Rotation and radioactive decay. Aftereffects in fluctuation processes. (in Russian)
V.A. Panchelyuga
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, Russia
NOTE: Below is a translation of an introductory Russian text for a presentation given by V.A. Panchelyuga @ Webinar No. 7 of the winter-spring 2021 session of the Klimov-Zatelepin seminar which was held on March 10, 2021 (Wednesday) between16:00 and 18:00 Moscow time.
The report will consider the results of a number of research experiments related to the effect of rotation on the parameters of radioactive decay. A rapidly rotating massive body, as well as an analogue of Akimov's small generator (P-generator), were used as generators of external influences. The P-generator was used to study the effect of the direction of rotation on fluctuations in the rate of alpha decay and voltage fluctuations at the electrodes of a water cell, as well as biological test systems.
Since the work of the P-emitter is associated with the dynamics of electromagnetic fields, then when assessing the reactions of the test systems used, a certain criterion is needed that makes it possible to separate the trivial action of the electromagnetic field and the assumed P-radiation. The criterion adopted in this work is the dependence of the detected reactions on the direction of rotation of the Poynting vector. Since the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the electromagnetic radiation of the P-generator do not depend on the direction of rotation of the Poynting vector, then if the test system reacted to the operation of the P-generator, but the observed reaction did not depend on the direction of rotation of the Poynting vector, it was believed that such a reaction is due to electromagnetic interference.
To study the effect of the P-generator on fluctuations in the alpha decay rate of the 239Pu isotope , experiments were carried out according to the scheme shown in Fig. 1 a ).

Fig.1. Scheme of exposure: moments of switching on the P-generator (gray columns) and fluctuations in the rate of alpha decay, a ); the resulting distributions of fluctuations in the rate of alpha decay, for two directions (conventionally designated as In and Out) of rotation of the Poynting vector, b ).
The performed estimates show that the effect of P-radiation in the OUT mode on the 239Pu isotope leads to an increase in its decay rate by 2%. In the IN-mode, the distribution shown in Fig. 1 b ) corresponds to the distribution of fluctuations in the rate of undisturbed radioactive decay.
The aftereffect, similar to that obtained by us, was also found earlier in the works of I.A. Melnik [1] under the influence of rotating masses on the beta decay process.
The aftereffect discovered in the course of studying the influence of the P-generator on fluctuations in the rate of alpha decay was also discovered in the study of the influence of this generator on voltage fluctuations at the terminals of the water cell.
Fig. 2. Influence of the P-generator on voltage fluctuations at the terminals of the water cell. Figure a ) corresponds to the IN-mode in Fig. 1, and b ) to the OUT-mode.
Section C in Fig. 2 a ) and Fig. 2 b ) corresponds to the moment of action of the P-generator. At this moment, the effect of the generator's electromagnetic radiation on the cell is obviously prevalent. Areas A and D are background measurements when the P-generator is off. From Fig. 2 b ) it follows that after the P-generator is turned off, when there is no electrical pickup, for some time there is a section C with a reduced (almost two times) level of background fluctuations. That is, in this case, as well as in the one discussed above, there is an aftereffect.
In works [2-3], it is shown that the existence of an external influence on fluctuations of the rate of radioactive decay, which has a universal character: the spectra of periods found for fluctuation processes in systems of different nature (physical, chemical, biological) always coincided with the corresponding part of the spectrum found for fluctuations the rate of radioactive decay. On the other hand, a number of works have shown that special modes of rotation of a massive body affect the recorded parameters of radioactive decay [4-7]. In the present work, preliminary results are obtained showing that P-radiation can be a factor influencing fluctuations and a preliminary assumption can be made about the universal nature of its action.
In contrast to the works [4-7], in the present study the active factor is not the rotation of the mass, but the rotation of the Poynting vector. This allows us to hypothesize that rotation somehow changes the properties of the space in which fluctuation processes occur and that this is the reason for the subsequent change in its parameters. This assumption is also supported by the phenomenon of "phantom" - the phenomenon that the observed changes persist for a sufficiently long time after the rotation has already stopped. This phenomenon was discovered both in the case of mass rotation [1] and in the present study with the rotation of the Poynting vector.
The results of the proposed report are presented in more detail in [6-8].
Melnik I.A. Experimental detection of conservation of non-Poissonian statistical distribution of radiation after switching off the disturbance source. // Izv. Universities. Physics, 2004, No. 2, p. 15 - 18.
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Panchelyuga V.A., Panchelyuga M.S. Some preliminary results of local fractal analysis of noise-like time series by the method of all combinations // Hypercomplex numbers in geometry and physics, 2014, vol. 11, no. 1, no.21, p. 134-156.
Melnik I.A. Experimental studies of the effect of a rotating fluid on the radiation intensity of a radioactive isotope. // Izv. Universities. Physics, 2003, No. 10, p. 56 - 59.
Melnik I.A. Experimental detection of the effect of rotation on the statistical distribution of the instrumental spectrum of isotopes gamma radiation. // Izv. Universities. Physics, 2004, No. 5, p. 19 - 26.
V.A. Panchelyuga, S.E. Shnol Experimental study of the influence of gravitational-wave action on the shape of the distribution functions of the rate of a- decay // VI International Crimean Conference "Space and Biosphere". Abstracts of reports. Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine, September 26 - October 1, 2005 , p. 50-51.
Panchelyuga V.A., Shnol S.E. Experimental study of the influence of a rapidly rotating massive body on the shape of the distribution functions of the amplitudes of fluctuations of the rate of a -decay // Hypercomplex numbers in geometry and physics, 1 (5), Vol. 3, 2006, p. 102-115.
V.A. Panchelyuga, M.E. Diatroptov, D.V. Kolokolov Influence of P-radiation on physical and chemical-biological systems. Results of some search experiments // Metaphysics, 2020, №4, pp.72-88. ( DOI: 10.22363 / 2224-7580-2020-4-72-88
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В.А. Панчелюга, С.Э. Шноль Экспериментальное исследование влияния гравитационно-волнового воздействия на форму функций распределения скорости a-распада // VI Международная крымская конференция «Космос и биосфера». Тезисы докладов. Партенит, Крым, Украина, 26 сентября – 1 октября, 2005 г., с. 50-51.
Панчелюга В.А., Шноль С.Э. Экспериментальное исследование влияния быстро вращающегося массивного тела на форму функций распределения амплитуд флуктуаций скорости a-распада // Гиперкомплексные числа в геометрии и физике, 1 (5), Vol. 3, 2006, c. 102-115.
В.А. Панчелюга, М.Е. Диатроптов, Д.В. Колоколов Влияние П-излучения на физические и химико-биологические системы. Результаты некоторых поисковых экспериментов // Метафизика, 2020, №4, с.72-88. (DOI: 10.22363/2224-7580-2020-4-72-88)
That's probably the coolest thing I ever comprehend. My mind is blown away. Here another thing you know how a cyclotron is like a mini particle accelerator and a fusion reactor is close to a particle accelerator. Based on your video about a vacuum capacitor and newly-found research on superconductivity through twistronics would it be possible for me to build a cyclotron, replace the copper wires with trilayer exotic conducting wires for magnetic coils (to add an extra kick) and mix them with Evo capacitor concepts in hopes of creating (and sustaining) a mini sun...
(ASIDE)this is the swirlon I was talking about the other day in your last lecture,-TOPICS%3AParticle%20Physics&text=A%20novel%20state%20of%20matter%20has%20been%20discovered%20by%20physicists,interest%20amongst%20the%20scientific%20community.
Morning Bob(Well.. at least I think it's the morning where you right now) I was doing a little research on physical chemistry(not much though), and I can across radio decay and how it was pretty much transmutation by losing protons. My question to you is on bremsstrahlung radiation, is it a reverse beta decay instead of losing protons to change the element it adds them instead with EVOs? I wanna thank you for taking time out of your day for reading and answering questions. It means a lot.