Aug 7, 2022Liked by Bob Greenyer

Indeed we are! All that remains to be seen is how far the existing structures need to fall apart before people will have a reason to start looking with an open mind. Great summary, worth printing and putting in the back of any books I lose. They arrived, just haven't had time to 'lose' them yet in worth while places.

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Love it!

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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey Bob,

Here's a first crack at parametric/programatric meshes of rings.

I don't think this really warrants cross posting or anything though just let me know if you want any additions.





Regarding the flower of life pattern, I was thinking a little more and I think one could probably do it using a set of rings like that of 3E from https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1999.tb08773.x

Unfortunately that model is not trivial to design :)

It would make a great deal of sense though as at the core of each connection you have a vortex zero point field. Then you have coupling between each ring with only one neighboring ring. I'm going to have a go at doing it, but the math is going to be complicated I think... "torus knot from twelve doublet loops linked once with each other". I guess for a flower of life I'de want a "torus knot from six doublet rings linked once with each other" (whatever that means ;))

EDIT: I tried to do a flower of life using a similar model to the figure 3e torus knot, and I was able to get a tileable mesh of rings, but looking from above it doesn't look anything like the flower of life ;) Here's the link to the updated script with the additional one function at the bottom https://pastebin.com/ahNywsDc

I have a parametric model for a coil winder based on 3d printable parts I'm working on too that may be of more interest to people. I'll hopefully have a video up about that in a month or so. I'll probably just make the video public though. I really do hope I can replicate the persistent EM effect. This is all a bit woo-woo but part of me is starting to think this stuff may deeply connected with other non visible planes of existence. The whole thing about needing to move the machine to a new place in the lab to generate effects, and the fact it's replicable by some people and not others. Then I've seen enough unrelated channeler's basically saying the same thing as your push model of gravity except that the core of the vortex is essentially some kind of point to connect with source. Then you've got all these alien "ships" which are allegedly sentient.

Are you at all familiar with the work of Penny Kelly and William Levingood? You might be interested to watch from this timestamp for about 3 minutes part https://youtu.be/MFVlBxdPrqc?t=4100 (I will try and track down material and watch it but having watched about 8 hours of her material she seems legit to me). I'm starting to feel people are appearing in my reality that make this stuff look like common knowledge it's kind of amusing, like some kind of Mandela effect ;)

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Hi Peter,

Fantastic work as usual. I need to look at the last reference.

From a skim look at your video, I see you have focussed on a torus. Are you able to produce a sphere? I would like to get a sphere, then take 50% of it and try and boolean a section out of a virtual Cu pipe section and see what the resulting pattern is. Of course, I could do it with part of a toroid as a stand-in.

Can you export a model Torus, and if you achieve it, a sphere for me, taking the relative approximate scales off the analysis of the ball lightning cut in the Cu pipe.

I will look at the other media ASAP.

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Aug 14, 2022Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey Bob, I think I mentioned it towards the end of the video. A sphere is not going to work with uniform tiling. A cylinder is simply a wrapping of a plane in one axis, a torus is a wrapping in both axis. A sphere isn't possible to tile with out having all the chains basically converge in a point at the poles. I am guessing there is a kind of dynamic tiling that may be taking place as can be seen from the brain like crystal structure left behind, so perhaps uniform tiling isn't entirely accurate. Unfortunately mathematically defining these things doesn't really work well for things which are basically a dynamic system that is self assembling into some lowest potential energy state. I can make something where they converge at a point at the poles, but it would look very strange as they would essentially all be stretched into a point. You can get an idea of what this would look like if you set cylinder_count and torus_count to the same value for the borromean_ring_torus function (eg "borromean_ring_torus([10-0.5],[0.5],2,10,10);"). Here's a sample image. https://shareimg.io/ib/z0hhaNupHL

I'm not entirely sure a sphere would look good if I just smoosh it all into a point at the polls, let me know if that's what you want though and I can make it. If you give me the scales for the Cu pipe cut ball lighting I will export the STL and try and scale it to fit the scale. I don't think squishing it too a point though is really very accurate. It would be better to do some kind of spherical mapping of the borromean rings onto a sphere then have some rings just not conform to the normal connection pattern where necessary. Unfortunately this is nearly impossible to do programmatically for me using these tools and a math function.

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Interestingly, all the spheres appear to have a pole where segments come together. This I believe is the weak point that leads to the structures failure and the triangular section of a hollow sphere that Alan Goldwater found in his ULTR experiment.

Here is the relative scale of the holes to gaps between holes. The structure where the mouse is placed is 3.6um diameter


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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

Hey Bob, Yup I triangle section would make sense, but you can't generate a triangle easily by packing a bunch of squares. I think the only way I could do this programatically is if it were a hexagonal tiling like the flower of life balls (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=flower+of+life+mapped+on+sphere&t=ffab&iax=images&ia=images) I can try to make one of those for you in the coming week. Then you can suggest what if any changes you want made to the base hexagonal structure to tile. For example a section of a flower of life ball basically will form a perfect triangle. Just to be clear this isn't to say I don't think the poles have holes in them, I certainly do :) Anyways I'll focus on the flower of life "unit cell" which I can tile onto a sphere. If you see anything that might be useful in thinking what a unit cell rope structure for the flower of life pattern might be, I'de be happy to see it. Currently figure 3E from the paper you mentioned is my best bet but.

Here is an example of how to tile hexagons onto a sphere, I will need to just leave holes at the required twelve pentagonal sites. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46777626/mathematically-producing-sphere-shaped-hexagonal-grid

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Bob Greenyer

The vortex loops and knots on pg. 269 look just like the scalar vortex (phase singularity) tubes formed by coherent light, that follow a Brownian random-walk fractal pattern, what Miles Padgett calls the natural state of light in this video: youtu.be/V06Cs7Cuk7c?t=4128 (1:08:48 - 1:16:00)

(the 3D video of the pattern can be seen here: youtu.be/2hdKXMRKSY8?t=277)

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A little bit, but they are more the result of random walk phase change interference, whereas the Dijkuis postulation is that there is 3 orthogonal quarter toroidal segments that can arrange themselves into 3 lattice structures with varying levels of entropy. In each case they are not really random, but a phase of the structures.

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