Yes, it is a wonderful time to be alive. You, sir, have brought more being into Being, and like all art, are hacking our future. Onward!

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Bob, love that fractal torus! So intuitive and amazing. I came across this ball lightning account from that site I sent you a few weeks ago. In this case, a woman accidentally created BL by quickly pulling two polartec blankets apart. Easy as Ken Shoulders said it was.

"Last night I was in my son's bedroom pulling apart two polartec blankets. The blankets had been washed and dried earlier in the day, but were currently room temperature. As I pulled the blankets apart, I gave a big tug because I could tell that they were being held together by static electricity. Amazingly a small ball of bright light, about the size of a golf ball, jump out from the blankets, rotated in space for a second or two and then jumped about three feet across the room and turned on my son's desklight. I immediately yelled "Holy cow, did you see that? It even turned on your light." My young son was not as amazed as I was with this event. After reading about the dangers of ball lightning I think that I'll turn up the humidifier and hope that this doesn't happen again.

Cathie <cathietauber at comcastdot net> Lincolnshire, IL USA - Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 10:35:16 (PST)"

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Great story.

Translation will be out tomorrow. Just finalising equations, graphics and layout.

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looking forward to the translation

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Translation, graphics and layout done. Will do a read through this evening with discussion and then publish afterwards. EPIC!

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Oh my goodness, such a great discussion going on. Thanks for posting all this Bob!!! It gives me a sweet taste of what I missed.

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I have updated the presentation title graphics to reflect the significance of what was discussed.

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I thought a new vid had been uploaded, I think I caught this one live.

I’ve probably said before, but I have had dreams/visions of toroidal structures.

Really exciting.

I didn’t catch quite when the coffee table book will be ready, il be having a copy of this and mr possible as soon as humanly possible.

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I need to run the Kickstarters first - but, for my own peace of mind - I really wanted to understand how things worked and that they were grounded in real phenomena. This soviet era energetics research account 100% matching my predictions based on detailed study of LION/Hutchison samples followed by actually seeing them in multiple places on VEGA Valley is just a near perfect sequence of events. Very happy.

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It’s been great following along over the past years. The culmination of everything.

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what portion of the sacred geometry is the red tor? is it just 2 main circles of the D4D and the

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It is self-similar, when fully formed each substructure is the same all the way down. The red tor is the centre of each [magneto]hydrodynamic vortex.

The upper most level can be further apart. You can see this in what is called a falico soliton (half hydrodynamic vortex) in a swimming pool.


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Hi Bob, I was looking at another way of looping poynting vectors, and wondered if it is worth the investment to try, using a circle of interlocking ring magnets, and energizing them with an electric field. According to this youtu.be/gezZklOsGbg?t=516 (it's not debunking the theory calling it crazy, Feynman was just discussing how strange it is), but if you just have a permanent magnet with an electric field applied, there will be a circling poynting vector.

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It is a hard concept to come to terms with intuitively as the speakers in the clip you link to debate. That being said, we are at an early stage of looking at this phenomenon. Cosmic Dave has seen phantoms with some coil configurations and not others - it is very winding configuration dependent it would appear. Until we have a collection of repeatable effects with measurable outcomes, it is difficult to think that trying something not well described would be a good path to explore, though perhaps.

What I know is that 'footprints' in LION and other systems forced me to consider something like toroidal and poloidal aspects that might have lead to observations. Further 'Footprints' on 2007 Hutchison MFMP Fracture sample, in my 3 decade experience of 3D modelling, combined with marks observed by Bostic/Nardi and Matsumoto, lead me to believe it was maximally a 48 divisions d/4d ratio fractal torus n-level variations. These structures were then physically found in a Ball Lightning producing system when then lead to the revelation of the Zhvirblis/Nevessky papers that then stimulated the revelation of similar analysis, specifically of ball lightning and similar phenomena in the Fryberger papers.

Therefore, I think there is a long history, supported by 2 different phsysicist/mathematicians and our empirical evidence, that show that this is the right path. Nature has shown us what it is doing and I don't believe we should be telling it to do it in a different way. This is my personal view.

When we have a repeatable effect with a set of parameters, ideally on biology, then we can compare other ideas to this observation.

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I have many things in common with you Bob... I had figured out pieces of the science recently. As I found and reviewed more and more of your amazing research, I found that you came to the same conclusions that I had about the many anomalies that are not explained by the physics I've studied all my life. I had a feeling a few months ago that I was on the verge of a major discovery. It was like the feeling that I have when something is on the tip of my tongue, but this was on the tip of my whole brain.

When I heard what you said about the 2 examples of ball lightning collapse and the sand falling out of one and water out of the other, it suddenly clicked! It all fell together in my mind at that moment. Everything could be explained by this new understanding. I didn't sleep for the next two days...


This discovery answers the question that I have had since I was a young boy. What is the thing that I'm going to figure out later in life that will play a part in changing the world? You see, like you, I have known from a young age that this was my purpose in life. I just didn't know when and I only had a vague idea of the topic.

Thank you for allowing us to watch the process of discovery you have experienced during your journey.

God bless you Bob!

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Back in my epiphany period of winter 2016 into 2017, the incredible nature of this technology was shocking and awe inspiring. However, even though I was convinced, I realised the evidence was not enough to convince the majority of people and even showing them an experiment would not work as they would just call fakery as the person did initially in "The Bagel Game"

I knew that it would be a hard slog and people could not handle the kind of intense study I had done. So the spelling out of the slides of O-Day began.

Here, over 5 years on from Christmas 2016 and 4 years on since the authoring of the template of O-Day, things have occurred very nicely with researchers stepping up all the over the world to give access to or conduct experiments that provided the step by step physical evidence to tell the truth of Nature without a single "secret squirrel" episode or equation.

I derived what form the stable EM structures could take, how the aggregate and it is entirely 1:1 consistent with all former observations.

Now we have the equations (I will try to publish English re-mastered documents later today). They are based on standard Maxwell equations and are fully mainstream.

There is going to have to be a whole lot of cognitive dissonance to deny the consistency of the physical and mathematical proof and what it implies and what it can do which has been observed throughout LENR and Hutchison Effect.

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This was a team effort.

We lit "The 'New' [Eternal] Fire" together.

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Bob, yes I understand that it has been a team effort, but I also appreciate your teaching style and enthusiasm! The ONLY way forward is to go the way the MFMP is going, completely open discussion of the science. No patents, no hidden information, no greed!

Many people before us have figured this out and I believe were shutdown (one way or another...) when they tried to profit on the information through patents and secrets. (The patent system is used to keep the "powers that be" in control of what technology is allowed to be publicly used on earth... IMHO).

It is an incredible time to be alive!

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BTW, I mean many people post-flood have figured this out... It's obvious that many civilizations before ours knew how the universe works...

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