Dutchsinse seems to think whatever these rays are, comes from something in orbit, AFAIK. Anyway, for me was a real shocker to see the Lockheed Martin patent talk directly and in open terms about something that has been long considered to be science fiction, and also to know that this patent was awarded, so there’s probably products based on it.
Dutchsinse seems to think whatever these rays are, comes from something in orbit, AFAIK. Anyway, for me was a real shocker to see the Lockheed Martin patent talk directly and in open terms about something that has been long considered to be science fiction, and also to know that this patent was awarded, so there’s probably products based on it.
Dutchsinse seems to think whatever these rays are, comes from something in orbit, AFAIK. Anyway, for me was a real shocker to see the Lockheed Martin patent talk directly and in open terms about something that has been long considered to be science fiction, and also to know that this patent was awarded, so there’s probably products based on it.
It would appear there are the tools to do the potentially observed phenomena.