For years I have have been saying the EVO’s and more specifically, their big clustered cousins Micro Ball Lightning, are able to consume elements and not only transmute them, but ultimately, convert them to light and leptons, effectively de-materialising baryonic matter.
This was apparent in the observations of Hutchison, Solin, Holmlid and many others, including ourselves. However, using our detailed physical observations combined with those of Bogdanovich et. al. alongside theoretical work on Ball Lightning, supported by the US department of Energy, which was published in 1994, we shall discuss how clusters of fractal toroids lead to conversion of substance into light and leptons.
The result is that a controlled free-floating Ball Lightning will become a current source which, when safely delivered, will represent a step change in the capabilities of our species.
Bogdanovich, B. Y., Volkov, N. V., Len’, N. A., & Nesterovich, A. V. (2019). Video Recording of Long-Lived Plasmoids near Objects Exposed to Remote and Direct Effects of High-Current Pinch Discharges. Technical Physics, 64(4), 465–469. doi:10.1134/s1063784219040066
Vishnevsky, R.P. (2009). Super conductivity of the Dirac monopole.
Fryberger, D. (1994). A model for ball lighting, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, SLAC-PUB-6473
Fryberger, D. (2009). A Ball Lightning Model as a Possible Explanation of Recently Reported Cavity Lights, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, SLAC-PUB-13583
Delayen, J. R., Mammosser, J. (1999) LIGHT EMISSION PHENOMENA IN SUPERCONDUCTING NIOBIUM CAVITIES - Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference, 925-927.
John Littlemist asked the question.
"Could someone please explain in layman's terms what is the anomaly with these toroids?"
Here was my answer:
It produces closed Poynting vectors of flux energy in the dirac sea that is not dependent on physical matter. See
- Zhvirblis (1995), "Chemistry of Life" peer-reviewed Journal for conceptual aspects -
- Nevessky (1993), "Electricity" peer-reviewed Journal for generalised mathematical proof -
- See the past four years of presentations for the step by step of how I derived this in physical evidence from studying witness marks in NOVA, LION, Hutchison, VEGA etc. experiments. I was sent the Zvirblis paper by one member in the Russian CNT & BL community when I appealed them for their opinion on my findings. The paper was sent without comment. I translated it and translated the mathematical proof after finding that paper independently.
The vacuum flux loops can harness photonic energy including that from e+ and e- annihilations in the Dirac sea (zero point energy harvesting)
- When that gets above a critical threshold, its interaction with ordinary matter leads to vacuum decay of baryonic matter. For instance protons. This converts protons for instance in to light and leptons. After essentially proving based on physical evidence, that the closed pointing vectors mesh into thin shell structures that consume, disrupt, transmute and transport ordinary matter, a reader of RemoteView.ICU called Chris Scott sent me on 10th June 2022 a 2009 US Department of Energy funded paper by Fryberger. I list the relevant papers here.
On Saturday night into Sunday 13th Jun 2022, I read it and some of the linked papers, and realised that by 2009, Fryber had come to the conclusion that Ball Lighting and other luminous objects must have a thin shell that is coherent, made of self-organised tori of tori and that these lead to vaccum decay of baryonic matter by way of E and M phantoms that should be detectable by FluxGate magnetometers.
The net result is that a free floating Ball Lightning will be a current source that converts up to 90% of the 1GeV of energy from Proton decay into light and leptons.
It is much better to have this in a low pressure gas as it will produce a more controlled energy flux.
One could use probes to extract the electricity, however, these would be prone to consumption by the coherent matter if it gets too energised.
Very small amounts of stimulation will be able to push these Exotic Vacuum Objects past the threshold where they will self-sustain for a period of time producing electrons and light from vacuum decay and zero-point harvesting.
Updated EVO Reactor Rebuild Project: