Fe T1 cored Bagel Perpendicular Test, shows double sided residual field
Cosmic Dave finds he still has an E-Field on his 1,2,3,4-Tor (Fe T1 core) with the coil mounted vertically and even after the power is slowly reduced and coil shorted.
“Space Case” shares his findings with high power and high frequency
When looking at how Cosmic Dave is powering his coils with an audio amplifier and a resistor, way less than 1 W of power is making it into the coil even with a 100 W amplifier. When I tried this it didn't seem to have any dangerous effects. But they're definitely appears to be worrisome effects from the 100 w I put into my coil at 7.2 MHz (40M ham band). I got a a burn on my arm and the next day on the inside of my mouth. I was incredibly tired for about 2 weeks as well. I have never had a burn show up from the inside like these were. So I'm pretty sure it wasn't something else going on.
And even more odd, the residual fields appeared to have messed with my tablet computer. It was sitting about 5 ft away from where the experiment was run, and yesterday it turned on on its own, was showing 34% battery life. odd because when I turned it off last it was at 75% and it does not lose noticeable charge when it's off. When I removed it from the area the battery life showed 47%. Sort of like how people describe the power getting zapped from electronics in crop circles. I suspect this has to do with the nature of a CMOS chip if you randomly activate the mosfet transistor is they are made of they are wired to where they can short things out. I don't think TTL logic would be affected the same way, but I don't think anybody builds TTL logic stuff anymore.
The main thing I wanted to share is that these things seem to float around for weeks if you give them enough power in the first place.
It may be possible that “Space Case” got an RF burn. Please be careful, do not take this to the max. There is a potential for these fields to hang around indefinitely, Shishkin warned about it in Sochi in 2018 and that they may not be good for biology. He said that a spark discharge may disrupt them, but we should all be cautious as the implications are this is vacuum engineering.
Not sure if this has been shared but David Fryberger (Stanford SLAC) has a paper that calls this level 2 torus Dyality Rotation in the 'Vorton model'. Seems very consistent though not as comprehensive as Nevessky. https://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/slacpubs/13500/slac-pub-13583.pdf
My artistic impression of Bob: https://ibb.co/3rhMQ3W :D :D