This document has been translated and published with a voiceover by Bob Greenyer, with the permission of the author Alexander L. Shishkin and the article is speaking from his perspective having conducted more than 50 years of continual research in this specialist field.
During the 1960s and 1970s, it was already known that workers in certain industries, like welding, suffered from health conditions similar to those experienced by people working with radiation. But how can we explain the usefulness of 235U tablets that were widely used in medicine in the 20s and 30s of the last century?
In 2010, a new type of penetrating radiation was experimentally registered using photo emulsion detectors /1/. The smallest units, or "quanta," of this unidentified radiation form a dynamic, closed, toroidal (doughnut-shaped) vortex structure. This structure is composed of elements from the primordial matter known as Aether. Therefore, these quanta can rightfully be called "Aether solitons" (ES). Aether solitons arise from any critical impact on matter, for example mechanical shocks, high-voltage discharges, ionising radiation and high pressure. These quanta leave various traces on the surface of photo emulsion detectors /2/.
In experimental work /3/ three components of the spectrum of Aether solitons were registered: low-energy solitons (LES), medium-energy solitons (MES), and high-energy solitons (HES). It was found /3,4/ that high-energy solitons (HES) have no charge and some of them have magnetic properties. In the present work, the author has attempted to create a theoretical structure for understanding how Aether solitons are formed and what their radiation effects are on matter, including humans.
1. Mechanism of soliton generation
After the end of the ‘XXVIII RUSSIAN CONFERENCE ON COLD TRANSMUTATION OF NUCLEI OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND BALL LIGHTNING’ (2024), the author has revised the model of the atom and the ‘Magneto-Toro-Electric Radiation’ as described in works /1,2,5/.
In the work /6, Fig.6/ the Aetherodynamic model of the proton is described as a toroidal-ring Aether formation with a clearly expressed ‘Spin-Jet’ (red arrow) - characterised by the pumping of an Aetheric flow through its central zone (the first attached vortex), the size of which exceeds the size of the proton by 5 orders of magnitude. “The Spin-Jet is the true (real) Spin of elementary particles and atoms as Aetheric vortex formations, starting with the Proton, the properties of which determine all properties in NMR processes and in chemical reactions - everything is determined by the spin architecture of molecules” /6/.
When an electron is attached, a hydrogen atom is born with an outer shell of the atom from the elements of the Aether flow (the second attached vortex).
In case of critical impact on the atom shell, due to its elastic forces, the nucleus detaches from the shell along the vector inverse to the Spin-Jet. In this case, the shell in the form of a soliton and/or Spin-Jet, flies away in the opposite direction from the nucleus. The Spin-Jet (SJ) flies away, apparently, in the form of a rotating string (RST) with energy of tens of MeV. In my judgement, it is the RST that leaves a micro-crater on the surface it hits. The diameter of the micro-crater d, with an experimental accuracy of 5%, is directly proportional to the atomic weight A of the nucleus /1/, from which the RST flew out: d=0.078*A µm. Furthermore, the volume of micro-craters for the range of atomic weights from Carbon to Lead is also a fixed constant, with a measurement accuracy of 10%. This Spin-Jet is registered by the detector described in /3/ in the field of high-energy solitons (HES).
The soliton shell turns into either an MES or an HES, but in the case of a supercritical impact, for example, by a sharp electromagnetic pulse, the soliton shell can also disintegrate. In this case, it gives birth to about 10^11 high-energy electrons with energies up to 10 keV, which, in turn, generate soft X-ray radiation and a stream of new solitons.

Traces of micro-craters on X-ray film are shown in photo 1. Photo 2 shows a cross section of a micro-crater.
In the work /5/, a rough estimation of the damaging effect from an RST on the human body was made by way of calculating the energy required to heat water located in the volume of the micro-crater to a temperature of 1000ºC. This energy will be equal to 3.78*10^-12 J=23.6 MeV. The thickness of the damaged film layer is 40 nm and the density of the material is close to 103 kg/m^3. If one micro-crater per 1 cm² of irradiated film layer weighing 4*10^-9 kg is detected, the absorbed dose will be equal to 9.45*10^-4 J/kg, or 9.45*10^-4 Gy.
The author believes that the main factor of radiation damage to biological organisms is the high-energy string Spin-Jets described above.
The work /4/ presents the damage caused, in my opinion, by the RST to electronic equipment, which was located on the beam path of a small-sized ion accelerator behind a shield of lead, which exceeds the calculated value by many times.
Let us consider possible mechanisms of interaction of the RST with matter under different conditions of their birth.
1.1. Gamma radiation
The depth of penetration of gamma-quanta into matter is determined by their energy and material of the medium. In addition to the standard model of interaction of gamma-quanta with matter, a part of their energy will be spent on the birth of RSTs and solitons. RSTs mechanically damage the cornea of eyes, walls of loose tissues, primarily brain, lung and peristaltic tissues. This mechanism easily explains the presence of blood in the lungs and on the walls of the peristalsis in mammalian acute radiation injury. It appears to me that the factor of bodily harm caused by RST is determinative.
Based on the existing experimental data, it can be concluded that the kinetic energy of RSTs generated by gamma quanta from radioactive isotopes is not large, and their travel in air does not exceed a few millimetres.
1.2. Decay of radioactive isotopes
The kinetic energy of RSTs born from the decay of radioactive isotopes is small. This statement is confirmed by the fact that 125I is used to destroy prostate cancer. The decay of 125I occurs due to electron capture (k-capture) by the nucleus. The product of this reaction is 125Te in an excited state. The excitation is removed by soft X-rays of about 0.035 MeV. Scientists claim that the soft gamma quanta generate short-range Auger electrons that strike cancer cells. In my opinion, the main damaging factor is the RSTs born each time 125I nuclei decay, which damages cancer tissue with an energy release of 23.6 MeV. Since the RSTs have a small range, healthy tissues located up to 5 mm away from the radioactive source are not damaged.
1.3. Fast neutrons and charged particles
In addition to the known mechanism of interaction of these particles with matter, part of their energy is spent on the creation of Aether solitons, including RSTs (HES). The amount and penetrating ability of RSTs depends on the energy of the primary particles. At low energies, the main energy of contaminated particles is spent on ionisation losses, and a part of the energy, for example, alpha particles from radioactive elements generate short-range RSTs. A cloud of short-range RSTs and slow LES arises near such sources. As the energy of charged particles increases, the fraction of ionisation losses decreases. But at the same time, the energy and striking power of RSTs increases. This is confirmed by the conclusions of experimental work /5/. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally study the radiation levels of RSTs behind the shielding of high-energy accelerators on the trajectory of beams behind targets.
1.4. Discharge arresters
Near arresters, including air-water arresters from 0.5 kV, short-range RSTs and LES are generated. Almost all of the energy in these arresters is spent to create a spark discharge. However, with increasing power and decreasing discharge fronts at a large distance from the arrester due to electromagnetic disturbances, low-energy solitons located in the surrounding space and in the human body begin to disintegrate, generating short-range RSTs. Their effect on the body will be similar to exposure to ionising radiation. This is why welders have diseases similar to those of professionals working in radiation environments.
1.5. Emitters of electromagnetic fields
Near electromagnetic field emitters, including coils and capacitors, to which high-voltage (from 0.5 kV) short (from 10-20 μs) pulses are applied, mainly RSTs are generated, with short electromagnetic pulse waves generating short-range RST, including in the human body at very long distances from the source of the disturbance. This exposure would be similar to the body being hit by ionising radiation.
Graph 1 shows the spectrum of the detector described in /3/, located near an air capacitor when short (up to 200 µs) high-voltage pulses (25 kV) with a frequency of 230 Hz are applied to the air capacitor. The mains power of the transmitter does not exceed 30 W. The electromagnetic radiation emitter (EMI) was located at a distance of 100 cm from the detector. On the x-axis the energy of radiation in relative units (ru) is plotted, on the y-axis the number of impulses in consecutive intervals of 0.8 ru. per 1000 seconds is plotted. Signals from LES are located in the range from 0 to 300 ru, signals from MES - in the range from 70 to 750 ru with a maximum of 300 ru, signals from HES (RST) - in the range from 300 to 1500 ru with a maximum in the region of 700 ru. Black graph ‘Fon’ - natural background, red graph ‘Fon C’ - spectrum when high-voltage pulses are applied to the capacitor, blue graph ‘C’ - contribution of high-voltage Aether solitons (RST).
When registering RSTs (HES) from discharge arresters and EMI emitters, the detector described in /3/ can be calibrated, in the first approximation, using a gamma radiation source (60Co or 137Cs) at consecutive irradiation doses: 0.001 Gy, 0.010 Gy, 0.100 Gy, plotting the dependence of the number of HES on the irradiation dose.
2. Low and medium energy solitons
Low-Energy Solitons (LES) have the following properties experimentally detected:
They fill all the space around us, including living and non-living objects. They resemble gel in their fluidity.
LES have magnetic properties. Some of the LES have a positive charge.
I assume that LES participate in the ‘cold’ transformation of atoms of chemical elements, including in living organisms /10/.
It has been experimentally discovered that LES can ‘quench’ luminescence centres /6/, including in biological objects, for example, in luminescent crustaceans.
It is possible that LES have the property of ‘quenching’ scintillation centres /7/.
LES have a favourable effect on all living things /8, 9/, greatly enhancing the regenerative abilities of living cells and organisms.
In rooms where experiments with discharges and radioactive sources are regularly carried out, the concentration of LES increases significantly.
When LES are unpacked by a strong electromagnetic pulse or mechanical impact, significant energy is released in the form of a powerful flux (up to 10^11) of fast (up to 10 keV) electrons and five orders of magnitude fewer ions /1,2/.
I assume that inside blood vessels and capillaries the dynamic changes of soliton size 0.1x0.5x15.2 µm are subject to the rhythms of the heart.
LES are absorbed well by water.
Explosions in industries associated with the grinding of matter, such as flour and sugar, explosions in mines are easily explained by a large concentration of LES.
LES can be carried by light rays, in particular by laser /11/.
LES can transfer, with the help of light and/or electromagnetic radiation, the properties of matter /12/ and biological objects /13/ through which they pass.
The described properties of LES explain the useful therapeutic properties of Uranium tablets, Radon baths, mineral springs and so on. This is due to the fact that alpha-sources generate near themselves LES, and mineral waters deep in the Earth due to high mechanical stresses are also saturated with LES.
Medium-energy solitons have the LES (peak leading edge) and HES (peak trailing edge) properties of the black graph (Graph 1).
All the facts presented make a strong case for conducting in-depth scientific research to answer the following far from complete questions:
What is the specific energy required for the formation of RST-HES? How does it depend on the elemental composition of the excited material?
How does the energy of the RST depend on the energy of the neutrons and charged particles that generate the RST?
What detectors should be used to register the new type of radiation?
What are the effects of this radiation on biological objects?
What are the radiation levels from these quanta behind the shielding of charged particle accelerators, in particular, behind the targets along the primary beam path of accelerated particles?
How do we protect ourselves from this new radiation?
What are the biological and genetic effects of this radiation on biological objects?
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