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At 1:08, note that the electric field goes to zero briefly, then comes back when he reaches for the meter. Wondering about that.

Also bizarre that his coils are a mess - I would hardly call that symmetry. And yet the phenomena appears.

Would love to see what a nearby antenna picks ups before-during-after.

Keep up the exciting work.

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The persistent E-Field is predicted by Nevessky and Zhvirblis for a 1,2,3,4-tor even order structure like this. Dave sees nothing (E or M) on Fe or non-Fe coils before power turned on, so no induction. In the case of Fe core tor he states he has seen a persistent though lower intensity E-Field in the original location, even when the switched off tor is moved to a new position - the tor carried part of the field with it.

If he tries to build a persistent field on an ESD matt, it does not work. This supports the finding by John Hutchison that he saw no effects unless his samples were on an insulating base - such as Wood or plastic crate.

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Yes, that was when I moved the coil across the room after an experiment had finished and it brought 66% of the field with it and left the rest behind. That was really weird! I shall try that again and record it this time. I need to find an easy way of emptying my phone memory, all devices were full at that moment.

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Thank you Michael, it is exciting. For some reason there are dead zones in the field, 1:08 the power is still on so it may be the meter is re calibrating or something else? I do not know for sure. The coil was tidy earlier but it still worked when even after falling loose, it is now back to tidy again. I repeated again in an earthed Faraday cage/fine mesh arrangement and that destroyed the field immediately. Antennae only show mains hum near wall, the field near phone and spikes from Wi-Fi, the highest readings were found to be 32-35mV at rear of table. I have not put antennae very close to active experiment as yet, but can do, it may pull the field down though?

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What diameter ferrite core did you use?

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It was 0.8 mm diameter soft steel, high Fe content.

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Thank you

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Yuck, modern world problems, the signal I am looking for if dwarfed by the mains & my wi-fi


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It depends on the EM frequency you are looking for. You can make directional and other bespoke antenna if you know what you want to tune in to. But yes, there is much more localized EM fog about these days.

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Alan Goldwater suggests

"Simply ramp down the AC voltage over several seconds before shutting off or disconnecting the drive signal. A change in either of the field measurements will give us important data."

To test magnetic remnant field effect.

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OK, I can try that. I've mounted the Fe Bagel on a board now so it is easier to plug and unplug. Tomorrow I hope to make a video. I briefly tested the Fe Bagel earlier and it still works, now waiting for the E field to disappear before experimenting again.

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Glad to here it still performs. Can you mount it vertically and see if the field shape is the same on both sides?

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Yes, it is in a cradle so can be lifted out and fixed in any position. I will try this next. First experiment for the day.

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