Just tremendous Bob. This might be the single most important 20 pages I've ever seen. I've NEVER heard any scientist empirically linking crop circles to thunderstorms, ball lightning, whirlwinds since Terrence Meaden working with Colin Andrews in the UK in the 1980s! And there Matsumoto says he saw them! And they repeated in the same field for several days. Fantastic. This is a significant enough discovery by a bonafide nuclear scientist to write a new book with all the connections to macro-phenomena we see all around us everyday.
So quick question: does the blood and other fluids flowing through our body generate cold neutrinos and EVOs continually, just like a water stream or river in nature? Is that how we heal? Thanks again.
Just quickly - I have uploaded to page 42 now - and yes - pretty amazing, I will produce a book correlating his findings with all the stuff we have found.
I will answer your other questions at another time.
Thanks, love the way Matsumoto uses the Ptolemaic to Copernican analogy in how we need to change our ways of thinking about CF and other phenomena. He's so right on about this. Glad you're bringing this material out to the public. And he was banned from publishing his ground-breaking papers, just like Enrico Fermi decades ago? It's ridiculous.
I think I'd file that under gatekeeping, which has been rife throughout academia since Newton v Hooke. But aside from gatekeeping, there is good evidence for a cover-up.
Right, "banned" is too strong a word here. But it's clear that new ideas in physics, even from major players like Fermi and many others, are never appreciated or accepted by the mainstream science organizations until decades later.
A friend of mine created this macroscopic quantum object in his California lab about 20-30 years ago. As far I remember from his description it was a size of basketball, it levitated above ground, it lasted about 20 minutes and eventually moved through the open door of the lab into a yard and slowly disipated.
I just listened your interview on APEC and was shocked with your explanation. I was never before able to explain my friend's accidental discovery.
This was his first hypothesis for DD interactions. Essentially two of the protons emit a positron and this leads to the quad neutrons and production of Itons (since there is also a neutrino released and you therefore get a dual iton (i2) formed
i2 = 2 x (Positron<>Neutrino<>Electron)
Later, in a letter to the editor of Fusion Technology in 2001, he said this
"Here , I have to apologise to readers for an insufficient assignment made in Ref. 5 that quad neutrons collapsed. It was made clear by later experiments that clusters that collapsed were atomic clusters that could have a diameter of hundreds of micrometers and
involve much more nuclei. 3 Very amazingly, it was also found later that the ring products consisted of conventional elements, mainly carbon, not dependent on collapsed materials.3 This process was called nuclear regeneration."
Bob, this quote on p. 25 is also a real mindblower: “Since the hydrogen cluster can contain many hydrogens, possibly many millions, many strange reactions are associated with the primary reactions: productions of heavy elements and multiple-neutron nuclei, formations of tiny black and wholes, and so on. Readers will easily understand that cold fusion is a small-scale simulation of the events that occur in cold starts far away in the universe.”
As you mentioned in last Sunday's live stream, this suggests that whatever is in outer space is also in all biological systems. White holes, black holes, wormholes, dark matter right inside our bodies. Wow!! This is what Matsumoto means by adopting a Copernican view of cold fusion/LENR: it's just a microscopic version of what's going on in stars, nebula, and galaxies. And to think that we're just hearing about these ideas now, more than 20 years after he thought of them. Truly revolutionary and yet people knew about it thousands of years ago.
The ancients spent their time in the real world pondering its magnificence and its common attributes at all scales. It is clear that they had mastery of this technology and so one would expect them to know that "As above, so below" meant something.
Boom, there it is on page 43 (d). "Therefore the non-baryons of gravity decay products might be found during cold fusion: that can be expected to be dark matter." Doesn't get any clearer than that. Arigato gozaimasu.
Hey Bob, is Andrea Rossi for real? My bullshit detector goes off when I read his SKLep update letters. Also thanks for the EVO tale link, quite interesting.
At this point, it does not matter. We have, within our grasp the understanding to both synthesise, transmute and de-synthesise matter and yield the energy in the process. It is clear that nature does this all around us all the time and the archeological record shows that we were likely using this all over the planet previously.
Oh really?? That is beyond interesting!!😲 do you think LENR may have been the light source used for carving hieroglyphics deep within Egyptian monument caverns?
Bob, good article explaining how fermions transition to bosonic behavior making superconductivity and superfluidity possible in very dilute gasses: a fifth state of matter. Precursor to coherent matter as you've discussed here many times. https://physicsline.com/fermionic-condensate/
Thanks, however, the article is inaccurate, the following
"The first fermionic condensate was obtained on December 16, 2003 in the United States"
should read
"The first fermionic condensate [recognised and promoted by mainstream journals] was obtained on December 16, 2003 in the United States."
Many people had observed it without knowing what it was, but Shoulders & Solin, for example, had specifically implied that it was what was happening with electrons in their systems and Hutchison and many others before will have obtained them even earlier.
Yes, the author goes over much of the same ground we have been talking about - however, he is still stuck - as I was until September 2020, in the notion that you have to cool to near absolute zero to achieve this. The Lockheed Martin patent's simple premise of getting the same quantum object wave to have the same De Broglie wavelength (exact same 'temperature') and get that in phase, is all that is needed to achieve coherence. Of course, in their patent - they start with a Tesla/Shoulders high dI/dT discharge which will assist in the formation of cooper pairs of electrons as per the Vishnevsky 2008 model discussed in my 'Monopole Clutch' video.
Right, that's what I noticed too. This genre of research, the link above was published just a few days ago, is still stuck in the idea that cold temperatures are needed with no mention of the Aharonov-Bohm effect or other ideas in the LM patent (let alone Shoulders or Solin) which is already a decade old at this point. I did find it interesting to see a discussion of how fermionic states transition to a bosonic regime, which hadn't really sunk into my mind with regard to the behavior of relic and cold neutrinos.
Hmmm, that is actually quite tough - as the science is still in gestation, the works tend to fall into two camps, individual or group theory books or experiment reviews. I can tell you that I didn't really have a good start of a grasp of what was really going on until I was about 4.5 years of more than full time work in!
What I can do is save you the hassle of going through the journey I did - it is, IMHO, a coherent matter phenomenon that can express itself in many ways, one of which manifests as LENR. It is fundamentally the same as natural ball lighting.
Ken Shoulders, "EV - A Tale of Discovery" is a good place to start
Just tremendous Bob. This might be the single most important 20 pages I've ever seen. I've NEVER heard any scientist empirically linking crop circles to thunderstorms, ball lightning, whirlwinds since Terrence Meaden working with Colin Andrews in the UK in the 1980s! And there Matsumoto says he saw them! And they repeated in the same field for several days. Fantastic. This is a significant enough discovery by a bonafide nuclear scientist to write a new book with all the connections to macro-phenomena we see all around us everyday.
So quick question: does the blood and other fluids flowing through our body generate cold neutrinos and EVOs continually, just like a water stream or river in nature? Is that how we heal? Thanks again.
Just quickly - I have uploaded to page 42 now - and yes - pretty amazing, I will produce a book correlating his findings with all the stuff we have found.
I will answer your other questions at another time.
Thanks, love the way Matsumoto uses the Ptolemaic to Copernican analogy in how we need to change our ways of thinking about CF and other phenomena. He's so right on about this. Glad you're bringing this material out to the public. And he was banned from publishing his ground-breaking papers, just like Enrico Fermi decades ago? It's ridiculous.
Ridiculous - or cover up.
Hi Simeon, what was Fermi banned from publishing?
His paper to Nature magazine in 1934 where he proposed the existence of a new particle at the time, the neutrino, in explaining beta decay. https://www.sciencealert.com/these-8-papers-were-rejected-before-going-on-to-win-the-nobel-prize
I think I'd file that under gatekeeping, which has been rife throughout academia since Newton v Hooke. But aside from gatekeeping, there is good evidence for a cover-up.
Right, "banned" is too strong a word here. But it's clear that new ideas in physics, even from major players like Fermi and many others, are never appreciated or accepted by the mainstream science organizations until decades later.
Found this abstract from Matsumoto, re. BL and earthquakes on a Japanese island. Also see the link to similar papers. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003EAEJA....13998M/abstract
Need to collect these documents
Thanks Simeon
This is very interesting, looking forward for the rest of the document.
A friend of mine created this macroscopic quantum object in his California lab about 20-30 years ago. As far I remember from his description it was a size of basketball, it levitated above ground, it lasted about 20 minutes and eventually moved through the open door of the lab into a yard and slowly disipated.
I just listened your interview on APEC and was shocked with your explanation. I was never before able to explain my friend's accidental discovery.
I would be very interested in hearing his experience. Is that something that is possible to capture?
That's him, there he described it. He's currently into these double helix coils I've seen in this group, so maybe he's already a member.
Bob, quick question. What is the significance of quad-neutron collapse with reference to ENC? Thanks.
Hi Simeon,
This was his first hypothesis for DD interactions. Essentially two of the protons emit a positron and this leads to the quad neutrons and production of Itons (since there is also a neutrino released and you therefore get a dual iton (i2) formed
i2 = 2 x (Positron<>Neutrino<>Electron)
Later, in a letter to the editor of Fusion Technology in 2001, he said this
"Here , I have to apologise to readers for an insufficient assignment made in Ref. 5 that quad neutrons collapsed. It was made clear by later experiments that clusters that collapsed were atomic clusters that could have a diameter of hundreds of micrometers and
involve much more nuclei. 3 Very amazingly, it was also found later that the ring products consisted of conventional elements, mainly carbon, not dependent on collapsed materials.3 This process was called nuclear regeneration."
That's helpful. Thanks.
Bob, this quote on p. 25 is also a real mindblower: “Since the hydrogen cluster can contain many hydrogens, possibly many millions, many strange reactions are associated with the primary reactions: productions of heavy elements and multiple-neutron nuclei, formations of tiny black and wholes, and so on. Readers will easily understand that cold fusion is a small-scale simulation of the events that occur in cold starts far away in the universe.”
As you mentioned in last Sunday's live stream, this suggests that whatever is in outer space is also in all biological systems. White holes, black holes, wormholes, dark matter right inside our bodies. Wow!! This is what Matsumoto means by adopting a Copernican view of cold fusion/LENR: it's just a microscopic version of what's going on in stars, nebula, and galaxies. And to think that we're just hearing about these ideas now, more than 20 years after he thought of them. Truly revolutionary and yet people knew about it thousands of years ago.
The ancients spent their time in the real world pondering its magnificence and its common attributes at all scales. It is clear that they had mastery of this technology and so one would expect them to know that "As above, so below" meant something.
It is the logical conclusion that one must reach when researching this field long enough - as Ken Shoulders said "EVOs are ubiquitous"
Hi Bob, i sent those images of the Tungsten experiment to the remoteview email address that was sent to me after subscribing...hope you see them.
Hi, I have not received them, don't know why. Could you try again?
Boom, there it is on page 43 (d). "Therefore the non-baryons of gravity decay products might be found during cold fusion: that can be expected to be dark matter." Doesn't get any clearer than that. Arigato gozaimasu.
Hey Bob, is Andrea Rossi for real? My bullshit detector goes off when I read his SKLep update letters. Also thanks for the EVO tale link, quite interesting.
At this point, it does not matter. We have, within our grasp the understanding to both synthesise, transmute and de-synthesise matter and yield the energy in the process. It is clear that nature does this all around us all the time and the archeological record shows that we were likely using this all over the planet previously.
It is only a matter of time.
Oh really?? That is beyond interesting!!😲 do you think LENR may have been the light source used for carving hieroglyphics deep within Egyptian monument caverns?
Well, there were other means of lighting then, however coherent matter and HHO may have been used to do the actual carving.
Bob, good article explaining how fermions transition to bosonic behavior making superconductivity and superfluidity possible in very dilute gasses: a fifth state of matter. Precursor to coherent matter as you've discussed here many times. https://physicsline.com/fermionic-condensate/
Thanks, however, the article is inaccurate, the following
"The first fermionic condensate was obtained on December 16, 2003 in the United States"
should read
"The first fermionic condensate [recognised and promoted by mainstream journals] was obtained on December 16, 2003 in the United States."
Many people had observed it without knowing what it was, but Shoulders & Solin, for example, had specifically implied that it was what was happening with electrons in their systems and Hutchison and many others before will have obtained them even earlier.
Yes, the author goes over much of the same ground we have been talking about - however, he is still stuck - as I was until September 2020, in the notion that you have to cool to near absolute zero to achieve this. The Lockheed Martin patent's simple premise of getting the same quantum object wave to have the same De Broglie wavelength (exact same 'temperature') and get that in phase, is all that is needed to achieve coherence. Of course, in their patent - they start with a Tesla/Shoulders high dI/dT discharge which will assist in the formation of cooper pairs of electrons as per the Vishnevsky 2008 model discussed in my 'Monopole Clutch' video.
Right, that's what I noticed too. This genre of research, the link above was published just a few days ago, is still stuck in the idea that cold temperatures are needed with no mention of the Aharonov-Bohm effect or other ideas in the LM patent (let alone Shoulders or Solin) which is already a decade old at this point. I did find it interesting to see a discussion of how fermionic states transition to a bosonic regime, which hadn't really sunk into my mind with regard to the behavior of relic and cold neutrinos.
Hey Bob, what's the best LENR book out there for non-scientists like myself?
Hmmm, that is actually quite tough - as the science is still in gestation, the works tend to fall into two camps, individual or group theory books or experiment reviews. I can tell you that I didn't really have a good start of a grasp of what was really going on until I was about 4.5 years of more than full time work in!
What I can do is save you the hassle of going through the journey I did - it is, IMHO, a coherent matter phenomenon that can express itself in many ways, one of which manifests as LENR. It is fundamentally the same as natural ball lighting.
Ken Shoulders, "EV - A Tale of Discovery" is a good place to start
Read all the references linked off this presentation pdf (available from video description), Especially the patents of Solin
S.V.Adamenko's book
Controlled Nucleosynthesis: Breakthroughs in Experiment and Theory (Fundamental Theories of Physics, 156)
Parkhomov's book
SPACE. EARTH. HUMAN.: New Views on Science
And the Matsumoto book we are re-mastering that you will be able to get a free 1:1 version of here:
No shit?! That's wild! Makes sense though. Those carving are extremely crisp.
sent to remoteview at substack dot com