Extremely profound presentation, thanks Bob. So basically, we find the same life-creating vortextual plasma process at any scale be it galaxies or atoms. Exactly what Matsumoto has said all along in his writings.

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Yes. Not just Matsumoto, but Bostick also.

This same pattern and its various signatures I believe are reflected in the human form:

- The eyes, nose mouth

- the breasts/naval

- the ovaries/womb

- the ear shape

The whole of human and indeed many other creature symmetry - it is the first step. Symmetry is seen as beauty, I believe because it shows balance. No laws or opinions can change this natural law.

The basic is two fold symmetry, beyond that it is balanced rotationally in a fractal way, just as these things like to self-organise.

Our form is literally built to the basic blueprint of the universal driving forces.

Since 2 fold symmetry is the first balanced form of the ontology of the universe - it is, in my opinion, easy to conclude that many sentient organisms across the universe will be based on 2 fold symmetry.

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That makes sense and fits the ideas of so many world traditions. Strangely enough (or not), I wrote a paper a while back about the energetic organizing power of symmetry. After reading Matsumoto, Bostick, and Parkhomov, and your work I now think I got it slightly wrong. It's not dark energy but dark matter, in part, that is the catalyst at work here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240213863_Investigation_into_Dark_Energy_as_the_Cause_of_Anomalous_Electromagnetic_Activity_Observed_in_the_Vicinity_of_Crop_Formations

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Interesting - i will take a look. And yes, dark matter - however, mass is energy!

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And some new evidence from our Sun of extra energy produced there in voritcal waves, perhaps by LENR?:) https://www.newscientist.com/article/2313493-strange-waves-in-the-sun-are-travelling-far-faster-than-they-should-be/

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They are catching up!

Soon they will realise that Ball Lighting has the same structures on it.

The argument I have been building to over years is that vortex pairs (and their fractal eddies) are critical to not only how LENR works, but the entire universe.

Here is my short video on the sun and Hutchison effect


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Bob, I've been reading some of the short Shoulders' papers that you kindly posted for us to download. Some of his writing is absolutely hilarious. Here's one of my favorite quotes of his: "All we have to do to recover vast resources of energy for our use is to warp space a tiny bit. This is just like squeezing a sweet orange to get its nectar. No squeeze—no juice."

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Right, and relic "active" neutrinos seem to be a little bit of both. Apparently, dark energy is around the Earth in small amounts but it seems like the concentration of relic neutrinos is far higher.

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Bob, My actual astonishment remains actualized. Thank you for that. Curbina's comment below also means a lot to me in this area of knowledge. Best to Kim and children. Peace.

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Thanks Corky - I hope the kitchen work is going to plan

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I wonder if the people of the Thunderbolts project would like to invite you as part of their weekly videos. I was looking forward to this presentation when I saw the announcement coming on my email, unfortunately just could see a bit less than half an hour live but it was really great to see Bostick’s excellent work reviewed in light of the idea of coherent matter. A lot of thanks for sharing with us such a detailed and well illustrated analysis of the work of Bostick and putting on relevance why is so important both for LENR and Cosmology. The diagrams of the twisted plasma strands would make anyone that follows and works on the electric universe camp salivate. Those are excellent Birkeland’s currents analogues!!!

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Bostick work, fascinated me for a number of reasons. First, it was government sponsored work to try to convert the H-Bomb into a useable energy source. Second is the connection with major cosmological phenomena - down to sub atomic particles. Third - it kinda was dong tesla stuff without ever mentioning his name.

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