I did a deep dive into impulse discharges a year ago. Moray King says (in respect to exciting a caduceus coil) the more abrupt the discharge, the more ZPE is orthorotated into 3-space, because with more abruptness you "interact with the higher frequency modes of the ZPE, and in Boyer's spectrum (referencing "The Classical Vacuum", by Timothy boyer), it is in the higher frequency modes where the greater energy density is, so you get more". Beardon described the same abrupt discharges in bucking coils, saying they "momentarily produce not only an amplified Poynting energy flow, but also an amplified Heaviside energy flow".
The Heaviside component or Unit Step Function, more properly studied as the Dirac Delta Function or Unit Impulse, was the initial interest, because it is important to the 'Delta-T' time modulation system used at Montauk (based on Tesla's work), namely in the use of white noise as the carrier signal and glue that held the whole system together and made it coherent to the aether or 'hyperspace'; white noise being composed of Dirac delta pulses.
The math is entirely based on the fractal-torus model of the universe, specifically the cross product of the Tangent of 0 ("zero-time", center of the torus), and the Tangent of 90, derived from the step function of an impulse being 90 degrees (the Tan of which is infinity, representing the outer limit of the torus, or all-time/all-activity). https://imgur.com/a/qi9Pfi5
The basic idea with the white noise (besides being able to carry psychic information, proven in experiments by Princeton's PEAR lab and René Peoch; and also that in signal processing it is 50% correlated to everything within it's bandwidth), is that the fractal nature of the universe, when looking at the entire limit from 0 to infinity, appears as a broadband noise like function, so that any gaussian noise can be used as a time infinity reference (and when combined with a zero-time reference, generated by a supposed device of Tesla's that inertially locked to the spin of earth, which through Foucault's pendulum principle, ultimately locked it to the zero-time center of the universe] is able to create a time vortex).
A deeper idea regarding the Dirac impulse, relates to hydrogen, and it being (in Steiner and Hugh Lovels' Biodynamics) the most aetheric element, and the 'point' where matter or organization/order arises out of the aether (as the Dirac function is a 'point' arising out of nothing), so Hydrogen is like nature's impulse function.
Something that might be worth looking at is the use of salt. King says one of the best things to pulse abruptly is a crystal lattice (because of stable lines of vacuum polarization), and the cubic lattice of sodium chloride already has orthogonal electrostatic potentials. Polonium is the only metal with a cubic crystal structure, but it's radioactive.
Thought I should add, which you probably already know or assumed, the white noise that is able to pick up aetheric and psychic information is that produced by reverse biased diodes, because the tunneling that causes the noise picks up fluctuations of the quantum field.
White noise being used for orthorotation (and time modulation) because it is composed of Dirac Delta pulses, is a separate property, although together they make it very interesting. The Tangent function was used (by Preston Nichols) since it describes orthorotation mathematically, and the full span of the Universe, from 0 to infinity (assuming the torus model, that there is a "0 point" center).
I don't know how silly a thought it is, but I wondered if the Hutchison effect didn't have something to do with the large amounts of noise produced by all the devices and coils. Electrostatic noise is caused by parasitic capacitive coupling between varying voltage sources and signal lines. There are three types of EM noise, all of which would have been off the chart with all his different equipment running https://www.fluke.com/en-us/learn/blog/power-quality/electrical-noise-and-transients.
Phil, I am impressed, even though most of this is Greek to me. I haven't checked any of this yet.
It will take me awhile to process & reckon all this, but, I have some work which may help contextualize & simplify this stuff. Would you like to collaborate?
PS: Sorry for trolling you prior. I'm a trickster, and I can't help it. No hard feelings, I hope.
I've been dealing with a slew of hardware failures oddly, but I am again back up and running. Burned out 2 rugged laptops within the last month, and they usually last for years....
The phantom phenomena derives from fibonacci (1+1=2 ) and this represents the first sphere of 3 spheres, as is so theologically prevalent. I would view these spheres as groups of 3 field-effects each, in total 9, which render reality. These have been called "choirs" theologically, or "mercuries" or "aethers" in the hermetic niche, and I have affectionately titled my work "the wings of hermes" which I believe is accurate.
In fact, the phantom has been known since ancient times under many names which I shall not utter here. There is some debate over whether these matters should be private or not; Bob is on my case, perhaps rightly, to do everything in the public eye. I am open to your thoughts on this matter.
As clearly indicated in Bob's above video, they had good reason to occult this knowledge. And I have more. I would like informed counsel about how to proceed safely & optimally for the benefit of all.
My intentions are actually benign & good, but this is fire we are playing with so I am proceeding with caution. The intention of my work is the unification of consciousness, theology & physics into one working model, even if not (yet) wholely correct, which will in my view help to mend some of the adversity in the world: If and when humans can find an empirical manner under which to come together in one accord, it would greatly reduce the suffering in the world. And we all know the implications of free energy as well.
I have found significant connections between theology, mythology & electrodynamics which could be our way out of divisory ideologies, and perhaps ultimately a path towards peace. It is my opinion that much of this ancient knowledge has been encoded into mythologies & theologies in different ways.
Perhaps what I am looking to create is an empirically-sourced "translation chart" that can reframe extant theologies into one unified system, without telling anyone that they are wrong. If they are indeed rooted in truth, then this should be possible. I seem to be having some success and the key is conjugation & fractality.
Perhaps Bob now understands why I lurk in emails, mostly. hehe. :)
Phil, perhaps drop me your email address and will send you some tasty charts I've been working on. I'm not sure how soon I will be able to publish an alpha version, but if you email me I can fast-track your access.
My intention is to open-source an electrodynamic, conscious & theological model of physics, however abstract or incomplete that may be in the early stages. I would like you to correct me wherever I am wrong, and perhaps try to place more data upon this model, wherever my knowledge has been insufficient. I have inferred structures from nature, science & doctrine into a grand model which at least seems to be correct.
My hope is that it can find a way to be released that:
a) aids in the unification of disparate ideologies under one view-point
b) does not release harmful science data at large
c) provides a structural overview of the wheelwork of nature
I am inherently & historically opposed to secrets, for the record, and will be releasing as much as "humanly" possible.
One thing at a time, though. First, i need help with proofing & verifying the model, and correcting any errors therein, which I am sure do exist. There's a few known snags at the moment, but I am hoping for geometric resolutions to present themselves either with time or further study.
And I'll get an email sent off sometime soon, thanks Phil! ;-)
BOB I've been singing this book's praises for years during your streams. So excited to see you had a chance to dig through it!! I read it back in 2018 and as I began to better understand your perspectives, I realized that indeed you are on the same wavelength as Tesla. If you're interested in this material, I'm VERY curious about your thoughts on Occult Ether Physics by William Lyne (linked below). Lyne subscribes to the same views on Tesla as Vassilatos, not to mention Eric Dollard (himself a primary inspiration for Lori Gardi - aka 'Fractal Woman'). So I'm curious if you think Lyne's impressions on Tesla's ideal flying machine (flying saucer) are valid.
Fascinating Arkmode, As you know, I like to "clean room" my realisations by not reading things that could colour my impartial approach to physical evidence, only picking things up that come along the journey, often based on tip offs by the crowd.
I have not read all the pages I recommend to read yet (I hope to do when return from forest), but I have seen enough that it there is no doubt we are witnessing the same effect.
In due course, I will look at the other references you link thankyou.
Page 64/65: “Along with several colleagues of the day, Tesla firmly ascribed to the Aetheric theory of gravitation. Gravitation was evidence that a groundward retheric pressure was at work, permeating mass and producing fixed relationships of attraction with respect to the earth proper. The apparent constant acceleration of different falling masses was accordingly calculated as a function of density and cross-section. Theoretically, the concept remains a curiously flawless ex- planation of gravitation.”
This surprised and delighted me, of course, we have added granularity and deeper understanding to the theory, but in principle the understanding over 140 years ago was sound.
Peace 68: “ In several experimental instances, researchers discovered the complete annihilation of gravitic effects due to extreme positive electrostatic charge. George Piggot showed that it was possible to suspend large beads of silver within a positive monopolar field. Dr. Francis Nipher also demonstrated the complete reversal of gravitational attraction in a modified Cavendish balance. Here too it was found that strong positive electrostatic charge, though completely shielded in Faraday cages, successfully repelled neutral matter. These could only be the result of retheric interactions.”
“Under quantum mechanics, nature is not locally real—particles lack properties such as spin up or spin down prior to measurement, and seemingly talk to one another no matter the distance.”
Bob, I came across this rendition of the Vassilatos book in this video from this seemingly decades old Peter Lindemann presentation in the pre-Zoom days. https://youtu.be/rXX_g49tLeU
So is cold electricity, ie., that excellent Kouropoulos paper, the same as radiant electricity? Thanks.
This will be a nice one for Halloween though, some nice ghostly plasma (the full spectrum video): https://youtu.be/x0pgJGOU_Qs
I think I was wrong that it doesn't yield useful info, these are fun image frames to go through, I think a lot of little details may be hiding, it will need your analysis, but here is some of it: https://imgur.com/a/qJkWVIN (right click and open in new tab to view full size)
I will have to find the right camera setting exposure/gamma settings, and it would be better to get a proper supply to power the coil at resonance. I will be able to get rid of the flicker lines and get better resolution images if you feel this would be worth looking into further.
I should add, the plasma globe was either unconnected (lit by the coil underneath), or in series with the coil in these clips. A solenoid and 2-tor are compared at the end. With a normal camera/naked eye, the plasma is just barely lit when it's only the tor energizing it, but looks fully lit in full-spectrum.
I didn't know you were going to upload that one, it's alright, but you didn't want to wait for the better video? I'm not sure how much it really shows, except for the full spectrum camera ability, unless those structures in the middle are something when you go frame by frame. It would also be better if I can get it running at resonance, pending a proper power supply, though maybe if it is a poynting effect that's not needed?
I really want to do a frame by frame analysis with better resolution, I don't even know if there is anything different from the solenoid and 2-Tor, and it might be misleading to present it as a visualization of any Tor or evo effect.
I caught a bunch of micro phantoms, or some weird residual effect after the power is shut off, little balls flying around, jumping between coil segments, one even ignites the plasma briefly. I'll upload the full video when it's done, but go through the end of this clip frame by frame, at first I saw only a few, but there are a bunch of fainter ones all over the place, some appearing and disappearing, some flying: https://youtu.be/9xZOa3S7rTk
I had the tube set in the middle, and was pulsing it on and off several times then it happened. (don't share this one, just see if you can see what I do, I will try to get more and try the full spectrum)
Thought I would share some tests, with an aluminum core 4-Tor, currently trying different ways of exciting the coils. (the plasma in an H2 ampoule in the middle moved most when connecting the Tor to a phase-locked-loop Tesla coil [one of those "plasma candle" ones, with a steady sinewave output, ~16MHz], but no ball effect). https://imgur.com/a/9UQNGV8
I also have tried a ZVS power supply, and a 115vac 3kHz power supply, and 80W white noise (and other waveforms).
No phantoms around the Tor, but there was around the tips of the conical coils (windings are wrapped around iron sheeting). The iron seems to have become magnetized at the tips after disconnecting power (visible on Trifield meter, and running a magnetic compass down them, the needle flips direction half way down), I don't know if that would be normal, but I have not tried DC through them yet, only AC and neon transformer (inverted outputs creating voltage potential between them, not normal AC).
I made a Boyd Bushman (electro)magnetic beam device, but there was no effect yet, still need to try different ways of powering, beyond wall socket AC.
The only other interesting effect so far is in this video https://www.dropbox.com/s/jlji5w7p21g6hmm/Untitled%2058.mp4?dl=0, comparing the plasma through the Tor, vs. without the Tor, it 'balls' up, but it is likely this is just from the proximity of the tips to the Tor, and it wanting to arc to that instead.
This is some very nice tests, do you know what L/R configuration your coil is?
I think the test with the "Balling up" is nice and is worth exploring, particularly at different spark gap distances and with different electrode metals and frequencies, it would be great to be able to do this with more or less sub tor sections and/or different L/R configurations and see if that makes a difference.
I think we should do a review of Bagel work in the coming weeks. Would it be ok to share your investigations?
Yes, it would be fine to share. It is a RRLL but it would be good to try more or less sub tors, I would like to try a 5-Tor, it takes a lot more wire but I've got an easy and quick winding rig so I will likely try, probably with a normal steel wire core, the aluminum is prone to crimping and breaks easily. I want to further explore the config I believe got me sick, with the steel cores on each level, all connected, but will have to make a considerable shield, that was a very bad feeling. I'll look into getting a variable frequency HV supply.
Hi Phil, I think the balling up is what I mentally considered should happen and the Hypertoroidal moment paper appeared to confirm it, if you have achieved it in a practical demonstration that is very valuable.
Would it be possible for you to run some further tests with some basic solenoid in a loop ( a 2 tor ) to see if it balls up - even a loop.
Note, in a recent plasma experiment on YT, someone was able to make a plasma torus with a simple coil under a the type of gas balls you can buy from EBay from Ukraine.
From what the physical tors, spindle tors and spheres were showing me from VEGA, ULTR etc, when the fractal toroidal moment is right, we can create a sphere. This is what I think we need, in combination with a controlled LINEAR magnetic field - as per now expire Chukanov patents, to make an energy generator that will not eat its container.
I will try those ideas, but already believe I can confirm it is the tor field causing it, leaving it unpowered the arc does a normal flame, and also I had removed it to reposition and try different electrodes, and it stopped doing it, some of the loops had slipped slightly out of place, or it wasn't positioned the same, so I repositioned it and saw it again. I will try to make a video today.
Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to debunk this, I was getting it to do it unpowered. I was right that it was the proximity of the arc to the coils, not from the air flow but it wanting to arc to that instead of the other electrode. I was going to upload a video with a small 2-tor and solenoid test, but no point now. Sorry to get your hopes up
No I haven't detected a phantom, I had a large spike on the tri-field meter once but it went away. I am making another one soon, I will see if I can make a tutorial.
"Is there any data on where within the 1,2,3,4-tor bagel coils that the phantom energy resides?"
Here is my brief response:
"Tesla created Aether currents - AKA Radiant Energy.
In my view these are flows of Dark Matter and more specifically, likely flows of Relic Neutrinos, in part from true charge separation and in part from the background flux.
Nevessky calculates and Zhvirblis notes "Closed Poynting Vectors" in 3+ tor configurations. Fryberger ascribes it to "Vacuum Currents"
We are talking about a superfluid toroidal cluster of Relic Neutrinos, that individually have a toroidal moment, but collectively and coherently create a toroidal moment allowing them to cluster further with like clusters fractally into larger clusters that then have a larger fractal toroidal moment.
Simple superfluid tors in a string create a vacuum current in an environment, fractal tors appear to create, at the extreme, spherical reaction areas which focus ordinary matter and dark matter forcing them to interact.
I had glanced over this page initially, but didn't watch the video, and still haven't.
Whilst skimming past these comments a few days ago I thought, "Wow, the russians really are ahead of us!"
Now that I've gone back and read these comments somewhat more closely, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. This page is crazy. :) What exactly is going on here? haha.... Anyways...
@Bob: I'm not sure you produced a meaningful answer to my initial question. My question was "Is there any data on where within the 1,2,3,4-tor zhvirblis coils that the phantom energy resides", perhaps I can refine my question somewhat to receive a better answer:
Where on or about the bagel coil does the latent charge reside, after power is switched off?
I hope that's more clear, unlike most of this post, page & comments, at least to me. Is it me, or has the flavour around here changed significantly since me previous substack account? ^^;;
Seen this done a number of times, not a bad version.
That being said, this is not a hard concept to grasp. Many people have tried to make it sound complicated as they did not understand or were deliberately obfuscating what they had done (almost certainly the former in most cases). It is not most peoples fault, up until 1965 in USSR and 1997 in West, there was simply not a plausible mechanism that explained the observations, but the observations were still real.
As new people re-discover this, they invent all kinds of new terms, I try to correlate and aggregate these so people have the ability to recognise them as all the same thing.
"If a small supertor is connected to a low-frequency generator, then compared to the length of the electromagnetic waves it emits, the emitter itself can be considered almost a point."
I am of the view that the energy is wrapped up in an extremely small toroid or sphere at the centre of the bagel. This is supported by the claim the self-supporting structure is left behind when the turned off bagel is moved.
PS: I lost my other login creds in a hardware failure, but will resume posting again soon. I did recover most of my work-related data, and my book is approaching completion.
I did a deep dive into impulse discharges a year ago. Moray King says (in respect to exciting a caduceus coil) the more abrupt the discharge, the more ZPE is orthorotated into 3-space, because with more abruptness you "interact with the higher frequency modes of the ZPE, and in Boyer's spectrum (referencing "The Classical Vacuum", by Timothy boyer), it is in the higher frequency modes where the greater energy density is, so you get more". Beardon described the same abrupt discharges in bucking coils, saying they "momentarily produce not only an amplified Poynting energy flow, but also an amplified Heaviside energy flow".
The Heaviside component or Unit Step Function, more properly studied as the Dirac Delta Function or Unit Impulse, was the initial interest, because it is important to the 'Delta-T' time modulation system used at Montauk (based on Tesla's work), namely in the use of white noise as the carrier signal and glue that held the whole system together and made it coherent to the aether or 'hyperspace'; white noise being composed of Dirac delta pulses.
The math is entirely based on the fractal-torus model of the universe, specifically the cross product of the Tangent of 0 ("zero-time", center of the torus), and the Tangent of 90, derived from the step function of an impulse being 90 degrees (the Tan of which is infinity, representing the outer limit of the torus, or all-time/all-activity). https://imgur.com/a/qi9Pfi5
The basic idea with the white noise (besides being able to carry psychic information, proven in experiments by Princeton's PEAR lab and René Peoch; and also that in signal processing it is 50% correlated to everything within it's bandwidth), is that the fractal nature of the universe, when looking at the entire limit from 0 to infinity, appears as a broadband noise like function, so that any gaussian noise can be used as a time infinity reference (and when combined with a zero-time reference, generated by a supposed device of Tesla's that inertially locked to the spin of earth, which through Foucault's pendulum principle, ultimately locked it to the zero-time center of the universe] is able to create a time vortex).
A deeper idea regarding the Dirac impulse, relates to hydrogen, and it being (in Steiner and Hugh Lovels' Biodynamics) the most aetheric element, and the 'point' where matter or organization/order arises out of the aether (as the Dirac function is a 'point' arising out of nothing), so Hydrogen is like nature's impulse function.
Something that might be worth looking at is the use of salt. King says one of the best things to pulse abruptly is a crystal lattice (because of stable lines of vacuum polarization), and the cubic lattice of sodium chloride already has orthogonal electrostatic potentials. Polonium is the only metal with a cubic crystal structure, but it's radioactive.
Thankyou for sharing this detailed comment. Lot's to dig into here.
Thought I should add, which you probably already know or assumed, the white noise that is able to pick up aetheric and psychic information is that produced by reverse biased diodes, because the tunneling that causes the noise picks up fluctuations of the quantum field.
This has been studied and found also to be able to detect gravity waves and the Schnoll effect. (Ref. "Review of Gravitational Wave Detections: Dynamical Space" from Flinders University: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312018402 (super simple device schematics on pg. 26) and also by the same Reg Cahill, "Gravitational Wave Experiments with Zener Diode Quantum Detectors: Fractal Dynamical Space and Universe Expansion with Inflation Epoch", https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Gravitational-Wave-Experiments-with-Zener-Diode-Cahill/ee2bba39a8fefd1bb0610236ff160c5ad291a18d)
White noise being used for orthorotation (and time modulation) because it is composed of Dirac Delta pulses, is a separate property, although together they make it very interesting. The Tangent function was used (by Preston Nichols) since it describes orthorotation mathematically, and the full span of the Universe, from 0 to infinity (assuming the torus model, that there is a "0 point" center).
Very nice details. Parkhomov uses them.
I don't know how silly a thought it is, but I wondered if the Hutchison effect didn't have something to do with the large amounts of noise produced by all the devices and coils. Electrostatic noise is caused by parasitic capacitive coupling between varying voltage sources and signal lines. There are three types of EM noise, all of which would have been off the chart with all his different equipment running https://www.fluke.com/en-us/learn/blog/power-quality/electrical-noise-and-transients.
Phil, I am impressed, even though most of this is Greek to me. I haven't checked any of this yet.
It will take me awhile to process & reckon all this, but, I have some work which may help contextualize & simplify this stuff. Would you like to collaborate?
PS: Sorry for trolling you prior. I'm a trickster, and I can't help it. No hard feelings, I hope.
PPS: Don't feed the trolls.
No problem, thanks for the apology though, what did you have in mind?
I've been dealing with a slew of hardware failures oddly, but I am again back up and running. Burned out 2 rugged laptops within the last month, and they usually last for years....
The phantom phenomena derives from fibonacci (1+1=2 ) and this represents the first sphere of 3 spheres, as is so theologically prevalent. I would view these spheres as groups of 3 field-effects each, in total 9, which render reality. These have been called "choirs" theologically, or "mercuries" or "aethers" in the hermetic niche, and I have affectionately titled my work "the wings of hermes" which I believe is accurate.
In fact, the phantom has been known since ancient times under many names which I shall not utter here. There is some debate over whether these matters should be private or not; Bob is on my case, perhaps rightly, to do everything in the public eye. I am open to your thoughts on this matter.
As clearly indicated in Bob's above video, they had good reason to occult this knowledge. And I have more. I would like informed counsel about how to proceed safely & optimally for the benefit of all.
My intentions are actually benign & good, but this is fire we are playing with so I am proceeding with caution. The intention of my work is the unification of consciousness, theology & physics into one working model, even if not (yet) wholely correct, which will in my view help to mend some of the adversity in the world: If and when humans can find an empirical manner under which to come together in one accord, it would greatly reduce the suffering in the world. And we all know the implications of free energy as well.
I have found significant connections between theology, mythology & electrodynamics which could be our way out of divisory ideologies, and perhaps ultimately a path towards peace. It is my opinion that much of this ancient knowledge has been encoded into mythologies & theologies in different ways.
Perhaps what I am looking to create is an empirically-sourced "translation chart" that can reframe extant theologies into one unified system, without telling anyone that they are wrong. If they are indeed rooted in truth, then this should be possible. I seem to be having some success and the key is conjugation & fractality.
Perhaps Bob now understands why I lurk in emails, mostly. hehe. :)
Phil, perhaps drop me your email address and will send you some tasty charts I've been working on. I'm not sure how soon I will be able to publish an alpha version, but if you email me I can fast-track your access.
My intention is to open-source an electrodynamic, conscious & theological model of physics, however abstract or incomplete that may be in the early stages. I would like you to correct me wherever I am wrong, and perhaps try to place more data upon this model, wherever my knowledge has been insufficient. I have inferred structures from nature, science & doctrine into a grand model which at least seems to be correct.
My hope is that it can find a way to be released that:
a) aids in the unification of disparate ideologies under one view-point
b) does not release harmful science data at large
c) provides a structural overview of the wheelwork of nature
d) bolsters meaning, gnosis & mindfulness
I have to cut this short, back in a bit
Sounds like a noble quest, and also very wise to question how much should be made public.
I am inherently & historically opposed to secrets, for the record, and will be releasing as much as "humanly" possible.
One thing at a time, though. First, i need help with proofing & verifying the model, and correcting any errors therein, which I am sure do exist. There's a few known snags at the moment, but I am hoping for geometric resolutions to present themselves either with time or further study.
And I'll get an email sent off sometime soon, thanks Phil! ;-)
Read this before you commit: https://arcanus.substack.com/p/the-baron-is-back
I wasn't committing to anything, but yeah, not sure where I could help you with that. Good luck on the project though.
BOB I've been singing this book's praises for years during your streams. So excited to see you had a chance to dig through it!! I read it back in 2018 and as I began to better understand your perspectives, I realized that indeed you are on the same wavelength as Tesla. If you're interested in this material, I'm VERY curious about your thoughts on Occult Ether Physics by William Lyne (linked below). Lyne subscribes to the same views on Tesla as Vassilatos, not to mention Eric Dollard (himself a primary inspiration for Lori Gardi - aka 'Fractal Woman'). So I'm curious if you think Lyne's impressions on Tesla's ideal flying machine (flying saucer) are valid.
In either case, VERY excited for your stream tomorrow. By the way, you have it scheduled on YouTube for November 16th rather than October 16th.
Fascinating Arkmode, As you know, I like to "clean room" my realisations by not reading things that could colour my impartial approach to physical evidence, only picking things up that come along the journey, often based on tip offs by the crowd.
I have not read all the pages I recommend to read yet (I hope to do when return from forest), but I have seen enough that it there is no doubt we are witnessing the same effect.
In due course, I will look at the other references you link thankyou.
Thanks for alerting me to incorrect date - Fixed
Excellent, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this material, it should help me grow in my own understanding.
Hop on the live stream Arkmode! https://youtu.be/A9cDxPmnWQw
Already there :)
Yes, Hutchison effect.
Page 64/65: “Along with several colleagues of the day, Tesla firmly ascribed to the Aetheric theory of gravitation. Gravitation was evidence that a groundward retheric pressure was at work, permeating mass and producing fixed relationships of attraction with respect to the earth proper. The apparent constant acceleration of different falling masses was accordingly calculated as a function of density and cross-section. Theoretically, the concept remains a curiously flawless ex- planation of gravitation.”
This surprised and delighted me, of course, we have added granularity and deeper understanding to the theory, but in principle the understanding over 140 years ago was sound.
Peace 68: “ In several experimental instances, researchers discovered the complete annihilation of gravitic effects due to extreme positive electrostatic charge. George Piggot showed that it was possible to suspend large beads of silver within a positive monopolar field. Dr. Francis Nipher also demonstrated the complete reversal of gravitational attraction in a modified Cavendish balance. Here too it was found that strong positive electrostatic charge, though completely shielded in Faraday cages, successfully repelled neutral matter. These could only be the result of retheric interactions.”
Hey Bob, I’d hate to bog you down with useless things but I came across this article about Nobel Peace Winners saying the universe being not ‘locally’ real. (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/) to be honest I just skimmed it, but came across this possibly relevant passage:
“Under quantum mechanics, nature is not locally real—particles lack properties such as spin up or spin down prior to measurement, and seemingly talk to one another no matter the distance.”
Bob, I came across this rendition of the Vassilatos book in this video from this seemingly decades old Peter Lindemann presentation in the pre-Zoom days. https://youtu.be/rXX_g49tLeU
So is cold electricity, ie., that excellent Kouropoulos paper, the same as radiant electricity? Thanks.
Cold electricity is part of the family of effects IMHO. I will check out the video, thanks for sharing.
What type of winding machine do you use? Share your brand of winding machine
Are you asking me? I don't have a winding machine.
This will be a nice one for Halloween though, some nice ghostly plasma (the full spectrum video): https://youtu.be/x0pgJGOU_Qs
I think I was wrong that it doesn't yield useful info, these are fun image frames to go through, I think a lot of little details may be hiding, it will need your analysis, but here is some of it: https://imgur.com/a/qJkWVIN (right click and open in new tab to view full size)
I will have to find the right camera setting exposure/gamma settings, and it would be better to get a proper supply to power the coil at resonance. I will be able to get rid of the flicker lines and get better resolution images if you feel this would be worth looking into further.
It is notifying at this end, I just have little time!
I should add, the plasma globe was either unconnected (lit by the coil underneath), or in series with the coil in these clips. A solenoid and 2-tor are compared at the end. With a normal camera/naked eye, the plasma is just barely lit when it's only the tor energizing it, but looks fully lit in full-spectrum.
It is a shame about the rolling shutter artefacts
I can get rid of them by changing exposure settings, I will try to get some better recordings.
I didn't know you were going to upload that one, it's alright, but you didn't want to wait for the better video? I'm not sure how much it really shows, except for the full spectrum camera ability, unless those structures in the middle are something when you go frame by frame. It would also be better if I can get it running at resonance, pending a proper power supply, though maybe if it is a poynting effect that's not needed?
I really want to do a frame by frame analysis with better resolution, I don't even know if there is anything different from the solenoid and 2-Tor, and it might be misleading to present it as a visualization of any Tor or evo effect.
Don't underestimate either the power of learning from imperfection or the crowds ability to see things another can't
I caught a bunch of micro phantoms, or some weird residual effect after the power is shut off, little balls flying around, jumping between coil segments, one even ignites the plasma briefly. I'll upload the full video when it's done, but go through the end of this clip frame by frame, at first I saw only a few, but there are a bunch of fainter ones all over the place, some appearing and disappearing, some flying: https://youtu.be/9xZOa3S7rTk
I had the tube set in the middle, and was pulsing it on and off several times then it happened. (don't share this one, just see if you can see what I do, I will try to get more and try the full spectrum)
That would really help as difficult to see what is going on
would be interesting to know the frequency of the light, what is the fill gas?
I guess whatever mix of Ar and Xe or whatever else is used globes?
4k downloader failing to download, seams to break the gets to blank part of video
I used the youtube crop editor about half an hour ago, it gave a message that it could take a few hours to process.
Got it
Maybe that is reason, I will try again later
Thought I would share some tests, with an aluminum core 4-Tor, currently trying different ways of exciting the coils. (the plasma in an H2 ampoule in the middle moved most when connecting the Tor to a phase-locked-loop Tesla coil [one of those "plasma candle" ones, with a steady sinewave output, ~16MHz], but no ball effect). https://imgur.com/a/9UQNGV8
I also have tried a ZVS power supply, and a 115vac 3kHz power supply, and 80W white noise (and other waveforms).
No phantoms around the Tor, but there was around the tips of the conical coils (windings are wrapped around iron sheeting). The iron seems to have become magnetized at the tips after disconnecting power (visible on Trifield meter, and running a magnetic compass down them, the needle flips direction half way down), I don't know if that would be normal, but I have not tried DC through them yet, only AC and neon transformer (inverted outputs creating voltage potential between them, not normal AC).
I made a Boyd Bushman (electro)magnetic beam device, but there was no effect yet, still need to try different ways of powering, beyond wall socket AC.
The only other interesting effect so far is in this video https://www.dropbox.com/s/jlji5w7p21g6hmm/Untitled%2058.mp4?dl=0, comparing the plasma through the Tor, vs. without the Tor, it 'balls' up, but it is likely this is just from the proximity of the tips to the Tor, and it wanting to arc to that instead.
Hi Phil,
This is some very nice tests, do you know what L/R configuration your coil is?
I think the test with the "Balling up" is nice and is worth exploring, particularly at different spark gap distances and with different electrode metals and frequencies, it would be great to be able to do this with more or less sub tor sections and/or different L/R configurations and see if that makes a difference.
I think we should do a review of Bagel work in the coming weeks. Would it be ok to share your investigations?
Yes, it would be fine to share. It is a RRLL but it would be good to try more or less sub tors, I would like to try a 5-Tor, it takes a lot more wire but I've got an easy and quick winding rig so I will likely try, probably with a normal steel wire core, the aluminum is prone to crimping and breaks easily. I want to further explore the config I believe got me sick, with the steel cores on each level, all connected, but will have to make a considerable shield, that was a very bad feeling. I'll look into getting a variable frequency HV supply.
Please consider the shield of Shishkin.
Hi Phil, I think the balling up is what I mentally considered should happen and the Hypertoroidal moment paper appeared to confirm it, if you have achieved it in a practical demonstration that is very valuable.
Would it be possible for you to run some further tests with some basic solenoid in a loop ( a 2 tor ) to see if it balls up - even a loop.
Note, in a recent plasma experiment on YT, someone was able to make a plasma torus with a simple coil under a the type of gas balls you can buy from EBay from Ukraine.
That is like the bottom left plasma structure in this frame from my Russian conference presentation.
From what the physical tors, spindle tors and spheres were showing me from VEGA, ULTR etc, when the fractal toroidal moment is right, we can create a sphere. This is what I think we need, in combination with a controlled LINEAR magnetic field - as per now expire Chukanov patents, to make an energy generator that will not eat its container.
I will try those ideas, but already believe I can confirm it is the tor field causing it, leaving it unpowered the arc does a normal flame, and also I had removed it to reposition and try different electrodes, and it stopped doing it, some of the loops had slipped slightly out of place, or it wasn't positioned the same, so I repositioned it and saw it again. I will try to make a video today.
have you got the ability to turn the power on and off? That might be quite compelling.
I did a review of the first video you sent in context of fractal toroidal fields.
Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to debunk this, I was getting it to do it unpowered. I was right that it was the proximity of the arc to the coils, not from the air flow but it wanting to arc to that instead of the other electrode. I was going to upload a video with a small 2-tor and solenoid test, but no point now. Sorry to get your hopes up
Yes, here is a better video (the green stuff on the tor coil is just plasticine from holding the H2 tube in place). The end shows the tor unpowered. https://www.dropbox.com/s/smbswmgf5bdi88i/Tor1.mp4?dl=0
Is there an electromagnetic phantom? Can you share the tutorial on making bagel coils? Thank you.
No I haven't detected a phantom, I had a large spike on the tri-field meter once but it went away. I am making another one soon, I will see if I can make a tutorial.
Did you make your own winding machine? Or Amazon bought it.
It's a home rig.
You can't ask on here?
I have something to ask you.
What is your e-mail address? I want to ask you something about my email, 222333qqqqq@gmail.com.
baronarcanus asked the following:
"Is there any data on where within the 1,2,3,4-tor bagel coils that the phantom energy resides?"
Here is my brief response:
"Tesla created Aether currents - AKA Radiant Energy.
In my view these are flows of Dark Matter and more specifically, likely flows of Relic Neutrinos, in part from true charge separation and in part from the background flux.
Nevessky calculates and Zhvirblis notes "Closed Poynting Vectors" in 3+ tor configurations. Fryberger ascribes it to "Vacuum Currents"
We are talking about a superfluid toroidal cluster of Relic Neutrinos, that individually have a toroidal moment, but collectively and coherently create a toroidal moment allowing them to cluster further with like clusters fractally into larger clusters that then have a larger fractal toroidal moment.
Simple superfluid tors in a string create a vacuum current in an environment, fractal tors appear to create, at the extreme, spherical reaction areas which focus ordinary matter and dark matter forcing them to interact.
I had glanced over this page initially, but didn't watch the video, and still haven't.
Whilst skimming past these comments a few days ago I thought, "Wow, the russians really are ahead of us!"
Now that I've gone back and read these comments somewhat more closely, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. This page is crazy. :) What exactly is going on here? haha.... Anyways...
@Bob: I'm not sure you produced a meaningful answer to my initial question. My question was "Is there any data on where within the 1,2,3,4-tor zhvirblis coils that the phantom energy resides", perhaps I can refine my question somewhat to receive a better answer:
Where on or about the bagel coil does the latent charge reside, after power is switched off?
I hope that's more clear, unlike most of this post, page & comments, at least to me. Is it me, or has the flavour around here changed significantly since me previous substack account? ^^;;
Thanks as usual Bob.
You should probably watch the video.
I took a brief peek, still feel like im in the twilight zone.
ill have to defer this for now. I'll try to look tomorrow.
To be honest, I thought this was an October Fools joke when I first started reading...
I've covered some of this stuff in my book as well, Lindemann's "Electroradiant events" among others.
No, it's real.
They must be leveraging this technology, then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w
Seen this done a number of times, not a bad version.
That being said, this is not a hard concept to grasp. Many people have tried to make it sound complicated as they did not understand or were deliberately obfuscating what they had done (almost certainly the former in most cases). It is not most peoples fault, up until 1965 in USSR and 1997 in West, there was simply not a plausible mechanism that explained the observations, but the observations were still real.
As new people re-discover this, they invent all kinds of new terms, I try to correlate and aggregate these so people have the ability to recognise them as all the same thing.
It states in "The Bagel Game"
"If a small supertor is connected to a low-frequency generator, then compared to the length of the electromagnetic waves it emits, the emitter itself can be considered almost a point."
I am of the view that the energy is wrapped up in an extremely small toroid or sphere at the centre of the bagel. This is supported by the claim the self-supporting structure is left behind when the turned off bagel is moved.
The Baron approves!
PS: I lost my other login creds in a hardware failure, but will resume posting again soon. I did recover most of my work-related data, and my book is approaching completion.
old substack: https://baronarcanus.substack.com
new substack: https://arcanus.substack.com
What type of winding machine do you use? Share your brand of winding machine
What type of winding machine do you use? Share your brand of winding machine
What type of winding machine do you use? Share your brand of winding machine
What type of winding machine do you use? Share your brand of winding machine
It is difficult to comment on your articles because I do not pay to do it:
Please comment on this:
NATURES Harmonics & Geometry explained;
Did you re-check the bagel coil? Does he have an electromagnetic phantom or not? Or a scam?thank you
Share where you bought your winding machine and what brand. I also need a winding machine. Thank you
In your opinion what was the different between standing and stationary waves per Tesla? Stationary the æther standing the electric phenomenon.
@Phil & Bob ( and anyone else interested in a proposed electrodynamic, conscious & theological platonic model of physics), look here:
DISCLAIMER: This is an alpha version, there are errors and absences.