Thank you for contributions to the glossary so far, if you can add per comment a word and your best understanding, ideally with references.

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BOOM! - An event where various correlations, data points, observations, and/or synchronicities converge, elevating an idea from mere speculation to a state of high probability, allowing for hypothetical conclusions that can serve as a foundation for further research and investigation.

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fair to say this one should be in the dictionary, and on a t-shirt

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Plasmoid - a coherent structure of plasma held together by rotating electric and magnetic fields, most often in the shape of a torus with a similar structure to a smoke ring, but due to the brightness may appear to be a sphere. Large plasmoids may be what are called ball lightning by some, and UFOs by others.

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Good contribution!

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I was of the impression the ball lightning was primary to the plasmoid through the plasma pinch within the hydrodynamics of cavitation and sonoluminescence. Is this impression in error?

In Walter Russell's work (secret of light) it appears this is within the zero planes of the cubic carbon 12 (666) structure related to the noble gas Xenon? Xenon has a color code I am VERY interested in as related to consciousness.

Sir Roger Penrose speaks to the noble gases as related to consciousness through Stuart Hameroff as an anesthesiologist, related to the microtubule I have heard you speak of in profound terms? This is actually deeper in Vedic terms of the microvita (little life).

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In the definition "Phase Singularity - The vortex point around which the phase of a condensate's wave function winds." can you define vortex point more exactly? (Excuse me, but I am relatively new here.)

Also adding figures or mathematical definitions if justified.


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Good idea to add figures. May need a wiki

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A wiki would be so cool. What if there were a way to make a video index by marking up videos with reference points that are linked on the pages? As in, the wiki page for "iron-rich crenellated sphere" or "toroidal moment" could point to the use or occurrence of that term in various presentations and link to timestamps in the video. I have video editing abilities and would be happy to contribute to that sort of thing. I'm watching the videos anyway!

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My initial thought is that 'vortex point' would be the location where maximal centripedal force, maximum implosion / compression is being acheived, this charge collapse then provides a path to the zero point, the quantum soup of oneness.

A point of stillness within the vortex, the center of what would essentially be equivalent to a black hole or a stargate. The eye of the storm so to speak. The location which could be considered a portal to other layers of reality.

For me this would be equivalent to the location in the human heart which is the most important portal in the body, connected to source creation, the portal from which our beingness springs forth in every moment.

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Wonderful intimations regarding the heart. If you are receptive to the genius of Rudolf Steiner as related to the human heart you will LOVE this work. Even though they are silent WRT Frank Chester's genius with the Chestahedron (www.frankchester.com), as Malcolm Bendall stated in explicit terms to a question Bob ask him on my behalf, that the heart creates plasmOIDs... without gnosis of the Chestahedron within Walter Russell's secret of light in Nikola Tesla's secret to the universe in 369.



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Excellent, thank you, yes at moments I have been able to feel the energy streaming out through my heart, and even learned how to control it as in throttle it up or turn it down, and even certain stretches which open up the heart's energy center for the pure bliss to pour in, using my mind as the control valve for my body as to how much comes through and where it goes (often I just direct it towards loving the entire planet and all of humanity).

Much gratitude for the links, I will def check them out! I'm only a bif familiar with Steiner's work and have recently heard of the chestahedron - no mistake he came into this world with the last name Chester - with the relation of the chest to the heart!

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Yes, the heart is the source of the thought, but without the thought the light remains in the stillness of the heart of the quantum tunnel, as you so clearly see within the 3rd eYe that sees where the camera obscura within the bicameral mind looks and inverts in TENET time of astrology and the linguistic of cubic words in Lucifer's illusory light.

Very keen perspective you share with the chest of Chester, in the Chestahedron where the heart is centered within the lungs as the Chestahedron is centered in Platonic Air in geometric LAW and numerically as NEYEN in femiNEYEN (108) vs SEVEN in 7/11.

When we truly innerstand that superposition is coincidence in space ("God's way of remaining anonymous" per Einstein) the epistemology of Geometry of Consciousness can be collapsed into the particle through the image of God (18|81) and entanglement is synchronicity in time of Morphogenic Matrix Math as the secret of the universe of the the plasmon poloidal (3), represented by the red (mascuLINE), and the blue (feminEYEN-Yang) as toroidal (6) , represented by the 3+6=NEYEN (orthogonal to 3 and 6 within the olOID and the ovOID in the plasmOID) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_and_poloidal_coordinates

The nature of linguistics is KEY to this ontology and epistemology as the OID as a word-forming element meaning "like, like that of, thing like a ______," is profound from PIE *weid-es-, from root *weid- "to see" (https://www.etymonline.com/word/*weid-) but I digress, as in my experience in this substack few (none) have ears to hear or see, because they beLIEve they already know, where you follow your heart before your mind so perhaps?

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Omaha or ohmasa gas?

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[Dr. Ryushin] Ohmasa Gas

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The speech to text AI changed omasa to Omaha, but however you're supposed to spell it, omasa or ohmasa, you need to tell people what it is

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HHO if I recall

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Relic nuetrino

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A Relic [Anti-]Neutrinos - Particles formed as a result of neutron and tritium decays during the early stages of the universe, shortly after the Big Bang. If you do not subscribe to the Big Bang, they can be formed in supernova and other hot processes in the cosmos according to the work of Dr. Alexander Parkhomov in his 2019 book, SPACE. EARTH. HUMAN., they are ultra-low energy, have a De-Broglie wavelength of microns to millimeters and may have a mass of the order of 0.25eV.

He has also shown evidence for their pair formation in condensed matter (solids, liquids and plasma) over 1000ºC.

They can enable acceleration of beta decay and can be focussed with ordinary condensed matter like a satellite dish made of Fe.

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According to a genius quantum biologist Dr Keryn Johnson PhD MSc BSc, the "Paschen lines, n=3, NH3+ atomic cross and the wavelength of infrared light (820 nm) that results in the tunnelling of hydrogen into the single atom housed in the aromatic ring of the dopamine neurotransmitter. " https://www.qbri.org

Given that consciousness is primary to Lucifer's illusory light (0.04% of the EMF spectrum) vs the plasmon (99.6% of EMF) and Nikolai Tesla's intimation that the magnificence of 369 holds the secret to the universe, at what point does Malcolm Bendall's genius with the Pythagorean triangles (triplets) integral to Riemann Sphere projections (https://youtu.be/QJYmyhnaaek) of Real plus Imaginary numbers into the complex plane of nothing (0.04%) get a definition? Prime number 181 in primary terms of Primary Water and Genesis 1:27, the "image of God"?

After all per Pythagoras "All is number" before Thales "All is water" in terms of the E8 quasi crystal in mathemagics terms is relevant to the Sacred Geometry of Earth~Air and Water~Aether as dual forms in formation of information (the word) and Fire to itself and as Eric Weinstein is postulating, with knowledge of Terrence Howard's proclamations on Joe Rogan Experience along with Malcolm, to a lessor degree, is bringing Walter Russell's work into the circle jerk of quackademic peer review of half truth and obfuscation mixed with outright LIE's in the speed of light as constant, and LIE algebra before Vortex Based Math?

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The generation of isotopes in biology and the role of time reversal symmetry plays in the experience of consciousness. The direction of time flowing from high energy to low energy from UV to infrared as the isotope decays and releases its light.

Time reversal symmetry

The role of isotope physics in the unconscious mind where time is reversed in order of photons where the vision obtained runs in an order where the furthest time appears first, and the current time is the last image observed. The sequence of events revealed the physics operating behind the light memory storage system and the physics happening within the mind responsible for sight within. Our retina point inwards. We see our dreams at night. Love thy neighbour as thyself as it is the photons of light from another that are observed within the minds eye. A lens made of s orbitals of hydrogen and a way to observe the spectrum going from high energy to low energy in the directional flow of time from isotope decay physics we obtain a time and the velocity based on the binding kinetics we get to understanding the distance. In effect a space time holographic reality observed within the singularity physics model of atomic decay. The single atom system operates in the faraday caged of the aromatic ring within the neurotransmitter dopamine where the hydrogen delivery system from the NH3+ atomic cross provides a light operating system to generate isotopes within the ring through infrared mediated quantum tunnelling. Time is a function of distance in the atomics of clocks where half-lives of atoms mediate experiences of reality. An underpinning atomic light operating system of our unconscious mind and unlocking what is happening behind the veil of reality.

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How is this related to the SATOR (TENET) square which has N as a center and Pater Noster (The Lord's Prayer) 2X with the "N" as the 14th letter in the aleph-bet, with the Alpha and Omega 2X as a remainder? Revelation 1:8? OM 108 in the Pythagorean triangle 36~108~36, and 36X3=108 as primordial prime 181 as sum product 99 in the fine structure of space and time which is in organic terms of the 33rd prime as -0.08543576577167609141508834115509 and NOT -0.08542455 due to LIE in beLIEf in the constant speed of light?

"It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to p or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the “hand of God” wrote that number, and “we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.” We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don’t know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!" ~ Richard Feynman’s conjecture

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EVO - Exotic Vacuum Object. Bob, perhaps subcategories under main topics would be useful, such as electromagnetic phantom, chirality, spin attraction, negative and positive albedo, affinity for crystal grain boundaries, sub tor, initiation mechanisms, and active / passive lifetimes, event horizon, yin yang, influence distance, etc....

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Good idea

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And maybe we can categorize and define all the synonyms and subsets of plasmoids/ball lightning/static electricity/aetherons/angels

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Also, dipoles and moments :

While electric dipoles can be understood as separated charges and magnetic dipoles as circular currents, axial (or electric) toroidal dipoles describes toroidal (donut-shaped) charge arrangements whereas polar (or magnetic) toroidal dipole (also called anapole) correspond to the field of a solenoid bent into a torus.

As a reminder, the term "moment" is actually a short-hand way of saying "moment of force" (or torque), the turning or twisting force on an object. It is a vector quantity that has a direction and a magnitude. Hence the existence of "torque spanners" that can be set to exert a torque force to a predetermined value.

Moment of force is the rotational analogue of linear force and is concerned with changes in angular momentum.

All moments of force are turning or twisting forces about a point or axis.

Now, the electric dipole moment involves a pair of equal and opposite charges, that separated by a fixed distance form an electric dipole. The moment - turning force or torque - produced by the electric charges arranged as a dipole is known as an electric dipole moment. Like the spanner, however, this torque only shows up when the dipole is placed in an electric field, and usually represents the net turning force of a whole collection of dipoles as they try to align with the field: no field, no torque; no dipole, no (electric) torque.

The magnetic dipole moment, on the other hand, involves a pair of two poles - North(N) and South (S) that form a magnetic dipole. The moment - turning force or torque - produced by a magnetic dipole is known as a magnetic dipole moment. Similar to the electric moment, the magnetic moment is a vector quantity used to measure the tendency of an object to interact with an external field, in this case a magnetic field: again, no field, no torque; no dipole, no (magnetic) torque.

The toroidal dipole moment is a little more complex. To quote Wikipedia (the relevant page having seemingly escaped the notice of the thought censors - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_toroidal_dipole)

In classical electrodynamics, the dynamic toroidal dipole arises from time-dependent currents flowing along the poloidal direction on the surface of a torus. In relativistic quantum mechanics, spin contributions to the toroidal dipole needs to be taken into account. Toroidal dipole moments are odd under parity and time-reversal symmetries. Dynamic toroidal dipole is distinguished from the static toroidal dipole introduced by Zeldovich in 1957 under the name of static anapole.

The dynamic toroidal multipoles were theoretically introduced in the 1970s in the context of a complete multipole expansion in electrodynamics and their radiation properties were studied in a series of theoretical works. The experimental study of dynamic toroidal multipoles, however, became possible only with advances in artificial electromagnetic materials (metamaterials), leading to the first experimental observation of the toroidal dipole, in 2010 in an array of microwave resonators with elements of toroidal symmetry.

The article then goes on to say:

The far-field radiation properties of the dynamic toroidal dipole are identical to those of the conventional electric dipole.

... but exactly 180 degrees out of phase. So, back to the article:

Hence combining a dynamic toroidal dipole with an electric dipole can result in a non-radiating charge-current configuration (termed dynamic anapole), in which the electromagnetic fields vanish outside the source, whereas the vector (actually, scalar!!!!) potential persists.

Tom Bearden's anapole model!

It then adds:

Non-radiating anapoles were observed experimentally for the first time in 2013 as peak of transmission of structured matter at microwave frequencies and in 2015 at optical wavelengths in nanoparticles. Electrodynamics of dynamic toroidal dipole and anapoles is now massively influencing research in metamaterials, nanoparticles, plasmonics, sensors, lasers and spectroscopy.

So, toroidal dipoles arise from time-dependent currents flowing along the poloidal direction on the surface of a torus. So, wherever there are current toruses arranged around a larger magnetic ring torus (like Bob's mandarin segments), toroidal dipoles will arise. For this, of course, you need a FRACTAL toroidal structure that has current rings at ever other level with magnetic rings in between.

Now, my own hunch is that toroidal dipole moments are not just electric dipole moments, but rather a new breed of moment of force devoid of the (far-field radiation) of electric dipoles enacted in the aether, a SCALAR moment (or, in other words, a longitudinal wave that exerts a turning force centered on the axis of the outermost toroid in the fractal toroidal structure). Further, the "dipole" comes not from Positive / Negative or North / South but Left Vortex / Right Vortex spin, with the turning force coming into play when the toroidal dipole is placed in a suitable context (a field of particles that it can interact with in some way, such as a metal electron lattice or a fluid or gas) In this sense, a toroidal moment is different from a magnetic or electric moment in that its "field" is the aether field, which, of course, means interacting with the field which makes matter itself !!!

Anyway, that's my take on - and understanding of - what the electric, magnetic and toroidal dipole moments are, and how they are both similar in nature (a separation into opposites and exerting a torque or twisting force in a specific field, a "field" being, of course, some underlying arrangement of "stuff" in the aether!) and different (magnetic, electric, aetheric)

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Thanks Bob, this is also useful as an English-English translation to introduce technical terms to the more layman of us. :-)

There are a lot of words and concepts which I came accross through the research into MH370, CS24, etc. which I hope to understand / feel / comprehend better after the workshop in Brno, which I am really excited about and looking forward to. :-)

Some of these (sometimes basic) terms and concepts in need of a glossary would be: magnetic monopole, phase conjugation, scalar wave, scalar potential, phase as such as a state of matter / energy or rather a property of coherent waves being in synched phase?, the concept of "winding" probably according to the understanding of Walter Russel and then Malcolm Bendall, the concept of "time is the mold in which matter is formed", the concept of gravity as a "stress in the medium" which can be manipulated by 0 EM scalar fields (as Tom Bearden explains it) vs. an effect of negative energy (below ZP equilibrium) and pressure through energy density gradients. And the most interesting aspect: how might consciousness come into the picture (thought matter interaction), DNA as being a cyptographic key to the shared "soft-drive" of the Akashic-records, as you shortly mentioned in your CS24 presentation... Etc. I leave it at that for now. :-) Looking forward to the days in Prag and Brno to learn about the Universe :-)

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Thank you. This will be very useful.

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Not really adding the value but just throwing out some terms to consider adding to your lexicon!

electron spin (simplification) vs actual electron behaviour (probability of phasing into existence and back out)

Structured water

Structured plasma

phase conjugate

Charge buildup (ev needed)

Charge clusters

Aether/ether/zero point

Neutrinos and Scalar Wave and monoatomic vortices

Implosion Explosion forces (yin yang)

Cymatic 2d sounds to 3d images (thinking atomic resonances)

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The Golden Ratio - often denoted by the Greek letter φ (phi), is an irrational number approximately equal to 1.6180339887. It arises when a line is divided into two parts such that the ratio of the entire length to the longer segment is the same as the ratio of the longer segment to the shorter segment. Mathematically, if a line is divided into two segments a and b (with a > b), the Golden Ratio is defined by:

𝑎+𝑏 / a = a / b = 𝜙 ≈ 1.618

The Golden Ratio's ubiquitous presence across different domains makes it a powerful concept that bridges mathematics, art, nature, and science, symbolizing a universal standard of proportion and harmony.

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Great and robust responses guys. Nothing to add, just enjoying how lucid this makes the concepts, even for Joe Layman. As we break through language barriers, a new form of morphogenic field should arise, methinks. A pragmatic telepathy that improves insight and understanding instantly. A more natural form of Neuralink? Perhaps Remote Viewing, Akashic, and Aether all need defining? Not sure. Again, very useful. My thanks.

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The Aharonov-Bohm Effect

Described very well here:


To quote from this paper (Aharonov–Bohm Effect and Magnetic Monopoles):

"In classical mechanics, the motion of a charged particle depends only on the electric and

magnetic tension fields E and B; the potentials A0 and A do not have any direct effect. Also,

the motion depends only on the E and B fields along the particle’s world-line — the EM fields

in some volume of space the particle never goes through do not affect it at all. But in quantum

mechanics, interference between two trajectories a charged particle might take depends on

the magnetic field between the trajectories, even if along the trajectories themselves B = 0.

This effect was first predicted by Werner Ehrenberg and Raymond E. Siday in 1949, but

their paper was not noticed until the effect was re-discovered theoretically by David Bohm

and Yakir Aharonov in 1959 and then confirmed experimentally by R. G. Chambers in 1960."

Put simply, there are scalar fields emanating from a solenoid affecting the motion of charged particles that travel past it, those scalar fields realized in the aether. The Aharonov–Bohm Effect, in other words, changes the waveform of the passing particles: when those particles are travelling round a current loop with regular poloidal magnetic loops (as in a fractal toroid), this can ultimately lead to coherence of the particle waveforms: at different fractal scales, this coherence likely cascades deeper into the fractal toroid as well as operating on the virtual center of the current loop bagel, ultimately affecting the mass pouring in to grow the EVA at the virtual center.

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I love reading your posts Gordon

I find them very interesting and frequently refine my own thoughts and theory’s

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Have you been exposed to Vortex Based Math which Malcolm Bendall is clearly aligned with Marco Rodin and related to Nikolai Tesla's intimation regarding 369 and Malcolm'sd Sanskrit Arithmetic? The OID of the poloidal and toroidal configurations of 3 (poloidal) and 6 (toroidal) as the basis for the 2^N and 1/2^N octave and semitone are relevant, respectively as 3+6=9 and 3X6=18 within an 18 dimension construct of the cube of space and in the context of toroidally confined plasmas, as encountered in magnetic confinement fusion?

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So glad you did this. I have a limited understanding of physics and caught onto you quite late so sometimes get waylaid having to go back and find what you said about it before. A concise essay with hyperlinks that was easily shareable would be excellent.

Tell us what the aether is please.

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Here is an excerpt from Joseph Cater's description of the aether

The analogy of, and similarity between, the behavior of a near massless hollow ball in a gas and that of a body of great mass in free space is an application of this all- important Hermetic Axiom. As will become increasingly evident, further application of this line of thought leads to extremely fruitful results. It has been established that at the same temperature and pressure, all gases have the same number of molecules per unit volume. This means the average distance between molecules from center to center is the same for all gases, regardless of their molecular weight. Since they exert the same pressure, it follows that the average kinetic energy of the molecules is the same for each gas. This means the average velocity of a gas molecule varies inversely as the square root of its molecular weight.

Applying these conclusions to the ethers, it follows that the average distance between ether particles is a constant, as well as is their average kinetic energies, regardless of the ethers considered. Since particles of matter have inertia, etherparticles must have inertia as well. The reasons a body traveling through a gas at constant velocity encounter resistance, yet the ethers offer none, will become apparent later. Ether particles, and atoms, or molecules must also have certain properties that are similar. It will be shown later that atoms and molecules have zones of attraction as well as repulsion. It is vital that ether particles also possess such zones with regard to each other. The zonal effects around atoms are the result of the interactions of the fundamental particles, the electrons and protons. Therefore, ether particles also consist of fundamental particles similar in structure to electrons and protons. This is a manifestation of the Law of Duality. Basically, there are only two kinds of fundamental particles, contrary to the viewpoint of particle physicists.

It follows that the particles of the highest ethers correspond to our hydrogen atom and the basic particles that comprise it are the basic ingredients of all the ethers in all the realms that concern us. The lower ether particles correspond to the largest and most complex molecules.

It will soon be shown here that ether particles combine to form particles known as photons of light. This combining, or sticking together, corresponds to the cohesive forces of atoms and molecules which makes possible the formation of matter. It is the zonal forces around atoms and molecules that are responsible for these cohesive forces. Likewise, zonal forces around ether particles enable photons to evolve. These same forces enable photons to combine to form the fundamental particles of each realm, as will be described in more detail later.

The behavior and function of ether particles is duplicated with other particles in the realms of matter. The more active the particles, the more stable they need to be. The particles of the ethers are far more active than the fundamental particles of matter, and it follows that they are correspondingly more stable. The greater stability is also apparent from the following considerations. When ether particles combine to form photons the areas of contact are minute compared with the surface area outline of the ether particles. When photons combine to form fundamental particles of matter, the combining or sticking forces are the cohesive forces of the ether particles as it was when ether particles combined to form the photons. It is apparent the areas of contact between photons are not greater than between ether particles themselves. Yet, the same net forces are required to hold together far greater masses. It is analogous to using a certain glue to bind together a group of marbles and then using the same amount of the glue to hold a group of huge boulders together. As will be shown later, cohesive forces or zonal effects are due to electrostatic forces. Electrostatic forces are produced by the bombardment of ether particles against the fundamental particles. In turn, the fundamental units of ether particles generat etheir version of electrostatic forces as a result of bombardments due to a very special ether from which the fundamental units of ether particles are comprised. Once again the second Hermetic Principle is involved and also The Principle of Mentalism which states "The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental". It is the basic ingredient of all creations in the universe. As such, it is the common denominator of all manifestations and phenomena and is the channel by which all thought is transmitted. The manner by which the creative intelligence controls the particles of this ether is, of course, beyond the scope of this treatise. It is of little concern to us, as far as comprehending subsequent phenomena is concerned, and the material to be presented. It is convenient to think of all the basic ether particles as being interconnected by life lines or lines of communication through which the all-pervading intelligence controls them. Cohesive forces play only a small role during the combination of atoms to form molecules. As will be shown later, there is a partial and mutual interpenetration of atoms. The nuclei of the atoms tend to remain intact but the combination bears no apparent from the following considerations. When ether particles combine to form photons the areas of contact are minute compared with the surface area outline of the ether particles. When photons combine to form fundamental particles of matter, the combining or sticking forces are the cohesive forces of the ether particles as it was when ether particles combined to form the photons. It is apparent the areas of contact between photons are not greater than between ether particles themselves. Yet, the same net forces are required to hold together far greater masses. It is analogous to using a certain glue to bind together a group of marbles and then using the same amount of the glue to hold a group of huge boulders together. As will be shown later, cohesive forces or zonal effects are due to electrostatic forces. Electrostatic forces are produced by the bombardment of ether particles against the fundamental particles. In turn, the fundamental units of ether particles generate their version of electrostatic forces as a result of bombardments due to a very special ether from which the fundamental units of ether particles are comprised. Once again the second Hermetic Principle is involved and also The Principle of Mentalism which states "The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental". It is the basic ingredient of all creations in the universe. As such, it is the common denominator of all manifestations and phenomena and is the channel by which all thought is transmitted. The manner by which the creative intelligence controls the particles of this ether is, of course, beyond the scope of this treatise. It is of little concern to us, as far as comprehending subsequent phenomena is concerned, and the material to be presented. It is convenient to think of all the basic ether particles as being interconnected by life lines or lines of communication through which the all-pervading intelligence controls them. Cohesive forces play only a small role during the combination of atoms to form molecules. As will be shown later, there is a partial and mutual interpenetration of atoms. The nuclei of the atoms tend to remain intact but the combination bears no resemblance to any of the atoms involved. This generally results in a stable combination. The same pattern applied, of course, with ether particles. Consequently, they are extremely stable. The larger and more sluggish ether particles of the lower ethers correspond to cells of the physical realm. The numbers of different kinds of ether particles is at least as great as the number of different kinds of atoms, molecules and cells. The number is astronomical. The concept, the ethers are the essence of everything that manifests is unique and goes far beyond any previous ideas concerning the nature of the ethers. This will become increasingly evident as this treatise unfolds.

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Finally, a definition of electrostatic fields, stationary (time-invariant) electric fields, as opposed to non-stationary (time-varying) electric fields:

If there are two stationary objects with different electrical charges, then an electrostatic field exists between the two objects. An electrostatic field also forms around a single body/object which is electrically charged with respect to its surroundings. A body is negatively charged (-) when it has an excess of electrons related to its surroundings. A body is positively charged (+) when it has insufficient number of electrons with respect to its surroundings. Electrostatic field is formed by a static charge.

The important point about an electrostatic field is that it forms around stationary bodies (such as a wire with no current). When a current flows, the no-longer static electric field is used in the rise of a magnetic field. This, in turn, then is used in the rise of an electric field - electromagnetism, in other words. One exception to this is where electromagnetic waves of high frequency "oscillate" up and down a wire or, crucially for EVOs, form a coherent (grid) surface, creating a resonant system. In this case, the vector components all cancel out, leaving the scalar component to radiate at right angles to the surface of the wire / system. In this case, the resultant scalar field is again a form of electrostatic field (as the electrons or EVOs remain more-or-less stationary), one where the scalar components of the repeated phase-linked oscillations sum to form a much amplified electrostatic field.

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