LIVESTREAM, Sun 16 October 2022 @ 22:00 CET
Brain blast from the past
So on Friday 14th October 2022, I decided to take a break from taking a break, well, I wasn’t for most of the week, but that was the plan. Anyhow, I thought to myself, what should I do for several hours and I thought, I know, I’d like to look up that reference I was sent many moons ago in response to some interpretations I was presenting back in early 2020, you know, before that thing got underway.
Well, in digging though my emails, I found that back on Monday 10 Feb 2020 @ 20:04, martystirl replied to a comment I was making in reference to the EVO activity we observed in Suhas Ralkar’s lab in 2017, specifically the ‘blue/white flash’ observations we saw and recorded that I called at the time “Brilliant Light Shower” which several times tripped his huge PSU.
His comment was as follows.
This is interesting:
…the usual sharp, Purple, electric arc discharges are bridged by what looks far more like a gas flame rather than an electric arc. Perhaps this is on the other end of a continuum with the ‘electric’ like browns gas flame. Tesla became convinced that he was dealing with a novel aetheric energy that was distinct from dielectric and electro-magnetic. His description of it includes its ability to pass through all kinds of materials, the ability to persist long after the generator was turned off, and to transmute elements. Here:
Secrets of Cold War Technology by Garry Vassilatos
From TouTuber ‘master ivo’
NOTE: The book is out of print but there are a few second hand copies available on Amazon for about $160
I didn’t have time to look at much more than the front cover back then and it went into the dark recesses of my mind, but now it was back, and so was the link! Thanks to Master IVO for the link and I believe comment all that time back.
As I normally do when the universe guides me to investigate something, I clicked on the link and just jumped to a random page and started to read at a random point. What I read, SHOCKED, astonished, but ultimately did not surprise me. It was this phrase at the top of page 173 which, upon reading back to the previous page, appeared to be connected with Tesla’s disruptive discharges. Something I had discussed before, with, to be frank, little real knowledge of Tesla’s actual study.
“The impulse singularity was only part of his process however, the separation of charge carriers from aetheric components being the critical factor.”
Now I knew why the universe had sent me, see this segment from my recent Assisi presentation.
It is the aggregation of these String Vortex Solitons / magnetic monopoles / Strange Radiation, that I explain in my 2021 Russian conference presentation “The Monopole Clutch”, is the mechanism behind Ohmasa Vibrator and Gas (and by extension ULTR), Papp, Brown Gas etc.
The implication - We now know what Tesla's “Radiant Energy” is.
I hope you will take the time to read pages to 19-94 which we will discuss on the livestream and you will likely be as amazed as I was at the exact correlation to our findings these past years.
I did a deep dive into impulse discharges a year ago. Moray King says (in respect to exciting a caduceus coil) the more abrupt the discharge, the more ZPE is orthorotated into 3-space, because with more abruptness you "interact with the higher frequency modes of the ZPE, and in Boyer's spectrum (referencing "The Classical Vacuum", by Timothy boyer), it is in the higher frequency modes where the greater energy density is, so you get more". Beardon described the same abrupt discharges in bucking coils, saying they "momentarily produce not only an amplified Poynting energy flow, but also an amplified Heaviside energy flow".
The Heaviside component or Unit Step Function, more properly studied as the Dirac Delta Function or Unit Impulse, was the initial interest, because it is important to the 'Delta-T' time modulation system used at Montauk (based on Tesla's work), namely in the use of white noise as the carrier signal and glue that held the whole system together and made it coherent to the aether or 'hyperspace'; white noise being composed of Dirac delta pulses.
The math is entirely based on the fractal-torus model of the universe, specifically the cross product of the Tangent of 0 ("zero-time", center of the torus), and the Tangent of 90, derived from the step function of an impulse being 90 degrees (the Tan of which is infinity, representing the outer limit of the torus, or all-time/all-activity).
The basic idea with the white noise (besides being able to carry psychic information, proven in experiments by Princeton's PEAR lab and René Peoch; and also that in signal processing it is 50% correlated to everything within it's bandwidth), is that the fractal nature of the universe, when looking at the entire limit from 0 to infinity, appears as a broadband noise like function, so that any gaussian noise can be used as a time infinity reference (and when combined with a zero-time reference, generated by a supposed device of Tesla's that inertially locked to the spin of earth, which through Foucault's pendulum principle, ultimately locked it to the zero-time center of the universe] is able to create a time vortex).
A deeper idea regarding the Dirac impulse, relates to hydrogen, and it being (in Steiner and Hugh Lovels' Biodynamics) the most aetheric element, and the 'point' where matter or organization/order arises out of the aether (as the Dirac function is a 'point' arising out of nothing), so Hydrogen is like nature's impulse function.
Something that might be worth looking at is the use of salt. King says one of the best things to pulse abruptly is a crystal lattice (because of stable lines of vacuum polarization), and the cubic lattice of sodium chloride already has orthogonal electrostatic potentials. Polonium is the only metal with a cubic crystal structure, but it's radioactive.
BOB I've been singing this book's praises for years during your streams. So excited to see you had a chance to dig through it!! I read it back in 2018 and as I began to better understand your perspectives, I realized that indeed you are on the same wavelength as Tesla. If you're interested in this material, I'm VERY curious about your thoughts on Occult Ether Physics by William Lyne (linked below). Lyne subscribes to the same views on Tesla as Vassilatos, not to mention Eric Dollard (himself a primary inspiration for Lori Gardi - aka 'Fractal Woman'). So I'm curious if you think Lyne's impressions on Tesla's ideal flying machine (flying saucer) are valid.
In either case, VERY excited for your stream tomorrow. By the way, you have it scheduled on YouTube for November 16th rather than October 16th.