I'm just going to give you some of my thoughts about what I have picked up from browsing your material over the last few days in relation to what is in my forthcoming book. Firstly, do you know why Tom Bearden should have chosen the name 'Fer de Lance' for his book? I'd really like to know that, because it's by no means insignificant, especially when it comes to polygonal masonry in South America and probably elsewhere. I know the name refers to a viper, but what distinguishes these snakes from others is their triangular heads.

I was very interested in parts of your video, 'Why did our Field not Get it in 1995?', which I intend to study more carefully. At around 26 minutes, you discuss the Russian paper, on page of 466 of which there is an illustration of an 'H' shaped pinch plasma formation. Does that look at all familiar to you, bearing in mind our earlier discussions about certain blocks at Puma Punku? In my own research I have also come across this shape, but in a different context: cymatic patterns, which are actually standing formations of Faraday waves. They occur at the boundary conditions between two fluids - such as air and water - and behave as macroscopic versions of pilot waves. People who study fluid dynamics have used Faraday waves to model the double slit experiment in quantum mechanics. The results of their modelling implies something very different from the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory and they are perplexed as to why no quantum or particle physicists are interested in their findings. (I may be cynical, but it may have something to do with maintaining funding for the cargo cult known as CERN).

At about 24 minutes in the same video you mention the finding that the toroidal microsparks decay to regular hexagons within a few days. I may be oversimplifying this work, so please correct me if I am, but it is as if the hexagon is a kind of footprint left by a plasmoid (EVO) on a material surface, or boundary. The geometry of the hexagon is very interesting, because it expresses the mathematical constant known as the radian. At its simplest, the length of each of a hexagon's sides is equal to the radian of a circle within which it is inscribed where the circumference of the circle joins the hexagon's vertices together. Take a look at this image of the Saturn's northern axis of rotation: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PIA20513_-_Basking_in_Light.jpg

Scale invariance isn't just about fractals.

Mathematical constants are not the same as the constants of nature, such as the speed of light. The latter is not a constant of nature anyway. The data have been fudged on that for years, because relativity is now a dogma and most scientists have been schooled in ignorance; as I had been before I rediscovered Plato and Pythagoras.

Anyway, I should do other things now. I'd be grateful if you could send me any links you consider important pertaining to the conical formations that emerge from EVOs under certain circumstances. I may have something to share on that too. Many thanks.

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Excellent. Thank you for sending me all of the links Bob, all of which will prove useful. I note that the LM patent was published in July 2013 and my encounter with the two aerospace engineers was in November of that year. I first came across the Bohm-Ahramov effect through the work of Andrija Pujarich, who addresses the physics of cloaking in his book, 'Beyond Telepathy'. Pujarich, who had worked for the CIA, explores how pilot waves may account for psi phenomena and biological processes, rather than their potential in military technologies. Incidentally, Pujarich's friend was the inventor of the helicopter Arthur M. Young, who said some interesting things about the geometry of the torus that might relate to pilot wave non-locality.

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I wrote about Andrija Pujarich


And, as you can see - I re-mastered CIA documents



And referred to other here


I believe that all of these phenomena, and LENR are, at least in part, due to the fractal toroidal moment interaction with the coherent condensate of dark matter that pervades the entire universe.




In this way, one can send a message using this means, instantaneously to any point in the universe. The information can be stored in the Akashic record, and moreover, it can be retrieved at any subsequent time at any other point in the universe.

This is the basis for Remote Viewing.

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Ah yes, remote viewing. I won't get started on the Nazca lines! This short clip is Arthur Young's explanation of the torus and space plus time. I think he implies how Einstein was wrong by adopting Minkowski's simplification of special relativity so that time becomes just like another dimension of space. It's not: https://youtu.be/BbF82VvNFtQ

I look forward to following your links, I must get on with putting together my food forest.

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Pattern formation in a driven Bose–Einstein condensate

"The D6 pattern, in particular, arises from a resonant wave-mixing process that establishes phase coher-ence of the excitations that respect the symmetry."


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Look at the patterns, consider what we have seen before.


Now review the Solin patent (priority 1992) Please see my commentary - Note, Solin refers to the need for 'electron bunching' to facilitate coherence as mentioned in the Lockheed Martin Corporation patent.

Solin 1997 awarded (now expired) 1992 priority patent


My translation with comments


At the end - I specify that I believe the LION reactor "demonstrates all of the signature[s] of a quantum coherent [matter] reactor"


Solin dismissed direct electricity generation version of the 1992 patent.


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On my October 2018 presentation in Sochi, Russia - the two spots around the central spot is my interpretation of the physical data I had seen up till that point.


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Here is the paper by Tonomura that is referenced in the Patent which discusses the AB effect.


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I gave this a read and the very beginning reminded me of a paper I read afew years ago that I found interesting so I thought I should mention it here. The paper provided compelling evidence towards what I consider is the correct interpretation of uni-polar induction. http://przyrbwn.icm.edu.pl/APP/PDF/131/a131z2p12.pdf

At the time I interpreted these results to mean that the current generating potential associated with a magnetic field inside a magnet when used for uni-polari induction is not necessarily tied to the rotation of the physical matter. Not strictly related but I thought I'de throw it out there.

At the time I had afew emails back and forth with the owner of the http://conspiracyoflight.com/ website where he described his work with the.

'''Marinov "impossible" motor working on Tonomura's vector-potential A force (literally the force of vortex rotation around the magnetic lines!)'''

Here's a video of his experiment.


I thought this might be interesting as it shows (if I understand correctly) that perhaps some of this effect can easily be witnessed in the home lab with simple magnetic fields. This isn't exactly related though so I apologize if it's off topic.

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Always share - sometimes it is not always easy to recognise why the mind find something relevant.

Interesting paper.

That is for sure an unusual motor

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They are looking to cohere and correlate matter on a very small scale - high frequency EM waves configured to produce scalar effects will get damped extremely quickly, however ELF can travel vast distances, even through the earth without attenuation. That may be why the DUGA antenna had to be so big. In the case of locally produced Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVOs)- once these are made, according to Ken Shoulders 1980s book, he states that they act as mono-pole oscillators - this makes them both transmitters and receivers of scalar energy/waves. This means that they can transmit scalar energy vast distances - likewise, scalar energy can be absorbed from vast distances. What Dr. Alexander Parkhomov proved from the 1980s on, is that EVOs at some some quanta are present throughout the cosmos. When that is understood, it presents the possibility of trapping the natural flux of these in scalar transmitter field interference wells and energising them at great distances to produce Macro EVO clusters at a distance - these can then ride the interference field minima by phase shifting and by acting on them - driving them or disheveling them you can raise or lower the temperature of surrounding air or by use of frequency shifting cause them to cluster further for other applications.

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Hey Bob, Just signed up as a member, I think it's great you've made a place where we can follow your work and all interact. I really enjoyed this video, and this is really great information! It's really going to help me see this whole "scalar" wave stuff from a more quantum perspective. Until now I've been stuck seeing it more from the perspective of some kind of hyper-dimensional effect or something.

The part about resonant cavities also really got me interested. I've been some what curious about the experiments of Wilhelm Reich and his orgone accumulators. I've never really had a good understanding for why such containers with layered dielectrics and conductors might be accumulating "scalar" energy or cold neutrinos. I would be curious to hear your thoughts on this if you have ever given it any thought.

His containers were much larger than the nanometer scale mentioned in this patent. So I am left wondering if they were accumulating much lower energy or coherent matter with much larger resonant cavities.

Anyways I very much look forward to following your work here, and should your youtube channel ever get scrubbed I can help repost it all elsewhere perhaps as I think I have most of the videos downloaded at this point.

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Hi Peter,

Great to see you here. I have believed for a long time that so called 'orgone energy' is Cold Neutrinos clusters. These are EVOs at a quanta. EVOs according to Ken Shoulders are monopole oscillators and therefore accumulators and transmitters of scalar energy.

I think you need to read the work of Simon Schnoll. Essentially Schnoll is saying that time and 'random' processes are driven by a common cosmo-physical factor. Even biology, perception of time.


Parkhomov has proved that the Cold Neutrinos can be reflected by a metal parabolic dish.


It has been proved that these quanta can accumulate in water


I think that is all you need

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Thanks so much for the insightful reply! I will give Simon Schnoll's book a read! Now that you mention Parkhomov's book If I remember correctly, it said he used layered dielectric, conductor diffraction gratings to focus the cold neutrinos as well. Also the EVO's don't like to travel through interfaces of dielectrics and conductors (where there is a change in impedance) if I understand correctly from your work. I'm leaning more towards the later point as the potential reason they might accumulate inside the boxes with layered coatings as it makes it hard for them to get out. But perhaps the diffraction effect Parkhomov used might be related too.

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Not just diffraction, but partial reflection also.

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Well that would do it :) Time for me to go back and re-read Space Earth Human and a second time!

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That is a good idea, there some very important discoveries in there - one of which is more significant that most which I will be talking to here in the coming weeks.

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I suddenly have to think about the talks about DEW, directed energy wapons. It seems to be in use right now in Events arround the world where normal explanations don't work. Excessive bushfires and places where houses burned and trees where OK. Burned cars with all the aluminium melted and flowing in the street. These 'phenomina' can not being explained with standard explanations. I make this connection here.

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The patent claims it can be used as DEW - however, it can also be used to change the optical properties of a volume of space. With a template you can therefore make a VERY LARGE lens in the sky and focus the suns rays.

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OK, interesting, we all know what we can do with a lens.....especially when you can stear the focus where you want. Many bushfires started in the night though.

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Ok, I really don’t want to turn this on a Conspiracy talk discussion, but it seems all roads lead to Rome, so to speak. About the DEW, besides the controversial allegations and photographic evidence to support them that Dr. Judy Woods published more than a decade ago, and the much more recent allegations about their use for causing the “California Fires”, when the latest California Fires erupted a few months ago, one rather popular YouTuber who keeps a constant eye in satellite images managed to capture images of what looked like a huge beam being aimed for hours to the particular location of one of the fires. Here’s one of the color enhanced clips as the original one was hard to see in a small screen. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CRPKPJR1k5Q

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No conspiracy Theory here I hope. but facts matter....Thanks for finding this link, I have seen Dutchsince 'capturing' more of the images. This makes clear 'someting' comes from the north and than someting in the south catches fire. ....

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Dutchsinse seems to think whatever these rays are, comes from something in orbit, AFAIK. Anyway, for me was a real shocker to see the Lockheed Martin patent talk directly and in open terms about something that has been long considered to be science fiction, and also to know that this patent was awarded, so there’s probably products based on it.

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It would appear there are the tools to do the potentially observed phenomena.

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This is obviously a patent intended to explain how to make beams of Exotic Vacuum Objects.

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Yes it is. One implementation would be Tesla's Death Ray on steroids.

FBI release indicates that Nikola Tesla's 'Death Ray', invented around 1932, was something that looked a lot like a pulsed beam of 100um EVOs ('microscopic electric particles of matter') from a Tungsten or Mercury (liquid metal electrode as later placed into Ken Shoulders EVO generator patent) electrode in an open ended novel dry steam jet induced vacuum tube using a 50,000,000 V accelerating potential.


Tip off: ‎Francois Toussaint‎


Tip off: Sam Parsons.

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Watched it, It was very interesting that all the applications that a coherent beam of mass particles were included in the patent. One can only wonder what products they have developped around it. The part of the video where you talked about projecting a plane over a missile, I can't help but think you were thinking in 9/11, and also in the famous "Nose out" video.

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Hi Curbina, Interesting, have you got a link to that?

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It’s a controversial idea about all the footage of 9/11 events being a mass delusion, but the mechanism you described could explain this particular observation, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8FYVT-wCE00

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I really enjoyed Bob's video too. I was laughing so hard during the part where he was talking about a plane hologram potentially sticking through a building as I swore he was alluding to the 911 nose out video but not mentioning it explicitly. Now I feel like I was laughing because I read into it too much ;) Anyways I really enjoyed it and I'm happy to see other people also thought he was talking about it too.

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Have to admit I thought exactly the same, the nose out video has been around since 2006 or maybe earlier (the guy who created that material amongst much other calls himself Simon Shack), but I thought Bob was directly referencing it with his missile/plane/building example.

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If one also considers what you mention in your video and what the patent claims about the AB effect enabling the use of coherent matter beams to create directed energy weapons (DEW), another 9/11 connection shows up, if one has ever heard of the controversial ideas of Dr. Judy Wood. I don’t mean to turn this discussion into a Conspiracy talk, but I could not help to make the connection, sorry for that.

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This is a free speech zone.

You draw some potentially valid parallels.

The patent expressly states what can be done. LMC is a military technology contractor, one would think that these stated applications would be developed first.

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