Dynamics of moving electron vortices and magnetic ring
Is mainstream science finally, publicly taking EVOs seriously?
LIVESTREAMED 22:30 CET - Sunday 5th December 2021
Tip off: Aureon Energy Ltd.
Yue, D. N., Chen, M., Geng, P. F., Yuan, X. H., Weng, S. M., Bulanov, S. S., … Zhang, J. (2021). Dynamics of moving electron vortices and magnetic ring in laser plasma interaction. Physics of Plasmas, 28(4), 042303.
Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVOs) are related to the natural phenomenon of Ball Lightning, here is what the US Air Force felt about leveraging ball lighting for compact fusion in 1993 based on research done from 1973 onwards.
Roth, J. R. (1995). Ball Lightning: What Nature is Trying to Tell the Plasma Research Community. Fusion Technology, 27(3), 255–270.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand is good they are getting closer. But in the other hand they are doing simulations instead of experiments, and the simulations are based in a lot of assumptions that cripple how close the model can be to reality. I wonder if those doing these simulations ever heard about Bostick or Shoulders. Most probably they haven’t.
Bob can you post a link to the paper, please!