May 22, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

I burned some used parts cleaner fluid this weekend in the fire pit. The flame looked like rolling liquid. It really reminded me of magnetic fluid network

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Interesting again how every time you get something extra 'in the mix'. There must be some scientists out there that could get inspired to reorganize their experiments based on your insights. The aim is 'to nurse' a BL so it can 'do the work'. We know now they can be created in different ways, we also know they can 'eat' everything, so the big question will be 'how to manage' a BL!

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You make and break / bleed them, if you want to do the latter you have to keep them contained if you can't contain them, you can only break them, otherwise they will consume your reactor sooner or later. Chukanov stressed them with a magnetic field to release photons to do work, Papp made them and had a system to capture their action as they broke down.

From 5 years ago


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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

If my understanding is correct, the thing that strikes me about field-reversed configurations (FRC), the Spheromak, Spherical Tokamaks, the Plasmak (PMK), the PROTO-SPHERA is that they all attempt to impose fields externally. For example, for Spherical Tokamaks:

a. an electric current running down through a plasma in the central column induces a pinch current as well as creating heat

b. magnetic coils connected to the central conductor inducing toroidal and poloidal fields

A Plasmak is similar, only the magnetic coils are replaced by a conducting shell and gas blanket.

In this way, the central plasma bagel (as realized by first the field reversed configurations and then the Spheromak) is confined, heated, spun and pinched by effectively running the plasma in the large chamber round a race track.

It is abundantly clear, however, that it is going to take a VAST amount of energy just to keep the plasma in that race track, as the acceleration, heating and compression forces acting on it will induce a strong net centrafugal force - the plasma will want to fly apart, in other words.

The PROTO-SPHERA, on the other hand, is using kink instabilities to create a self-forming bagel, but it would appear they are not quite sure how this happens (note: we strongly and evidentially believe we do). What they have done, however, is take just the plasma column on its own (a. above), dispense with the magnetic coils, and then use the plasma column's own natural self-organising behaviour when kink instabilities naturally appear (thanks to pinch points, either naturally occuring, or induced) to collapse those kinks into a bagel (as we have observed in many different ways experimentally) What they have not yet fully grasped, however, and therefore not taken into account, is the fractal nature of what they observed at the galactic scale that they then copied into their PROTO-SPHERA device.

With that fractal nature, of course, comes scale invariance.

Now, as the saying goes, comprehend and copy nature.

So, how does nature arrange things?

Well, look around any (large-ish) cosmic body and you will see either a twisted, braided, filament or a disk (or, more correctly, a swirl) - and what is another name for a swirl? A vortex (or vorticle, if flat). Nowhere is this more obvious than galaxies themselves, were matter swirls inwards toward a structure in the centre, normally a black hole, with jets often emanting from those same black holes at their Top and Bottom poles. Likewise on the surface of the Sun (and, presumably, other stars) we see filaments emanating from what look like swirls in a boiling cauldron.

Further, it has now been confirmed that stars do form on filaments, likely at pinch points, suggesting very strongly that however stars are formed, this process is very similar (thanks to scale invariance) to the collapsing kinks seen in the MFMP experiments, the Safire project or the PROTO-SPHERA.

This naturally also leads to the observation that black holes, while "super massive" may well be being created by the same processes - that they are fractal toroidal constructs, in other words - and that, conversely, what is being created in "home experiments" such as ULTR are, indeed, true black holes - it's just that black holes are not formed by "gravity" but by matter, charge separated into a plasma, compressed and, ultimately, their comprising nucleons collapsed (so that even the quarks squeek!) into the centre of a vortex/vorticle.

Further, the net forces driving this is are centripetal, so there is no need for any forces "to hold the system together, to stop it flying apart". Indeed, the more mass is "fed" toward the centre, the greater the pressure exerted inward toward the centre, the greater the tendency to self-organize at lower fractal levels, leading to the 2,3,4,... level bagel structures observed, structures that apply an ever increasing vice-like grip and ever greater pinching of the net toroidal moments at all levels - a controlled (and structured) implosion, in other words, an implosion that can be fed in a stable and sustainable way.

This has all been observed and studied in many different experiments, including those run by the MFMP, and collated by the MFMP to truly understand "the behaviour of nature" that is seen from "down the microscope", through tornadoes and hurricanes all the way up to stars, galaxies, clusters and beyond.

Unlike in explosions that increase disorder, implosions increase order, imposing order from the higher levels of a fractal structure toward the lower levels - and concentrating forces (something that is employed to great effect in other tools such as knives!), with a clear and clean break between the outside of the structure and the inside (just as a sharp knife produces a "clean cut"). OK, such fractal structures - known as fractal toroidal moments - aren't the same as knives, but they, too, can be used for cutting - clean, micrometer tolerance excavations, in fact (cavitation-based excavations, for example, these systems being ones that also produce fractal toroidal moments through re-entrant jets in a liquid against a force-shaping/force-reflecting and electron donating surface).

And it is in this self-organizing way that the kink instabilities in the (continually fed) plasma columns naturally collapse into bagels, as the amount of plasma increases and parallel fields strengthen, overlap and merge (for comparison, it has been observed that current sheets naturally shred into current filaments with poloidal magentic fields holding the filaments together over enormous distances, and that these self-organizing threads then like to twist around one another to form braids). Comprehend nature and copy it!

Yet, much to much effort and money are still being funnelled into centrifugal-based "designs", where to increase yields, the external magnetic fields have to be strengthened, which requires more power, which requires a greater yield - and so on - all the while much increasing the chance of catastrophic system breakdown as the confinement field strengths - and plasma heating - are increased - and the production of (destructive) high-energy neutrons also increases: high energy neutrons are NOT good news for human DNA, nor the integrity of materials such as the metal lattices of the confinement chambers...

Finally, stars until the end of their lives are IMPLOSION "devices" - it is only in their "dying breath" that they shed material and, possibly, explode. So, why are so many "fusion" devices based on trying to confine explosions, and why does the "just like the Sun" mantra keep being used? Clearly, neither makes sense, yet on they trudge - on the road to nowhere.

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Very good discussion.

As I said in 2019 (ICCF-22 poster), "the process is trying to put things into a very small 'box'" (naturally, the smallest surface area with the maximum volume is a sphere - so the 'box' in question is obviously a sphere.

The Plasmak and Proto Sphera approach explanations do not discuss the structure of the helical input discharge nor do they consider that the kink instabilities, in my view, will rotate 90º after magnetic reconnection to follow the magnetic field lines around the discharge channel.

The re-connected kink instabilities possess poloidal magnetic field, rather than merge together as assumed, I believe they flip/orient 90º and start arranging themselves around the magnetic field lines around the discharge.

The result of this is that the structure will now form a charge structure that has a toroidal moment. As more solitons are added, they will continue to organise and relax into a quantised stable fractal toroidal structure base not on E or H, but on the T fields.

This produces a 'singularity' - that focusses matter with toroidal moments. like Relic Neutrinos and electrons at the same time as producing flow of ordinary matter, particularly matter with spin.

Toroidal moments are produced in EZ water induced in cavitation and in plasma pushed through a capillary or in situations where shear results in turbulence, such as impinging on a metal surface at the appropriate angle.

Then, in the case of the capillary or ejections from solitons in ULTR and similar, as per Fig. 13 from

G.N.Afanasiev, V.M.Dubovik, (1998) "SOME REMARKABLE CHARGE-CURRENT CONFIGURATIONS", Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna

The core of the Fractal Toroidal structure enables the Aharonov-Bohm effect to produce coherent matter wave [vortex] beams. As we have observed and in some cases videoed in OHMA, ULTR, VEGA etc.


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May 26, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

If my understanding is correct, the fractal toroidal structure is fed equatorially to create a toroidal moment by creating an initial circular magnetic field that induces poloidal current loops that induce, in turn, poloidal magnetic fields, reaching down to feed off the deeper fractal "energies" / "structures" / "fields" (like roots growing downward to tap the nutrients in soil, the soil in this case being the aether - and not rubbery spacetime!)

This leads to a (1st level) "top" toroidal dipole moment T being generated by the (2nd level) poloidal currents flowing on the magnetic torus's surface, the poloidal currents themselves being surrounded by (3rd level) closed poloidal circulating magnetic fields, which is why you need at least 3 levels to get the useful "T" moment:




with electron feed being key to setting up the electrical poloidal rings around the circular magnetic field, the electron feed strengthening both the top-level magnetic ring and the poloidal magnetic rings around the electrical poloidal rings.

This will also happen in kink instabilities that collapse in on themselves, the plasma providing the necessary current feed.

If, in the case of the kink instabilities, the whole undergoes a (pole to equator) 90 degree rotation magnetic reconnection, either the plasma feeds twist as well (to form a question mark in - middle straight flow - question mark out shape) or the plasma switches to feeding the bagel equatorially. If the former, the toroidal moment and plasma flow would coincide, while if the latter, the plasma would "flow over the bagel, possibly feeding it equatorially", with the toroidal moment now at right angles to the plasma column - experimentation should demonstrate if the bagel rotates 90 degrees and, if so, whether the plasma continues to be connected at the poles or switches to "flowing over the bagel", feeding the bagel equatorially.

Of course, if the bagel does roll 90 degrees, would this break the plasma column - or would the bagel be ejected from the system.

Having said all of the above, from what I understand, if the bagel does not reduce in radius enough (through poloidal constrictions and/or pressure from an external vortex feed spiralling inwards) to form either a lemon or a closed sphere, no EVO is going to be created - instead, the bagel is likely to unravel once outside of the inward directed centripetal radial-axial forces.

If it does form an EVO, on the other hand, it seems to form a structure stable enough to exist outside of the centripetal radial-axial forces, at least for a time (although the "energy trails" seen in experiments such as VEGA does suggest the EVOs do still leak out energy and unravel in the end)

For a transmutation system, on the other hand, the bagel has to remain open in the middle to support the inflow of nucleons and relic neutrinos (as you have explained to us tirelessly and many times, Bob!) to form a worm hole (the bagel and moment being an entrance port into the worm hole), the toroidal moment causing the worm hole to arc, eventually round a full 360 degrees (to form a flux loop?), with the caveat that a change in space configuration (such as crossing a surface boundary) can see a companion bagel being formed and an exit port from which the deconstructed matter in the wormhole emerges to reform "normal matter" back in "normal space" (that is, the space we live in and experience day-to-day)

Anyway, that's my musings on what could happen according to how the bagel formed from "kink instabilities collapsing in on themselves" behaves - with direct implications for the success and/or use of the PROTO SPHERA.

I can, however, as you so rightly pointed out, see Fusion Research converging (and catching up with !) what the MFMP - and yourself in particular - have already uncovered / discovered by approaching the whole field through looking at the evidence, with no preconceptions, prejudices (especially around the opinion of "names") or other, decidedly unscientific, baggage.

Ah, well, I live in hope.

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It is quite simple. due to helicity injection exceeding carrying capacity of the plasma string, a kink forms. Now the assumption is, this forms flat - that is what the Spheromak, Proto-Sphera diagrams show and this is the same drawing Koloc made in his 1973 descriptions as used by J. R. Roth in his 1995 Fusion technology paper.

However, we can see from David's VEGA experiment, that, in the case of lack of re-connection, the kink instability continues to grow AND it twists and grows out of the source of the discharge, something that Lutz Jaitner argues as a means of SR production.


from here:


So by video evidence, we can say that it twists. If rather than bleeding out like in this video, it were to tear off per loop and re-connect, I argue that it will still have rotated (probably 180º to make a möbius strip like structure) so that the toroidal current loop, produces a polloidal magnetic vector on the surface of the formed plasma torus. The magnetic vector of this torus is then aligned with the circular magnetic vector around the wire. This process repeats until there is a torus of tori which now possesses a toroidal moment.

Now, the question is, does this structure start to self-compress, and if so, then the substructure current loops would again have two much helicity for the current loops and they would themselves go through the same division, rotation and self organisation process.

The more helicity that is injected, the more self-compression, the more fractality induced into the substructure.

Eric Learner goes at least one step further than the other parties mentioned above in his video on LPP fusion, but in their case there is no consideration of magnetic re-connection so the object can never become autonomous and is not fractal or self-similar, allowing for breakup into smaller quanta with similar properties as we see in Urutskoyev's work and our Ohmasa Gas on 10-Yen Coin.


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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

"due to helicity injection exceeding carrying capacity of the plasma string, a kink forms"

So, to put it really simply, if you spin the string fast enough, it starts to kink (I have seen this to happen with an actual string!)

"If rather than bleeding out like in this video, it were to tear off per loop and re-connect,"

How could such shearing happen naturally? Or, instead of shearing, would fixed-length "strings from pulses" do instead? I can't in my minds eye see how such shearing (tearing off) could happen in a plasma column - or is this shearing a result of the collapse of the kink instabilities into a bagel (with the pulses lasting long enough to make a succession of "almost" bagels that go on to join the two almost touching "free" ends together to form a true bagel (albeit one that is more like a scrunched up ball of yarn than a bagel)

Finally, if the bagels are formed in toward the centre of a swirl, is it this that would lead to the more "bagel-like" balls of yarn forming and that, as the process repeated itself at deeper fractal levels, would see these "Bagel-like" balls of yarn self-organising to sit at set intervals round each parent bagel"?

I am trying to reconcile, again in my minds eye, the "tidy" fractal bagel structure of the diagrams with the scrunched up balls of yarn that clearly form and have observed effects on metallic surfaces they interact with: maybe the "perfect" bagel is not necessary, so long as the scrunched up bagels do form the equivalent of "simple" loops, at least as far as the electrical or magnetic field lines are concerned. Or maybe the scrunched up bagels really are incapable of forming fractal structures, and must straighten out first to form a good approximation of a torus before the next lowest level can be constructed.

In this last regard, does resonance (particularly of the ultrasonic variety) play a part in turning those balls of yarn into the much tidier circular structures with figures of 8 connecting a circumfrential ring to a central axis you were showing in the live stream?

Anyway, my "minds eye" is rather overheating at the moment... so time for a walk, methinks!

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In 1950s, Bostic created the first 'plasmoids' by discharge between to Deuterated Titanium electrodes that were pulses - s short discharge loop of plasma connected end to end. When a pair came together they span around each other but multiple ones formed rings of rings.

Paul Koloc believed that the kink instability loops broke away, I imagine it like a party balloon animal when you twist the pipe, however Roth says the following in "Ball Lightning: What Nature is Trying to Tell the Plasma Research Community" (1995)


Fig. 13. Development of the sausage or pinch instability due to axial perturbations in the plasma column diameter. Such perturbations can cut the plasma torus off from the main lightning stroke after the torus formation shown in Fig. 11. (Taken from Roth.12)

It could be that the twist, which we can see happens, leads to a sausage or pinch instability and this causes the loop to break away.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Bob, have you seen this video (far bottom of page) said to indicate the plans of the next big strike similar to the New York event

I see several ties to proto sphere video and EVO,not quite half way through your video an image is eerily similar to that which is often brought up by analysts of the I pet goat II of the moon and a field reversal structure beneath it, though it is perceived completely differently as is EVO, pi, the radius constant, and other symbols.

There are many dated expressed as September 23 in the video. As well as many other videos roshashana being the 16th and yomkipur being the 24th this year leading much todo about the speculations there are other things in the news as well as Alex jones spreading mayhem

Not to be a fear monger, I know there is a group with I’ll intent and possibly too few of us with stronger intent

My career was spent in small batch production chemical coatings primarily then I dabbled in smaller batch shampoos and conditioners

I have never enjoyed mechanical aspects of science until I began following your channel. I have became an avid believer in the concept of 2 primary forces dominating us today, those who want to eradicate the majority of us and the group that plans on eradicating us. Somewhat along the lines of Rudolf Steiner’s theory. I believe our creator works through people, not by sole Devine intervention. Which is how I was lead by John Hutchison to you.

I understand if you choose not to investigate the video as I ask myself why I have wasted valuable time investigating it when I could be spending time with my grandkids or many more meaningful projects.


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Long time since I saw this - great animation.

My birthday is 23rd September.

Spend time with your grandkids.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Wishing you in advance a most Happy Birthday

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It's called delusion nudging - don't fall for it. Of course humans can, if they work hard at it, reach enlightenment and achieve 'Christ consciousness' / 'nirvana' - but doing so does not make one Jesus or Budda

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May 22, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

The paper showing the ribbons reminded me of a video I had seen where two bubble rings in water come close and then combine.


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That is the same thing.

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Wondering why E and M always have an orthogonal component?

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