just keep any payout system simple stupid. I'de hate to be the one who suggested a technologically solution I don't fully understand all the risks associated with, to have it used and then have it horribly backfire.
Thanks Peter, this book means a lot of inspiration. I have seen many things in my reactor without knowing what I saw. Bob explained a lot already, now this add's another 'layer'. Work to do! I printed the book, now I can read it before I go to sleep, will go to bed early :-)
NP Henk, Bob was the one who recommended it about a year and a half ago in one of his videos. I think Bob is also right that the Solin style pickup is probably the best way to go (see my reply to him below if curious), but perhaps the tuning and discussion of abnormal glow discharge may be of use to help you tune something better. Anyways thanks for all the great work you do Henk, you are an inspiration to so many of us :) Hopefully if others can reproduce some of the effects with just Xenon bulbs we can all soon be taking part. I think this are going to start progressing very fast on many fronts from here on out!
Hi Peter, I am still trying to wrap my head around exactly what the radial pickup is picking up in the Solin design. It would have to be the E-field from the A potential that would be generated radially by the moving magnetic charges (squiggles) along the axis of the e-beam from top- to bottom+ in Solin reactor design correct? No idea what kind of voltage/frequency this would manifest itself as on the output of the pickup but I guess we will just have to find out!
Hey Dave, I'll start by saying I don't know but I'm happy to speculate :). My working hypothesis had been that one was going to try and tune to some harmonic of the EVO that you had built in the material/plasma. For example if it's spinning at 1/10th the speed of light and has a size of 5mm and a lifetime of 5ms after each pulse or something. I was thinking there would be some frequency that was in a workable range, that one might be able to capture the AC oscillations from. I wasn't thinking to extract energy from the moving magnetic charges (squiggles) (coherent matter traveling waves) as they traveled along the axis of the ebeam. I think your idea is fine though. Honestly I need to go and read the Solin design again to better understand the layout of the reactor, I've looked at the patent just now but I haven't put in the necessary time to say with any confidence. I don't know if the coil that is extracting power is #12 "productivity coil" or #52 "inductance catcher". If it's #12 it is located in a position to capture power from emitted particles perhaps. If it is #52 it looks like it's around the bulk of the material and maybe more to capture some kind of magnetic currents in the bulk of the material... Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Just to supplement my reply with one other thing. I still very much like the idea where to my understanding after my first read at least Moray B King is specifying a circuit to capture the charge from presumably when the EVO impacts he anode. But I think the anode and cathode might degrade quickly. That was why the idea of using a coil to resonantly capture power from the EVO seemed nice, but probably more difficult. I suppose there is nothing to stop one trying to do both, or perhaps even all 3 (including your idea to capture energy from the moving EVO's). In terms of my thought of capturing resonant energy, it might even be as simply as I think Bob was suggesting in his video of using a solar cell to capture the UV output :) I think his latest video he said Brilliant light power quoted something like 250x more photonic output power ( than input power... With a 20% efficiency of a solar cell and typical xenon lamp was 5% efficient you get a total loss of 99% of the power. But he said 250x more output power than input so you only need to take into account the 20% solar cell efficiency. You still are going to be making a very large gain of like 50x (probably worse due to worse solar cell efficiency if you don't just break the cell altogether).
Hi Peter, Need a lot of reading and understanding to do. I have replicated the Super Tube and did not know what is was, I called it the 'heatpipe'. I am curious what is in the document about it. And indeed, when more people start doing experiments the faster we will find out what to do. Need to study Solin as well....
It is nice to hear I am an inspiration! It has been much fun to do it and see it, a real joy, and it is even better to show it and see the wonderful explanations and pictures from Bob!
Bob, the process you describe in this video (EVO -> UV -> light/heat/electricity) is very straightforward and quite convincing. However this process should imply an energy gain (otherwise it would be just a kind of exotic light bulb). It is not clear to me which part of the process generates this energy gain. Did I missed something?
Largely the energy gain is a rectification of energy by way of the self organisation of matter in the EVO.
The gain has several components IMHO
1. Harvesting of environmental thermal (IR) photons by the charge clusters as they dishevel. Effectively, in the closed loop, they are converting IR photons from the far field into Soft X-Rays / EUV photons that are at or above the required energy to make free electrons from the Xenon. Archibald Wheeler discussed how GEONs would have to shed photons to form in 1954, in the same paper he discusses and invents the terms black hole and worm hole.
2. The intense non-linear field fall offs of the coherent matter pull in relic neutrinos and capture their energy.
3. The solitons in the coherent matter produce intense internal electric and magnetic fields and electron bunching. IMHO, these will produce conditions far in excess of those required by Parkhomov to synthesise cold neutrino and antineutrino pairs. This along with 2 explains the Black EVOs / String Vortex Solitons being considered a condensed cluster of Cold Neutrinos. In Archibald Wheelers 1954 GEONs paper he says that GEONs could be formed of a combination of neutrinos and electrons or neutrinos alone.
4. The ions captured in this EVO, in this case Xenon, can be fissioned, both directly by magnetic pressure / self collapse or via assistance by Relic/Cold neutrinos. Each fission of Xenon will yield initial massive daughter products with combined kinetic energy of 40MeV, this will produce a lot of ionisation in the chamber or excitement of the coherent matter that will produce more soft X-rays / EUV.
I have a little story related to Xenon flash tubes that may be relevant or not. When I was a kid I recovered an electronic flash from a disposable camera. It was a very classic schematic: an oscillator charging a >100uF capacitor at more than 300V, and a very small trigger transformer that generate a small arc in the Xenon tube, starting the discharge of the capacitor through it. All pretty common, nothing exotic. However, by playing with it I discovered a strange effect: when I shot the flash toward a glass, close enough, same haze immediately appeared on the glass, as if the humidity from air were condensed on the glass surface. Maybe there are several conventional explanation to this, but I didn't succeed in finding a very convincing one... :-)
Very interesting, This is both a build of EVOs and a collapse. Therefore, some chance of the electrons and ions wanting to get their thermal / kinetic energy back.
If the glass was borosilicate, there is a good chance it might interact as it did in our first successful Celani cell in 2012.
I think with a glass at a critical temp in a suitably humid room this could be replicated and would be a great way to show the effect.
I'm not trying to be a pain, Bob, I'm just trying to understand what you're saying. If anyone else wants to explain what I'm missing, I really just WANT THIS TO WORK! Thanks.
This would probably work but won't it consume material in a destructive (nuclear) process? Wouldn't something a bit tamer be more appropriate for home use? Something that wouldn't produce many or any birdies, for example?
In 2006, Ken Shoulders said at MIT that any heat producing attempt in LENR will end up consuming matter and destroy the reactor. Solin's reactor (1992) was essentially an acceptance of this.
That is why you have to create "Free-Floating Fireball" (Macro EVO) and extract energy off that via induction, photonics, photo-electron process etc. Solin used inductance even as his reactor consumed matter.
This is the method proposed by J. Roth in the Dec 1993 (published May 1995) paper in Fusion Technology.
(Presumably, we know this from things like seeing transmutations consistent with things such as Shoulders' mercury wetted cathode tip or potassium on the cathode of the evo blaster?)
Potassium probably chosen for low work function (ionization energy,
Yes, low work function and because EVOs as they condense appear to synthesise / capture cold/relic neutrinos, they have the ability to cause inverse beta decay as demonstrated over 3 decades in well documented experiments with corresponding data and full explanations in
When electron clusters form they produce coherent light.
Form solitons of opposite charges (??? probably complimentary magnetic charges) that can cluster and form cylinders and spheres
There are only two opposite charges. How could those cluster in spheres or cylinders? Magnetic objects could pile up together though. North to south to north, branching, jumbling, or long strings reconnecting in rings and large flat surfaces curling into balls.
This is where Matsumoto's 'Itons' and 'Itonic Clusters' comes in. Remember that Shoulders was focussed on the observables - that is to say WHAT happens and how WHAT happens can be controlled to effect useful outcomes - he was not a radiation detection and monitoring expert - but in the end concluded it was a Ball Lightning based phenomena. Shoulders also realised that it explained LENR / Cold Fusion AFTER that was made public.
Matsumoto came from the Cold Fusion starting point, trying to explain the observables that he replicated in simple experiments. He however WAS a radiation detection and monitoring expert with a special skill in radiographic plate analysis. This allowed him to see things that were NOT PRESENT in well-understood nuclear reactions. He then had to cross correlate the observable traces with the novel nuclear reaction pathways observed and that lead him to conclude that a new quasi particle, the 'Iton' which is a
Positron and an Electron bound with a neutrino
into a neutral particle that then can cluster, forming rings that then merge into meshes 'Itonic Clusters' which can capture and encapsulate particles. These meshes were recorded by him in 1993 and by myself in 2019.
After discussions with Ed Lewis around 1992-3 he recognised they were akin to natural Ball Lighting.
Pretty much everyone agrees that the two basic travelling forms of these are spheres or toroids and this is likely a surface tension / minimum surface area/curvature to maximum volume driven self-organising phenomenon.
Solin stated that the coherent matter in the form of two toroidal structures of opposite magnetic charge clusters to form spheres (observed by a follower of our project in 2017 in an earlier plasma spark-plug video, and again on video by Bogdanovich et. al. published in May 2019) and tubes, inside which nuclear reactions take place. We have observed wetting together of 'balls of fire' inside VEGA experiments and their formation into tubes that present as a magnetic fluid network, akin to ferro-fluid, in VEGA Valley.
In 2001, in a letter to the editor of Fusion Technology, Matsumoto conceded that his 'Itonic Clusters' which were equivalent to ball lightning, could capture vast numbers of nucleons and transmute them simultaneously and that likely it was the same phenomenon as EVOs. He stated that Plasmoids were insufficient to explain the phenomenon and that EVO description was incomplete, but that his 'Itonic Clusters' could explain the observerbles including Electro-Nuclear Collapse (ENC) and Electro-Nuclear Regeneration (ENR).
I have attempted to walk you through my understanding of that (for now) in another reply.
Excellent. Thank you, especially about the diff between Matsumoto and Shoulders.
And this! quasi particle, the 'Iton' which is a Positron and an Electron bound with a neutrino into a neutral particle that then can cluster, forming rings that then merge into meshes 'Itonic Clusters' which can capture and encapsulate particles.
You do realize that in the non-woo universe (i.e., the so called "real" world) they are going to great lengths to try to detect the little buggers, right? The neutrinos? (Or at least they're pretending to try like they're pretending to try to harness fusion.) So I'll probably have more questions later, but this is starting to make sense.
You are lucky, I didn't even know Shoulders existed until late 2016 - the whole LENR community in the west avoided mention of him - and I didn't here Matsumoto's name once from 2012 till even later.
Is the EMP scalar? If so it wouldn't be electro-magnetic. It would be magneto-dielectric. I ask because the pulse is it not being shielded by the tank?
Hi, thanks, yeh, in the past I would go back and meticulously check these unscripted brush stokes with the hard, easily findable/verifiable facts using YouTube's overlay feature. It should be 1.31109 MeV
Lol. Tht's cool. Thanks for the correction though.
Meanwhile I'm trying to do a Spice model of Shoulders' energy conversion thing based on the schematic from the patent, looking for more clues how to get a real one to work but something's really haywire and I think he might have done it on purpose to prevent plagiarism. Power literally sucked through a resistor from the input? EXACTLY twice the electrons output as input?
The floating end of the "delay line" may have been another trick too. So I"m back looking at the patent. Ouch!
Absolutely, and also for cinema projectors - like the one John Hutchison used. However, at this stage, I think the plan is to see what can be achieved with cheap (even junk yard) HIDs as the project has always tried to develop cheap and conclusive experiments.
The paper sent you by Aureon also mentions speeding up and energizing their solitons (?) when there's a magnetic field in the direction they are going in. Magnets. (This is also a secondary function of the "delay line" coil in Shoulders patent in the "Make and Break" recent upload.
The nomenclature is AGAIN spinning me out - need a concise glossary.
Also I was going to post a note that the plot at around 32:30 and elsewhere goes BELOW absolute zero. If convincing younger guys that this stuff is real is important (because all the good researchers are already quite old by now) it probably should be noted that this is likely overshoot in the electronics or a non-linear range in the detector. Or, simply a data error. But the dip goes about 100C below abs zero and that's a liability for our credibility.
Cell phones are typically 2.45 GHz, same as a microwave oven.
Experiment: Call a cell phone from a remote phone, then once connection is established, put the phone into a microwave oven (don't be silly... don't turn it on...). When you make a sound ouside the oven see if you can hear it in the remote phone.
I have done this several times with two different microwave ovens.
The radiation to/from the cell phone from a cell tower appears to be MUCH greater than just inefficiency in the shielding and since the oven is designed to block microwaves, as a Faraday Cage, it's possible/probable that there is a large component of scalar radiation passing through the sheilding. Cell phones use a PIFA antenna (Planar Inverted 'F' Antenna).
If this also works for anyone here, your phone might be a cheap source of microwaves for rough experiments just to check for 'any effect' before going wild with something more extensive.
The microwave output from phones very much exceeds the legal limit 1m from a domestic MW oven, but when you call a phone, unless you are doing it via a voip app, you will be using different bands that can pass into the microwave.
It compresses the audio (AGC/audio leveling) while passing the video through unchanged.
If you're curious I can make a clip showing what it does.
Then if you want to try it I can make a demo (with junk text output) and if you think it's useful I'll clean it up. No GUI. I don't do Windows anymore at all. But that could be added simply with a file selector dialog that sends the input file name to the application.
This is the help output without the formatting shown in the screenshot above.
Outputs an identical video file with dynamic range
compression of the audio. (6 dB headroom typ.)
The output file name will be '<inputfile>-cmpr.mp4'
Quotes req'd for names containing spaces.
It doesn't currently have any switches to increase compression so I had to run it 3 times on this video. But it's the only one I've had to do this with so far.
A proposed explanation for Bin-Juine Huang's cavitation driven excess heat system
This starts with a screenshot of the wave forms because the overall volume of the compressed section is higher so it may not be as clear that it's leveling volumes rather than just boosting them.
Saw Dave's uploads. The welding mask video is blank in the second half. Nothing to "compress" tho. The volume is good.
Question: Since the effect we are after happens during the negative resistance regime, would a larger resistance (currently 3 Megs) produce more of the EVOS and less of the arcing? If that's what we're after... still just playing catch up here.
This is somewhat off-topic, but I was cogitating on osama gas and the explosive transmutation experiments and results from the Bockris work done in the early 1990's at Texas A&M.
I wonder what would happen with the same mixes being exposed to osama gas instead of being exploded. The mix included Carbon, Oxygen, Silicon, Sulfer, Iron , Cadmium, Lead, Silver, Calcium, Potassium, and Chlorine
If making your own cathode and anode shapes is of interest, to put in a homemade xenon glass bulb, a search for 'alumina ignitor insulator' will find some products. I think these insulators MUST have serious ribs on the outer surface, otherwise an evo ring could stretch/reorganize to fit the outer diameter and follow the insulator tube surface until it destroys whatever is holding it. I think the sides of the cathode should also have some ribs in the metal.
I wondered how to make a xenon bulb. I found a video about making neon signs. Having the ability to make your own bulb, could be handy for hands-on experimenters. Posted for inspiration. And if this glassware needs strength to withstand implosion vacuum force, or not melt, a discussion of glass considerations would be desirable.
I think for mass learning, we need to keep variables to a minimum, so if people are working with standard bulbs and controllers, this can lead to faster iterative collective learning. As soon as anything becomes bespoke, then everyone is on their own.
When the parameter space to produce reliable outcomes is known, this will form the core learning to build off.
That is why ULTR is so good, it is idiot proof. We need to make this journey idiot proof.
Bob, great presentation and fair discussion of Rossi. Regarding your point #2 below, just came across this ambitious paper that mentions relic neutrino capture in beta-decaying tritium reactions, p. 4.
Bob, for me one of the absolutely huge implications of your work, Parkhomov, Matsumoto, is that you don't need zero-point quantum energy to create over-unity, high-COP energy processes: relic neutrinos can play this role in quantum/biological processes because they're slow, their DB wave-length is relatively large and they're everywhere (one particle on average every 1.5 mm according to David A.). I've never heard anyone else, at any conference lecture, ever mention this, ever.
And that may have been the case for decades had I not been supported to visit Dr. Alexander Parkhomov in 2015 and given his book in his flat in Moscow. I had no idea Relic Neutrinos could ever be a thing - it was really after listening to Shishkin though in 2018 say that String Vortex Solitons (SVS) / Black EVOs, should contain condensed cold neutrinos, I realised I had to understand more about them and their potential reality. This lead me to see if there was any way to get it translated and published in English - so I could read it. After 3 months of research on how I could achieve it, I approached Alexander with some confidence I could make it happen, with the idea of translating and publishing it.
He agreed. Then I understood where he was coming from and a pattern emerged in vast sets of data across many phenomena and the potential opened up.
Well, again, we're all indebted to you for carrying this out and making it available to the world. It opens up a whole new paradigm, with tons of new data and more to come, on how life happens on Earth and elsewhere in the cosmos. It makes just about every article I've ever read on neutrinos, and most on dark matter, obsolete.
If they are black holes, they bend space time. We usually visualize this as infinitely curved space but it could equally legitimately be visualized as infinitely curved time... leaving space flat.
If it's a black hole the condensate would have no wave function at all. Not in this 3D+1 dimension. I don't think they are truly black holes as we normallly think of them, although they can "absorb" energy of any kind which sounds black holish.
I've given up on going through your videos from the beginning and restarting with the most recent.
I think your conclusions are RIGHT. But these myriad of conflicting definitions are murder !!!
Wow Bob! This is great! The 1000000 pixel page sounds like a fantastic idea. I'de be down for at least 100 pixels. I came to the thought process last year that if I am really occupying my own timeline (arguable crazy talk) the only way such a revolutionary energy technology will ever manifest in my world is if I am integral in having it built, funding it, or building it myself. This is possibly the only competition type mechanism I've seen that might just do the trick. I don't know if you could attach the payout to a smart contract of which you and two other independent parties were designated as the oracles to certify payment of the payout. I don't think your going to have any issue getting the first 50k, but for those who aren't familiar with your work and are worried you might abscond with the money a smart contract might ease their worries.
Regarding the optimal operating range or possible circuit designs for a xenon bulb based system. I would direct people to Moray B King's book quest for zero point. On page 71 he says the following "A super tube which combines the use of the hollow cathode discharge, radioactive cathodes, and inert gas mixtures should create an axcessive energy output when tuned to cycle in the abnormal glow discharge regime. Output energy in the form of large voltage spikes are efficiently absorbed by a Pulse Current Multiplier circuit which might offer a solid state means of tapping the zero-point energy". On later pages he gives multiple examples for circuits as well as cathode designs and a discussion of the "abnormal glow discharge", it might be worth looking at for anyone considering attempting this challenge.
Also I've had a number of people tell me that emails I've sent them have never arrived, so I'm going to paste some information below that I emailed to you but think may have just disappeared.
I recently saw a video on youtube and then shortly after had a family member also contact me about the specific paper covered in that video.
The paper itself is available at
The article shared by my family member is this one
The youtube video is this one
Anyways I was trying to explain to my family that the most important take away from this experiment and effect isn't even what they are talking about in the paper.
It is the relation to micro-ball lightning or EVO's. The centripetal accelerations experienced inside a ball lightning or EVO is going to be well within the range that it could be extracting at least 1K thermal energy just from the quantum background field.
I think this may be something worth considering as a mechanism that feeds energy to EVO's in addition to the energy achieved by transmuting matter and compressing it into a smaller box.
I lack the mathematical understanding to fully digest how this works, but I think I have a fair intuitive understanding.
Anyways I have some back of the napkin calculations below just to illustrate what I mean.
In that paper at they say
"to measure for example a 1 K thermal photon temperature, a uniform detector acceleration a = 2.47 × 10^20 m/s^2"
Centripital acceleration is defined as follows for a circular path
If we have a micro ball lightning of radius 0.002 m (this is a typical size in an experiment if I remember correctly) with an outside velocity of 1/3 rd the speed of light (also reasonable I believe).
One can see that it is just two orders of magnitude off, but it is in the range of the aforementioned effect that would generate a 1 K thermal photon temperature per some unit area I presume.
If you take the micro ball lightning and drop it's size to 20 micron, now you have 4.993084326×10^20, which would generate energy comparible to that described in the paper.
This also gives a very good intuitive explanation in my mind as to why these EVO's and ball lightnings might tend towards smaller sizes as they decay. (I say might as I don't really know if this is the case or not)
Basically the amount of energy they can extract from the quantum background field would be higher they smaller they are because of the centripital acceleration they experience.
I'll leave it there but this line of thinking very much ties back into the work of Konstantin Meyl and his explanation/derivations of subatomic particles as combinations of nested vortex fields.
That is the entire point of "What Goes Up, Must Come Down" - it extracts Thermal photons from the far field. And more
Thanks Bob for responding to that last part. I was under the impression that the acceleration in the order of 10^20 m/s^2 was causing 1K of thermal photons to be generated from the vacuum. You needn't respond here, but if as I think the establishment is claiming the predicted emission of thermal photons happens during acceleration of the matter (and by our reckoning the corresponding/subsequent formation of the coherent matter) (I would argue it needs to be a specific type of acceleration, vorticular compression), what is the conventionally understood mechanism in "science" corresponding to our understanding of the extraction of the thermal photons during the collapse of coherent matter? Would it be the explosive decompression of matter via a vorticular path? My honest impression of that whole paper ( is that their replication (if attempted) is going to be a failure because it is not a vorticular compression of matter (like I assume happens in a black hole) just a lateral oscillation and they were going to then hold it up as a failure example of why energy cannot be drawn from the vacuum. Much like the Michelson-Morley experiment was held up as proof no aether exists, when some would argue it was flawed in it's construction (I can try to dig up a reference of at least one counter argument if anyone is curious). Thanks for all you do Bob and sorry for what must seems as questions you feel you have already answered.
I have the book and read it in Vietnam in January 2020, yes this is likely what Rossi is doing deliberately or by accident, in a way it is not to dissimilar to those doing corona discharge where I believe coherence is achieved - latest to do this is Savvatimovva at ICCF-23.
You could build a pickup around the tube and also a penning trap to hone the active area. I suggested the use of Krypton 85 as an accelerant if it can be got! But I don't think it is necessary.
Hey Bob, Thanks! Just to be clear, I bought this book on your recommendation so thanks for the tip-off :). Also I agree a pickup is probably a better technique than what is proposed in the book as if one is waiting to absorb "large voltage spikes", one would presumably be absorbing the energy from de-shelving EVO's. I can only imagine that if they were to fully de-shevel they would do greater damage to the small terminals on the xenon lamp. Versus yours/Solin's suggested technique of using a pickup coil to bleed energy off a persistent EVO, which I can only imagine will do much less terminal damage. I am so very much looking forward to seeing what the community comes up with regarding this challenge. People including myself need to know there is another way through this mess than the big industry solutions they are being given (which they know either won't actually solve the issues, and/or will never arrive), which they can build themselves :) It's the only way!
Also the more I think about it the more I think using a smart contract is an unnecessary complication that might just backfire, best to perhaps just keep any payout system simple stupid. I'de hate to be the one who suggested a technologically solution I don't fully understand all the risks associated with, to have it used and then have it horribly backfire.
Awesome post Peter!
Thanks Peter, this book means a lot of inspiration. I have seen many things in my reactor without knowing what I saw. Bob explained a lot already, now this add's another 'layer'. Work to do! I printed the book, now I can read it before I go to sleep, will go to bed early :-)
NP Henk, Bob was the one who recommended it about a year and a half ago in one of his videos. I think Bob is also right that the Solin style pickup is probably the best way to go (see my reply to him below if curious), but perhaps the tuning and discussion of abnormal glow discharge may be of use to help you tune something better. Anyways thanks for all the great work you do Henk, you are an inspiration to so many of us :) Hopefully if others can reproduce some of the effects with just Xenon bulbs we can all soon be taking part. I think this are going to start progressing very fast on many fronts from here on out!
Hi Peter, I am still trying to wrap my head around exactly what the radial pickup is picking up in the Solin design. It would have to be the E-field from the A potential that would be generated radially by the moving magnetic charges (squiggles) along the axis of the e-beam from top- to bottom+ in Solin reactor design correct? No idea what kind of voltage/frequency this would manifest itself as on the output of the pickup but I guess we will just have to find out!
Hey Dave, I'll start by saying I don't know but I'm happy to speculate :). My working hypothesis had been that one was going to try and tune to some harmonic of the EVO that you had built in the material/plasma. For example if it's spinning at 1/10th the speed of light and has a size of 5mm and a lifetime of 5ms after each pulse or something. I was thinking there would be some frequency that was in a workable range, that one might be able to capture the AC oscillations from. I wasn't thinking to extract energy from the moving magnetic charges (squiggles) (coherent matter traveling waves) as they traveled along the axis of the ebeam. I think your idea is fine though. Honestly I need to go and read the Solin design again to better understand the layout of the reactor, I've looked at the patent just now but I haven't put in the necessary time to say with any confidence. I don't know if the coil that is extracting power is #12 "productivity coil" or #52 "inductance catcher". If it's #12 it is located in a position to capture power from emitted particles perhaps. If it is #52 it looks like it's around the bulk of the material and maybe more to capture some kind of magnetic currents in the bulk of the material... Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Page 72
10 - Inductance Coil 1 - Operational Screens
12 - Productivity Coil
50 - inductance catcher
51 - a unit with an input and output unit for entering and leaving a cooling medium
52 - inductance catcher
53 - Room for refrigeration 3
Just to supplement my reply with one other thing. I still very much like the idea where to my understanding after my first read at least Moray B King is specifying a circuit to capture the charge from presumably when the EVO impacts he anode. But I think the anode and cathode might degrade quickly. That was why the idea of using a coil to resonantly capture power from the EVO seemed nice, but probably more difficult. I suppose there is nothing to stop one trying to do both, or perhaps even all 3 (including your idea to capture energy from the moving EVO's). In terms of my thought of capturing resonant energy, it might even be as simply as I think Bob was suggesting in his video of using a solar cell to capture the UV output :) I think his latest video he said Brilliant light power quoted something like 250x more photonic output power ( than input power... With a 20% efficiency of a solar cell and typical xenon lamp was 5% efficient you get a total loss of 99% of the power. But he said 250x more output power than input so you only need to take into account the 20% solar cell efficiency. You still are going to be making a very large gain of like 50x (probably worse due to worse solar cell efficiency if you don't just break the cell altogether).
I plan to test all of these ideas and keep the findings public through the mfmp.
Hi Peter, Need a lot of reading and understanding to do. I have replicated the Super Tube and did not know what is was, I called it the 'heatpipe'. I am curious what is in the document about it. And indeed, when more people start doing experiments the faster we will find out what to do. Need to study Solin as well....
It is nice to hear I am an inspiration! It has been much fun to do it and see it, a real joy, and it is even better to show it and see the wonderful explanations and pictures from Bob!
Bob, the process you describe in this video (EVO -> UV -> light/heat/electricity) is very straightforward and quite convincing. However this process should imply an energy gain (otherwise it would be just a kind of exotic light bulb). It is not clear to me which part of the process generates this energy gain. Did I missed something?
Largely the energy gain is a rectification of energy by way of the self organisation of matter in the EVO.
The gain has several components IMHO
1. Harvesting of environmental thermal (IR) photons by the charge clusters as they dishevel. Effectively, in the closed loop, they are converting IR photons from the far field into Soft X-Rays / EUV photons that are at or above the required energy to make free electrons from the Xenon. Archibald Wheeler discussed how GEONs would have to shed photons to form in 1954, in the same paper he discusses and invents the terms black hole and worm hole.
2. The intense non-linear field fall offs of the coherent matter pull in relic neutrinos and capture their energy.
3. The solitons in the coherent matter produce intense internal electric and magnetic fields and electron bunching. IMHO, these will produce conditions far in excess of those required by Parkhomov to synthesise cold neutrino and antineutrino pairs. This along with 2 explains the Black EVOs / String Vortex Solitons being considered a condensed cluster of Cold Neutrinos. In Archibald Wheelers 1954 GEONs paper he says that GEONs could be formed of a combination of neutrinos and electrons or neutrinos alone.
4. The ions captured in this EVO, in this case Xenon, can be fissioned, both directly by magnetic pressure / self collapse or via assistance by Relic/Cold neutrinos. Each fission of Xenon will yield initial massive daughter products with combined kinetic energy of 40MeV, this will produce a lot of ionisation in the chamber or excitement of the coherent matter that will produce more soft X-rays / EUV.
I have a little story related to Xenon flash tubes that may be relevant or not. When I was a kid I recovered an electronic flash from a disposable camera. It was a very classic schematic: an oscillator charging a >100uF capacitor at more than 300V, and a very small trigger transformer that generate a small arc in the Xenon tube, starting the discharge of the capacitor through it. All pretty common, nothing exotic. However, by playing with it I discovered a strange effect: when I shot the flash toward a glass, close enough, same haze immediately appeared on the glass, as if the humidity from air were condensed on the glass surface. Maybe there are several conventional explanation to this, but I didn't succeed in finding a very convincing one... :-)
Very interesting, This is both a build of EVOs and a collapse. Therefore, some chance of the electrons and ions wanting to get their thermal / kinetic energy back.
If the glass was borosilicate, there is a good chance it might interact as it did in our first successful Celani cell in 2012.
I think with a glass at a critical temp in a suitably humid room this could be replicated and would be a great way to show the effect.
I see 1.551 MeV for Zr^40 and N, but not for K^40
Video at 43:25.
I'm not trying to be a pain, Bob, I'm just trying to understand what you're saying. If anyone else wants to explain what I'm missing, I really just WANT THIS TO WORK! Thanks.
select * from FusionAllNewPlus where
(MeV < 2 and MeV > 1) order by MeV desc limit 100
This would probably work but won't it consume material in a destructive (nuclear) process? Wouldn't something a bit tamer be more appropriate for home use? Something that wouldn't produce many or any birdies, for example?
In 2006, Ken Shoulders said at MIT that any heat producing attempt in LENR will end up consuming matter and destroy the reactor. Solin's reactor (1992) was essentially an acceptance of this.
That is why you have to create "Free-Floating Fireball" (Macro EVO) and extract energy off that via induction, photonics, photo-electron process etc. Solin used inductance even as his reactor consumed matter.
This is the method proposed by J. Roth in the Dec 1993 (published May 1995) paper in Fusion Technology.
Correcting myself. The evos do contain ions.
1:17:30 (approx).
(Presumably, we know this from things like seeing transmutations consistent with things such as Shoulders' mercury wetted cathode tip or potassium on the cathode of the evo blaster?)
Potassium probably chosen for low work function (ionization energy,
but Zn-40 v. K-40 question remains.
Yes, low work function and because EVOs as they condense appear to synthesise / capture cold/relic neutrinos, they have the ability to cause inverse beta decay as demonstrated over 3 decades in well documented experiments with corresponding data and full explanations in
SPACE. EARTH. HUMAN. by Dr. Alexander Parkhomov.
The apparent decay of 40K to 40Ca has been observed in many independent experiments over the decades.
After observing this ourselves, I was to find that Parkhomov had suggested 40K as the "Fuel of the future" in his book.
1:00:00 Solin patent (1992)
When electron clusters form they produce coherent light.
Form solitons of opposite charges (??? probably complimentary magnetic charges) that can cluster and form cylinders and spheres
There are only two opposite charges. How could those cluster in spheres or cylinders? Magnetic objects could pile up together though. North to south to north, branching, jumbling, or long strings reconnecting in rings and large flat surfaces curling into balls.
This is where Matsumoto's 'Itons' and 'Itonic Clusters' comes in. Remember that Shoulders was focussed on the observables - that is to say WHAT happens and how WHAT happens can be controlled to effect useful outcomes - he was not a radiation detection and monitoring expert - but in the end concluded it was a Ball Lightning based phenomena. Shoulders also realised that it explained LENR / Cold Fusion AFTER that was made public.
Matsumoto came from the Cold Fusion starting point, trying to explain the observables that he replicated in simple experiments. He however WAS a radiation detection and monitoring expert with a special skill in radiographic plate analysis. This allowed him to see things that were NOT PRESENT in well-understood nuclear reactions. He then had to cross correlate the observable traces with the novel nuclear reaction pathways observed and that lead him to conclude that a new quasi particle, the 'Iton' which is a
Positron and an Electron bound with a neutrino
into a neutral particle that then can cluster, forming rings that then merge into meshes 'Itonic Clusters' which can capture and encapsulate particles. These meshes were recorded by him in 1993 and by myself in 2019.
After discussions with Ed Lewis around 1992-3 he recognised they were akin to natural Ball Lighting.
Pretty much everyone agrees that the two basic travelling forms of these are spheres or toroids and this is likely a surface tension / minimum surface area/curvature to maximum volume driven self-organising phenomenon.
Solin stated that the coherent matter in the form of two toroidal structures of opposite magnetic charge clusters to form spheres (observed by a follower of our project in 2017 in an earlier plasma spark-plug video, and again on video by Bogdanovich et. al. published in May 2019) and tubes, inside which nuclear reactions take place. We have observed wetting together of 'balls of fire' inside VEGA experiments and their formation into tubes that present as a magnetic fluid network, akin to ferro-fluid, in VEGA Valley.
In 2001, in a letter to the editor of Fusion Technology, Matsumoto conceded that his 'Itonic Clusters' which were equivalent to ball lightning, could capture vast numbers of nucleons and transmute them simultaneously and that likely it was the same phenomenon as EVOs. He stated that Plasmoids were insufficient to explain the phenomenon and that EVO description was incomplete, but that his 'Itonic Clusters' could explain the observerbles including Electro-Nuclear Collapse (ENC) and Electro-Nuclear Regeneration (ENR).
I have attempted to walk you through my understanding of that (for now) in another reply.
Excellent. Thank you, especially about the diff between Matsumoto and Shoulders.
And this! quasi particle, the 'Iton' which is a Positron and an Electron bound with a neutrino into a neutral particle that then can cluster, forming rings that then merge into meshes 'Itonic Clusters' which can capture and encapsulate particles.
You do realize that in the non-woo universe (i.e., the so called "real" world) they are going to great lengths to try to detect the little buggers, right? The neutrinos? (Or at least they're pretending to try like they're pretending to try to harness fusion.) So I'll probably have more questions later, but this is starting to make sense.
You are lucky, I didn't even know Shoulders existed until late 2016 - the whole LENR community in the west avoided mention of him - and I didn't here Matsumoto's name once from 2012 till even later.
There are at least two mathematical hypothesis for the electrons to cluster
Kouropoulous paper discussed here
Charge confinement by Casimir forces
H. E. Puthoff - Sponsored in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
I'd go with Casimir. The other looks like curve fitting... Thank you very much.
re; around 52:50
Is the EMP scalar? If so it wouldn't be electro-magnetic. It would be magneto-dielectric. I ask because the pulse is it not being shielded by the tank?
I believe it is both scalar and more normal RF.
Hi, thanks, yeh, in the past I would go back and meticulously check these unscripted brush stokes with the hard, easily findable/verifiable facts using YouTube's overlay feature. It should be 1.31109 MeV
Problem is YouTube removed the feature, so when they are identified I add them as ERRATA into the description or first pinned comment.
Lol. Tht's cool. Thanks for the correction though.
Meanwhile I'm trying to do a Spice model of Shoulders' energy conversion thing based on the schematic from the patent, looking for more clues how to get a real one to work but something's really haywire and I think he might have done it on purpose to prevent plagiarism. Power literally sucked through a resistor from the input? EXACTLY twice the electrons output as input?
The floating end of the "delay line" may have been another trick too. So I"m back looking at the patent. Ouch!
You have to hold in mind that Ken Shoulders understanding shifted over time from EV to HDCCs to EVOs.
If you can convert the Mass of 1 proton into electrons it is over 1800 electrons.
searching "marine searchlight xenon" finds some bigger bulbs, compared to automotive size.
Absolutely, and also for cinema projectors - like the one John Hutchison used. However, at this stage, I think the plan is to see what can be achieved with cheap (even junk yard) HIDs as the project has always tried to develop cheap and conclusive experiments.
The paper sent you by Aureon also mentions speeding up and energizing their solitons (?) when there's a magnetic field in the direction they are going in. Magnets. (This is also a secondary function of the "delay line" coil in Shoulders patent in the "Make and Break" recent upload.
The nomenclature is AGAIN spinning me out - need a concise glossary.
Also I was going to post a note that the plot at around 32:30 and elsewhere goes BELOW absolute zero. If convincing younger guys that this stuff is real is important (because all the good researchers are already quite old by now) it probably should be noted that this is likely overshoot in the electronics or a non-linear range in the detector. Or, simply a data error. But the dip goes about 100C below abs zero and that's a liability for our credibility.
re. EVO Blaster challenge.
1. LTSPICE free download for modelling cincuitry.
2. A cell phone might be a source of scalar waves for experimenting.
LTSPICE is a freeware download. It will also run well on Linux with Wine.
Cell phones are typically 2.45 GHz, same as a microwave oven.
Experiment: Call a cell phone from a remote phone, then once connection is established, put the phone into a microwave oven (don't be silly... don't turn it on...). When you make a sound ouside the oven see if you can hear it in the remote phone.
I have done this several times with two different microwave ovens.
The radiation to/from the cell phone from a cell tower appears to be MUCH greater than just inefficiency in the shielding and since the oven is designed to block microwaves, as a Faraday Cage, it's possible/probable that there is a large component of scalar radiation passing through the sheilding. Cell phones use a PIFA antenna (Planar Inverted 'F' Antenna).
If this also works for anyone here, your phone might be a cheap source of microwaves for rough experiments just to check for 'any effect' before going wild with something more extensive.
The microwave output from phones very much exceeds the legal limit 1m from a domestic MW oven, but when you call a phone, unless you are doing it via a voip app, you will be using different bands that can pass into the microwave.
Maybe. I haven't checked using Al foil yet. Woops. You're probably right. Will check later but now that I have you on the line...
HEY! Are you interested in something like this to post-process your videos? Requires only python-3.x and FFMPEG.
It compresses the audio (AGC/audio leveling) while passing the video through unchanged.
If you're curious I can make a clip showing what it does.
Then if you want to try it I can make a demo (with junk text output) and if you think it's useful I'll clean it up. No GUI. I don't do Windows anymore at all. But that could be added simply with a file selector dialog that sends the input file name to the application.
This is the help output without the formatting shown in the screenshot above.
$> python
. '<inputfile>.mp4'
Outputs an identical video file with dynamic range
compression of the audio. (6 dB headroom typ.)
The output file name will be '<inputfile>-cmpr.mp4'
Quotes req'd for names containing spaces.
It doesn't currently have any switches to increase compression so I had to run it 3 times on this video. But it's the only one I've had to do this with so far.
A proposed explanation for Bin-Juine Huang's cavitation driven excess heat system
Vol OK:
Vol Low:
One more compression cycle (about 8 minutes for 200 Megs on my old machine) and there would have been no noticeable difference in the volume at all.
Well - so much to do, that sometimes you have to leave things as minimum viable product and get on with the next thing.
Perfection is the enemy of the good and simple mistakes can be resolved by peers in the wash.
When we really know what we're doing we'll need to put out perfection. The the tool may come into its own.
OH! And it adjusts the volume so YT ads don't blow your ears off. More later...
Sounds interesting.
30 second video.
This starts with a screenshot of the wave forms because the overall volume of the compressed section is higher so it may not be as clear that it's leveling volumes rather than just boosting them.
VEGA - Elemental analysis of a d to 4d toroidal EVO soliton strike on Copper Oxide
Compares 00:26 to 00:38, Before and After
Saw Dave's uploads. The welding mask video is blank in the second half. Nothing to "compress" tho. The volume is good.
Question: Since the effect we are after happens during the negative resistance regime, would a larger resistance (currently 3 Megs) produce more of the EVOS and less of the arcing? If that's what we're after... still just playing catch up here.
This is somewhat off-topic, but I was cogitating on osama gas and the explosive transmutation experiments and results from the Bockris work done in the early 1990's at Texas A&M.
I wonder what would happen with the same mixes being exposed to osama gas instead of being exploded. The mix included Carbon, Oxygen, Silicon, Sulfer, Iron , Cadmium, Lead, Silver, Calcium, Potassium, and Chlorine
Hi again George,
Go here
or here
And type in this query
E1 in ('C', 'O', 'Si', 'S', 'Fe', 'Cd', 'Pb', 'Ag', 'Ca', 'K', 'Cl') and E2 in ('C', 'O', 'Si', 'S', 'Fe', 'Cd', 'Pb', 'Ag', 'Ca', 'K', 'Cl') order by MeV desc
run the queries here:
NASA Enters the Solar Atmosphere for the First Time, Bringing New Discoveries
Is it strange radiation we see in the pictures
the double one top left and the kinky one bottom right look interesting for sure, but need to know sensor size and more.
It is my belief that the corona of the sun will be replete with EVOs.
If making your own cathode and anode shapes is of interest, to put in a homemade xenon glass bulb, a search for 'alumina ignitor insulator' will find some products. I think these insulators MUST have serious ribs on the outer surface, otherwise an evo ring could stretch/reorganize to fit the outer diameter and follow the insulator tube surface until it destroys whatever is holding it. I think the sides of the cathode should also have some ribs in the metal.
EVOs will move away from Alumina - or consume it. Alumina becomes a conductor over 1000ºC
I wondered how to make a xenon bulb. I found a video about making neon signs. Having the ability to make your own bulb, could be handy for hands-on experimenters. Posted for inspiration. And if this glassware needs strength to withstand implosion vacuum force, or not melt, a discussion of glass considerations would be desirable.
Nice video.
I think for mass learning, we need to keep variables to a minimum, so if people are working with standard bulbs and controllers, this can lead to faster iterative collective learning. As soon as anything becomes bespoke, then everyone is on their own.
When the parameter space to produce reliable outcomes is known, this will form the core learning to build off.
That is why ULTR is so good, it is idiot proof. We need to make this journey idiot proof.
Bob, great presentation and fair discussion of Rossi. Regarding your point #2 below, just came across this ambitious paper that mentions relic neutrino capture in beta-decaying tritium reactions, p. 4.
Good find, Thanks Simeon
Bob, for me one of the absolutely huge implications of your work, Parkhomov, Matsumoto, is that you don't need zero-point quantum energy to create over-unity, high-COP energy processes: relic neutrinos can play this role in quantum/biological processes because they're slow, their DB wave-length is relatively large and they're everywhere (one particle on average every 1.5 mm according to David A.). I've never heard anyone else, at any conference lecture, ever mention this, ever.
And that may have been the case for decades had I not been supported to visit Dr. Alexander Parkhomov in 2015 and given his book in his flat in Moscow. I had no idea Relic Neutrinos could ever be a thing - it was really after listening to Shishkin though in 2018 say that String Vortex Solitons (SVS) / Black EVOs, should contain condensed cold neutrinos, I realised I had to understand more about them and their potential reality. This lead me to see if there was any way to get it translated and published in English - so I could read it. After 3 months of research on how I could achieve it, I approached Alexander with some confidence I could make it happen, with the idea of translating and publishing it.
He agreed. Then I understood where he was coming from and a pattern emerged in vast sets of data across many phenomena and the potential opened up.
Well, again, we're all indebted to you for carrying this out and making it available to the world. It opens up a whole new paradigm, with tons of new data and more to come, on how life happens on Earth and elsewhere in the cosmos. It makes just about every article I've ever read on neutrinos, and most on dark matter, obsolete.
That's a great idea, and what fun. Put me down for $200, and I'll submit a design.
Bob. Are EVOs black holes? YN___ ?
I thought I had finally cracked the code, lol.
28:37 (exactly) is where this definition occurs in the video.
If they are black holes, they bend space time. We usually visualize this as infinitely curved space but it could equally legitimately be visualized as infinitely curved time... leaving space flat.
If it's a black hole the condensate would have no wave function at all. Not in this 3D+1 dimension. I don't think they are truly black holes as we normallly think of them, although they can "absorb" energy of any kind which sounds black holish.
I've given up on going through your videos from the beginning and restarting with the most recent.
I think your conclusions are RIGHT. But these myriad of conflicting definitions are murder !!!