OHMA - Plain and Pd coated steel vibrator plate - SEM-EDS data review
Presentation hijacked by review of Soviet-era energetics research report
A short review of SEM/EDS data taken of plain steel and Pd coated Dr. Ryushin Omasa vibrator plates in context of other authors such as LeClair, Matsumoto etc.
LIVESTREAM 1 May 2022, 22:30 CET
Data will be published here after the livestream
SEM-EDS look at cavitation spots on steel OHMASA vibrator plate
Only the image and spectra acquisition times are cut short for brevity, all other parts of the video are real time.
OHMA - SEM-EDS look at cavitation spots on Pd coated OHMASA vibrator plate
Only the image and spectra acquisition times are cut short for brevity, all other parts of the video are real time.
I would want to have a HID bulb passing through a deliberately stimulated coil like the Super-Toroid I discussed - clustering should be accelerated. A single coil only helps with one axis, the 1,2,3 would focus the clustering.
I think what I shared in this video also demystifies "Keshe technology" and may improve what is going. I have always view GANS as a means of cohering energy from the physical vacuum. Having GANS made in the centre of a supertoroid may result in GANS of extreme activity. NOTE: the coils placed around GANS that interact with it are nano-copper coated and black - I would dare to suggest that this is Oxides of copper which are known to be good at getting to superconducting states however, as noted before, it is photo-electric and so basically undetectable radiation coming from the GANS cohering energy from the physical vacuum may well be converted to electron by the nano coating.
Please review my article on “Superconductivitis”
Post presentation Q&A
“Common misconceptions” asked on YouTube:
What video should I review that explains how we go from a toroidal structure to a polygonal impact shape? Great work, Bob
I replied:
Place six around a loop you get a Hexagon. Place 24 (as shown in video as physical evidence on the VEGA Valley eastern plateau) or 48 (as seen of MFMP Hutchison "Fracture" sample) and you get a smoother witness mark. There can be different numbers in different levels - I talked about this in my 2018 Sochi lecture “Seek <&> Share” - indeed the cover slide shows ancient rock carvings in Northern Italy and Northern UK which precisely depicts a 1,2 super-toroid where there are 4 toroids around the primary loop - The culture believed this was related to the sun.
If you watch the whole thing, you see the physical evidence for N and S pseudo Magnetic monopoles, you see the 2,3,4,5 and 6 rotational symmetry super-toroid Physical evidence. You also see greater levels of clustering up to 3D structure physical evidence. I then clearly state the model for the most simple fractal structure which is 2 toroids on every quanta. This last structure is immortalised in a design I made for my wedding rings in 2019.
“Klingon Baroness Princess Karla Kniption hutchison” asked on YouTube:
Great bob on a few topics life in other worlds it’s could be possible there was a Austrian exsperiment instant communication via crystals made lots of news years ago confirmed by a scientist friend of mine friend of Col Alexander great video bob
I replied:
To me, it just seams logical. When we see the patterns this technology makes are mirrored and the shape of eyes, ears, nose, one side of cupid's bow, bosom/naval, ovaries v ag in a, testes, phall us etc etc. we can see that we are made in the form of the ontological will of the fundamental building block of nature - and if that is god, which I believe it is, we are made in gods image - and this will happen everywhere within the normal expectations of environmental driven variance.
My reply to George Hants on E-Cat World:
I showed that the sub-structures were physically present in LION and what they were (Psuedo Magnetic Monopoles - more specifically spread and focused poles)
I showed them interacting in LION and the "two spots" they create on X-Ray films
I showed them clustering into 1, 2 Super-Tori with 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 tori on the 2nd level in LION
I showed them forming 2.5D structures in the "Cauliflower" on LION
I showed them forming 3D structures in "O-LION Nebulae"
I showed that different tiers can have different numbers of tori in their sub-structures from LION in both 2.5D and 3D
I detailed how this must have been known by ancient peoples of Europe and Asia by including on my SOCHI presentation (1/3rd of O-Day slides) cover slide a 1, 2 Super-Tori made of 4 tori that were found as ancient rock carvings in Northern Italy and ob Ilkley Moor in UK from an ancient sun worshiping culture - note that the symbol is the same as the proper form of the swastika as used in Indian culture which has a left and right form only - exactly as nature can only construct.
Using deep study of EVO strike marks on the MFMPs "Fracture" Hutchison sample, I derived the basic "wheel within a wheel within a wheel" structure of a basic EVO and stated clearly that this could go to the nth degree.
I showed in my Sochi presentation how this could form a 2D mesh as shown in the "Flower of life" marking on the temple in Egypt and showed this occurring on the "Fracture" sample and on the "Jewel" from a LION. This also showed how this Yin-Yang structure could mesh over material - skinning it - something that was described as possible in 2010 by Ken Shoulders to John Hutchison and I learned from transcription of their meeting. I Also showed that the ball object under the guardians to the Forbidden City pagodas, which was based on ancient Indian sculptures, is a model for Ball lighting - only to be confirmed by the later publication by Bogdanovich et.al (Moscow Nuclear Physics Institute) in their "Videos of Long-Lived Plasmoids" 2019 paper.
In VEGA, we have shown how they make, break, travel, decay, dustify, transmute and leave their witness marks (all clarifying the observations and claims of Shoulders, Solin, Matsumoto etc.). We shown much of this as HD video and 50 Mpix images and shown how the Magneto-Hydrodynamical self organising structure matches predictions by Maxwell in 1800s through to the latest computational studies on coherent matter - both in the form of the VEGA Valley itself and in the way it plays with light at the end of the valleys (Arrays of Copper / Zinc oxides that polarise light R or G) - (more on that to come)
I have stated clearly that in my view, this is the basis for all exotic energy technology and far more. It is "The God's Toolbox" and we are "At the Dawn of an Old Age" - It is inconceivable that the ancient cultures the world over could record the key structures that are repeatedly and predictably observed without either knowing directly of its meaning or remote viewing it, but not ready to understand it. I believe the former is true and we are getting back our birthright - it cannot be owned, it is all there is - it is the great power and we must treat knowledge of it with sincere respect.
In a private reply to Henk Jurrien, I wrote:
We know from the physical record of both witness marks (Bostik/Nardi and myself on Hutchison "Fracture Sample") and from the collapsed wave-functions of EVOs in VEGA Valley Eastern Plateau, that each quantisation level should be d/4d - this is the natural optimum specified to us by nature - no equations or expert advice necessary - this is what nature is showing us.
There is a swedish guy that openly details how to make the GANS Follow links from my steemit article that I have put on the RemoteView.ICU latest blog [above] - however, I would use at least a 3 tier tori to make the GANS.
I think the Copper Oxide of coating on the copper coiled around the GANS is just a collector for Coherent Clusters that lodge, as we know they do from the Copper Oxide on LION, into the coating, leading to a “super-conducting like” state which propagates through connected wires as we know that EVOs can.
What a wonderful time to be alive.
Dr. Alexander G. Parkhomov wrote this to the Russian Community
(2 May 2022, 10:09 a.m. CET)
Vladimir Mikhailovich, thanks for the publications about spiral coils. I was somewhat familiar with Zhvirblis and Nevessky. Remarkable scientists who were not afraid of the unknown. Vyacheslav Evgenievich Zhvirblis possessed, in addition, a raretalent as a scientific popularizer. Obviously, he, like me, visited the laboratory of A.F. Okhatrin.
Unfortunately, all the people mentioned here have already left us. I will try to contact V. Yu. Tatur, editor-in-chief of the Academy of Trinitarianism. He worked in Okhatrin's team. Perhaps he will be able to provide additional information on this most interesting topic.
To which I replied:
I second Alexander's thankyou Vladimir,
I was so excited to see the document last night that I hijacked my own live stream to discuss it as it corroborated my published, end-to-end physical observations. Here is the stream
I have attached my predicted 3-tier basic structure (that I stated could cluster to infinity) that caused witness marks on the MFMPs Hutchison "Fracture" sample, Published 17 Feb 2020. Here is the video showing how I derived it from Physical evidence (48 segment).
I have also attached a collapsed wave-function of one of the many end-of-life EVOs (24 segment) - the one below is, what I call, "frozen in carbonite" - the glassy carbon that spews out of EVOs as we have shown in some systems and as observed by Matsumoto. You can see the review of that material here in comparison to Matsumoto and others in this video.
I will, in the coming months, simulate all of the Coherent Matter Travelling waves we have caught on high resolution video, that I believe are due to explosive fragmentation of these coherent clusters, combined with their self-generated fields and initial spatial angular and translational moments.
Yes, it is a wonderful time to be alive. You, sir, have brought more being into Being, and like all art, are hacking our future. Onward!
Bob, love that fractal torus! So intuitive and amazing. I came across this ball lightning account from that site I sent you a few weeks ago. In this case, a woman accidentally created BL by quickly pulling two polartec blankets apart. Easy as Ken Shoulders said it was.
"Last night I was in my son's bedroom pulling apart two polartec blankets. The blankets had been washed and dried earlier in the day, but were currently room temperature. As I pulled the blankets apart, I gave a big tug because I could tell that they were being held together by static electricity. Amazingly a small ball of bright light, about the size of a golf ball, jump out from the blankets, rotated in space for a second or two and then jumped about three feet across the room and turned on my son's desklight. I immediately yelled "Holy cow, did you see that? It even turned on your light." My young son was not as amazed as I was with this event. After reading about the dangers of ball lightning I think that I'll turn up the humidifier and hope that this doesn't happen again.
Cathie <cathietauber at comcastdot net> Lincolnshire, IL USA - Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 10:35:16 (PST)"