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Matsumoto - Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse
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Matsumoto - Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse

Reading of the preface and authors biography, review of the first 20 pages

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A reading of the text of the preface and authors biography (pages 1 and 21 respectively, copied below) is given above.

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Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse

----- Collected Papers (1989-1999) -----


Department of Nuclear Engineering
Hokkaido University
Sapporo 060-0813



Far in the universe, nuclear collapses very often take place by the gravitational force after stars consume their fuel. Since the electromagnetic force is about 40 orders stronger than the gravitational force, it should be easy to induce similar nuclear collapses by the electromagnetic force in laboratory. But we never knew until now how to do that.

Recently, the author discovered a nuclear collapse which was induced by the electromagnetic force in laboratory, during studying the mechanisms of so-called "Cold Fusion (CF)" phenomena. Several kinds of nuclear reaction which were directly induced by the electromagnetic force, called "Electro-Nuclear Reaction (ENR)," were found so far to occur in a special state of hydrogen clusters, called "itonic clusters," or "micro Ball Lightning (BL)." The nuclear collapse was one of the most remarkable reactions among ENRs, called "Electro-Nuclear Collapse (ENC)." Furthermore, very amazingly, completely broken materials by ENC were found to be regenerated again to thin tubes and films of conventional elements such as carbon, oxygen and iron. The latter process was called "Electro-Nuclear Regeneration (ENG)."

This book collects reviews and original papers related to ENRs (published or unpublished) between 1989-1999, which were mainly written by the author. Readers could follow steps to the discovery of ENC and understand that ENC related phenomena could take place widely in the natural environment as well as in other technical fields.

Biography of the Author

The author was born in Osaka in 1942 to have a parent of Matsumoto Setsuro and Ai, and three senior sisters. He grew up in Osaka and graduated from Sumiyoshi high school in 1960. He learned nuclear engineering in Kyoto University and finished its master course in 1966. He then worked as an assistant researcher at the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI) in south Osaka. During seven years in KURRI, he studied neutron physics (neutron transport, thermalization and scattering). He obtained a doctor's degree of engineering from Kyoto University in 1979, for a study of transient phenomena of neutron thermalization.

The author moved to Hokkaido University in 1973 as a lecturer and became an associated professor in 1974. During several years, he studied neutron scattering by using an electron linear accelerator of 45 MeV. During the next seven years, he theoretically studied nuclear incineration of radioactive wastes by using electron or proton accelerators and nuclear reactors. A hybrid nuclear system of a proton accelerator and waste nuclear materials, which is to be built at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI), was fundamentally based on the author's proposal.

The author started to study the CF phenomena in 1989 and continues the study of ENR until now.

Privately, he married with Eiko in 1967 and had a daughter (Hiroko) in 1968 and a son (Tsuyoshi) in 1970.

The author with his wife, against a cherry tree in his garden (Sapporo, May 1999)