Bostick work, fascinated me for a number of reasons. First, it was government sponsored work to try to convert the H-Bomb into a useable energy source. Second is the connection with major cosmological phenomena - down to sub atomic particles. Third - it kinda was dong tesla stuff without ever mentioning his name.
Bostick work, fascinated me for a number of reasons. First, it was government sponsored work to try to convert the H-Bomb into a useable energy source. Second is the connection with major cosmological phenomena - down to sub atomic particles. Third - it kinda was dong tesla stuff without ever mentioning his name.
Bostick work, fascinated me for a number of reasons. First, it was government sponsored work to try to convert the H-Bomb into a useable energy source. Second is the connection with major cosmological phenomena - down to sub atomic particles. Third - it kinda was dong tesla stuff without ever mentioning his name.