
This broadcast should be interesting as I chat with many scientists and actually helped an amateur friend of mine do experiments on electrons in metals with an oscilloscope to prove that electrons are actually toroidal just like the universe that recycles the matter in the universe. I just chatted with a mainstream scientist on academia on this very subject. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.


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Thanks for joining Richard

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Reviewing the papers, I can sense how insight and understanding can unfold overtime in the space between our ears, yet the gnawing simplicity of what actually is, and how we harness what is -- via choices, remains "macro-nic." I just notice that so often Spin is how we take hold of any/all forms of Reality. I mix paint, for example. That you chose to do this work, and we all chose to hear you and have a look-see, greatly expands our abilities to optimize those choices. Mike Levin on "micro-agency" in cells is making more and more sense, for example. Best wishes for the next presentation, Bob!

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Have just read 2 of the 3 papers. So many questions.. where is an electron during position changes? Are the Vortex Ring Fractals totally in our dimensions? Are they powered by the flow of another dimension? Or are they fluctuating in and out of quantum existence? Is half the vortex ring in another dimension? Fascinating theories in these papers and clear diagrams. It does make sense this VRF Theory. Great find, well done.

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-By the way I think you put the wrong link. The last two links you put are the exact same thing, But I think are supposed to be two separate papers

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Thanks, Fixed

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Very amazing work by Pavel Osmera! Great find. Can’t wait for the presentation.

Perhaps the deity of the 4 pairs he is referring to is Ogdoad? Earliest findings of depictions showing the “eightfold god” Go back to the 13th century bc. Interestingly this is the same time period of the image of “Egyptian King Tut-E’s signet ring on show at the Louvre”, which has been floating in my files for the past 4 years and perhaps you will find it interesting, link: (https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scarab_of_king_Tut-E_22807-Egypte_louvre_148.jpg)

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Hey this was an absolutely fantastic presentation by Andras. I was delighted as it provided a really good clarification for some of the work by Konstantin Meyl. He always just glossed over the fact that it all worked by using physical constants instead of SI constants by referring to it as a "potential vortex" where the speed of light was what actually determined the size of the electron. He deduced many of the same fundamental constants, but he never showed the fractal torus geometry for the electron of proton (only for neutrino and photon). This really clarified things for me. I thought it was also fantastic how Andras constantly clarified that his Bohr style atom example was purely an example and that the electron orbit field did actually fit to schrodingers orbital shapes. I really would love some kind of visual illustration of how one can take this fractal donut and actually get one of the more complex schrodinger orbitals out of it. I have no doubt it's possible but it would either require some kind of pulsation in the electron spin radius or it would require a pretty contorted donut :).

Anyways onto my question, on the slide visible at 42:50 in the reply, Andras shows the connection between the electric field and magnetic field showing they can both be used to deduce the total KeV. I believe he also illustrate his solution was consistent with the fine structure constant 137' or whatever it is. I'm curious if the ratio of his orbitals falls into the D4D sizing, The proton structure at 1:00:44 shows the D4D size clearly. https://youtu.be/Hnpxr8YWb3k?t=3644

Poloidal radius 0.21 fm

Toroidal radius 0.587 fm

One can learly see that D would be 2*0.21 = 0.42

And the total width of the donut would be 4D 2*0.587+2*0.21 = 1.594

Which is pretty dang close to D4D.

I'm curious about the electron though about how many rings he supposes it as, I suspect the research of Pavel is going to give a solid derivation of the number of rings and whether D4D perfectly matches for the electron too. I very much look forward to your interview with him too.

Thanks Andras for your great work and solid presentation!

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I think that if you spun a toroid around its axis in at least one other axis, it would appear as a spere - it its rest frame it is a torus. For more complicated charge distributions, on has to move it in an orbit around the other matter. Still it is a torus.

In one of Pavel papers, he says that the number of rings should be even and that in his estimates so far, 42. This is not definitive, neither is my estimate of 48, but 42 is close to 48 and vice versa.

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Very true I hadn't even thought of the torus spinning! perhaps the strange shapes are because the spin is very very fast, like some integer divisor/multiple of the time it takes for the electron to complete an orbit. I'm always so impressed by the quality of questions and dialog during these calls as well :)

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Yes, think of the path of an asteroid moving though our solar system on a very convoluted path. Then speed that up 100 billion times and show the location cloud of the particle.

In our case, the particle is not an asteroid, but the helical toroidal charge structure.

I argue that the charge is moving over a self similar fractal toroidal structure based on observations which, it turns out, is in line with the work of Pavel Osmera.

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The Christ Psyop ( Intelligence Agency Operation )


There exists a particularly dangerous psyop, within the deepest bowels of intelligence agencies, and even connected into the occult world of secret societies which President Kennedy warned us about in his speech to the press organization.

The program is not unlike the MKULTRA programs used against Black Panther activists in the '80s and '90s or other COINTELPRO-style programs, however, given the high level of development of this program, and its covert integration with many digital online platforms ( including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Substack & others ), the current program is provably much more dangerous & effective.

The program aims to idenify rising powers in sensitive fields ( such as politicians, activists, energy scientists, or political musicians ) and then to build a cult-following around them, as either controlled opposition or hostile allies, or often both.

The program will begin engineering their YouTube algorithm ( or other media channels ) to nudge their belief system towards believing they are a great reincarnated hero ( ie: Jesus, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Arthur, etc)

This is possible because Google has deep connections to the State House, as has been docmented by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in his book "When Google Met Wikileaks", as well as being an organization originally funded by C.I.A. money.

The intention of this program is to build occult groups near or around that target individual, to provide leverage over or against them, without being connected to any government agencies, as such.

Community members will be carefully selected, then engineered by intelligence contractors to partake in extremist views, often targeting outliers, outlaws & queers, who have had a tough life and may be easily malleable or recruitable.

In essence, the program seeks to engineer third-party interest groups with either ulterior or hostile intentions around targeted individuals, often contriving pseudo-scientific or gnostic narratives about why they need to be sacrificed or killed, utilizing pseudo-scientific or religious belief systems against vulnerable community members to create "disciples" for these state-funded false messiahs.

The false messiah's own belief in his royal lineage will ultimately synergize with the intentions of the program, as those beliefs will encourage the aforementioned "engineered third-parties" to take action against them.

They will even go to such lengths as to fabricate multiple third-party interest groups around a single target ( now false-messiah ) which are opposed to one another, to create the appearance of a widespread & diverse historical legitimacy.

For example, one third-party group may be trained to believe the target is Jesus, and the other group trained to believe he is Arthur, creating a political schism between the interest groups, who are engineered based on opposing narratives.

In another permutation, one group may believe him Jesus, and the other group, Satan. Given the rich mythological database available, the possibilities are nearly endless.


In the case where the nature of the operation is discerned by the target, the program will employ contractors to dissuade the target's claims of Government involvement, instead pointing fingers at non-government organizations. The contractor will continually attempt to provoke & criticize the target, to remove his legitimacy from the community, often by citing his flaws or narcisstic traits.

By utilizing intelligence contractors, or better yet, third-party disciples generated by intelligence operations, the State bears little-to-no risk of exposure or investigation against its illegal actions taken in the pursuit of derailing threats & manufacturing consent of peers to do violence against the targeted person(s).


I'll admit, it is very well engineered: They almost managed to fool me. This whole resurrection conspiracy is but a tool of a very advanced intelligence operation, designed to isolate, traumatize, depattern, all the while polarizing communities & fabricating grounds for the targeting of special-interest persons by engineered extremist religious parties.

They targeted me because of my connection to water-fuel & other classified science information & publication. Anyone who i familiar with my work is aware that I have reverse-engineered the functioning of Stan Meyer's water-powered car, which exists as an expired patent in both America & Canada. With Bob's help, of course!

Rest in Peace, Stanley Meyer & Eugene Mallove, two previous victims of energy science suppression, and two of my heroes, these murdered scientists, who had the means to save the world from this tyranny, and were punished for it.

Check out my blog on substack, too! arcanus.substack.com

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Just my 2 cents, but the notion of a spinning torus morphing into a sphere is reminiscent of the Super-Structure in the movie CONTACT, wherein the spin of the machine's double-circular-rings does indeed coalesce into a sphere. Always enjoyed that part....Cheers,,,PS yes, great discussion. Love how Axil Axil is pushing back with the Higgs field and the no-particle electron. Time for popcorn, says Joe Layman!

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Dr. Randell Mills developed a model of the electron in atomic hydrogen , which predicts the common occurrence of a smaller diameter, and lower rest energy form of atomic hydrogen he called hydrino. Many experiments confirm the predicted physical properties of hydrino. The catalyzed hydrino reaction in the surface plasma of stars is the source of a major part of the light radiated by visible stars. Hydrino is a major constituent of dark atomic mass in galaxies. Brilliant Light Power has developed a 250 kW hydrino reactor that uses hydrogen as a chemical fuel for the hydrino reaction, releasing 200X the energy of burning hydrogen with oxygen. The chemical energy released by the catalyzed hydrino reaction allows hydrogen fuel to be supplied by hydrolysis of water extracted from the atmosphere by condensation of water vapor, even in the driest regions. Hydrino must be accounted for in theory of matter in all phases, including ball lightning. brilliantlightpower.com/gem-2023-presentation-boston-march-7-2023/

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We are well aware of Mills' work, however Mills specifically states that there are NO nuclear reactions going on in his devices, which means it is an outlier and therefore, whatever he claims is going on is not the same thing as the entire rest of the field and is therefore not a focus of this channel.

The weird thing is, he is literally doing EXACTLY what was described by Tesla (liquid metal disruptive discharge into water gas environment) in 1932 to create "electrical particles of matter"



- and essentially Shoulders was doing with liquid metal disruptive discharges (high dI/dt) to create EVOs (which are electrical particles of matter) - but somehow, uniquely, Mills has his own private universe, where these things don't appear, nor do the transmutations they enable.

He has had failure of W reactor structure / components in exact same way as many other LENR researchers

- David Hudson, SAFIRE, https://youtu.be/cwbCDSkRwvs

- Tadahiko Mizuno, https://remoteview.substack.com/p/transmuting-tungsten-02

- Simon Brink, https://remoteview.substack.com/p/transmuting-tungsten-01#details

- Henk Jurrien, https://youtu.be/lvtzxt9Duz4

- David Boutilier, https://remoteview.substack.com/p/brownohmasa-gas-effect-replication

- Greenyer/Ohmasa - https://youtu.be/xucI4GkQa-g

but he attributes it to just heat - which is comical when copper pipes immediately adjacent are intact in his own photos. No analysis done of disrupted metals

Then, he shares videos of steel reactor chambers disrupting and breaching where the colour temperature never goes beyond yellow/orange before breach - which IS indicative of EVO based, primarily non-thermal metal disruption but NOT heat driven melting failure.

Moreover, he uses Carbon to contain the reaction, something I recommended publicly to stop these failures. Of course Tesla had already established that Carbon was the most resistant element to what is actually going on by 1893 where he used it in his 'carbon button light bulb'.

This is just a few examples of Mills photos/videos/lack of analysis and actual actions that show to me that he has most likely not got his own private universe, and that he is in fact creating macro quantum objects akin to ball lightning and these things are what are doing these processes and necessitating his actions in his work.

I am not suggesting that smaller hydrogen is impossible, the process creates, at least for a time, smaller everything in the coherent matter state, but to say that there is no nuclear reactions going on, or that commonly observed phenomena due to coherent matter is uniquely not responsible for facsimile observations in his work, appears disingenuous.

Lastly, we are an open, volunteer research organisation, and BrLP is patented up to the eyeballs and very trigger happy on litigation and aggressive legal threats - the only video MFMP has been forced to remove since starting our channel in 2012 was because of a threat by BrLP.

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A measured critical analysis of all things BrLP, Bob. Best synopsis I have read in context of all things MFMP/LENR. Very helpful. Kudos. PS in your response to M. Clarage, I note that you lean into getting useful work out of these buggers. My mind is constantly drawn into the artifacts/witness marks and how/what MUST have done them. Fashioning diorite into Ramses will be solved. Cheers.

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Of course, I hope they deliver a working energy solution - but, just because it achieves utility, doesn't make the theory correct.

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"The strange filaments, each of which stretches five to 10 light years through space, resemble the dots and dashes of morse code on a vast scale. They spread out from the galactic centre 25,000 light years from Earth like fragmented spokes on an enormous wheel.

Farhad Yusef-Zadeh, an astronomer at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, said he was “stunned” to discover the structures in data taken by the MeerKAT radio telescope in the Northern Cape of South Africa."

Are we surprised? Nope.

Also, these threads appear to be being emitted from the black hole:

"The shorter, horizontal threads that spread out from the centre of the Milky Way came into focus when the scientists removed the background and filtered noise from the MeerKAT images. Yusef-Zadeh believes the structures, described in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, formed through a different process to the larger, vertical filaments.

He suspects that an outburst of material from the black hole about 6m years ago slammed into surrounding stars and gas clouds, creating streaks of hot plasma that point back towards the black hole. The effect is akin to blowing blobs of paint across a canvas with a hairdryer.

“The outflow from the black hole interacts with the objects it meets and distorts their shape,” Yusef-Zadeh said. “It’s sufficient to blow everything in the same direction.”

By studying the cosmic threads, astronomers hope to understand more about the spin of the Milky Way’s central black hole and the accretion disc of infalling material that whirls around it."

Why, they are just like "the frozen filaments" observed around the EVO strikes - so, quite possibly EVOs streaming out from the "Black Hole" (as per VEGA). There may also be some streaming in - I wouldn't discount it.

Still, more fractal behaviour - Black Hole / VEGA.

Yet they go on pushing the gravitation-only model - as in "infalling material". NO, the (99.9% plasma) galaxy is an electromagnetic vortex with an electromagnetic centre. Talk about having to be dragged, kicking and screaming... Ah, well.

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Good spot!

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After sleeping through the video the first time. The second time was more interesting. The neutrino in my theory is a negative charge. The neutron is a negative charge relevant to the summon of the electrons plus the neutron charge, which equals the Protron plus the quirk as the positive charge.

Now we have this when the neutrino acts on the neutron it becomes move negative and so release a electron. If we add HV then you get a cascade affect of electrons. This high negative charge opposes the earth's negative ground effect and also anything else which has the same negative affect.

The only thing is frequency. What is the frequency doing, vibrational effect of electrons or atoms?

Anyway only a theory, and I could be miles off.

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To many theory book read in my youth. lol I could not read his maths as the vlog was poor. Looked like calculus to me. No vector analysis or J notation in it. Oh well.

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I love the toroidal directions.

I keep meaning to go back to the work of Arie DeGeus, http://rexresearch.com/degeus/degeus.htm

Entire formalism of the proton, electron, neutron as toroids.

Plenty of good experimental work also.

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Thanks Michael,

Similar also to Carl Frederick Krafft also (thanks for tip by space case).

It is a shame that these people did not have the ability to analyse their work product more. In the MFMPs work, we started from WHAT happened and then tried to rationalise what nature had actually done rather than starting with a model and hoping an experiment based on that model would deliver results.

We were lucky to have access to so many experiments and to have the bare minimum funds on hand to analyse the samples.

We were then lucky again to have a huge plethora of data points back in time to establish fact from fiction.

We are still on the journey for sure, but knowing that matter can aggregate, cohere and itself force coherence and stability based on sacred geometry with moments that have a mathematical provable basis which also allows us to access energy and the nucleus in a way that is impossible with just traditional ElectroMagnetic waves and fields is very rewarding.

It is such a shame that the pioneers of the understanding are being lost to time.

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Do you know how me and my friend measured the shape of the electron with an oscilloscope?

We made probes out of TV cable that is shielded and grounded. Then we got samples of metals. All kinds. Then we calculated the inductance of the metal bars or rods and then matched these to the proper lengths of the probe wires inductance. This allowed us to place the probes on the two ends of metal bars or rods and the oscilloscope showed the shape of the electrons as all of the electrons in the sample added up to give us a picture on the oscilloscope.


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Cross section?

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The scientists are starting to get better results with spheroid toroid fusion reactors and spherical reactors.



They are starting to get the hang of it but very slowly.


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Yes, this is my argument, they are moving towards what nature wants to do and does with natural ball lightning - of course, it will be easier when you are not fighting nature.

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That's right.


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The universe then appears as a sphere to the earth because the universe spins at pi rads/sec in each of the two universes. The universe is a hologram and the moon, and the sun appear as disks made of light in the sky. They are really just light. They show no aberration at their edges when a photo is taken of them due to this possibility. A person can then calculate the gravity force between the earth and the moon or the earth and the sun using the Casimir effect equations because the moon and the sun are just disks, and the earth is just a disk if a person were on the surface of the moon or the sun. Because the earth is just a disk with the universe spinning the earth on the cross-section on the toroid appears as a sphere to us. The ITER and other fusion reactors use the toroid shape to attempt to work due to this. I use a sphere. The ITER will not work due to this toroid shape as the energy to produce the fusion needs to be as large as the toroid. As a result, the toroid's only achieve about 10% energy to the 100% put into them. My spherical fusion reactor will work as it only needs a fraction of the 100% from the toroid so there will be a large net gain of energy produced. I have used simple basic physics equation to show that the ITER will not work, and I sent these calculations to the ITER, and they yelled at me and blocked me from ever chatting with them again. Due to the hologram effect, if a person were to add energy to their atoms by traveling in a rocket or other craft then the sun and moon will get blue shifted and show up as an object made of atoms and not the light disk that we see in the sky.

The ITER shape.


My star device that should be working soon as I have someone building it currently.


The scientists have it incorrect and will not listen due to their huge egos, so we get taxed out the wazoo.


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The oscilloscope shows an exponentially downslope with sine waves. This is how most differential equations are solved. The reason being is that the universe is a toroid, and the cross-section of the toroid is a circle and where the exponential downslope and sine waves come from. Everything in nature and the universe mimics this due to the PBHP in my spectrum that is red shifted by gravity from the big bang to make all other particles and waves. The earth is being recycled by the toroid as it travels through the universe along this cross-section, so we see the electron as this picture on the oscilloscope. The reason for the exponential is that the universe is being red shifted or expanded exponentially and flashes on and off as first the matter universe and then the anti-matter universe at the Planck time, so the flashing shows up as a sine wave.

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Along the length of the rods or bars.

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I was looking around a bit for an explanation of clifford algebra. Most of them are fairly technical but this one (https://www.av8n.com/physics/clifford-intro.htm#sec-overview) is reasonable. Would have been nice if there would have been a few more examples.

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This just released, Not sure where it is going.


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