Hi, my name is Bob Greenyer and welcome to RemoteView.ICU
On the 14th April 2023, I registered for ICCF-25, the international conference on cold fusion or condensed matter nuclear science in Szczecin, Poland and submitted my abstract intended for oral presentation. This is that abstract
UPDATE: FINAL SUBMITTED pdf for download here, thanks for comments.
Practical Applications of the Fractal Toroidal Moment
*Robert William Greenyer 1
1 Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP), UK
Martin Fleischmann and Stanly Pons likely experienced one of the most prominent Fractal Toroidal Moment (FTM)1 induced effects in their well known 1cc Deuterated Palladium (PdD) experiment that resulted in destruction of the apparatus and a large hole in the lab floor2. This behaviour is typical for the natural FTM based phenomenon of ball lightning (BL), which for more than 100 years has been known to self-organise, ‘boil’ water, consume/disrupt glass & concrete, explode/disappear metals as clearly documented by Bychkov et. al.3 & Egely4. Dr. Takaaki Matsumoto showed during PdD experiments that matter inside the electrode was consumed initially in spherical areas at grain boundaries5 and transmuted into common elements such as Mg, Si, Al, S, Ca & Fe6. Later he conceded that it was the same process as BL and Ken Shoulders’ Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVOs)7. The process, driven in part by true charge separation, leads to the formation of coherent matter waves at any temperature8.
The MFMP has observed in experiments, specific magneto hydrodynamic structures forming in the free volume of a liquid, on surfaces/grain boundaries and in plasmas. If sufficiently driven, strong evidence of disruption of matter, from weakening/breaking of electron bonds, to transmutation, to dissapearance is seen to occur in structures that are defined by an event horizon that likely matches the Mean Square Radius9 of FTMs, which include shell forms of tori, spindle tori, spheres and their aggregates. At the highest level, a focused area is present that effects matter at a distance10. Furthermore, in the sub-structures, both matter destruction and construction occur leading to the often observed heavier and lighter elements than those present at the start of the process.
Though FTMs arising in condensed matter complicate experiments, its ability to reorganise matter and energy forms effortlessly, has utility. This presentation will show existing video and analytical evidence of currently working engineering applications of the considered physical phenomena, including material processing, significantly increasing fuel efficiency, radio-nuclide remediation and element synthesis.
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Nemkov, N.A., Basharin, A.A., & Fedotov, V.A., “Electromagnetic sources beyond common multipoles.” Physical Review A, 98(2), (2018), p. 023858-5. doi:10.1103/physreva.98.023858
Carat, R. & Howarth, M., “Discover Cold Fusion”, Curtiss Press, (2020)
Bychkov, V.L., Nikitin, A.I. & Dijkhuis, G.C., “Ball Lightning Investigations”, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. (2010), p.208. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-3212-6_6
Egely G., “Hungarian Ball Lightning Observations”, egely.hu, (1987)
Matsumoto T., “Microscopic Observations of Palladium Used for Cold Fusion”, Fusion Technology (1991), Vol. 19(May), pp.567–575. doi:10.13182/fst91-a29399
Matsumoto, T., & Kurokawa, K., “Observation of Heavy Elements Produced During Explosive Cold Fusion.”, Fusion Technology (1991), pp.323–329. doi:10.13182/fst91-a29672
Matsumoto, T. “Comments on ‘Evidence of Micrometre-Sized Plasmoid Emission During Electrolysis Cold Fusion’", Fusion Science and Technology (July 2001), p.108
Lockheed Martin Corporation, “Systems and Methods for Generating Coherent Matterwave Beams”, United States Patent #9,502,202 B2 (Dec 28 2011)
Talebi, N., Guo, S., & van Aken, P.A., “Theory and applications of toroidal moments in electrodynamics: their emergence, characteristics, and technological relevance.” Nanophotonics, De Gruyter (2017), pp.93–110. doi:10.1515/nanoph-2017-0017
Schakhparonov, I.M., Evstigneev, N.M, “Mechanism Of Artificial Ball Lightning Generation By Undirected Möbius Strip Circuit”, 5th International Symposium on Unconventional Plasmas (ISUP-12) 24-30th June, 2012, I. Kant State University, Kaliningrad, Russia
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