LIVESTREAM premiered at 22:30 on 7th August 2022
From inception, the MFMP had 3 aims,
Show to the world there is a new practical primary energy source we call the New Fire
Once shown, help develop peoples understanding of what the New Fire is
Help promote the development and uptake of the New Fire in all its various guises
A non-exhaustive subset of the work we have done towards meeting these three goals is summarised below.
Towards aim 1
Dec 14th 2012, replicated Francesco Celani with 12.5% excess.
Oct. 2013, saw "Gamma", later I determined to be emission of quanta of neutral EVOs, supported by 1995 observations of Matsumoto and 2010s observations of Shishkin et. al.).
Jan 2015 - *GlowStick* 5.2 saw "Signal", later determined to be explosive de-packing of large EVO, producing macro effects in NaI (Tl) scintillator and PSU.
Mid 2017, First observation of "Strange Radiation" / Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) tracks from ECCO Fuel.
September 2017 - clearest ever EVO track in copper oxides of LION crust - Jan/Feb 2018, 'Pseudo-Monopole' EVO structures on inside of LION quartz, flux-loops between monopole structures found on x-rays and then, in predicted form on crust of copper oxides in addition to the LION “paw Prints” lead to the basic 'O' structure (that has two forms Ns and Sn) which is equivalent to the ‘Birdies’ found by many Russian researchers including Bogdanovich et. al., Shishkin et. al.
First connection with Matsumoto data in Oct 2018 following Sochi, Russia, Parkhomov Reaction tables.
2019 Hutchison, Ohmasa data showing BL effects such as transmutation of oxygen into sulphur and fission of W and In - more flux loops, development of ULTR experiment.
2020, Publishing of hypothesised fractal 'O' structure based on observation of quantised structures found on Hutchison sample (feb 17th). First replications of ULTR experiments.
2020-2022, wide replication of ULTR experiments, showing mode of action and potential element synthesis and coherent matter interaction phenomena. VEGA experiments, showing the formation of coherent matter phenomenon, observation of all Strange Radiation phenomena as previously recorded on witness materials, but now caught on video as coherent matter travelling waves, including the nature of their extreme interactions and their birth place in de-stabilisation of coherent matter (ball lightning). Imaging of collapsed coherent matter travelling waves in both ULTR and VEGA experiments.
2019 - 2022 Observation of the crenelated Fe+O hollow microspheres in ULTR and VEGA that exactly match the form of those observed in Hessdalen produced from natural long-lived-plasmoids (Ball Lightning) in Norway. Similar to those produced in our NOVA reactor from 2017.
April 22nd 2022, observation of physical manifestation of fractal toroidal structures as predicted in Feb 2020, on the surface of the VEGA Valley. Sharing this with the Russian Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning community, lead to the revelation of discussions (1995) and mathematical proof (1993) of fractal toroidal EM structures researched during classified soviet era energetics research program which showed how non-physical matter based objects (EVOs) could be produced technologically. These structures could capture zero-point / vacuum fluctuation energy. Contemporary (1994) US DOE funded work regarding Hessdalen BL and later US DOE funded work, (2009), concluded that EM currents initiated by fractal toroidal EM structures, not dependent on physical matter, could over a certain threshold, lead to baryon decay.
Towards aim 2
Transmutation and Baryon decay observed by Hutchison/Shoulders (1979+), Matsumoto (1990+), Solin (1992), Adamenko et. al. 2000+, MFMP 2017+ (signature disappearing matter inside samples and/or SR tracks) explains all observations in the whole Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning field. It is, as clearly stated by Shoulders/Solin - a clustered soliton driven, more specifically a coherent matter based phenomenon as detailed by Solin and it is clear that defence contractors are aware of this to a degree.
In a video by Boyd Bushman, he discusses at the same time, the Neutrino-verse, Hutchison, Anti-Gravity and an energy source well beyond Fusion that Lockheed Martin was researching. Only baryon decay is well beyond fusion - it yields over 166x more energy than DD fusion to 4He.
In the 2009 US DOE funded SLAC associated Fryberger paper, it is stated that the superconducting, superfluid condensate in Ball Lightning is able to decay baryons and then convert that matter to light and leptons with 90% efficiency with a proportion escaping confinement being neutrinos.
Shishkin concludes that String Vortex Solitons (SVS) could possibly be clusters of neutrinos because of how they decay beta isotopes, but they could also be pure EVOs - EM phantoms that interact with beta isotopes and decay them or even decay ordinary matter. Black EVOs / SVS can carry and shield the charge of ions.
EVOs are initiated by electrons and short duration disruptive events, can self-cluster or be encouraged to, when energised or coherently built beyond a certain point, they can do all the observed phenomena. This is hinted at in the awarded Lockheed Martin "Systems and Methods for Generating Coherent MatterWave Beams", that, without credit, initiates the cluster sub-units in the way described by Ken Shoulders, aggregates them in the way of Bostick, without credit, with the addition of coupled 10um resonant cavities. The diagram of the structure of the coherent matter, detailed in Figure 3. is functionally equivalent to that which would produce the track shown in 1993 by Matsumoto, Caught as a partial track on a masked webcam in 2017 from ECCO fuel, replicated by us in 2019 on Ohmasa vibrator plate and recorded as the inside of a hollow synthesised carbon sphere on our "exploded VEGA Valley" in the gaps between crystal grains.
With our work on 1 & 2, we have shown, though it may not be obvious to all, that one can synthesise matter from vacuum energy, photons, sound and relic neutrinos etc., transmute matter from element to element and return matter to vibration, EM waves and leptons both charged (like electrons) and uncharged (like relic neutrinos). This is "The 'god's' Toolbox" as I have called it since 2018 (little g deliberate).
Taking matter and converting it into light and leptons is, as noted above, about over 166 times more energetic a prime energy source than DD fusion. According to David Fryberger, working for DOE, it is around 1GeV per nucleon with 90% recoverable directly as photons or electrons and based on the coherent matter of Ball Lightning.
It matches the claims of J.Roth working for the US military and published in 1995 in Fusion Technology and the claims of Boyd Bushmann for Lockheed Martin’s energy research which he implied was connected to John Hutchison's work - the work that was investigated by Ken Shoulders for 33 years in light of also Bosticks government funded fusion research that and gave rise to EVOs which Ken Shoulders says is the same thing as Natural Ball Lightning - which is also what Matsumoto said it was and what John Hutchison spent time reproducing as Tesla was able to do.
In recent months, we have shown an exploded Ball Lightning Fe+O crenelated sphere with associated bulk Si and Ca fragments from the overall collapse of the coherent matter structure - all of the elements observed in the first Ball Lighting spectra observed and published in a peer review Journal.
We have also replicated the observations of Solin (1992) and Matsumoto (1996) whereby elements, in particular Carbon, Silicon etc., are synthesised inside hollow balls (and tubes) in VEGA Valley. Specifically, we have shown ejection of these synthesised elements from the inside of a Fe+O crenelated hollow Iron sphere, that is the same as that observed from a Ball Lightning impact in Hessdalen. Norway.
It is Coherent Matter, and paraphrasing - "binding energy is beyond that of ordinary matter leading to novel nuclear reactions" (Ken Shoulders) or the "dyality angle of the EM structure is beyond a threshold value that causes baryons to lose their reference to the local Dirac Sea leading them to fall apart" (David Fryberger) or "the magnetic solitons aggregate to such a level that there is unification of the forces leading to baryon decay" (Solin) or "the itonic mesh leads to the electro-nuclear collapse of matter" (Matsumoto).
Regardless, it is unequivocally, in my mind, the same as Ball Lightning, it is the technological equivalent of a natural Phenomenon. J. Roth said in his 1995 Fusion Technology paper, that a 10mm BL could produce all the energy for a house. We have produced a 15mm one in the "Exploded VEGA Valley" and in the presentation above, I will discuss another potential explanation for how the skin of this hollow coherent matter structure is formed that goes some way to explaining the extraordinary destruction pattern that we have shown on the event horizon.
Bostick, W. H. (1957). Experimental Study of Plasmoids. Physical Review, 106(3), 404–412.doi:10.1103/physrev.106.404
Lugomer, S. (1996). Observation of laser-induced microscale knotted and unknotted vortex filaments on vaporizing tantalum surface. Physical Review B, 54(7), 4488–4491.doi:10.1103/physrevb.54.4488
Dijkhuis, G. C. (1999). Helix String Model for Turbulent Vorticity and Cavitation in Shearing Arc Plasma. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 891(1 HEAT AND MASS), 259–272. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1999.tb08773.x
Dijkhuis, G. C. (1981). Plasmoid confinement by the charged particle micro-fields (reply). Nature, 290(5802), 166–166. doi:10.1038/290166b0
Dijkhuis, G. C. (2019) Fireball Power Station Convectron
Indeed we are! All that remains to be seen is how far the existing structures need to fall apart before people will have a reason to start looking with an open mind. Great summary, worth printing and putting in the back of any books I lose. They arrived, just haven't had time to 'lose' them yet in worth while places.
The vortex loops and knots on pg. 269 look just like the scalar vortex (phase singularity) tubes formed by coherent light, that follow a Brownian random-walk fractal pattern, what Miles Padgett calls the natural state of light in this video: (1:08:48 - 1:16:00)
(the 3D video of the pattern can be seen here: