Awesome Work! Will be diving into this ASAP

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Thanks for your work to realise this potential path forwards.

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I believe the impellers basically are fitted with a ring with holes (3) that rotates within a fixed outer ring with more holes (5), thus causing the fluid to be forced through the holes in 3 of the rotating ring as they slide over the holes in 5 of the fixed ring with the driven fluid passing in this way from anti-chamber 1 in front of the impeller to chamber 6 behind the impeller - and then on again to the next impeller in sequence to form a cascade . This, I believe, is how the mechanism should work - and, yes, 7 is a return valve forming a closed loop circuit. The liquid pushed through the holes as the inner holes slide over the outer ones is somewhat reminiscent of LeClaire’s cavitation system, only the moving inner collar reduces the chance of producing heavier elements, whilst being adjustable through the rotational speed of the impellers (maybe they could be individually varied on a more sophisticated design)

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We need to animate this.

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In some ways, the individual impellers are like air raid sirens or alarms in design (only, of course, they use air)

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Indeed, and an air raid siren is designed to produce sound, we want this sound in the cavitation device. Moreover, this might explain the mass of material outside the vibration producing components.

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Great study, and the great narration makes it much more easy to read!

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I find it is easier to look at the figures with the narration, rather than read and revert back and forth.

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Thanks so much Bob!!!!!

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Pleasure Curbina. Will work on the Alumino-silicate this afternoon.

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Ok - I have added a brief hypothesis based on our, and the LENR communities prior experience for the increased COP to >11 following the addition of 5% aluminosilicate suspension.


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Thanks for this Bob. I find seeing and hearing the patent with this level of detail very helpful. Kladov is confirming everything we’ve been talking about on this channel for the last several years.

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It is sad that it may have been lost in that frenetic 1992-1995 period of the end of the cold war and that the patents were either unreadable or not widely known outside of Russia.

It is useful also now that we have the tools to be able to establish what may have been producing his high COP, the beta and gamma and the neutrons.

I hope Max Fomitchev-Zamilov can modify his reactor and try the LiCl, however, his device is not a controlled temperature in the reaction zone. That being said, he has the best neutron detector setup by far.

Of course, I might differ from Kladov, in that he considered it just to be kinetic impact, I consider it to be resonant process that builds coherent magnetic cores via the FTM. The output is the same, but the explination is different. In my view, a system that is violently smashing things together all the time would have difficultly producing the beautiful crenelated Fe + O microspheres. His process would produce individual atom reactions, my view is it is a massive number of nuclei that transmute simultaneously.

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Yes, good point. That was exactly Vittorio Violante’s conclusion at his keynote speech to the SSE group in San Francisco, 2014. I even talked to him about it afterwords in the elevator. He said that Cold Fusion as reproduced by ENEA was not a kinetic reaction at all, but a resonance-based one, which is why not everyone can reproduce it. You have to get everything just right, especially grain size and surface cracks in the solid host materials.

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And that is why I like Cavitation, because it sweeps a large parameter space.

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A new science of heaven (R Temple) seems to have some positive, interesting implications on the works of Rudolf Steiner example of Steiner’s discussions would be “spirit as a sculpture of human organisms CW218

“Higher Worlds” is a compilation of some of Steiner’s works on human auras and much more

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I have a prediction with regards to the theory of the LENR reaction. It has become apparent to me that the light produced by the LENR reaction might well be forms from dark photons.


The dark photon is theorized to coexist with standard photons.

<blockquote>The dark photon can also interact with the Standard Model if some of the fermions are charged under the new abelian group.[3] The possible charging arrangements are restricted by a number of consistency requirements such as anomaly cancellation and constraints coming from Yukawa matrices.</blockquote>

These dark photons are produced in an electroweak field environment that may well exist inside the EVO where the Higgs field is not active.

The electroweak field is produced when the weak force and the electromagnetic force has not been separated by the action of the Higgs field.

The production of dark photons might have been seen in the demo of the SKLep reactor in December of 2021.


In this demo, the background radiation level before the SKLep was activated was 43 microsieverts, but after the SKLep was activated the background radiation dropped to 24 microsieverts.

I request MFMP to test this dark photon hypothesis by measuring before and after ambient background radiation levels during tests of active LENR reactors. such as VEGA, THOR (thunderstorm), Egely reactors, and LION.

A known radioactive source might also be used to see if radiation from that source is effected by a LENR reactor. Parkhomov could also be requested to run this test during his reactor testing.

If the LENR reaction is suppressing nuclear radiation, I would be interested in buying a SKLssm light source to decrease radon based radiation in my basement. This application could be a motivating factor in the sale of SKL based lights for ambient radiation mitigation.

Someone might suggest such a product application to Rossi so that sales of his light producing product line is stimulated. A successful radiation mitigation test could increase Rossi' credibility of his products.

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If you remove the thing for propagation of x-rays and gamma, it cannot propagate.

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I don't understand what you mean. The dark photon would propagate in the same way as any EMF photon and carry all the properties of a EMF photon. These properties includes not only light but also a magnetic field. But the dark photon would also stabilize radioactive isotopes. The dark photon would be reflected by a mirror or a parabolic dish as in Parkhomov's experiment: "Influence of Relic Neutrinos on Beta Radioactivity"

Experimental results confirming predicted effects are described, including periodic variations of the β radioactivity as well as count rate bursts for a β radioactive source placed at the focal point of a parabolic mirror.


The dark photon would support Parkhomov's experimental result when viewed as dark photons as one of the components of dark matter.

Furthermore, Dark photons carry the weak force stabilization action at a distance. In the strange radiation tracks produced by EVOs, these transmutations produced at a distance are always radioactive stable because the magnetic fields immitted by the EVO carried by its vortex flux tubes that produces these tracts are comprised of dark photons which stabilize the transmuted elements at a distance.

A test could be conducted to determine if the carrier of the weak force is the dark photon or the relic neutrino. A photon obstructive material placed between the LENR reaction and the radioactive isotope would shield that isotope from stabilization effects whereas that material would not shield the radioactive material from stabilization action produced by relic neutrinos since neutrinos readily pernitrate matter and are unaffected by this type of obstruction..

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Do we think this would be a suitable source of aluminosilicate?



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Yes, Bob looks good for the reactor.

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Bob this reminded me of Sayer Ji’s book Regenerate. Specifically chapter three. The New Biophysics of Energy Synthesis. The same LENR Processes are happening within us all and transmutations are similar. https://files.worldfreebooks.com/cdf9ea8030c6961b/Regenerate__Rewind_Your_Biologi_-_Sayer_Ji.pdf?download_token=0e8bce1995115b6fe032cc657533f8ea4c560300c5d515911c17d36a720bed43

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Thanks for the sharing,

unfortunatelly, the suggested link does not seem to work...

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Thank you! I can actually open this link on my Apple products! My workaround typically involves using a friend’s microsoft based computer

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For over 15 years, we have been working with liquid hydrocarbons activation technology, developed based on the principles described in this article.

During our experiments with tap water (11 tons), we had a power input (N1) of 130 kW and a heat output (N2) of 538 kW, resulting in a coefficient (k) of 4.14. This method of energy generation is truly remarkable.

In the future, we intend to apply this approach in a new seawater desalination facility. The surplus energy will be harnessed to produce fresh water, while the excess steam will be utilized to generate electricity.

We will be pleased in the future to share more information and experience with you.

Thank you for your outstanding work on this topic!

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