If there were no restrictions on how much energy there was available to you and where you could go in your lifetime, what would you do?
If you knew how to deliver that opportunity to all, how would you feel?
LIVESTREAMed 24 Nov 24 at 22:00 CET
Apology letter from R. P. Feynman to K. R. Shoulders
Structure of proven topological monopole compared to ‘O’
Edited image from Nature 2014 article by Ray, M. W. et. al. [Ref. 10]. It is my belief that the fractal magnetohydrodynamic structure better represents the observed coherent matter condensate.
Structure of calculated microwave made Ball lightning compared to ‘O’
Edited image from Nature - Scientific Reports 2016 article by Wu, H.-C. [Ref. 11]. It is my belief that the fractal magnetohydrodynamic structure accurately represents the predicted field and particle positions.
Holt, A. C., Davis, E., & Puthoff, H. all working together in 1999 on breakthrough Propulsion Physics at NASA
In my July 16th 2023 presentation O-Day - Galactica, I note again that A. C. Holt, the person that proposed in 1979 a Field Resonance Propulsion Concept (based on UFO observations) that is clearly employing fractal toroids and the Toroidal Moment as the main mechanism, was working with Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff two decades later.
The Reality
Infinite energy and the best form of propulsion the universe offers are intrinsically linked.
Greenyer, B. (Nov 16, 2022) “The Mark of an Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO)”, RemoteView.ICU
Lagovskiy, V. (1992). “Sensation: Flight to Alpha-Centaurus” Reconstruction and comment by Greenyer B. Original CIA FOI publication link
Lewis E. (2024) “On Ball Lightning, Plasmoids, Matsumoto and Shoulders : 5th state of matter”
Greenyer, B. (Jul 16, 2023) “O-Day - Galactica”, RemoteView.ICU
Holt, A. C., (August 1979) “Field Resonance Propulsion Concept”, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service.
Talebi, Nahid, Guo, Surong and van Aken, Peter A.. "Theory and applications of toroidal moments in electrodynamics: their emergence, characteristics, and technological relevance" Nanophotonics, vol. 7, no. 1, 2018, pp. 93-110. https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2017-0017
Nachamkin, J. (October 1992), “Force-Free Time-Harmonic Plasmoids”, University Of Dayton Research Institute, Phillips Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate, Air Force Materiel Command, Edwards Air Force Base CA 93524-7001
Zhvirblis, V. E., (1995) “The Bagel Game”, Chemistry of Life
Fryberger, D. (2009). “A Ball Lightning Model as a Possible Explanation of Recently Reported Cavity Lights”, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, SLAC-PUB-13583
Ray, M. W., Ruokokoski, E., Kandel, S., Möttönen, M., & Hall, D. S. (2014). “Observation of Dirac monopoles in a synthetic magnetic field.” Nature, 505(7485), 657–660. doi:10.1038/nature12954
Wu, H.-C. (2016). “Relativistic-microwave theory of ball lightning.” Scientific Reports. 6. 28263. 10.1038/srep28263.
Roth, J. R. (1995). “Ball Lightning: What Nature is Trying to Tell the Plasma Research Community. Fusion Technology”, 27(3), 255–270. doi:10.13182/fst95-a30388
D. Briedis, D.E. Petersen, D. Edmundson, W. Krolikowski, and O. Bang, "Ring vortex solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media," Opt. Express 13, 435-443 (2005)
Greenyer, B. (Mar 28, 2021) “VEGA - Even more extraordinary traces”, RemoteView.ICU
Marzocchi, M. (Nov 24, 2024) “Maico Marzocchi Describes Additional E-Cat Tests”, E-CatWorld.com
Rossi, Andrea. (2019). “E-Cat SK and long-range particle interactions.” 10.13140/RG.2.2.28382.48966/11.
In 2018 Hal Puthoff gave a lecture to those of us at the joint IRVA/SSE meeting in Las Vegas about the blue shift seen in some UFOs that results from their material technologies lowering the permittivity of free space around them. Ken Shoulders took this in the micro direction with the effects of EVOs on permittivity. Yet, here we have someone back in 1992 talking about the same idea of lowering permittivity and superluminal velocities of light concerning ball lightning and propulsion. It's like this discussion has been kept secret from mainstream science though people in Air Force labs were talking about it. Einstein himself explored related ideas of variable speed of light in his 1907 and 1911 papers but never developed it much beyond that point because of his popularity with his more mainstream relativity ideas based on fixed speeds of light. A shame that the idea got sequestered in black-budget propulsion projects rather than open science discussions.
If there were no restrictions on how much energy there was available to you and where you could go in your lifetime, what would you do?
If you knew how to deliver that opportunity to all, how would you feel?
I would create something that would would not serve me in this lifetime, but serve to inspire many generations to come, to be creative, to strive for that which would not be possible, had your only focus be how to make ends meet, and to that I truly believe man can peacefully tap the cosmic energies and unlock our hidden creative destinies, and if this were possible then I would be content that we have lived up to our true potential and ascended to where we belong.