After the best part of a decades research, Winston H. Bostick concluded in December 1956, that his research teams attempts at fusion, via plasma discharges over magnetic fields, had resulted in self organising structures that pointed to how everything from sub-atomic particles to galaxies were formed. [Newspaper Clippings]
Bostick, W. H. (1957). Experimental Study of Plasmoids. Physical Review, 106(3), 404–412.
“By firing simultaneously two or more plasmoids across a magnetic field it has been possible to produce cooperative phenomena which, in geometrical form, suggest the simulation of the production of spiral galaxies and astronomical barred spirals. There is hence some promise that it will be possible to study these astronomical processes in the laboratory.” - Bostick, W. H. (1957)
Bostick, W. H. (1956). Experimental Study of Ionized Matter Projected across a Magnetic Field. Physical Review, 104(2), 292–299.
MFMP research over the past several years supports his teams hypothesis, this will be discussed.
LIVESTREAM 20 March 2022, 22:00 CET
Slides will be published here following presentation.
Extremely profound presentation, thanks Bob. So basically, we find the same life-creating vortextual plasma process at any scale be it galaxies or atoms. Exactly what Matsumoto has said all along in his writings.
Bob, My actual astonishment remains actualized. Thank you for that. Curbina's comment below also means a lot to me in this area of knowledge. Best to Kim and children. Peace.