"...since the quantum vacuum or Dirac sea is populated at the maximum density allowed by the Pauli exclusion principle, the presence or nonpresence of matter is essentially irrelevant; the particle density in the Dirac sea exceeds that of ordinary matter by many orders of magnitude. In looking for a physical basis for these vacuum curren…
"...since the quantum vacuum or Dirac sea is populated at the maximum density allowed by the Pauli exclusion principle, the presence or nonpresence of matter is essentially irrelevant; the particle density in the Dirac sea exceeds that of ordinary matter by many orders of magnitude. In looking for a physical basis for these vacuum currents, one can imagine that the quantum vacuum could carry perturbations in the dyality reference angles, mentioned above, as waves in spacetime. Since the Θ0e (xμ ) and Θ0m (xμ ) are scalar functions, these spacetime waves would be governed by the Klein-Gordon equation...."
"...since the quantum vacuum or Dirac sea is populated at the maximum density allowed by the Pauli exclusion principle, the presence or nonpresence of matter is essentially irrelevant; the particle density in the Dirac sea exceeds that of ordinary matter by many orders of magnitude. In looking for a physical basis for these vacuum currents, one can imagine that the quantum vacuum could carry perturbations in the dyality reference angles, mentioned above, as waves in spacetime. Since the Θ0e (xμ ) and Θ0m (xμ ) are scalar functions, these spacetime waves would be governed by the Klein-Gordon equation...."
The fact it would be governed by Klein-Gordon eqs is huge - the travelling wave would look like those psuedo-spherical helical columns you covered from Russo. It's entirely based on K-G eqs! https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318814148_Topologically_embedded_pseudospherical_cylinders
I have read the whole SLAC paper shortly after you sent it and some of the linked papers and will talk about it on Sunday.
Of course, the paper you linked above I have discussed before in relation to the Coherent Matter Travelling Waves.