Investigating a reported method of producing Magneto-Toro Electrical Radiation identified by Alexander Shishkin et. al.
I.M. Shakhparonov's generators in the 1980s replicated several effects identified by John Hutchison during his experiments that lead to the discovery of EVOs
In this livestream, reasons for the Shakhparonov Generator to be considered as an experiment of interest for investigation will be discussed.
Livestream @ 22:00 CET Sun 15 January 2023
In October 2018, I was lucky enough to attend the semi-annual “Cold Nuclei Transmutation and Ball Lightning” conference in Sochi, Russia. I was very keen to see what Alexander Shishkin had to say as I had started to become familiar with his interesting research. He gave a presentation called “A New type of penetrating radiation”1 which I translated and extended and published a review of on the 8th February 2019.
During that presentation, he reviewed 9 years of his teams work at Dubna, investigating so-called “Strange Radiation” a term coined by Leonid Urutskoev though it was clearly observed by M. Solin in his 1992 patent. Alexander had identified a highly penetrating radiation of a non alpha, beta, gamma or x-ray type, emerging from a device he was developing designed to produce an oil/water emulsion for a client. He felt sick near the device and subsequently, X-Ray film revealed fogging and interesting ‘birdie’ type marks that he and many others went on to investigate seriously. He states clearly that these structures are the same thing as Ken Shoulders Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVOs). Here is the list of technologies investigated.

Today we will look at number 7, the Shakhparonov Generator2 which is claimed to produce magnetic monopoles3. I actually did not know what it was until last year when during one of the weekly Russian meetings, a video presentation by Dmitry Kolokolov was given of their ongoing replications of this work4.
Charge separation propagating standing waves, Cooper pair production and shock waves leading to space-charge magneto hydrodynamics.
In 20125, Schakhparonov and Evstigneev's paper proposed mechanism of artificial ball lighting production using a Undirected Möbius Strip (MS) Circuit. They stated that due to the way charge propagates around an MS, cooper pairs are produced.
Critically, they empirically evaluated the charge variance on the strip and using computer modelling, showed that during simulated 'treatment' there was:
production of propagating standing waves with ‘considerable potential’,
a high degree of space charge reflection and interferance and
shock fronts (see figure from their paper [5] below)
In the above image, one can clearly see that the electrodynamics produce vortex and counter vortices of both higher and lower charge than the background.
In my view, this will lead to toroidal moments of two types.
The simulation produced CW and CCW vortex pairs of either predominantly +'ve or -'ve space charges (clearer on the +ve). This is kind of what I imagined was happening in many observations in VEGA leading to the two spots of two spots when one looks into hemispherical structures and on witness marks and was the major epiphany I had last year. This leads to toroidal moments of two kinds, which in my view leads to "gravimagnetic rotors in local zones' / mono-polar magnetic charge gathering regions.
A metal so loaded with superconducting structures / vacuum currents/phantoms (EVOs locked in the metal), is then triggered during the power pulse, to have them super energised, whereupon they result in the two extremes of 'free floating' EVOs which are possibly projections from the metal bound structures and is likely why it is reported that the metal explodes as some of these remote structures fail. It may be that the increasing coherence at the centre of the vortex structure leads to either a nuclear event or failure of the coherence to a coulombic explosion. When this happens, the far field observables end.
Shishkin, A. (2018), “A New type of penetrating radiation”
Shakhparanov, I., “Moebius Band Torsion Devices”,
Shakhparanov, I., “Magnetic Monopoles”,
Schakhparonov, I. M., Evstigneev, N. M, “Mechanism Of Artificial Ball Lightning Generation By Undirected Möbius Strip Circuit”, 5th International Symposium on Unconventional Plasmas (ISUP-12) 24-30th June, 2012, I. Kant State University, Kaliningrad, Russia
Good discussion at the end, sorry my signal dropped out. I flashed up Kovacs’ book and I think it’s relevant here because the dyality angle comes into play when you apply ‘tension’ on the Lorenz gauge, ie conjugate EM waves. If we can get these nodes stable in space and feed it with the scalar (static E field) I’d imagine this to be what’s required to move toward the symmetric Maxwell Equation, non Lorenz gauge, where vorton structures and B monopoles live. This would look like a static E field, similar to what John had, soaking the Möbius strip while it’s being conditioned.
I’ve got a RF signal generator inbound ;) happy BL hunting!
Bob, I noticed that the reference #5 hyperlink, Shakhparanov’s “Method for Producing Artificial Ball Lightning . . .” is no longer working, in fact I couldn’t find it anywhere online. I have the downloaded file from the time of the presentation in 2023. The part about the “glowing blue mist” and inherently blurry nature of ball lightning has still got me thinking. Coincidence that virtually everything considered “paranormal” is also usually blurry? I think not.