Thank you SO MUCH Bob! This video provided me with the final bits of information I needed to fully integrate the geometry with the dynamics -- I get it now. I can see it. I can see why it works the way it does now. I feel very blessed, and humbled. THANK YOU!
I had a literal Eureka moment and I wanted to share. I have had some of my most profound lateral and integrative thinking, while taking a shower a few times in my life. Watching this video by you I could finally see it -- and I can right now -- I can see the full dynamics of what that structure is doing. It really is a kind of nuclear siphon. If you look at that shape, or the series of shapes you shows later in that video, that is literally a funnel, and that funnel proceeds down through a tube basically of aether/plasma that is the shape of the fractal toroid. It's a very long torturous path with a very specific tight shape, and that's the pressure gradient of the aether, so to speak, where you can just imagine the sum of all forces converged to produce an underlying shape that reveals the basic pressure gradient of the universe, the underlying dynamics, the underlying shape. So that's why it always forms this particular shape when you punch it hard enough and narrow enough, because this is just the natural hydrodynamic effect of a very pointy very hard punch by a cavitation jet, for example, or a huge high-power Tesla apparatus or whatever. The structure sucks in on one side and spits out on the other side. On the output side, it forms a spiral outward, very similar to Malcolm Bendall's shape, where he shows the spiral pattern of the elements over a sphere. They will proceed out the exit in some shape like that. That's because it's more or less the weight of the matter as it gets flung out at different pressure gradients going out the exit funnel. As far as how do you get very specific outputs, I suspect the answer to that is controlling the environment around this structure when you create one, and basically feeding it particular wavelength of particles at a particular angle of a particular isotope. So choose your particular input element, and then basically pick a frequency and aim it into input funnel of this structure, and you have this nuclear-powered siphon / ball lightning object, depending on what scale's we're scaling about. Inside a PVC pipe siphon defying gravity the answer may be no more complex than positing a particular geometry of PVC fittings produces some quanta of cavitation bubbles which produces some quanta of nuclear siphons in the same of the magnetohydrodynamic structure that is the fractal toroidal aether/plasma tube / O. When they unwind or explode they release the world's smallest nuclear bomb, so to speak, so a tiny number of reactions can add up to a large propulsive power. Flowing water through a pipe made to intentionally cavitate the water at some point with geometry favorable to capture propulsion from the cavitation area seems very plausible. This may be the solution to end all solutions. The easiest end-game. The all-in-one that fixes Africa and America and everywhere. You can pump water and trivially turn that into electricity at arbitrary scales.
What a disapointment with the article dealing with the so-called "nuclear siphon" !
Did the author even bother to make an experiment by himself ? Apparently no, or at least he does not mention it. Nor does he give any description of a device that he could have witnessed.
Instead, he tells us that "The existence of such siphons in nature is based on thousands of videos..."
Could it be that these videos are fakes ? He writes "In many cases, this is true [that these videos are fakes]. However, there are many videos that require explanation."
Well... how can he tell the difference ?
In brief : this guy proposes a theory to explain a phenomenon that he did not even observe !
(ps : in french, the world for "disapointment" is "deception")
I agree, it is not a good look, all kinds of obvious issues with the videos and yes, remarkably, he does not test himself to see if it works as described.
That being said, having done a bunch of plumbing recently this looks 'looks' both simple and not expensive to attempt.
1/ Links have been mixed up : the video behind the link does not correspond to the device in Fig. 5 ! It corresponds to device described page 9 (Fig. 7a, b, c).
@7'22 : the bottle shrinks due to a decrease in air pressure inside the bottle. This is perfectly normal. Logically, some air gently comes in through the exit pipe (a few bubbles in the water).
@7'39 : suddenly, water pours out of the inlet tube (the one between the well and the bottle). Eureka, the "nuclear compressor" kicked in !!
Euh... or maybe not.
In fact, one can see and hear that the bottle takes its shape back, which clearly shows that the pressure inside the bottle has suddenly increased.
If there were any "nuclear compressor" effect due to cavitations inside the double-venturi in the exit tube, then the pressure inside the bottle should stay low (in order to induce suction).
Moreover, one can see that the water pours inside the bottle with much more pressure than the water that pours out of the exit tube.
From these observations I deduce that a compressor (aka pump) is located before the bottle.
A suggestion for your upcoming experiment to replicate the "Nuclear Syphon" as follows:
The Papp engine produced increased pressure because the EVO is unstable and will eventually explode in what is called a Bosenova. This explosion results from the failure of the Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) when the BEC transitions from a coherent condition of the condensate to an incoherent condition where electrons that have been sequestered in the BEC are released at near light speed.
The experimenter can verify that this Bosenova explosion is occurring inside the "Nuclear Syphon" through detecting the electron explosion by tuning an AM radio between stations where that detuned radio will produce increased static when the radio is placed near the active reaction area inside the pipes where the EVOs are exploding when the experiment is active.
I hav e posted MUCH on this in the past. The depth of this square is deeply related to the Fine Stucture Constant and beLIEve it or not the Lords Prayer (Pater Noster), on Earth as it is in Heaven eh? PAERNOSTER it is in the square 2X with the central N as a pivot and AO OA remaining, see for yourself.
This all goes DEEP into Genesis 1:1 and the 6 days (daze) of creation and MUCH more related to NEYEN. Have you watched the movie TENET? Highly recommend as it is related to inversions in time like the magic of pHi Bob is finding with phi=1/pHi, 0.618=1/0.618 or 89/144, and the magic of the ONLY squared term in Fibonacci as 12^2=144, the 12th term of the series!
Whoa you just broke my brains haha Thx man! Ryan ties it all up to Saturn, and how all of this is also in Tarot in plain sight! Ill try and look up your previous posts so i can adjourn my next take on it and share it with you guys. AEON seems to be having a crucial role to as time is the main star here! Thx CS!♾️☯️
Hi Bob and community, I have published an abbreviated history of plasmoids with links to more information on the related materials. I think anyone who enjoys your work will appreciate this. I've posted the same contents freely available here:
And I'll post as much as the comment system allows inline as well so you can get a sample (it allows about half):
Physics: The Untold History of Tesla's "Impulses", Bostick's "Plasmoids", Shoulders "Exotic Vacuum Objects" (EVOs), Keely's "etheric" force, Papp's "Noble Gas Engine", etc.
John Hutchinson, Stanley Meyer, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, Takaaki Matusmoto, and Bob Greenyer
I've primarily studied physics of the 19th-21st century, so I can't provide a detailed accounting of the history of this subject for the period before. The records before circa 1800 are less complete, less common, and more difficult to decipher due to the unique terminology employed by every single discoverer of this physical phenomena. Suffice it to say that this phenomena has been harnessed for a long time and observed for a very long time. Any time you see ball lightning in ancient artwork: you are seeing the record of an observation of a huge macroscopic plasmoid/exotic vacuum object/etc (hereafter referred to mostly as plasmoids for simplicity). Plasmoids are as natural as sunshine and lightning. They mostly exist at the microscopic scale beyond our ability to directly perceive. Occasionally the environment is ripe for mother nature to generate ball lightning as in the Hessdalen lights of Norway. In extreme situations ball lightning can be a yard/meter in diameter. During earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in particular, the forces at play are so intense as to be difficult to comprehend. When the right elements are moving relative to one another with the right dynamics, you get ball lightning. Unfortunately ball lightning isn't so common as to be readily studied in nature. Until recent decades it was often considered an urban legend or myth. Thankfully the advancement of mobile camera technology has dramatically increased the documentation of natural ball lightning. Once you accept that nature produces such a phenomenon rarely it's only a small step from there to accept that it's possible for humans to engineer the conditions that produces such a phenomenon on command. Just as we see nature produces light and lightning and we humans also make our own (smaller!) light and lightning. Ball lightning is what plasmoids are called when you find them in nature. Plasmoids are what you call ball lightning that's made in a lab.
Let's start with John Ernst Worrell Keely. By today's standards he's regarded as a quack inventor at best and a fraudster at worst. By 1872 he had created a sort of steam engine that you need only crank to start, then it would be self-powered by water. Modern debunkers assert he secretly employed air compressors to drive the apparatus and thus was a complete fraud. Though a closer look at what he built reveals that he created engines which generated a lot of water cavitation using multiple methods (clever geometry, resonant effects, etc), which means he was definitely making plasmoids.
Any time you're generating a large quantity of water cavitation some fraction of those cavitation bubbles will collapse forming Rayleigh jets with a very fine tip which experiences immense pressures and temperatures and voltage over a infinitesimal area. Any type of hard sharp punch (including a powerful laser pulse) will produce in electromagnetism what is called a toroidal moment where the electric and magnetic fields bend back into each other, forming a closed tube shape that connects to itself: a hollow doughnut. This is a semi-stable field configuration that can last from mere moments to at least months depending on the environment. Macroscopic plasmoids intentionally created in a lab typically last on the order the 2 seconds to 2 minutes. Plasmoids are readily trapped and kept stable at lower powers in metal lattices for long periods, at least months.
John Keely used a steam engine type design to drive pistons to do work. In recent years there have been numerous much simpler systems working on the same principle. Some call them "nuclear siphons" because the cavitation is driving a tiny nuclear reaction by the use of short-lived plasmoids. This nuclear reaction manifests as anomalous pressure and temperature at the site of the water cavitation. Using clever geometry it's possible to connect together some mundane PVC water pipes together such that they'll cavitate in a way that pushes water uphill. Water cavitation is perhaps the simplest low-tech way of generating (tiny) plasmoids and its effects have probably been rediscovered many times by many people.
Nikola Tesla independently discovered plasmoids by circa 1890 when experimenting with high power disruptive electric discharges (not resonating, not oscillating, but just unidirectional periodic sharp pulses of high voltage). When he placed a single-turn copper helix by the spark gap that coil “[…] become ensheathed in an envelope of white sparks. Undulating from the crown of this coil were very long fluidic silvery white streamers, soft discharges which appeared to have been considerably raised in voltage.”
The sparks surrounding the coil (and the plasma streamers) is a very strong sign that in that configuration he was making plasmoids. This same effect is documented by Takaaki Matsumoto and Ken Shoulders. Some describe the sparks as forming a kind of Pearl necklace, beads on a string, etc. Closer examination of these “sparks” shows they’re super-tightly-wound plasma structures in the fractal toroidal shape. It was precisely this "Tesla Impulse" technology that he was designing as the enabling basis for his "Radiant Energy" that he wished to broadcast to all homes without wires. Pulsed Tesla Impulses are capable of generating very high power radio waves, orders of magnitude stronger than any similarly-powered radio transmitter.
In the 1940s the German's were experimenting with various high-power radar technology (high power continuous radio waves). There are reports that crossing of two such radar beams (such as when two radar stations track the same enemy plane) would occasionally create macroscopic ball lightning that the allied pilots called "foo fighters."
In the 1950s the US federal government was spending many billions of dollars on nuclear weapons technology and nuclear technology more generally. They had achieved nuclear fission. They had also achieved limited nuclear fusion in the form of hydrogen bombs. There was considerable effort advanced by Truman in 1953 to use "atoms for peace." This meant in part that money previously spent exclusively on nuclear bombs and their enabling technology would be expanded to include energy-generation technology of both the fission and fusion types. At the early part of the atomic age many scientists were optimistic they would quickly find a way to do controlled fusion which can provide unlimited clean energy almost for free.
One scientist working on "atoms for peace" projects was Winston Bostick. Among other things by 1956 Bostick had created a z-pinch plasma gun that would produce plasmoids on command. More than any other scientists mentioned in this list, Bostick was an insider to the US nuclear regime. He was an Chicago-trained nuclear physicist that worked at MIT, Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, etc.
Bostick published several papers and some of his work was discussed in mainstream press. His line of research into fusion via plasma confinement then goes dark. It appears likely that his fundamental research successfully led to nuclear energy and nuclear bomb applications. All knowledge related to high-end weapons and energy systems are tightly controlled by the US federal government. Remember that scientists made nuclear bombs with pencils and slide rules in the 1940s, so clearly it has to be the case that the key relevant engineering dynamics aren't that complex. This is why you can't let the information be shared too broadly: you want to maintain a monopoly on advanced weapons and energy technology that gives you an edge over rival nations. The most advanced technology will be held back as secret for as long as possible, only shown publicly and admitted when forced by events.
I think many of the people who follow your work will be familiar with Gerry Vassilatos "Secrets of Cold War Technology" book. I've been working to decode the language used to describe Tesla's inventions and observations. I present that effort here:
Physics: Decoding Tesla’s 19th century language: radio, plasma, plasmoids
Reading pages 25-60 of this book is very helpful if you want to understand what Tesla discovered circa 1890:
Unfortunately for modern people, Tesla’s language is archaic. And he was describing observations of phenomena not yet known to science at the time. Here’s my attempt at explaining the key aspects of his key discoveries.
According to Tesla if you make an apparatus that gives off a sufficiently sharp unidirectional electrical pulse (don’t allow oscillations) it produces an electric-only (longitudinal) shockwave that extends very far, capable of passing through copper and glass unimpeded. Maybe we can explain this as extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves like those used to communicate with submarines?
Some of the effects Tesla described were very likely RF in nature. He described varying effects on humans and objects by varying the pulse rate from ~100us down to ~1ns. Described in frequency terms it seems he was mostly working in the 10KHz to 1MHz range in terms of the primary signal he was generating with his spark gap, though I’ve seen notes alluding to tests higher and lower. He was working in the analog space tuning frequency by physically moving sparking elements closer and further away from each other so clearly it wasn’t digitally precise.
At 10 KHz he reported feeling heat. At lower frequencies he felt vibration. Modern testing with infrasound demonstrates humans feel vibrations from it. Feeling heat is common with microwave.
Germans in WW2 used radars operating in the 120-600MHz range. Some have suggested that when two such radar beams intersected it formed a glowing orb the pilots called foo fighters. Some of Tesla’s luminous observations may have been variations of this same effect.
His ability to light up sealed tubes with noble gases in them is also well-known to anyone who has held a fluorescent bulb near power lines, or exposed such a bulb to microwaves.
He reported some tests produced cool breezes, with an accompanying uplift in mood and awareness that sounds like a negative ion + low dose ozone bath from standing by the bottom of a waterfall. Operating high voltages like Tesla did definitely produces these things. The cool breeze was surely ionic wind.
Some of the visual effects he described sound like plasma, which was first discovered only a decade before Tesla’s experiments and so had minimal exploration at the time.
I’m trying to translate Tesla’s tests vs observations into modern terms so I can skip over the things we now understand as mundane. A lot of the seemingly odd or mysterious things he reported seem entirely explicable as results of high power high frequency RF.
When he placed a single-turn copper helix by the spark gap the coil “[…] become ensheathed in an envelope of white sparks. Undulating from the crown of this coil were very long fluidic silvery white streamers, soft discharges which appeared to have been considerably raised in voltage.”
The sparks surrounding the coil (and the plasma streamers) is a VERY strong sign that in that configuration he was making plasmoids. This same effect is documented by Takaaki Matsumoto and Ken Shoulders. Some describe the sparks as forming a kind of Pearl necklace, beads on a string, etc. Closer examination of these “sparks” shows they’re super-tightly-wound plasma structures in the fractal toroidal shape. They can be manufactured at will with a z-pinch plasma gun. Winston Bostik made them at will by 1956:
The spark disruptor with nearby copper helix is the true “Tesla Coil”: I posit the discharges made plasmoids — typically in their dark mode and thus invisible — which quickly exploded in a coulombic explosion. That’s why he said it projected as rays. He was observing the effect of electron bullets and J-radiation (MTER, MagnetoToroElectricalRadiaton) firing in straight lines from the site of explosion.
The force of this tiny explosion is so great that when the electric debris flies past the copper helix (aerodynamically as he described, not as typical electricity) it presses very hard on the free electrons in the outermost skin of the copper, likely creating little magnetic fields as it goes, leading to a bunching up of free electrons with increasing pressure along the length of the helix such that voltage increases 10kV per inch as he reports (i.e. not at all a regular transformer coil behavior).
If I’m right then the true Tesla Coil isn’t the resonant electromagnetic type we all know and love, it’s more like a Papp engine using the motive and electrical force of coulombic explosions from the rapid creation and destruction of plasmoids.
As an aside: John Keely very plausibly beat Tesla to key aspects of this discovery. Keely built steampunk versions of the Papp engine by circa 1872. His early designs appeared to use water cavitation as the means of producing plasmoids.
Would LOVE to discuss the magnitude of what you have found with pHive in the inverse Bob, the Master number 11 plays a critical role within Pascal's Triangle related binomial coefficients of polynomial expansion ('s_theorem) and the unicursal hexagram related to Hadit as as the point in the center of the circle, the axle of the wheel, the cube in the circle, "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star" ( and Nuit in Egyptian terms ( based on the Ancient Egyptian sky goddess Nut, who in Egyptian mythology arches over her husband/brother, Geb (Earth god).
The Templar (prime number also in Pascal's triangle) cross is KEY in the palindrome anagram eart|H|eart of the Auric field code and the 108 Malcolm knows so well within his Sanskrit arithmetic, but you do not seem to speak to?
Thank you SO MUCH Bob! This video provided me with the final bits of information I needed to fully integrate the geometry with the dynamics -- I get it now. I can see it. I can see why it works the way it does now. I feel very blessed, and humbled. THANK YOU!
I had a literal Eureka moment and I wanted to share. I have had some of my most profound lateral and integrative thinking, while taking a shower a few times in my life. Watching this video by you I could finally see it -- and I can right now -- I can see the full dynamics of what that structure is doing. It really is a kind of nuclear siphon. If you look at that shape, or the series of shapes you shows later in that video, that is literally a funnel, and that funnel proceeds down through a tube basically of aether/plasma that is the shape of the fractal toroid. It's a very long torturous path with a very specific tight shape, and that's the pressure gradient of the aether, so to speak, where you can just imagine the sum of all forces converged to produce an underlying shape that reveals the basic pressure gradient of the universe, the underlying dynamics, the underlying shape. So that's why it always forms this particular shape when you punch it hard enough and narrow enough, because this is just the natural hydrodynamic effect of a very pointy very hard punch by a cavitation jet, for example, or a huge high-power Tesla apparatus or whatever. The structure sucks in on one side and spits out on the other side. On the output side, it forms a spiral outward, very similar to Malcolm Bendall's shape, where he shows the spiral pattern of the elements over a sphere. They will proceed out the exit in some shape like that. That's because it's more or less the weight of the matter as it gets flung out at different pressure gradients going out the exit funnel. As far as how do you get very specific outputs, I suspect the answer to that is controlling the environment around this structure when you create one, and basically feeding it particular wavelength of particles at a particular angle of a particular isotope. So choose your particular input element, and then basically pick a frequency and aim it into input funnel of this structure, and you have this nuclear-powered siphon / ball lightning object, depending on what scale's we're scaling about. Inside a PVC pipe siphon defying gravity the answer may be no more complex than positing a particular geometry of PVC fittings produces some quanta of cavitation bubbles which produces some quanta of nuclear siphons in the same of the magnetohydrodynamic structure that is the fractal toroidal aether/plasma tube / O. When they unwind or explode they release the world's smallest nuclear bomb, so to speak, so a tiny number of reactions can add up to a large propulsive power. Flowing water through a pipe made to intentionally cavitate the water at some point with geometry favorable to capture propulsion from the cavitation area seems very plausible. This may be the solution to end all solutions. The easiest end-game. The all-in-one that fixes Africa and America and everywhere. You can pump water and trivially turn that into electricity at arbitrary scales.
What a disapointment with the article dealing with the so-called "nuclear siphon" !
Did the author even bother to make an experiment by himself ? Apparently no, or at least he does not mention it. Nor does he give any description of a device that he could have witnessed.
Instead, he tells us that "The existence of such siphons in nature is based on thousands of videos..."
Could it be that these videos are fakes ? He writes "In many cases, this is true [that these videos are fakes]. However, there are many videos that require explanation."
Well... how can he tell the difference ?
In brief : this guy proposes a theory to explain a phenomenon that he did not even observe !
(ps : in french, the world for "disapointment" is "deception")
I agree, it is not a good look, all kinds of obvious issues with the videos and yes, remarkably, he does not test himself to see if it works as described.
That being said, having done a bunch of plumbing recently this looks 'looks' both simple and not expensive to attempt.
Should I rush in building one of the several devices presented, or first invest a little bit of my time in reflecting on the allegations ?
I chose the second option.
Let's consider the device presented page 7 :
**"A photo of the most accessible compressor design for calculation is shown in Fig. 5, and a video is available at ."**
1/ Links have been mixed up : the video behind the link does not correspond to the device in Fig. 5 ! It corresponds to device described page 9 (Fig. 7a, b, c).
The video related to fig. 5 is here : .
2/ In this video :
@7'22 : the bottle shrinks due to a decrease in air pressure inside the bottle. This is perfectly normal. Logically, some air gently comes in through the exit pipe (a few bubbles in the water).
@7'39 : suddenly, water pours out of the inlet tube (the one between the well and the bottle). Eureka, the "nuclear compressor" kicked in !!
Euh... or maybe not.
In fact, one can see and hear that the bottle takes its shape back, which clearly shows that the pressure inside the bottle has suddenly increased.
If there were any "nuclear compressor" effect due to cavitations inside the double-venturi in the exit tube, then the pressure inside the bottle should stay low (in order to induce suction).
Moreover, one can see that the water pours inside the bottle with much more pressure than the water that pours out of the exit tube.
From these observations I deduce that a compressor (aka pump) is located before the bottle.
A suggestion for your upcoming experiment to replicate the "Nuclear Syphon" as follows:
The Papp engine produced increased pressure because the EVO is unstable and will eventually explode in what is called a Bosenova. This explosion results from the failure of the Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) when the BEC transitions from a coherent condition of the condensate to an incoherent condition where electrons that have been sequestered in the BEC are released at near light speed.
The experimenter can verify that this Bosenova explosion is occurring inside the "Nuclear Syphon" through detecting the electron explosion by tuning an AM radio between stations where that detuned radio will produce increased static when the radio is placed near the active reaction area inside the pipes where the EVOs are exploding when the experiment is active.
Cant wait! Know bout the work of Ryan Seven? Got a 3 piece 6hour podcast dedicated to Sator square? 💫
I hav e posted MUCH on this in the past. The depth of this square is deeply related to the Fine Stucture Constant and beLIEve it or not the Lords Prayer (Pater Noster), on Earth as it is in Heaven eh? PAERNOSTER it is in the square 2X with the central N as a pivot and AO OA remaining, see for yourself.
This all goes DEEP into Genesis 1:1 and the 6 days (daze) of creation and MUCH more related to NEYEN. Have you watched the movie TENET? Highly recommend as it is related to inversions in time like the magic of pHi Bob is finding with phi=1/pHi, 0.618=1/0.618 or 89/144, and the magic of the ONLY squared term in Fibonacci as 12^2=144, the 12th term of the series!
Whoa you just broke my brains haha Thx man! Ryan ties it all up to Saturn, and how all of this is also in Tarot in plain sight! Ill try and look up your previous posts so i can adjourn my next take on it and share it with you guys. AEON seems to be having a crucial role to as time is the main star here! Thx CS!♾️☯️
Hi Bob and community, I have published an abbreviated history of plasmoids with links to more information on the related materials. I think anyone who enjoys your work will appreciate this. I've posted the same contents freely available here:
...and here:
And I'll post as much as the comment system allows inline as well so you can get a sample (it allows about half):
Physics: The Untold History of Tesla's "Impulses", Bostick's "Plasmoids", Shoulders "Exotic Vacuum Objects" (EVOs), Keely's "etheric" force, Papp's "Noble Gas Engine", etc.
John Hutchinson, Stanley Meyer, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, Takaaki Matusmoto, and Bob Greenyer
I've primarily studied physics of the 19th-21st century, so I can't provide a detailed accounting of the history of this subject for the period before. The records before circa 1800 are less complete, less common, and more difficult to decipher due to the unique terminology employed by every single discoverer of this physical phenomena. Suffice it to say that this phenomena has been harnessed for a long time and observed for a very long time. Any time you see ball lightning in ancient artwork: you are seeing the record of an observation of a huge macroscopic plasmoid/exotic vacuum object/etc (hereafter referred to mostly as plasmoids for simplicity). Plasmoids are as natural as sunshine and lightning. They mostly exist at the microscopic scale beyond our ability to directly perceive. Occasionally the environment is ripe for mother nature to generate ball lightning as in the Hessdalen lights of Norway. In extreme situations ball lightning can be a yard/meter in diameter. During earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in particular, the forces at play are so intense as to be difficult to comprehend. When the right elements are moving relative to one another with the right dynamics, you get ball lightning. Unfortunately ball lightning isn't so common as to be readily studied in nature. Until recent decades it was often considered an urban legend or myth. Thankfully the advancement of mobile camera technology has dramatically increased the documentation of natural ball lightning. Once you accept that nature produces such a phenomenon rarely it's only a small step from there to accept that it's possible for humans to engineer the conditions that produces such a phenomenon on command. Just as we see nature produces light and lightning and we humans also make our own (smaller!) light and lightning. Ball lightning is what plasmoids are called when you find them in nature. Plasmoids are what you call ball lightning that's made in a lab.
Let's start with John Ernst Worrell Keely. By today's standards he's regarded as a quack inventor at best and a fraudster at worst. By 1872 he had created a sort of steam engine that you need only crank to start, then it would be self-powered by water. Modern debunkers assert he secretly employed air compressors to drive the apparatus and thus was a complete fraud. Though a closer look at what he built reveals that he created engines which generated a lot of water cavitation using multiple methods (clever geometry, resonant effects, etc), which means he was definitely making plasmoids.
Any time you're generating a large quantity of water cavitation some fraction of those cavitation bubbles will collapse forming Rayleigh jets with a very fine tip which experiences immense pressures and temperatures and voltage over a infinitesimal area. Any type of hard sharp punch (including a powerful laser pulse) will produce in electromagnetism what is called a toroidal moment where the electric and magnetic fields bend back into each other, forming a closed tube shape that connects to itself: a hollow doughnut. This is a semi-stable field configuration that can last from mere moments to at least months depending on the environment. Macroscopic plasmoids intentionally created in a lab typically last on the order the 2 seconds to 2 minutes. Plasmoids are readily trapped and kept stable at lower powers in metal lattices for long periods, at least months.
John Keely used a steam engine type design to drive pistons to do work. In recent years there have been numerous much simpler systems working on the same principle. Some call them "nuclear siphons" because the cavitation is driving a tiny nuclear reaction by the use of short-lived plasmoids. This nuclear reaction manifests as anomalous pressure and temperature at the site of the water cavitation. Using clever geometry it's possible to connect together some mundane PVC water pipes together such that they'll cavitate in a way that pushes water uphill. Water cavitation is perhaps the simplest low-tech way of generating (tiny) plasmoids and its effects have probably been rediscovered many times by many people.
Nikola Tesla independently discovered plasmoids by circa 1890 when experimenting with high power disruptive electric discharges (not resonating, not oscillating, but just unidirectional periodic sharp pulses of high voltage). When he placed a single-turn copper helix by the spark gap that coil “[…] become ensheathed in an envelope of white sparks. Undulating from the crown of this coil were very long fluidic silvery white streamers, soft discharges which appeared to have been considerably raised in voltage.”
The sparks surrounding the coil (and the plasma streamers) is a very strong sign that in that configuration he was making plasmoids. This same effect is documented by Takaaki Matsumoto and Ken Shoulders. Some describe the sparks as forming a kind of Pearl necklace, beads on a string, etc. Closer examination of these “sparks” shows they’re super-tightly-wound plasma structures in the fractal toroidal shape. It was precisely this "Tesla Impulse" technology that he was designing as the enabling basis for his "Radiant Energy" that he wished to broadcast to all homes without wires. Pulsed Tesla Impulses are capable of generating very high power radio waves, orders of magnitude stronger than any similarly-powered radio transmitter.
In the 1940s the German's were experimenting with various high-power radar technology (high power continuous radio waves). There are reports that crossing of two such radar beams (such as when two radar stations track the same enemy plane) would occasionally create macroscopic ball lightning that the allied pilots called "foo fighters."
In the 1950s the US federal government was spending many billions of dollars on nuclear weapons technology and nuclear technology more generally. They had achieved nuclear fission. They had also achieved limited nuclear fusion in the form of hydrogen bombs. There was considerable effort advanced by Truman in 1953 to use "atoms for peace." This meant in part that money previously spent exclusively on nuclear bombs and their enabling technology would be expanded to include energy-generation technology of both the fission and fusion types. At the early part of the atomic age many scientists were optimistic they would quickly find a way to do controlled fusion which can provide unlimited clean energy almost for free.
One scientist working on "atoms for peace" projects was Winston Bostick. Among other things by 1956 Bostick had created a z-pinch plasma gun that would produce plasmoids on command. More than any other scientists mentioned in this list, Bostick was an insider to the US nuclear regime. He was an Chicago-trained nuclear physicist that worked at MIT, Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, etc.
Bostick published several papers and some of his work was discussed in mainstream press. His line of research into fusion via plasma confinement then goes dark. It appears likely that his fundamental research successfully led to nuclear energy and nuclear bomb applications. All knowledge related to high-end weapons and energy systems are tightly controlled by the US federal government. Remember that scientists made nuclear bombs with pencils and slide rules in the 1940s, so clearly it has to be the case that the key relevant engineering dynamics aren't that complex. This is why you can't let the information be shared too broadly: you want to maintain a monopoly on advanced weapons and energy technology that gives you an edge over rival nations. The most advanced technology will be held back as secret for as long as possible, only shown publicly and admitted when forced by events.
I think many of the people who follow your work will be familiar with Gerry Vassilatos "Secrets of Cold War Technology" book. I've been working to decode the language used to describe Tesla's inventions and observations. I present that effort here:
Physics: Decoding Tesla’s 19th century language: radio, plasma, plasmoids
Reading pages 25-60 of this book is very helpful if you want to understand what Tesla discovered circa 1890:
Unfortunately for modern people, Tesla’s language is archaic. And he was describing observations of phenomena not yet known to science at the time. Here’s my attempt at explaining the key aspects of his key discoveries.
According to Tesla if you make an apparatus that gives off a sufficiently sharp unidirectional electrical pulse (don’t allow oscillations) it produces an electric-only (longitudinal) shockwave that extends very far, capable of passing through copper and glass unimpeded. Maybe we can explain this as extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves like those used to communicate with submarines?
Some of the effects Tesla described were very likely RF in nature. He described varying effects on humans and objects by varying the pulse rate from ~100us down to ~1ns. Described in frequency terms it seems he was mostly working in the 10KHz to 1MHz range in terms of the primary signal he was generating with his spark gap, though I’ve seen notes alluding to tests higher and lower. He was working in the analog space tuning frequency by physically moving sparking elements closer and further away from each other so clearly it wasn’t digitally precise.
At 10 KHz he reported feeling heat. At lower frequencies he felt vibration. Modern testing with infrasound demonstrates humans feel vibrations from it. Feeling heat is common with microwave.
Germans in WW2 used radars operating in the 120-600MHz range. Some have suggested that when two such radar beams intersected it formed a glowing orb the pilots called foo fighters. Some of Tesla’s luminous observations may have been variations of this same effect.
His ability to light up sealed tubes with noble gases in them is also well-known to anyone who has held a fluorescent bulb near power lines, or exposed such a bulb to microwaves.
He reported some tests produced cool breezes, with an accompanying uplift in mood and awareness that sounds like a negative ion + low dose ozone bath from standing by the bottom of a waterfall. Operating high voltages like Tesla did definitely produces these things. The cool breeze was surely ionic wind.
Some of the visual effects he described sound like plasma, which was first discovered only a decade before Tesla’s experiments and so had minimal exploration at the time.
I’m trying to translate Tesla’s tests vs observations into modern terms so I can skip over the things we now understand as mundane. A lot of the seemingly odd or mysterious things he reported seem entirely explicable as results of high power high frequency RF.
When he placed a single-turn copper helix by the spark gap the coil “[…] become ensheathed in an envelope of white sparks. Undulating from the crown of this coil were very long fluidic silvery white streamers, soft discharges which appeared to have been considerably raised in voltage.”
The sparks surrounding the coil (and the plasma streamers) is a VERY strong sign that in that configuration he was making plasmoids. This same effect is documented by Takaaki Matsumoto and Ken Shoulders. Some describe the sparks as forming a kind of Pearl necklace, beads on a string, etc. Closer examination of these “sparks” shows they’re super-tightly-wound plasma structures in the fractal toroidal shape. They can be manufactured at will with a z-pinch plasma gun. Winston Bostik made them at will by 1956:
The spark disruptor with nearby copper helix is the true “Tesla Coil”: I posit the discharges made plasmoids — typically in their dark mode and thus invisible — which quickly exploded in a coulombic explosion. That’s why he said it projected as rays. He was observing the effect of electron bullets and J-radiation (MTER, MagnetoToroElectricalRadiaton) firing in straight lines from the site of explosion.
The force of this tiny explosion is so great that when the electric debris flies past the copper helix (aerodynamically as he described, not as typical electricity) it presses very hard on the free electrons in the outermost skin of the copper, likely creating little magnetic fields as it goes, leading to a bunching up of free electrons with increasing pressure along the length of the helix such that voltage increases 10kV per inch as he reports (i.e. not at all a regular transformer coil behavior).
If I’m right then the true Tesla Coil isn’t the resonant electromagnetic type we all know and love, it’s more like a Papp engine using the motive and electrical force of coulombic explosions from the rapid creation and destruction of plasmoids.
As an aside: John Keely very plausibly beat Tesla to key aspects of this discovery. Keely built steampunk versions of the Papp engine by circa 1872. His early designs appeared to use water cavitation as the means of producing plasmoids.
Relentless pursuit. Thanks for the encouragement and reminder, Bob.
The Ram Pump is a different configuration but definitely works with a check valve through cavitation in the water hammer:
Would LOVE to discuss the magnitude of what you have found with pHive in the inverse Bob, the Master number 11 plays a critical role within Pascal's Triangle related binomial coefficients of polynomial expansion ('s_theorem) and the unicursal hexagram related to Hadit as as the point in the center of the circle, the axle of the wheel, the cube in the circle, "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star" ( and Nuit in Egyptian terms ( based on the Ancient Egyptian sky goddess Nut, who in Egyptian mythology arches over her husband/brother, Geb (Earth god).
Also By adding the numbers in the diagonals of the Pascal triangle the Fibonacci sequence can be obtained:
The Templar (prime number also in Pascal's triangle) cross is KEY in the palindrome anagram eart|H|eart of the Auric field code and the 108 Malcolm knows so well within his Sanskrit arithmetic, but you do not seem to speak to?
Lots of low hanging fruit here -