There is an experiment that disproves your assumption that Relic Neutrinos produce the LENR reaction. This experiment shows that the reaction is only active when light pumps nanoparticles to elicit the LENR reaction. It is the laser light that pumps the LENR reaction. Only when the laser is producing light does the reaction activate. The…
There is an experiment that disproves your assumption that Relic Neutrinos produce the LENR reaction. This experiment shows that the reaction is only active when light pumps nanoparticles to elicit the LENR reaction. It is the laser light that pumps the LENR reaction. Only when the laser is producing light does the reaction activate. The reaction has nothing to do with Relic Neutrinos. Your objectivity is compromised because of your affection for Parkhomov.
Parkhomov invented this Relic Neutrinos theory out of hole cloth with no proof. Just because Beta decay produces the reaction does not imply with certainty that neutrinos catalyze the reaction. The reaction can be pumped using the energy generated by the high speed electron produced in beta decay and not neutrino release. Here is the proof of the photon activation of the reaction. Other laser based experiments by A.V. Simakin show the production of tritium and transmutation using laser pulse pumping of nanoparticles.
Radioactive decay half-life acceleration caused by Electroweak force mediation.
232U is an alpha decay isotope and so will not be affected by Parkhomov's Relic Neutrino focussing apparatus. He showed this with another major Alpha decay nuclei.
You really should read Alexanders book, the digital version is just $9.99 at the moment, and I think if you have amazon unlimited you can read it for free!
So now you are saying that there are two types of LENR reactions, alpha and beta. You now must understand that the LENR reaction singualy stabilizes unstable isotopes. A single mechanism must produce a single LENR reaction from which there is no exceptions. Theories of LENR are always presented based on a limited set of experimental results. Taken down to its fundamental level, the true LENR theory covers all possible cases. If a theory does not cover all these cases, then it is fraud and must be rethought. Parkhomov never concerned himself with nanoparticle based LENR reactions, so his theory does not cover that case. The experiment that I provided will also stabilize any type of unstable isotope. Regarding experiments that undercut your position, take particular note below of laser-induced beta decay of caesium-137 and Laser-induced synthesis and decay of Tritium under exposure of solid targets in heavy water. There are many other like experiments that will stabilize any isotope as follows:
Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au nanoparticles in the aqueous solution of Uranium salt.
Author(s): Simakin, A. V.; Shafeev, G. A.
Laser exposure of a suspension of either gold or palladium nanoparticles in aqueous solutions of UOCl of natural isotope abundance was experimentally studied. Picosecond Nd:YAG lasers at peak power of 10-10 W/cm at the wavelength of 1.06-0.355 μm were used as well as a visible-range Cu vapor laser at a peak power of 10 W/cm. The composition of colloidal solutions before and after laser exposure was analyzed using atomic absorption and gamma spectroscopy in the 0.06-1 MeV range of photon energy. Real-time gamma spectroscopy was used to characterize the kinetics of nuclear reactions during laser exposure. It was found that laser exposure initiated nuclear reactions involving both U and U nuclei via different channels in HO and DO. The influence of saturation of both the liquid and nanoparticles by gaseous H and D on the kinetics of nuclear transformations was found. Possible mechanisms of observed processes are discussed.
Experimental data are presented on the laser-induced beta decay of caesium-137. We demonstrate that the exposure of a gold target to a copper vapour laser beam (wavelengths of 510.6 and 578.2 nm, pulse duration of 15 ns) for 2 h in an aqueous solution of a caesium-137 salt reduces the caesium-137 activity by 70 %, as assessed from the gamma activity of the daughter nucleus 137mBa, and discuss potential applications of laser-induced caesium-137 decay in radioactive waste disposal.
Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au nanoparticles in the presence of Thorium aqua-ions
A.V. Simakin and G.A. Shafeev Wave Research Center of A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 38, Vavilov street, 119991 Moscow Russian Federation
Initiation of nuclear reactions in Thorium nuclei is experimentally studied under laser exposure of Au nanoparticles suspended in the aqueous solution of Th(NO3)4 (232Th). The solutions are analyzed using either Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) or gamma-spectrometry in the range of gamma-photons energy from 0.06 to 1.5 MeV. Real-time acquisition of gamma-spectra of the probes is achieved using a portable scintillator -spectrometer. It is found that the reaction pathway depends in which water, either H2O or D2O, the laser exposure is carried out. Laser exposure at peak intensity of 1013 W/cm2 in D2O results in the decrease of probes activity of all elements of Th branching including that of 137Cs impurity. Exposure in H2O leads to the increase of activity of elements of Th branching as well as the one of the 137Cs impurity due to fission of Th nuclei. Saturation of the liquids (H2O or D2O) with gaseous H2 or D2, respectively, enhances the nuclear reactions under laser exposure allowing their excitation at peak intensity as low as 1010 W/cm2. Enhanced -activity of the probe is observed after the end of laser exposure for several hours.
Laser-induced synthesis and decay of Tritium under exposure of solid targets in heavy water
E.V. Barmina1, P.G. Kuzmin1, S.F. Timashev2,3, and G.A. Shafeev1
The processes of laser-assisted synthesis of Tritium nuclei and their laser-induced decay in cold plasma in the vicinity of solid targets (Au, Ti, Se, etc.) immersed into heavy water are experimentally realized at peak laser intensity of 1010-1013 W/cm2. Initial stages of Tritium synthesis and their laser-induced beta-decay are interpreted on the basis of non-elastic interaction of plasma electrons having kinetic energy of 5-10 eV with nuclei of Deuterium and Tritium, respectively.
No, I am saying that strange radiation, String Vortex Solitons (SVS), AKA Black EVOs are the equivalent according to Shishkin of the relic neutrino cluster radiation that Parkhomov observes transmuting beta isotopes and NOT alpha isotopes in his telescope experiments.
Now these Black EVOs, can be made white, by feeding them electrons, since electrons have fractional spin, they sweep electrons and matter ( I believe fractional spin nuclei preferentially + entrained non fractional spin matter ) around them. Shishkin argues that ions are spun around them recently and it is similar to the argument of Hall Fox in the 1990s when he bought the patents from Shoulders. When electrons and fractional spin nuclei are there, the induced fractal toroidal moments enable coherence of matter into a focal point (I argue a monopole) into which dark matter is also forced by way of the intense toroidal moments.
Inside a sphere of influence, which is proportional to the size of the EVO and the EVOs fractal toroidal moment, there is a zone where all kinds of nuclear transformations can occur, including complete collapse of matter into light and leptons as well as re-birth of nucleons. I hypothesis that there is a resonance and energy / fractal toroidal moment quantisation that will pre-dispose a certain output of elements, though non-fractional nuclear spin isotopes predominate such as 12 and 14C, 24 and 26Mg, 28 and 30Si, all isotopes of Ca bar 43, all isotopes of Fe bar 57 etc. These get thrown out.
Interestingly, one might expect that at a particular resonance, fractional spin isotopes remain inside the zone, only to be revealed when the structure collapses. This I believe accounts for the 3H produced in LENR as wall as say the 61Ni over abundance we found in Hutchison Coral Twist that was later observed by Savvatimovva in corona discharge experiments which she published at ICCF-23.
One needs to separate therefore, as Shishkin/Dubovik do, Magneto Toro Electrical Clusters (MTEC) and String Vortex Solitons (SVS), both are EVOs, but they have different capabilities, and individually they do different things in different states/level of excitement.
Testing your theory as follows: When EVOs dig completely enclosed perfectly hexagonal profiled tunnels in a solid like diamond, these tunnels are empty. Where does the matter go that was removed from those tunnels? If the EVO is a torus, why are those tunnels hexagonal in profile (or sometimes triangular)?
Why are some EVOs shaped as spheres and some like a torus?
I show a selection of impacts and tors bearing ordinary matter with in excess or 16 or 20 in this presentation.
The level '2' tor on Hutchison "Fracture sample, as shown in the video, is in fact a 6 sub-tor tor, much like the one drawn in the Zvirblis paper, or those generated in some of the work of Bostic and Nardi in 1980.
The maximum I have seen is 48 in a d/4D structure.
You need to think of the tor as the magnetic and toroidal moments in the structures and not necessarily the sub structures - that being said, when the substructures interact with matter, they have a VERY intense event horizon - moreover, they move in the direction of the projection of their principal toroidal moment, but they DO NOT need to spin, so they can bore 'geometric' shaped holes.
Now, According to experiments of Kladov, Hutchison and Shoulders, Matsumoto, the calculations of Fryberger and the experience of witnesses to ball lightning - matter can be converted into light and leptons. Moreover, according to Shoulders and Shishkin, Matter can be captured into the EVOs and transported through metal.
I explained in the video why some are sphere and torus, I also discussed it prior to this presentation. It is due to the fractal toroidal moment, at some phase intensities, you get a torus, and in other modes it goes to a spindle torus and yet others a sphere. Each are hollow, but the spindle torus additionally have an "apple" and a Lemon, which we have seen both, in addition to spheres and toroids, in VEGA.
Regarding "matter can be converted into light and leptons. "
That is easy to say but pair production from energy production will produce gamma from antimatter annualization. This would blow the tunnel apart. The tunnel is unaffected and its walls are perfectly smooth. Its matter just disappears. Remember, Ken Shoulders states that matter disappearance is something that EVOs do in a very gentle way.
The reactions happen inside spheres (Solin / Matsumoto / VEGA) and tubes (Solin / VEGA).
According to Fryberger, the emissions from the decay of matter do not penetrate the coherent matter skin of the Ball Lighting structure without being down-converted. See the 2009 reference here
There is an experiment that disproves your assumption that Relic Neutrinos produce the LENR reaction. This experiment shows that the reaction is only active when light pumps nanoparticles to elicit the LENR reaction. It is the laser light that pumps the LENR reaction. Only when the laser is producing light does the reaction activate. The reaction has nothing to do with Relic Neutrinos. Your objectivity is compromised because of your affection for Parkhomov.
Parkhomov invented this Relic Neutrinos theory out of hole cloth with no proof. Just because Beta decay produces the reaction does not imply with certainty that neutrinos catalyze the reaction. The reaction can be pumped using the energy generated by the high speed electron produced in beta decay and not neutrino release. Here is the proof of the photon activation of the reaction. Other laser based experiments by A.V. Simakin show the production of tritium and transmutation using laser pulse pumping of nanoparticles.
Radioactive decay half-life acceleration caused by Electroweak force mediation.
Accelerated alpha-decay of 232U isotope achieved by exposure of its aqueous solution with gold nanoparticles to laser radiation
A.V. Simakin, G.A. Shafeev
232U is an alpha decay isotope and so will not be affected by Parkhomov's Relic Neutrino focussing apparatus. He showed this with another major Alpha decay nuclei.
You really should read Alexanders book, the digital version is just $9.99 at the moment, and I think if you have amazon unlimited you can read it for free!
So now you are saying that there are two types of LENR reactions, alpha and beta. You now must understand that the LENR reaction singualy stabilizes unstable isotopes. A single mechanism must produce a single LENR reaction from which there is no exceptions. Theories of LENR are always presented based on a limited set of experimental results. Taken down to its fundamental level, the true LENR theory covers all possible cases. If a theory does not cover all these cases, then it is fraud and must be rethought. Parkhomov never concerned himself with nanoparticle based LENR reactions, so his theory does not cover that case. The experiment that I provided will also stabilize any type of unstable isotope. Regarding experiments that undercut your position, take particular note below of laser-induced beta decay of caesium-137 and Laser-induced synthesis and decay of Tritium under exposure of solid targets in heavy water. There are many other like experiments that will stabilize any isotope as follows:
Influence of intense coherent electromagnetic radiation on several types of radioactive decay
Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au nanoparticles in the aqueous solution of Uranium salt.
Author(s): Simakin, A. V.; Shafeev, G. A.
Laser exposure of a suspension of either gold or palladium nanoparticles in aqueous solutions of UOCl of natural isotope abundance was experimentally studied. Picosecond Nd:YAG lasers at peak power of 10-10 W/cm at the wavelength of 1.06-0.355 μm were used as well as a visible-range Cu vapor laser at a peak power of 10 W/cm. The composition of colloidal solutions before and after laser exposure was analyzed using atomic absorption and gamma spectroscopy in the 0.06-1 MeV range of photon energy. Real-time gamma spectroscopy was used to characterize the kinetics of nuclear reactions during laser exposure. It was found that laser exposure initiated nuclear reactions involving both U and U nuclei via different channels in HO and DO. The influence of saturation of both the liquid and nanoparticles by gaseous H and D on the kinetics of nuclear transformations was found. Possible mechanisms of observed processes are discussed.
Laser-induced caesium-137 decay
Experimental data are presented on the laser-induced beta decay of caesium-137. We demonstrate that the exposure of a gold target to a copper vapour laser beam (wavelengths of 510.6 and 578.2 nm, pulse duration of 15 ns) for 2 h in an aqueous solution of a caesium-137 salt reduces the caesium-137 activity by 70 %, as assessed from the gamma activity of the daughter nucleus 137mBa, and discuss potential applications of laser-induced caesium-137 decay in radioactive waste disposal.
Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au nanoparticles in the presence of Thorium aqua-ions
A.V. Simakin and G.A. Shafeev Wave Research Center of A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 38, Vavilov street, 119991 Moscow Russian Federation
Initiation of nuclear reactions in Thorium nuclei is experimentally studied under laser exposure of Au nanoparticles suspended in the aqueous solution of Th(NO3)4 (232Th). The solutions are analyzed using either Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) or gamma-spectrometry in the range of gamma-photons energy from 0.06 to 1.5 MeV. Real-time acquisition of gamma-spectra of the probes is achieved using a portable scintillator -spectrometer. It is found that the reaction pathway depends in which water, either H2O or D2O, the laser exposure is carried out. Laser exposure at peak intensity of 1013 W/cm2 in D2O results in the decrease of probes activity of all elements of Th branching including that of 137Cs impurity. Exposure in H2O leads to the increase of activity of elements of Th branching as well as the one of the 137Cs impurity due to fission of Th nuclei. Saturation of the liquids (H2O or D2O) with gaseous H2 or D2, respectively, enhances the nuclear reactions under laser exposure allowing their excitation at peak intensity as low as 1010 W/cm2. Enhanced -activity of the probe is observed after the end of laser exposure for several hours.
Laser-induced synthesis and decay of Tritium under exposure of solid targets in heavy water
E.V. Barmina1, P.G. Kuzmin1, S.F. Timashev2,3, and G.A. Shafeev1
The processes of laser-assisted synthesis of Tritium nuclei and their laser-induced decay in cold plasma in the vicinity of solid targets (Au, Ti, Se, etc.) immersed into heavy water are experimentally realized at peak laser intensity of 1010-1013 W/cm2. Initial stages of Tritium synthesis and their laser-induced beta-decay are interpreted on the basis of non-elastic interaction of plasma electrons having kinetic energy of 5-10 eV with nuclei of Deuterium and Tritium, respectively.
No, I am saying that strange radiation, String Vortex Solitons (SVS), AKA Black EVOs are the equivalent according to Shishkin of the relic neutrino cluster radiation that Parkhomov observes transmuting beta isotopes and NOT alpha isotopes in his telescope experiments.
Now these Black EVOs, can be made white, by feeding them electrons, since electrons have fractional spin, they sweep electrons and matter ( I believe fractional spin nuclei preferentially + entrained non fractional spin matter ) around them. Shishkin argues that ions are spun around them recently and it is similar to the argument of Hall Fox in the 1990s when he bought the patents from Shoulders. When electrons and fractional spin nuclei are there, the induced fractal toroidal moments enable coherence of matter into a focal point (I argue a monopole) into which dark matter is also forced by way of the intense toroidal moments.
Inside a sphere of influence, which is proportional to the size of the EVO and the EVOs fractal toroidal moment, there is a zone where all kinds of nuclear transformations can occur, including complete collapse of matter into light and leptons as well as re-birth of nucleons. I hypothesis that there is a resonance and energy / fractal toroidal moment quantisation that will pre-dispose a certain output of elements, though non-fractional nuclear spin isotopes predominate such as 12 and 14C, 24 and 26Mg, 28 and 30Si, all isotopes of Ca bar 43, all isotopes of Fe bar 57 etc. These get thrown out.
Interestingly, one might expect that at a particular resonance, fractional spin isotopes remain inside the zone, only to be revealed when the structure collapses. This I believe accounts for the 3H produced in LENR as wall as say the 61Ni over abundance we found in Hutchison Coral Twist that was later observed by Savvatimovva in corona discharge experiments which she published at ICCF-23.
One needs to separate therefore, as Shishkin/Dubovik do, Magneto Toro Electrical Clusters (MTEC) and String Vortex Solitons (SVS), both are EVOs, but they have different capabilities, and individually they do different things in different states/level of excitement.
Testing your theory as follows: When EVOs dig completely enclosed perfectly hexagonal profiled tunnels in a solid like diamond, these tunnels are empty. Where does the matter go that was removed from those tunnels? If the EVO is a torus, why are those tunnels hexagonal in profile (or sometimes triangular)?
Why are some EVOs shaped as spheres and some like a torus?
Diamonds have faces, and that makes it easier to 'mine' crystal planes.
The "torus can have minimally 2 sub units in it, but I have shown 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8....
You can see a selection in this video
I show a selection of impacts and tors bearing ordinary matter with in excess or 16 or 20 in this presentation.
The level '2' tor on Hutchison "Fracture sample, as shown in the video, is in fact a 6 sub-tor tor, much like the one drawn in the Zvirblis paper, or those generated in some of the work of Bostic and Nardi in 1980.
The maximum I have seen is 48 in a d/4D structure.
You need to think of the tor as the magnetic and toroidal moments in the structures and not necessarily the sub structures - that being said, when the substructures interact with matter, they have a VERY intense event horizon - moreover, they move in the direction of the projection of their principal toroidal moment, but they DO NOT need to spin, so they can bore 'geometric' shaped holes.
Now, According to experiments of Kladov, Hutchison and Shoulders, Matsumoto, the calculations of Fryberger and the experience of witnesses to ball lightning - matter can be converted into light and leptons. Moreover, according to Shoulders and Shishkin, Matter can be captured into the EVOs and transported through metal.
I explained in the video why some are sphere and torus, I also discussed it prior to this presentation. It is due to the fractal toroidal moment, at some phase intensities, you get a torus, and in other modes it goes to a spindle torus and yet others a sphere. Each are hollow, but the spindle torus additionally have an "apple" and a Lemon, which we have seen both, in addition to spheres and toroids, in VEGA.
Only seen spheres in ULTR, though we have seen evidence of toroidal coherent matter waves interacting with the Aluminium.
Regarding "matter can be converted into light and leptons. "
That is easy to say but pair production from energy production will produce gamma from antimatter annualization. This would blow the tunnel apart. The tunnel is unaffected and its walls are perfectly smooth. Its matter just disappears. Remember, Ken Shoulders states that matter disappearance is something that EVOs do in a very gentle way.
The reactions happen inside spheres (Solin / Matsumoto / VEGA) and tubes (Solin / VEGA).
According to Fryberger, the emissions from the decay of matter do not penetrate the coherent matter skin of the Ball Lighting structure without being down-converted. See the 2009 reference here