Fractal Toroidal Moment giving rise to the Sacred Geometry and the fractal toroidal helical universe we all live in. Personally, I think the abstract is great - and a very significant moment [sic] in history about a physical structure that underlies all of history…. it also happens to describe the geometry of the Electric Universe. Applying Occam’s Razor , using the Fractal Toroidal Moment as the template - at all scales, just goes to explain so much of what we see and what is repeatedly observed and measured. Interestingly, in a recent video I was watching, the Bagel of the black hole event horizon is what collapses the quantum world to a concrete realisation as the event horizon can see all that is beyond the black hole, and so acts like the observer opening the box to Schroedinger’s Cat. On the same website, there is now talk of “magnetism” playing a role in space… now I know what Copernicus / Galileo / Kepler must have felt like when trying to explain a heliocentric solar system to an audience convinced the whole of creation was geocentric - with the inevitable invention of more and more fantastic fantasies to reconcile “the obvious facts” with what was being actually observed (wheels on wheels to explain precession and a larger fixed firmament to explain the larger number of stars, for example). Thanks to the Internet, the exponential growth in abilities to quickly and accurately reproduce, observe, combine and consider results and share information from many experiments in many different guises is now having the same effect as the printing press and the dissemination of optical devices to break through limitations thereto present did back in the 15th to 19th centuries - only at an accelerated rate, which is my way of saying “hang in there, Bob, history, the universe, and universal consciousness in all its forms are all on your side” 🙂👍. As another well-known document states … “we hold it as self-evident” … to which we can add “ from the extensive research in various interrelated disciplines over the last 2 centuries at least…”

(As a side note, Aristarchus of Samos separately came up with the heliocentric model some 18 centuries before Copernicus- let us hope and pray that it is not another 18 centuries until the EU and underlying FTM models finally are accepted as true and faithful descriptions of how the universe is actually structured 🙂)

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Great and well considered as always. I am continuously amazed at how the ancients worked this out without the internet and the collaborative and image based information dissemination it makes possible.


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Bob, I hope this goes well for you. So much change is needed in current cosmology and physics before it all comes together as real progress. ANYONE who can say, “This is the truth of how things work, and I can prove it!” should be heard until they can be proven wrong by something other than tired old dogmas or indefensible lies passed off as irrefutable consensus. Put forth as fact only what is provable and repeatable.

You can do this!

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Must try. It could be wrong, but it does appear to be what anything that works well does or is based on.

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Bob, great abstract. I wondered if there are multiple spellings of focused though. You have 2 s's in your spelling, "focussed". Not sure if this is a UK vs American deal or not. I look forward to seeing your talk if they give you a slot.

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I am tired - I can amend the text until end 17th. So please check it... I already identified some grammatical errors. In the end though, they'll likely try to sideline this to a poster and not sure I want to play that game again.

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Last sentence, analtical - >analytical

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Why didn't word pick that up - what even is analtical? Is it a disease?


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Let’s hope you get it admitted.

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I doubt it, but if I don't, let's put it this way, it will be presented at a conference.

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I am posting this comment here also:

The phenomenon and part of its potential, is effectively published in top tier journals reporting on this science at the nano-level and in an awarded patents to the largest western military research and contracting company. References I cite.

It is based on the same original 1950s work by B. Zeldovic of the Anapole which, as described in 2017, is the same as the description of an EVO by Ken Shoulders in his formerly secret book "EV - A Tale of Discovery."


All mainstream papers that publish this work on Super or Hyper - Toroids have to refer to the seminal work by Dubovik, and we must note that Dubovik is a main author working with Shishkin on explaining Magneto Toro Electrical Radiation (MTER) a description of strange radiation and clusters based on his foundational completion of electro-dynamics that was not even recognised in the west until 1997 and barely known beyond a few. Literally not a single person in the field of LENR has said they even had heard of Dubovik or even Zeldovic. Even Shoulders re-invented the attributes (without noting the form) of the Anapole as I note above.



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I was asked the following question by Ernest Dallafior


Do you have a time period in mind for the practical industrial production of heat or current using this information?"

Here is my response.

I am, at this stage, specifically focused on the application of this principal to producing useful embodiments that solve technical challenges and/or enhance productivity. The coherent matter is restrained by Carbon, this prevents it from getting to the level of coherence where all matter is de-materialised, but it also prevents over unity. It was already established in 1890s by N. Tesla that only covalent diamond and silicon carbide could resist the 'aetheric matter streams' in his 'Carbon Button' light-bulb. Both contain carbon.

When something expresses no EM properties (see note above on anapole) and has no charge, you cannot contain it with EM fields or ordinary matter. As I have said half a decade ago, in the pure form, you only have the option to make it and then break it, before it does catastrophic damage to reaction vessels. This is the basis of the Papp device. The problem with attempting replication of the Papp device in the past, there was not an adequate explination for the process before and the story ended with people dying or being maimed when Feynman decided to remove the grounding path (see description below) and it is difficult enough to get people to replicate ULTR experiments - and that can be learned and executed by pre-schoolers for dinner level money cost apparatus with imperceptibly low cost of consumables and I have yet to hear of a replicator fail to replicate.


Therefore, embodiments such as those enhance fuel burning efficiency. If one burns fuel twice as efficiently, we have instantly doubled the worlds oil and gas reserves, or conversely can lift a huge proportion of the planet out of poverty and with only a small modification to the planets rolling stock.

If we can remediate nuclear waste easily, then it transforms the risk equation for nuclear and perhaps we would not see California and Germany for instance removing it as an option for base-load generation because of fears that could be resolved.

Then there is element synthesis, many important electrical efficiency and generation technologies rely on elements that are hard to come by relative to things such as H, O, Al, Si, Fe and Pb. If we can use 'O' to breed important elements, knowing where in the structure they arise, it can negate much environmentally destructive and energy intensive mining.

If we simply have infinite energy first, then we will have actors that go full-bore unrestricted destruction on mineral resources. It might be a terrible outcome. In many cases, beautiful pristine environments are left as such as it is too energy intensive to extract the resources.

If we can produce building materials and soils at a fraction of the energy input and in massively compressed timescales, both habitation and food quality will get a step change. In the case of the latter, it has profound implications for fixing soil degradation all over the world something that normally requires typically 100years per inch to fix.

I never expected this research to go in this direction, but if it really is "the 'god's' toolbox" it is not surprising these things it appears to do and we need to work with natures processes, rather than demanding it acts in another way.

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You just keep rolling along.....The abstract is certainly compelling and clear, and original. I'll be curious to see how they treat it at ICCF. All very telling. I sense your joy in these revelations sustains you through the slings and arrows. Best wishes to you and TM. I hope he feels better.

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