Not sure if this has been shared but David Fryberger (Stanford SLAC) has a paper that calls this level 2 torus Dyality Rotation in the 'Vorton model'. Seems very consistent though not as comprehensive as Nevessky.
"...since the quantum vacuum or Dirac sea is populated at the maximum density allowed by the Pauli exclusion principle, the presence or nonpresence of matter is essentially irrelevant; the particle density in the Dirac sea exceeds that of ordinary matter by many orders of magnitude. In looking for a physical basis for these vacuum currents, one can imagine that the quantum vacuum could carry perturbations in the dyality reference angles, mentioned above, as waves in spacetime. Since the Θ0e (xμ ) and Θ0m (xμ ) are scalar functions, these spacetime waves would be governed by the Klein-Gordon equation...."
Anyone interested in Bob's stellar work is welcome to also look at the link below, a pre-release synopsis of my book, on a main subject:The relation between counterspace & EVOs. I wrote this segment overnight, and should be considered as a rough draft.
I doubt I would be writing this, if it wasn't for his commitment, dedication, infectious excitement, and excellence in scientific pursuit. It was Bob who showed me that the science still lives, who inspired me to start writing, and again who nudged me onto substack. I am merely a spectator with a compulsion to categorize & stratify complex systems. Bob is the real scientist & expert here. I should point out that I technically have no qualifications for scientific endeavour.
If you like what I have to say, please support the MFMP & Greenyer at his substack entitled 'Remote View' here:
My pre-release synopsis, fine-tuned for EVO relavence:
Yes, Especially once you operate in MHz and GHz range the 'transmitters' can be very harmful. I have known of 3 transmitter engineers accidentally climb past a TV or Microwave transmitter on a tower (which were supposed to be off), all at different times and locations. One became sterilized, one formed a brain tumor and the other also died early from a cancer. The large tower transmitters are often in the Mega Watts of power and apparently you can feel the beam. I am hoping that 30Hz at 20-30W will be fine.
Bob, the UAP produce radio waves over the entire spectrum that I mentioned to make antigravity waves to lift, propel themselves, and cloak themselves by moving into the past a few minutes.
Bob, radio frequencies of between 10-to-100-megahertz interacting can make gravity waves at a much higher luminosity. That said uranium is radioactive because it produces a much more luminous amount a gravity waves than the other elements. The higher luminosity of the radio waves and thus produced gravity waves can make normal elements radioactive which can lead to the burns you experienced. Be careful because you can get cancer over time from this. This is my theory and I have seen it occur on the US History Channel Show the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch in the state of Utah. Watch the first season of this show. When UAP show up this is what happened to the researchers on the show.
I found these computer-controlled power supplies that can be programmed to produce quite possibly 92 input voltages that may lead to the radio frequencies between 10 and 100 megahertz as on the TV show the secret of Skinwalker ranch where the radio waves interact to produce anti-gravity waves to allow lift and propulsion.
The correct material to use is a micro layered material of different elements so the proper magnetic, electric, and gravity waves can be produced as on the show. They found this material on the show that many people are researching. You may be able to use this type of power supply to enhance your research with EVO's.
According to my calculations UAP don't fly in space. They need an atmosphere to operate. They do go from planet to planet and galaxy to galaxy via wormholes.
In my view, air / water is incidental. The means is by manipulating aether currents/relic neutrino condensates. There is a higher flux around a 'gravitational' bodies and their lensed streams, but the mode or propulsion works at any point in the universe and in air and water. If the craft vacuum current structure is sufficiently energised, they should be able to rapidly tunnel through ionic rock, but likely not magnetic or highly conductive rocks.
In this page of notes, I show how different things are all the same PBHP. The materials all have to add up to the energy of the PBHP. They do this by multiplying the energy of the particle with the number of particles and a few other geometric parameters.
All particles are the same primordial black hole particle as depicted in my spectrum chart that I sent to you. A UAP can travel through space, water, Earth, and the atmosphere because they see everything as the same particle such as space. The UAP can match the frequency of the blinking on and off universe to the material that they wish to fly through. They are basically moving through the material when it does not exist and is in the parallel universe. Aliens can walk through walls when visiting a person in their bedroom in the same manner.
"A car's cross section. It is shaped like a wing. A curved dome on top and flat on the bottom. A car can only go about 85 miles per hour on the highway so it can only generate a small amount of lift but because of this the car generates anti-gravity waves and loses some mass and gets a better gas mileage.
Car Photo
A race car can go airborne at about 220 mph due to the production of anti-gravity waves due to the same cross section along its length making the car less massive, so they add a wing on the back with the curved side down to produce gravity waves to keep the car on the road.
Race Car Photo
A toy frisbee is has a curved cross section on the top of the disc and flat on the bottom so the frisbee can generate anti-gravity waves when it is spinning at about an angular velocity of 10 revs/sec=20pi rads/sec=9.575 m/s=21.418 mph and a forward velocity of 20 m/s=44.738 mph.
Frisbee Photo
Philippe's spinning disk was flat on top and bottom so it generated a small amount of gravity waves for a small amount of increased mass with the balance due to his power supply and motor and a small amount of anti-gravity waves with the other setup so it lost a small amount of mass, so it went up due to his power supply and motor. If Philippe had made his disk shaped like a frisbee with a curved top and a flat bottom, then it would have generated more gravity or anti-gravity waves for a better result. The disk would have attempted to move in the linear direction to propel itself.
A typical UAP cross section. The top is curved, and the bottom is flat. Philippe finds an effect at 4000 rpm=66.67 rps=4000 m/s=8947.7 mph. This UAP was calculated with a radius of 60 meters or 196.8 feet and why the velocity at the edge of the craft is so high. Based upon this data this UAP can propel itself forward with a linear velocity of (8947.7*44.738)/21.418=18690 mph=8355 m/s for its top linear velocity forward.
UAP Photo
A typical UAP can be seen with a forward velocity of:
Navy Tic Tac Data
My calculation is right in the range of the US Navy Tic Tac velocity. The dome shape of the UAP spinning puts a force on the craft's surface with the atmospheres O2 and N2 so that the O2 and N2 generate anti-gravity waves with a wavelength of about 1E+26 meters so the craft can generate lift and forward propulsion.
I also added three more pages go along with the UAP analysis on my google drive that have to deal with the airplane and UFO craft lift and propulsion.
I also added two pages to explain the following. Why UFOs can travel through the ocean, Earth, atmosphere, and space. They see everything as the PBHP that makes up all of the particles and waves in the Universe due to the conservation of energy, matter, and momentum. I show on my two pages of calculations how this is true. They can see the Earth as space.
A person has to know my entire theory to understand everything that I chat about.
Look at my notes on this subject for astronomical bodies. All of our planets have some sort of atmosphere, they are spherical, they are spinning. So do the moons and stars.
They put a force on the atmospheric atoms, and they produce gravity waves and a gravity field. Atoms get a force put on them by the spinning planet and then the electrons jump up and down and emit gravity waves or in the case of an airplane or UAP they emit anti-gravity waves. Airplanes, helicopters and the like are not the Bernoulli effect.
My take on the double slit experiment which is all related in some way.
Interesting paper but I have a solution to this problem that I have calculated successfully. My below analysis is based upon your gravity theory showing that gravity is red shifting. I have a similar idea as you because this is how the universe and you figured it out like I did.
I can calculate the interference pattern in the double slit experiment with my equation of F=Nmq/r^2. F =force, m= mass, q=charge, r is the distance from the photon or electron to the side of the slit, and N is the number of electrons or photons that are connected together in groups of one, two, three, etc. A photon or an electron is a particle if it is just one particle and it is a wave if it has two, three, four, etc. particles connected along a line in the direction of travel. One particle does not show a sine pattern as it travels but does show a sine pattern as the one, two, three particles that are connected together pass a point is space. The science community for some odd reason refuses to accept that photons have mass and charge because Einstein said so. Tony, you show how Einstein was incorrect. As the photons or electrons pass through the mass of the slit screen, they feel a force from the photons having a charge and the atoms of the slit screen having a mass. They then bend towards the screen and make their diffraction pattern. If it is one photon or electron, then these particles hit the center of the screen with a bright peak. There are a lot of single particles. If the photon or electron is comprised of two particles, then the force will make the waves bend slightly away from the center of the screen for the second interference pattern etc., etc. The second diffraction pattern will then be less bright due to there being less waves. This is the same for the third interference pattern, etc. etc. There are interference patterns on either side of the screen due to the photons being matter or antimatter with a positive or negative charge. The peaks interference pattern is spread out because of the width of the slit so the photons can be sometimes close to the edge of the slit and sometimes in the middle of the slit. We know the mass of the electron but to know the mass of the photon we first calculate the frequency from the wavelength, multiply by the primordial particles wavelength that we see on my spectrum of 1.782E-36 meters, then divide by the speed of light squared. The photon and electron charges are merely 1.602E-19 coulombs or m^3/s^2. The charge is due to the photon or electron being redshifted by the gravity waves in the universe red shifting the photons or electrons so that they travel through space and time. Space and time are you are in the past from me, and I am in the past from you. Everyone is in the same space at a different time. This red shifting of particles makes the particles grow in size which makes the string that they are comprised of vibrate which then pumps space into or out of our universe. There are two universes. One matter and one antimatter so the charge can be either positive or negative. The space leaving our universe or coming our universe. This is the particles field because the particle is spherical so as the space moves away from the particle its density changes and the fields are created. The mass of the particles is due to the PBHP being red shifted into different particles with different sizes and densities of space so there is border between one particle and the next leading to one particle blocking the next particle. The particles can be in two places at once and go through either slit because they are the same PBHP in the same space at a different time or quantum entanglement. If you don't believe me then try calculating as I have said, and you will be able to see the truth of the double slit experiment having a simple explanation that has escaped detection for centuries and your eyes will be opened.
Electrons and photons each have a different mass, so the interference pattern looks slightly different according to the force they both experience with my equation. Each photon and electron have slightly different mass from the next one emitted. This is shown in particle colliders with the W and Z particles having a normal distribution of mass. All electrons and photons are virtual between our universe and the anti-universe. They exist in both universes, or they can exist in one universe and pop into existence as a pair from a photon and then disappear back to a photon. The universe flashes on and off at the PBHP frequency that is calculated by dividing the PBHP wavelength that I explained to in my earlier message into the speed of light. Then inverting the frequency to get the time that the universe flashes on and off. A photon can then first be a matter photon and then an anti-matter photon and vice versa with the electron. We only see the matter photon or electron in our universe. The screen sees both particles and the interference pattern can be on the right or the left of the center peak. This flashing on and off balances the energy, mass, and momentum of the particles. This is the conservation of energy, mass, and momentum. The universe is really a hologram that does not exist in between the flashes. Time and space are structured by you being in the past from me and I being in the past from you. I move and the atoms of my body take on mass and appear to move to you. Every point in the universe is in the same space but at a different time so we see three dimensions. Every particle has a different time passage, so we see the 3D universe. The Sun and the Moon are seen as smaller to us than they really are because the gravity waves in the universe blue shift the atoms of the Sun and the Moon as one moves away from you or me. This is perspective. The horizon of the Earth disappears due to this effect. The Earth's gravity field is much larger than in space, so the atoms of the Earth get blue shifted and become very tiny and disappear. The universe is really only the size of what we see before the horizon blanks the universe out. This is all due to how I explained space and time above. The Earth appears to be spherical due to this blue shifting because the blue shifting curves space. The light from the horizon in the morning or evening is red shifted by the Earth's gravity field just like the light from the distant galaxies is red shifted by the universe's gravity field that is from all of the stars, planets, and moons producing waves. We see the light as red in color. This is a simple explanation when all science experiments are taken in context as one. No one sees this and the arguments go on and on because of everyone being in the same space at a different time experience a different force on their DNA atoms so their sequence is different, so they think differently and argue incessantly about who is correct. Consciousness is this red shifting and blue shifting of the particles leading to chemical reactions leading to thought. Memory is this chemistry of the atoms forming cell structures showing that the universe has geometry to exist. I use geometry with my equations sometimes to arrive at the correct answer to what I am calculating.
This all affects the double slit experiment.
Einstein was only 50% correct due to his lack of data 100 years ago. Quantum Mechanics theory is only 50% correct due to the lack of data 100 years ago. I call these theories half theories.
My take on the fusion device inside stars, planets, and moons. A person basically makes a very thick glass sphere with the MIT 3D printer and fills the sphere up with water. A person has to temper the glass to make is strong. Then a person illuminates the sphere with IR light, so the water heats up and expands to a very high pressure. This will make three water molecules fuse into iron and a little bit of gallium as overkill. This is similar to your EVO, Toroid, LENR, ECAT and other devices using atoms that are structured like my star device. The device will produce an electric, magnetic, and gravity field to be used for propulsion and levitation of a craft. It will do this by producing anti-gravity waves.
I show on my diagram page and calculations that the amount of iron and gallium produced inside of the center of the sun was produced over 4.6 billion years. The hydrogen at the surface of the sun, the glass layer, and the water are clear so the light can escape. This device also shows why the sun produces many neutrinos.
"And also phase-correction within the antenna network itself to render the electric qualities across the width of each pole of the antenna to be scalar, simulating a point-like behavior."
Seems like we need to discuss the importance of performing testing at the microwave level in an anechoic chamber. Toying with cancer is an unnecessary risk, when a small microwave oven would do to eliminate some of the risk.
Not sure if this has been shared but David Fryberger (Stanford SLAC) has a paper that calls this level 2 torus Dyality Rotation in the 'Vorton model'. Seems very consistent though not as comprehensive as Nevessky.
This is a very good find. The Author is also building off work by several Russian researchers and also refers to Hessdalen observations.
"...since the quantum vacuum or Dirac sea is populated at the maximum density allowed by the Pauli exclusion principle, the presence or nonpresence of matter is essentially irrelevant; the particle density in the Dirac sea exceeds that of ordinary matter by many orders of magnitude. In looking for a physical basis for these vacuum currents, one can imagine that the quantum vacuum could carry perturbations in the dyality reference angles, mentioned above, as waves in spacetime. Since the Θ0e (xμ ) and Θ0m (xμ ) are scalar functions, these spacetime waves would be governed by the Klein-Gordon equation...."
The fact it would be governed by Klein-Gordon eqs is huge - the travelling wave would look like those psuedo-spherical helical columns you covered from Russo. It's entirely based on K-G eqs!
I have read the whole SLAC paper shortly after you sent it and some of the linked papers and will talk about it on Sunday.
Of course, the paper you linked above I have discussed before in relation to the Coherent Matter Travelling Waves.
My artistic impression of Bob: :D :D
Oh no, I'm a meme, tell me it's not true
You should have never associated yourself with bagels, Bob.
Anyone interested in Bob's stellar work is welcome to also look at the link below, a pre-release synopsis of my book, on a main subject:The relation between counterspace & EVOs. I wrote this segment overnight, and should be considered as a rough draft.
I doubt I would be writing this, if it wasn't for his commitment, dedication, infectious excitement, and excellence in scientific pursuit. It was Bob who showed me that the science still lives, who inspired me to start writing, and again who nudged me onto substack. I am merely a spectator with a compulsion to categorize & stratify complex systems. Bob is the real scientist & expert here. I should point out that I technically have no qualifications for scientific endeavour.
If you like what I have to say, please support the MFMP & Greenyer at his substack entitled 'Remote View' here:
My pre-release synopsis, fine-tuned for EVO relavence:
(This notice shall also be posted atop my substack, shortly.)
Yes, Especially once you operate in MHz and GHz range the 'transmitters' can be very harmful. I have known of 3 transmitter engineers accidentally climb past a TV or Microwave transmitter on a tower (which were supposed to be off), all at different times and locations. One became sterilized, one formed a brain tumor and the other also died early from a cancer. The large tower transmitters are often in the Mega Watts of power and apparently you can feel the beam. I am hoping that 30Hz at 20-30W will be fine.
Bob, the UAP produce radio waves over the entire spectrum that I mentioned to make antigravity waves to lift, propel themselves, and cloak themselves by moving into the past a few minutes.
Bob, radio frequencies of between 10-to-100-megahertz interacting can make gravity waves at a much higher luminosity. That said uranium is radioactive because it produces a much more luminous amount a gravity waves than the other elements. The higher luminosity of the radio waves and thus produced gravity waves can make normal elements radioactive which can lead to the burns you experienced. Be careful because you can get cancer over time from this. This is my theory and I have seen it occur on the US History Channel Show the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch in the state of Utah. Watch the first season of this show. When UAP show up this is what happened to the researchers on the show.
I found these computer-controlled power supplies that can be programmed to produce quite possibly 92 input voltages that may lead to the radio frequencies between 10 and 100 megahertz as on the TV show the secret of Skinwalker ranch where the radio waves interact to produce anti-gravity waves to allow lift and propulsion.
The correct material to use is a micro layered material of different elements so the proper magnetic, electric, and gravity waves can be produced as on the show. They found this material on the show that many people are researching. You may be able to use this type of power supply to enhance your research with EVO's.
Thanks Richard, I will look into it.
Please take a look at my most recent posts on my Facebook page about how an airplane and a UAP create lift and propulsion.
Everything matches correctly.
Hi Richard, I could not find anything on their other than family photos - do you have a direct link or some text I can search for?
According to my calculations UAP don't fly in space. They need an atmosphere to operate. They do go from planet to planet and galaxy to galaxy via wormholes.
In my view, air / water is incidental. The means is by manipulating aether currents/relic neutrino condensates. There is a higher flux around a 'gravitational' bodies and their lensed streams, but the mode or propulsion works at any point in the universe and in air and water. If the craft vacuum current structure is sufficiently energised, they should be able to rapidly tunnel through ionic rock, but likely not magnetic or highly conductive rocks.
Look at this page of notes.
In this page of notes, I show how different things are all the same PBHP. The materials all have to add up to the energy of the PBHP. They do this by multiplying the energy of the particle with the number of particles and a few other geometric parameters.
All particles are the same primordial black hole particle as depicted in my spectrum chart that I sent to you. A UAP can travel through space, water, Earth, and the atmosphere because they see everything as the same particle such as space. The UAP can match the frequency of the blinking on and off universe to the material that they wish to fly through. They are basically moving through the material when it does not exist and is in the parallel universe. Aliens can walk through walls when visiting a person in their bedroom in the same manner.
I guess some Facebook postings are no available in other countries. I run into this a lot with people I meet in other countries.
Try my google drive page. Ask me for permission to view them.
Here is what I wrote on my Facebook page.
"A car's cross section. It is shaped like a wing. A curved dome on top and flat on the bottom. A car can only go about 85 miles per hour on the highway so it can only generate a small amount of lift but because of this the car generates anti-gravity waves and loses some mass and gets a better gas mileage.
Car Photo
A race car can go airborne at about 220 mph due to the production of anti-gravity waves due to the same cross section along its length making the car less massive, so they add a wing on the back with the curved side down to produce gravity waves to keep the car on the road.
Race Car Photo
A toy frisbee is has a curved cross section on the top of the disc and flat on the bottom so the frisbee can generate anti-gravity waves when it is spinning at about an angular velocity of 10 revs/sec=20pi rads/sec=9.575 m/s=21.418 mph and a forward velocity of 20 m/s=44.738 mph.
Frisbee Photo
Philippe's spinning disk was flat on top and bottom so it generated a small amount of gravity waves for a small amount of increased mass with the balance due to his power supply and motor and a small amount of anti-gravity waves with the other setup so it lost a small amount of mass, so it went up due to his power supply and motor. If Philippe had made his disk shaped like a frisbee with a curved top and a flat bottom, then it would have generated more gravity or anti-gravity waves for a better result. The disk would have attempted to move in the linear direction to propel itself.
A typical UAP cross section. The top is curved, and the bottom is flat. Philippe finds an effect at 4000 rpm=66.67 rps=4000 m/s=8947.7 mph. This UAP was calculated with a radius of 60 meters or 196.8 feet and why the velocity at the edge of the craft is so high. Based upon this data this UAP can propel itself forward with a linear velocity of (8947.7*44.738)/21.418=18690 mph=8355 m/s for its top linear velocity forward.
UAP Photo
A typical UAP can be seen with a forward velocity of:
Navy Tic Tac Data
My calculation is right in the range of the US Navy Tic Tac velocity. The dome shape of the UAP spinning puts a force on the craft's surface with the atmospheres O2 and N2 so that the O2 and N2 generate anti-gravity waves with a wavelength of about 1E+26 meters so the craft can generate lift and forward propulsion.
I also added three more pages go along with the UAP analysis on my google drive that have to deal with the airplane and UFO craft lift and propulsion.
I also added two pages to explain the following. Why UFOs can travel through the ocean, Earth, atmosphere, and space. They see everything as the PBHP that makes up all of the particles and waves in the Universe due to the conservation of energy, matter, and momentum. I show on my two pages of calculations how this is true. They can see the Earth as space.
A person has to know my entire theory to understand everything that I chat about.
Look at my notes on this subject for astronomical bodies. All of our planets have some sort of atmosphere, they are spherical, they are spinning. So do the moons and stars.
They put a force on the atmospheric atoms, and they produce gravity waves and a gravity field. Atoms get a force put on them by the spinning planet and then the electrons jump up and down and emit gravity waves or in the case of an airplane or UAP they emit anti-gravity waves. Airplanes, helicopters and the like are not the Bernoulli effect.
My diagrams on the earth, sun, soho, and Stonehenge in relation to my comment on your latest YouTube videos.
My take on the double slit experiment which is all related in some way.
Interesting paper but I have a solution to this problem that I have calculated successfully. My below analysis is based upon your gravity theory showing that gravity is red shifting. I have a similar idea as you because this is how the universe and you figured it out like I did.
I can calculate the interference pattern in the double slit experiment with my equation of F=Nmq/r^2. F =force, m= mass, q=charge, r is the distance from the photon or electron to the side of the slit, and N is the number of electrons or photons that are connected together in groups of one, two, three, etc. A photon or an electron is a particle if it is just one particle and it is a wave if it has two, three, four, etc. particles connected along a line in the direction of travel. One particle does not show a sine pattern as it travels but does show a sine pattern as the one, two, three particles that are connected together pass a point is space. The science community for some odd reason refuses to accept that photons have mass and charge because Einstein said so. Tony, you show how Einstein was incorrect. As the photons or electrons pass through the mass of the slit screen, they feel a force from the photons having a charge and the atoms of the slit screen having a mass. They then bend towards the screen and make their diffraction pattern. If it is one photon or electron, then these particles hit the center of the screen with a bright peak. There are a lot of single particles. If the photon or electron is comprised of two particles, then the force will make the waves bend slightly away from the center of the screen for the second interference pattern etc., etc. The second diffraction pattern will then be less bright due to there being less waves. This is the same for the third interference pattern, etc. etc. There are interference patterns on either side of the screen due to the photons being matter or antimatter with a positive or negative charge. The peaks interference pattern is spread out because of the width of the slit so the photons can be sometimes close to the edge of the slit and sometimes in the middle of the slit. We know the mass of the electron but to know the mass of the photon we first calculate the frequency from the wavelength, multiply by the primordial particles wavelength that we see on my spectrum of 1.782E-36 meters, then divide by the speed of light squared. The photon and electron charges are merely 1.602E-19 coulombs or m^3/s^2. The charge is due to the photon or electron being redshifted by the gravity waves in the universe red shifting the photons or electrons so that they travel through space and time. Space and time are you are in the past from me, and I am in the past from you. Everyone is in the same space at a different time. This red shifting of particles makes the particles grow in size which makes the string that they are comprised of vibrate which then pumps space into or out of our universe. There are two universes. One matter and one antimatter so the charge can be either positive or negative. The space leaving our universe or coming our universe. This is the particles field because the particle is spherical so as the space moves away from the particle its density changes and the fields are created. The mass of the particles is due to the PBHP being red shifted into different particles with different sizes and densities of space so there is border between one particle and the next leading to one particle blocking the next particle. The particles can be in two places at once and go through either slit because they are the same PBHP in the same space at a different time or quantum entanglement. If you don't believe me then try calculating as I have said, and you will be able to see the truth of the double slit experiment having a simple explanation that has escaped detection for centuries and your eyes will be opened.
Electrons and photons each have a different mass, so the interference pattern looks slightly different according to the force they both experience with my equation. Each photon and electron have slightly different mass from the next one emitted. This is shown in particle colliders with the W and Z particles having a normal distribution of mass. All electrons and photons are virtual between our universe and the anti-universe. They exist in both universes, or they can exist in one universe and pop into existence as a pair from a photon and then disappear back to a photon. The universe flashes on and off at the PBHP frequency that is calculated by dividing the PBHP wavelength that I explained to in my earlier message into the speed of light. Then inverting the frequency to get the time that the universe flashes on and off. A photon can then first be a matter photon and then an anti-matter photon and vice versa with the electron. We only see the matter photon or electron in our universe. The screen sees both particles and the interference pattern can be on the right or the left of the center peak. This flashing on and off balances the energy, mass, and momentum of the particles. This is the conservation of energy, mass, and momentum. The universe is really a hologram that does not exist in between the flashes. Time and space are structured by you being in the past from me and I being in the past from you. I move and the atoms of my body take on mass and appear to move to you. Every point in the universe is in the same space but at a different time so we see three dimensions. Every particle has a different time passage, so we see the 3D universe. The Sun and the Moon are seen as smaller to us than they really are because the gravity waves in the universe blue shift the atoms of the Sun and the Moon as one moves away from you or me. This is perspective. The horizon of the Earth disappears due to this effect. The Earth's gravity field is much larger than in space, so the atoms of the Earth get blue shifted and become very tiny and disappear. The universe is really only the size of what we see before the horizon blanks the universe out. This is all due to how I explained space and time above. The Earth appears to be spherical due to this blue shifting because the blue shifting curves space. The light from the horizon in the morning or evening is red shifted by the Earth's gravity field just like the light from the distant galaxies is red shifted by the universe's gravity field that is from all of the stars, planets, and moons producing waves. We see the light as red in color. This is a simple explanation when all science experiments are taken in context as one. No one sees this and the arguments go on and on because of everyone being in the same space at a different time experience a different force on their DNA atoms so their sequence is different, so they think differently and argue incessantly about who is correct. Consciousness is this red shifting and blue shifting of the particles leading to chemical reactions leading to thought. Memory is this chemistry of the atoms forming cell structures showing that the universe has geometry to exist. I use geometry with my equations sometimes to arrive at the correct answer to what I am calculating.
This all affects the double slit experiment.
Einstein was only 50% correct due to his lack of data 100 years ago. Quantum Mechanics theory is only 50% correct due to the lack of data 100 years ago. I call these theories half theories.
My take on the fusion device inside stars, planets, and moons. A person basically makes a very thick glass sphere with the MIT 3D printer and fills the sphere up with water. A person has to temper the glass to make is strong. Then a person illuminates the sphere with IR light, so the water heats up and expands to a very high pressure. This will make three water molecules fuse into iron and a little bit of gallium as overkill. This is similar to your EVO, Toroid, LENR, ECAT and other devices using atoms that are structured like my star device. The device will produce an electric, magnetic, and gravity field to be used for propulsion and levitation of a craft. It will do this by producing anti-gravity waves.
I show on my diagram page and calculations that the amount of iron and gallium produced inside of the center of the sun was produced over 4.6 billion years. The hydrogen at the surface of the sun, the glass layer, and the water are clear so the light can escape. This device also shows why the sun produces many neutrinos.
"And also phase-correction within the antenna network itself to render the electric qualities across the width of each pole of the antenna to be scalar, simulating a point-like behavior."
^---added. In case that's interesting... :)
Seems like we need to discuss the importance of performing testing at the microwave level in an anechoic chamber. Toying with cancer is an unnecessary risk, when a small microwave oven would do to eliminate some of the risk.