Condensed cluster of RELIC neutrinos is a collective behaviour.
Can a polariton condensate discriminate between spin and non spin nuclei?
Can they produce 'footprints' and swept materials?
Can they be focussed?
How do they cause inverse beta decay where only the maximum beta energy is observed?
Have they been shown to transport atoms thro…
Condensed cluster of RELIC neutrinos is a collective behaviour.
Can a polariton condensate discriminate between spin and non spin nuclei?
Can they produce 'footprints' and swept materials?
Can they be focussed?
How do they cause inverse beta decay where only the maximum beta energy is observed?
Have they been shown to transport atoms through metals?
Martin Fleischmann was never able to consider RELICNeutrino condensates and the potential for their analogue technological production (COLD neutrinos), there is also no evidence he was aware of the Toroidal moment and was averse to discussing aspects of the science that related to gravity. See the 1996 Infinite Energy interview (section copied below).
Neutrinos have neither spin or charge, therefore a collective condensate will not have any spin or charge. From Ken Shoulders, we know that the EVO has huge spin but no charge or mass. The polariton have no positive mass or charge and its condensat has huge spin. The polariton condensate has a dark and a bright mode just like the EVO. The neutrino condensate has never been observed.
Nanoplasmonic and optics is an established science with people getting PHDs in that science and there is a load of papers and equations on this subject. The RELIC neutrinos have never been detected and the condensate is speculative.
The polariton condensate has a toroidal condensate called petal. The polariton condensate also has a supersolid nature where the hexagonal shape comes from when the EVO grows large. Neutrinos have none. No one has ever shown neutrinos can become coherent. You don't demain proof from Parkhomov about the neutrino theory and his reflector experiment could be actioned by any LENR activated particle. I now think that reflected particle is the zero mass long ranged Z and W boson coming from the EVO. These particles come from the anti universe vacuum nature of the EVO.
The EVO as dark matter has an anti gravity property called MOND that is enabled through the EVOs superfluidic nature of the condensate.
And EVO can have variable charge, The words of Ken I transcribed from his only on-camera appearance said he could vary their charge 100 billion to 1. They can shield mass.
Anapoles cannot be interacted with by electric or magnetic fields or waves, however, they can be interacted with by external electromagnetic currents.
EVOs have closed electromagnetic currents.
Furthermore, from the reference of one of my recent live streams.
Helical Solenoid Model of the Electron (PROGRESS IN PHYSICS) 2018
"We have shown that massive cosmological relics are not classical gasses. If they have attractive interactions or are fermions, they instead are a super-fluid....
...Cosmic background neutrinos must exist. They are a super-fluid, and their self-interactions are a gravita- tional theory. These dynamics arise in the SM, which is a renormalizable quantum field theory. We suggest that this may actually be the gravity that we observe."
The EVO is a condensate of atoms, electrons and photons that was once visible matter but now acts as a single cold atom that does not interact in any way with the universe. Having once been visible matter, one of the indicators that the EVO is dark matter is that the EVO satisfies the Tully–Fisher relation (TFR). In the dark matter paradigm, a galaxy's rotation velocity is determined by the mass of the dark matter halo in which the visible matter is embedded, establishing a connection between visible and dark matter mass. The relationship between visible and dark matter begins when particle generation processes in stars create the metal nanoparticles that act like a seed that will eventually cool below their superconductor threshold when this nano-dust finds its way into cold space. The EVO is a special state derived from superconductivity in a condensed matter system that transforms visible matter into non interacting dark matter. Once the visible matter is transformed into dark matter, the dark matter becomes disconnected from the universe that it lives in by a domain wall enabled by a reversal of the vacuum state within the EVO. In effect, the change in the vacuum state of the EVO creates another universe. Superconductivity creates a tachyonic based anti vacuum with a vacuum field potential that is opposite in curvature to that of our universe. The superconductive transition enabled by a Higgs mode based condensed matter system also transforms the spacetime inside the EVO to anti de-Sitter space through tachyon condensation.
Condensed cluster of RELIC neutrinos is a collective behaviour.
Can a polariton condensate discriminate between spin and non spin nuclei?
Can they produce 'footprints' and swept materials?
Can they be focussed?
How do they cause inverse beta decay where only the maximum beta energy is observed?
Have they been shown to transport atoms through metals?
Martin Fleischmann was never able to consider RELICNeutrino condensates and the potential for their analogue technological production (COLD neutrinos), there is also no evidence he was aware of the Toroidal moment and was averse to discussing aspects of the science that related to gravity. See the 1996 Infinite Energy interview (section copied below).
F: Well, it is the interaction of physical chemistry and theory. You know, it is the combination
of knowledge. Your knowledge base which would make you pose the question, "Is it not possible
to induce anomalous nuclear reactions from deuterium in palladium?"
T: So, you would say that an electrochemist is rather like someone standing where three
countries meet?
F: Yes. A gas-phase man wouldn't think of it all.
T: Are you interested in any other, shall we say, "controversial" areas of science at all? Are
there any things which most people would perhaps dismiss, but perhaps you have a less certain
F: Yes. Well, cold fusion is part of a much wider area, and I have been really quite uncertain
that our theory and understanding of condensed matter is at all satisfactory. However, I'm not
interested in some of the more extreme ideas which have been put forward and which interest
you, you know in the future of energy.
T: I will say that some of this gravity modification stuff does, in fact, appear to have a
theoretical basis as well as some experimental evidence...
F: Well, if you think about gravitation, until we have a unified field theory, then you can't be
sure what is going to happen.
T: Even Frank Close said that we don't know much about gravity, and anything might happen.
F: We really have an incomplete understanding. This will change, but there are one or two
notable exceptions, which I don't want to talk about now. We have no understanding of quantum
gravity and until that happens we can't be sure that nature won't play some rather strange tricks.
As I told you when we were talking before, we had about four projects which we were working
towards, one was to do with gravitation, one was actually to do with the behavior of electrons in
metals. We actually started to collect equipment together to investigate the behavior of electrons
in metals. But...
I have told you there have been certain themes which have run through my work, although
they have never really been disclosed. I have often worked on topics where something short of
the final answer would nevertheless be quite interesting.
When I think about what I have done, I find that I have failed to achieve any of my longer term
T: A pretty impressive failure, surely?
F: I have been content with what I have achieved, but I have not achieved what I wanted to
T: Which was?
F: To gain a better understanding of condensed matter. In order to do so, as with the cold
fusion story, I find the answers to the global questions have eluded me.
Neutrinos have neither spin or charge, therefore a collective condensate will not have any spin or charge. From Ken Shoulders, we know that the EVO has huge spin but no charge or mass. The polariton have no positive mass or charge and its condensat has huge spin. The polariton condensate has a dark and a bright mode just like the EVO. The neutrino condensate has never been observed.
Nanoplasmonic and optics is an established science with people getting PHDs in that science and there is a load of papers and equations on this subject. The RELIC neutrinos have never been detected and the condensate is speculative.
The polariton condensate has a toroidal condensate called petal. The polariton condensate also has a supersolid nature where the hexagonal shape comes from when the EVO grows large. Neutrinos have none. No one has ever shown neutrinos can become coherent. You don't demain proof from Parkhomov about the neutrino theory and his reflector experiment could be actioned by any LENR activated particle. I now think that reflected particle is the zero mass long ranged Z and W boson coming from the EVO. These particles come from the anti universe vacuum nature of the EVO.
The EVO as dark matter has an anti gravity property called MOND that is enabled through the EVOs superfluidic nature of the condensate.
You need to read one of the references to the key paper in one of my recent live streams. It may make my recent statements clearer.
Anapole dark matter (Physics Letters B) peer reviewed major journal
And EVO can have variable charge, The words of Ken I transcribed from his only on-camera appearance said he could vary their charge 100 billion to 1. They can shield mass.
Anapoles cannot be interacted with by electric or magnetic fields or waves, however, they can be interacted with by external electromagnetic currents.
EVOs have closed electromagnetic currents.
Furthermore, from the reference of one of my recent live streams.
Helical Solenoid Model of the Electron (PROGRESS IN PHYSICS) 2018
"In 2013, Ho and Scherrer [27] hypothesized that Dark
Matter is formed by neutral subatomic particles. These particles
of cold dark matter interact with ordinary matter only
through an anapole electromagnetic moment, similar to the
toroidal magnetic moment described above. These particles
are called Majorana fermions, and they cannot have any other
electromagnetic moment apart from the toroid moment."
The Toroidal moment is what a fractal EVO, as determined by physical phantom witness marks on Hutchison sample, has.
Emergent Electroweak Gravity - Bob McElrath, CERN theory group
"We have shown that massive cosmological relics are not classical gasses. If they have attractive interactions or are fermions, they instead are a super-fluid....
...Cosmic background neutrinos must exist. They are a super-fluid, and their self-interactions are a gravita- tional theory. These dynamics arise in the SM, which is a renormalizable quantum field theory. We suggest that this may actually be the gravity that we observe."
The EVO is a condensate of atoms, electrons and photons that was once visible matter but now acts as a single cold atom that does not interact in any way with the universe. Having once been visible matter, one of the indicators that the EVO is dark matter is that the EVO satisfies the Tully–Fisher relation (TFR). In the dark matter paradigm, a galaxy's rotation velocity is determined by the mass of the dark matter halo in which the visible matter is embedded, establishing a connection between visible and dark matter mass. The relationship between visible and dark matter begins when particle generation processes in stars create the metal nanoparticles that act like a seed that will eventually cool below their superconductor threshold when this nano-dust finds its way into cold space. The EVO is a special state derived from superconductivity in a condensed matter system that transforms visible matter into non interacting dark matter. Once the visible matter is transformed into dark matter, the dark matter becomes disconnected from the universe that it lives in by a domain wall enabled by a reversal of the vacuum state within the EVO. In effect, the change in the vacuum state of the EVO creates another universe. Superconductivity creates a tachyonic based anti vacuum with a vacuum field potential that is opposite in curvature to that of our universe. The superconductive transition enabled by a Higgs mode based condensed matter system also transforms the spacetime inside the EVO to anti de-Sitter space through tachyon condensation.