That's probably the coolest thing I ever comprehend. My mind is blown away. Here another thing you know how a cyclotron is like a mini particle accelerator and a fusion reactor is close to a particle accelerator. Based on your video about a vacuum capacitor and newly-found research on superconductivity through twistronics would it be possible for me to build a cyclotron, replace the copper wires with trilayer exotic conducting wires for magnetic coils (to add an extra kick) and mix them with Evo capacitor concepts in hopes of creating (and sustaining) a mini sun...
Morning Bob(Well.. at least I think it's the morning where you right now) I was doing a little research on physical chemistry(not much though), and I can across radio decay and how it was pretty much transmutation by losing protons. My question to you is on bremsstrahlung radiation, is it a reverse beta decay instead of losing protons to change the element it adds them instead with EVOs? I wanna thank you for taking time out of your day for reading and answering questions. It means a lot.
Parkhomov showed in over 2 decades of experiments that both naturally lensed Relic Neutrinos and technologically produced Cold Neutrinos can cause neutrons in beta isotopes to accelerate their beta decay producing neutrons and electrons. This process leaves behind a proton in the nucleus.
That's probably the coolest thing I ever comprehend. My mind is blown away. Here another thing you know how a cyclotron is like a mini particle accelerator and a fusion reactor is close to a particle accelerator. Based on your video about a vacuum capacitor and newly-found research on superconductivity through twistronics would it be possible for me to build a cyclotron, replace the copper wires with trilayer exotic conducting wires for magnetic coils (to add an extra kick) and mix them with Evo capacitor concepts in hopes of creating (and sustaining) a mini sun...
(ASIDE)this is the swirlon I was talking about the other day in your last lecture,-TOPICS%3AParticle%20Physics&text=A%20novel%20state%20of%20matter%20has%20been%20discovered%20by%20physicists,interest%20amongst%20the%20scientific%20community.
Thanks Gardy - I've now added both the popular article (SciTechDaily) and the scholarly one to the LENR_Events database
Morning Bob(Well.. at least I think it's the morning where you right now) I was doing a little research on physical chemistry(not much though), and I can across radio decay and how it was pretty much transmutation by losing protons. My question to you is on bremsstrahlung radiation, is it a reverse beta decay instead of losing protons to change the element it adds them instead with EVOs? I wanna thank you for taking time out of your day for reading and answering questions. It means a lot.
Parkhomov showed in over 2 decades of experiments that both naturally lensed Relic Neutrinos and technologically produced Cold Neutrinos can cause neutrons in beta isotopes to accelerate their beta decay producing neutrons and electrons. This process leaves behind a proton in the nucleus.
A typical example is 40K to 40Ca