Hi bob I forgot to mention the host of the show is Jack Webster who later came to Canada and had a talkshow on tv in the 70or 80s why I mention this is teslas friend Thomas Lee Richardson of Vancouver was a guest on the show and talked about Tesla
Thomas house was full of teslas artifacts I’ll send pictures of Thomas sork
Feliz cumpleaños! Thanks for all the work you've done. The synchronicities that got me here continue. I suspect some of us will be coming up with truly momentous demos soon. Just ordered Space. Earth. Human. I am ashamed to say I had neglected reading until now, but already, from the Kindle unlimited version thanks, some pieces are really fitting together for me.
Here's to as many happy returns as you desire! And thanks again. I don't think this knowledge can remain occulted much longer. Especially as I and many others are determined to build and share tech based on it.
I also think we may actually surpass many who are already using it nefariously, as they may, by need to know requirements, not really grok it.
We can do this, as one US Naval labs researcher said to me in Oct. 2016 (without giving any help and in his last communication) "The only way I can see this technology coming out is via an open project like the MFMP"
From now, it becomes the will of the willing ... and I firmly believe we have the skills if we work together.
The primer fields is, as I have said before, covered in my view by the Boyd Bushman/Lockheed Martin patent I discussed here: https://youtu.be/H_8Nsas5eY0
Sure, the dust thing, this is the great leveller and should not be the preserve of the few that would hold dominion over us.
I will deal with ORME, it is solved. Expect that.
I am all for brewing, but I get gout!
I have something else I can enjoy... A good cuban rum.
Thanks bob truly awesome article inside the dome is metal reinforcing bars in concrete things will get interesting uf I get that old ship transducer shipping is a stumbling block at least a few thousand I do not have I can buy it but shipping stops it cold
Hi bob I hope so one failed shipment today the seller did not have ready a shipment Nancy paid for not sure what’s going to happen then the device in Florida shipping it’s not lije the okd days that’s 5 years ago rebuilding this is hard now my mistake in selling that stuff to Germany it’s not complete as lots went as scrap to can am imports studios tons fire marshal orders see ctv news story gee
That sucks, I too am waiting on a sample from Henk and DHL said they could not find my address and sent it back - yet, if you type the address they had into Google Maps it exactly pinpoints the correct address. Bonkers level of stupidity
Lovely, I’ve always had the idea everything we do makes a ‘record’ of itself in the universe and it can be viewed somehow in the distant future with the right technology to read it.
i 1st heard about this on the end of one of Eric Dollard's 3 hr long videos about electricity. He claimed he got to put his hands on the kit that was to be the power supply for it. He described large air break spark gaps and coil, one of copper, one of iron. one in the roof, one in the floor. one clockwise, one counter clockwise. and that an identical integratron that would be operated in another location anywhere in the universe, a person or anything inside the field would exist simultaneously in both locations and that all you had to do was turn off the one where you did not want to be. a transporter without any pulling apart of the matter.
In his book, "Advancements of In Orgone Energy," Ronald Heath describes various composite devices, made of metal foils, paints and plastic/paper that produce the subjective sensation of "orgone breeze" (which can produce very strong sensations around the head, especially when vibrated at specific frequencies, such as 12Hz or 400Hz). He detected no thrust up to .05N, no change in weight, magnetic field, or electrostatic charge, but a slight change in conductivity of water exposed to the device using very sensitive equipment, which he admits might have been an effect of capacitive coupling. He concluded that Grebennikov jars are the best measuring devices. He details the material composition and the evolution of his devices from layered metal sheets to paints(!), and simple 3D printed shapes to enhance the effect.
The reason I am mentioning this is that he tried a bunch of metals, and gold and aluminum were among the best combinations. He writes:
"Directional Orgone energy may be produced by layering two metallic layers separated by an organic layer in a repetitive sequence. The two metallic layers should be in direct contact with each other and then the organic layer is applied before another two metallic layers are added to the stack. The organic layer should be two to three times the thickness of the metallic layers. The best combination of real metal foils that I have tested is gold/silver. Copper/silver is almost as good and copper/aluminum works well and doesn't cost a fortune. The energy will flow in the direction of the silver or aluminum or bismuth layer for the combinations copper/silver/organic, copper/aluminum/organic and zinc-magnesium/bismuth/organic, respectively. The zinc-magnesium/bismuth/organic may be better than gold/silver/organic, but I have not yet compared the two properly. The metals may be powdered and mixed with paint in order to form the layers that will produce orgone energy. Copper and aluminum powdered pigments are readily available and work well. Bismuth and zinc/magnesium pigments also work very well. The layers of paint are applied in the following sequence: copper, aluminum, then a thicker layer of organic. The organic layer should be two or three times the thickness of one metallic layer and this may be easily accomplished by using three coats. The sequence is repeated until the desired power level is attained. The more layers that you add, the less of an increase in power you get for adding an additional layer. Other pigments may be substituted for the copper and aluminum."
These compositions remind me of many things, including Chinese magic mirrors (Ag/Si), Kozyrev's mirror (Al) or the wreckage from the alleged Roswell crash (Bi/Mg/Zn) sold by Linda Moulton Howe to TTSA.
This is all consistent with the theory. Condensates of dark matter / Relic Neutrinos can travel along conductive metal layer interfaces, particularly those that are more conductive and spin nuclei. Al, Cu, Ag and Au are all conductive and all isotopes are fractional spin. I would expect Cu/Ag to be very good. Fused Quartz sheets might be better than organics.
Heath favors fused quartz over water and borosilicate glass as low-cost alternatives to rock crystal quartz for "dispersing" orgone. The disperser module is installed on top of the pump module(s), which are fitted on top of a gypsum plaster, limestone, granite, or ceramic block. In contrast to placing the device on iron-containing materials, this configuration produces "pleasant" and "pure" orgone, that is, according to Ronald Heath.
I don't understand your theory. You said that the neutrino flow is parallel to the surface. How would you explain the fact that the orgone breeze is perceived as perpendicular to the surface?
My initial hypothesis was that the effect was caused by nuclear/spin anisotropy or some sort of BEC lasing mechanism. Now I believe it is related to the (misunderstood?) magnetic shielding mechanism (which is in effect in zero gauss chambers) generalized to other fundamental forces (as in Reich's orgone accumulator boxes). It is caused by coherent matter waves, such as coherent electron oscillations (e.g., surface plasmon polaritons), which are produced by the interaction of ambient/incident electromagnetic radiation and interfacing materials with different dielectric constants.
The resulting coherent oscillations, propagating on the interface between the dissimilar materials, would create a potential difference in an ether-like medium, which must be fixed to the reference frame of the local gravitational field. I guess a WIMP or neutrino field fits the bill for such a medium. The weakly coherent and dispersed nature of SPPs would explain the need for multiple layers. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Edit to my previous post: The Chinese magic mirros are composed of Au/Ag, not Ag/Si as I have written above. I turned 45 on September 22. Are we turning into crystal magicians and magnet mages?
I had to share my birthday cheers, as my 65th was the 22nd of September. My sense of connection to this work now seems uncanny. Seeing the Willets dome immediately brought the Orgone version to mind, and here is an in-depth embrace and explanation, yet again, as to how these efforts link big time. Integrated solutions will completely transcend and include partial inklings. Peace Cheers Onward.
I remember, must have been 5-8 years back a German company boasting instantaneous Cell tech that could connect anyone anywhere. Naturally at the time I figured they we just working with the longitudinal component of light rather than transverse. And given what we have learned since it could be longitudinal perturbations in the relic neutrinos or whatever, still catching up. Anyway drilling down there was a demo, then the CEO/inventor was busted for fraud and then it all disappeared from the web. But it was definitely a thing.
Somewhat related when I was going down that rabbit hole I found a company that dehumidified and climate controlled old castles in the EU using what looked like thick fixed antennas in the corners of ceilings that had shapes we would probably now recognize as significant. Can't find them now either.
Just putting this out there in case is sparks any memories or ideas.
Happy birthday Bob !!! It's been a real honour to share in your journey, even if just for a few steps. May there be many more still to come.
1. with respect to the pattern from O-Day - Gravity transformation - with the two "dots" forming - I believe the following - at a much different scale - is related :
2. if "gravitational pull" is limited to the speed of light - as must be the case IF the speed of light is the absolute speed limit claimed - then the Earth would "feel" the Sun's pull from the position it was at around 8 minutes ago - the Earth is travelling, I believe at around 30 kilometers per second, the solar system is travelling at 200 Kilometers per second, and the solar system is at close to 90 degrees with respect to the galactic plane, so after 8 minutes, the Earth has moved 14,400 kilometers around the Sun AND the solar system as a whole has moved 96,000 kilometers, so the Earth would move away from the Sun as it rotated around a point 96,000 kilometers behind the Sun's actual position (and more for planets like Saturn and Neptune) - yet THEY DON'T, they are orbiting the Sun at it's "instantaneous" position with respect to their orbits. So, for the solar system to work, gravity cannot be limited to the speed of light - so, goodbye special relativity...
Allways insightful and well thought out contributions. I saw that EU video when it was released and it is interesting and there is a two spot feature with different driving parameters - certainly one to put a pin in.
The situation you describe is called the "relativity of simultaneity". There are two main versions of special relativity. The first treats the laws of physics as exactly the same at all speeds. This includes the notion of the local speed of light, and this gives rise to the paradox you mentioned above. Special relativity solves the problem by simply assuming that there is a preferred frame of reference (called the rest frame), and stating that measurements of temporal intervals should always be made with respect to this rest frame. Relativistic effects still apply in all frames, but the appearance of effects depends on where the measurement is performed.
By the way, this is just my belief, but I believe there is only ever “the now” (time being a human construct to differentiate and describe state changes and provide a comparative mechanism for comparing the state of changes with respect to one another as they happen). I also (and consequently) don’t believe in spacetime, but rather in space - a space that is self similar (fractal) at all scales, with electrons etc being made of self-similar smaller building blocks and so-called relic neutrinos being - as Bob so eloquently describes-the dark matter that IS the aether - just another level in the deep dive into the self-similar fractal universe-the higher levels just being built on top of the lower levels (or reason why the dark matter web corresponds so well with the cosmic plasma / visible matter web) - just as nature abhors a vacuum, nature loves to repeat patterns at all levels we are currently able to observe - and likely the bigger /smaller ones we cannot yet observe - anyway, that’s just my belief system based on what I have learned to date, and while I realise my views aren’t exactly mainstream (ya think!) they do keep being confirmed as yet another “new surprise “ comes in from the mainstream-anyway, right or wrong, that’s where I’m coming from
Yes the now, but I believe the then can be recalled, not just by those related to the recordings, but also those that can intercept them.
With respect to predicting the future, that may rely on perception where a most likely solution to a then and now becomes clear, like pretty much anyone can see a car accident that is about to happen, those able to remote view read forward in the intersectional probabilities of streams of then and nows, get to have insight that allows for "back to the future" predictive capabilities.
I do not believe that time travel backwards is possible, but experiencing the thens is. I have discussed how one can relatively physically go forward in time. But the journey is a pause and returning to the normal timeline only puts one in the current now, one cannot return to the before, and there will be a gap in ones personal Akashic record for the period of the paused timeline.
Now perhaps the tag line for this blog; "Looking back to the future through insight and critical fiction", is clearer for those reading this.
Special relativity is great mathematics, one that uses time as a dimension in a 4-dimension co-ordinate space equivalent to the 3-dimensions of the 3D space that we always experience as NOW, plus time that can be seen as a “real” dimension (so long as you don’t want to move forward or backward along the time dimension, that is) - BUT this is where I have a problem with all relativistic concepts - I can move left and right, up and down, in and out, and do so again and again - I cannot do this in time, however, and the mind boggling fantasies that have been spirited out of thin air (Dr. Who - really!? - or the whole universe dividing at every decision point - to form alternate realities and parallel universes - ugh) which really does show the need to recognise that mathematical models are just abstract models useful in certain conditions given certain well understood and well defined limitations- but they are not reality -and c being the same everywhere in “the vacuum of space” - yet nature abhors vacuums especially a vacuum that has nothing in it nor any physical structure (although it does have characteristics, which makes no sense) - although, admittedly, special relativity does not specifically require c to be a maximum speed limit - but, equivalence does break down if c is variant or a physical object, perturbation or compression/rarefaction is moving faster than c - and the behaviour of gravitational attraction suggests very much information transmission far faster than light - indeed, pretty well instantaneous transmission- so that the Lorentz transformation underlying special relativity becomes suspect at best
I just wanted to point out that the paradox you mentioned has a mainstream explanation. I agree with you on simultaneity and the fractal nature of reality, but I do not believe that space is a fundamental component of reality. It is simply a useful abstraction created by the nervous system of higher animal to maximize fitness payoffs.
Bob, I hope the 15th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals and CleanHME General Assembly presentation on ULTR went well and was well recieved
Eric Dollard has spoken extensively on this. This will be a huge aid in bridging electrodynamics ( which is purely measurement & calculation, thus, empirical, at least as far as Steinmetz ) to vacuum science, and should provide a basis for derivation of perhaps useful equations. I've been working on an aether model, when not distracted by other things, which might be released in a few weeks.
Thanks Bob!
PS: I spammed your mail with ravings again. Bwaha!
Hi bob I forgot to mention the host of the show is Jack Webster who later came to Canada and had a talkshow on tv in the 70or 80s why I mention this is teslas friend Thomas Lee Richardson of Vancouver was a guest on the show and talked about Tesla
Thomas house was full of teslas artifacts I’ll send pictures of Thomas sork
thanks John
Feliz cumpleaños! Thanks for all the work you've done. The synchronicities that got me here continue. I suspect some of us will be coming up with truly momentous demos soon. Just ordered Space. Earth. Human. I am ashamed to say I had neglected reading until now, but already, from the Kindle unlimited version thanks, some pieces are really fitting together for me.
Here's to as many happy returns as you desire! And thanks again. I don't think this knowledge can remain occulted much longer. Especially as I and many others are determined to build and share tech based on it.
I also think we may actually surpass many who are already using it nefariously, as they may, by need to know requirements, not really grok it.
We can do this, as one US Naval labs researcher said to me in Oct. 2016 (without giving any help and in his last communication) "The only way I can see this technology coming out is via an open project like the MFMP"
From now, it becomes the will of the willing ... and I firmly believe we have the skills if we work together.
Bob , your Associations fascinates !
Do you also relate to the primer fields? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q_IvxWoY4E
Jubilee? Fifty? (Gen 18:24 :) Dust to dust??
Backtrack: How was Madol built?
BTW: I got your latest book :)
Steps to the Discovery of Electro-Nuclear Collapse
Manna from heaven? Gold?
I recommend: https://www.amazon.com/Sacred-Herbal-Healing-Beers-Fermentation/dp/0937381667
Time to drink :) and Celebrate ...
The primer fields is, as I have said before, covered in my view by the Boyd Bushman/Lockheed Martin patent I discussed here: https://youtu.be/H_8Nsas5eY0
Sure, the dust thing, this is the great leveller and should not be the preserve of the few that would hold dominion over us.
I will deal with ORME, it is solved. Expect that.
I am all for brewing, but I get gout!
I have something else I can enjoy... A good cuban rum.
Thanks bob truly awesome article inside the dome is metal reinforcing bars in concrete things will get interesting uf I get that old ship transducer shipping is a stumbling block at least a few thousand I do not have I can buy it but shipping stops it cold
Agsin awesome information
We can do this.
Hi bob I hope so one failed shipment today the seller did not have ready a shipment Nancy paid for not sure what’s going to happen then the device in Florida shipping it’s not lije the okd days that’s 5 years ago rebuilding this is hard now my mistake in selling that stuff to Germany it’s not complete as lots went as scrap to can am imports studios tons fire marshal orders see ctv news story gee
That sucks, I too am waiting on a sample from Henk and DHL said they could not find my address and sent it back - yet, if you type the address they had into Google Maps it exactly pinpoints the correct address. Bonkers level of stupidity
I knew there was something up With that dome! ;)
Happy middle century Bob!!! And congratulations for your excellent blog about this mind bending
Thanks Curbina, it would certainly have been impossible without your help.
Lovely, I’ve always had the idea everything we do makes a ‘record’ of itself in the universe and it can be viewed somehow in the distant future with the right technology to read it.
Also love the hosts thick Scottish accent!
Ok Aye!
Happy Birthday, Bud!
You are my fave Bob, welcome to the first dawn of your old age!
i 1st heard about this on the end of one of Eric Dollard's 3 hr long videos about electricity. He claimed he got to put his hands on the kit that was to be the power supply for it. He described large air break spark gaps and coil, one of copper, one of iron. one in the roof, one in the floor. one clockwise, one counter clockwise. and that an identical integratron that would be operated in another location anywhere in the universe, a person or anything inside the field would exist simultaneously in both locations and that all you had to do was turn off the one where you did not want to be. a transporter without any pulling apart of the matter.
In his book, "Advancements of In Orgone Energy," Ronald Heath describes various composite devices, made of metal foils, paints and plastic/paper that produce the subjective sensation of "orgone breeze" (which can produce very strong sensations around the head, especially when vibrated at specific frequencies, such as 12Hz or 400Hz). He detected no thrust up to .05N, no change in weight, magnetic field, or electrostatic charge, but a slight change in conductivity of water exposed to the device using very sensitive equipment, which he admits might have been an effect of capacitive coupling. He concluded that Grebennikov jars are the best measuring devices. He details the material composition and the evolution of his devices from layered metal sheets to paints(!), and simple 3D printed shapes to enhance the effect.
The reason I am mentioning this is that he tried a bunch of metals, and gold and aluminum were among the best combinations. He writes:
"Directional Orgone energy may be produced by layering two metallic layers separated by an organic layer in a repetitive sequence. The two metallic layers should be in direct contact with each other and then the organic layer is applied before another two metallic layers are added to the stack. The organic layer should be two to three times the thickness of the metallic layers. The best combination of real metal foils that I have tested is gold/silver. Copper/silver is almost as good and copper/aluminum works well and doesn't cost a fortune. The energy will flow in the direction of the silver or aluminum or bismuth layer for the combinations copper/silver/organic, copper/aluminum/organic and zinc-magnesium/bismuth/organic, respectively. The zinc-magnesium/bismuth/organic may be better than gold/silver/organic, but I have not yet compared the two properly. The metals may be powdered and mixed with paint in order to form the layers that will produce orgone energy. Copper and aluminum powdered pigments are readily available and work well. Bismuth and zinc/magnesium pigments also work very well. The layers of paint are applied in the following sequence: copper, aluminum, then a thicker layer of organic. The organic layer should be two or three times the thickness of one metallic layer and this may be easily accomplished by using three coats. The sequence is repeated until the desired power level is attained. The more layers that you add, the less of an increase in power you get for adding an additional layer. Other pigments may be substituted for the copper and aluminum."
These compositions remind me of many things, including Chinese magic mirrors (Ag/Si), Kozyrev's mirror (Al) or the wreckage from the alleged Roswell crash (Bi/Mg/Zn) sold by Linda Moulton Howe to TTSA.
This is all consistent with the theory. Condensates of dark matter / Relic Neutrinos can travel along conductive metal layer interfaces, particularly those that are more conductive and spin nuclei. Al, Cu, Ag and Au are all conductive and all isotopes are fractional spin. I would expect Cu/Ag to be very good. Fused Quartz sheets might be better than organics.
Heath favors fused quartz over water and borosilicate glass as low-cost alternatives to rock crystal quartz for "dispersing" orgone. The disperser module is installed on top of the pump module(s), which are fitted on top of a gypsum plaster, limestone, granite, or ceramic block. In contrast to placing the device on iron-containing materials, this configuration produces "pleasant" and "pure" orgone, that is, according to Ronald Heath.
I don't understand your theory. You said that the neutrino flow is parallel to the surface. How would you explain the fact that the orgone breeze is perceived as perpendicular to the surface?
My initial hypothesis was that the effect was caused by nuclear/spin anisotropy or some sort of BEC lasing mechanism. Now I believe it is related to the (misunderstood?) magnetic shielding mechanism (which is in effect in zero gauss chambers) generalized to other fundamental forces (as in Reich's orgone accumulator boxes). It is caused by coherent matter waves, such as coherent electron oscillations (e.g., surface plasmon polaritons), which are produced by the interaction of ambient/incident electromagnetic radiation and interfacing materials with different dielectric constants.
The resulting coherent oscillations, propagating on the interface between the dissimilar materials, would create a potential difference in an ether-like medium, which must be fixed to the reference frame of the local gravitational field. I guess a WIMP or neutrino field fits the bill for such a medium. The weakly coherent and dispersed nature of SPPs would explain the need for multiple layers. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Edit to my previous post: The Chinese magic mirros are composed of Au/Ag, not Ag/Si as I have written above. I turned 45 on September 22. Are we turning into crystal magicians and magnet mages?
I had to share my birthday cheers, as my 65th was the 22nd of September. My sense of connection to this work now seems uncanny. Seeing the Willets dome immediately brought the Orgone version to mind, and here is an in-depth embrace and explanation, yet again, as to how these efforts link big time. Integrated solutions will completely transcend and include partial inklings. Peace Cheers Onward.
65 at last, retired but lively, active and positive. Thanks Corky for being a ray of sunshine.
I remember, must have been 5-8 years back a German company boasting instantaneous Cell tech that could connect anyone anywhere. Naturally at the time I figured they we just working with the longitudinal component of light rather than transverse. And given what we have learned since it could be longitudinal perturbations in the relic neutrinos or whatever, still catching up. Anyway drilling down there was a demo, then the CEO/inventor was busted for fraud and then it all disappeared from the web. But it was definitely a thing.
Somewhat related when I was going down that rabbit hole I found a company that dehumidified and climate controlled old castles in the EU using what looked like thick fixed antennas in the corners of ceilings that had shapes we would probably now recognize as significant. Can't find them now either.
Just putting this out there in case is sparks any memories or ideas.
No recollection, but will keep ear to ground.
Happy birthday Bob !!! It's been a real honour to share in your journey, even if just for a few steps. May there be many more still to come.
1. with respect to the pattern from O-Day - Gravity transformation - with the two "dots" forming - I believe the following - at a much different scale - is related :
2. if "gravitational pull" is limited to the speed of light - as must be the case IF the speed of light is the absolute speed limit claimed - then the Earth would "feel" the Sun's pull from the position it was at around 8 minutes ago - the Earth is travelling, I believe at around 30 kilometers per second, the solar system is travelling at 200 Kilometers per second, and the solar system is at close to 90 degrees with respect to the galactic plane, so after 8 minutes, the Earth has moved 14,400 kilometers around the Sun AND the solar system as a whole has moved 96,000 kilometers, so the Earth would move away from the Sun as it rotated around a point 96,000 kilometers behind the Sun's actual position (and more for planets like Saturn and Neptune) - yet THEY DON'T, they are orbiting the Sun at it's "instantaneous" position with respect to their orbits. So, for the solar system to work, gravity cannot be limited to the speed of light - so, goodbye special relativity...
Thanks for the birthday wishes also!
Allways insightful and well thought out contributions. I saw that EU video when it was released and it is interesting and there is a two spot feature with different driving parameters - certainly one to put a pin in.
The situation you describe is called the "relativity of simultaneity". There are two main versions of special relativity. The first treats the laws of physics as exactly the same at all speeds. This includes the notion of the local speed of light, and this gives rise to the paradox you mentioned above. Special relativity solves the problem by simply assuming that there is a preferred frame of reference (called the rest frame), and stating that measurements of temporal intervals should always be made with respect to this rest frame. Relativistic effects still apply in all frames, but the appearance of effects depends on where the measurement is performed.
By the way, this is just my belief, but I believe there is only ever “the now” (time being a human construct to differentiate and describe state changes and provide a comparative mechanism for comparing the state of changes with respect to one another as they happen). I also (and consequently) don’t believe in spacetime, but rather in space - a space that is self similar (fractal) at all scales, with electrons etc being made of self-similar smaller building blocks and so-called relic neutrinos being - as Bob so eloquently describes-the dark matter that IS the aether - just another level in the deep dive into the self-similar fractal universe-the higher levels just being built on top of the lower levels (or reason why the dark matter web corresponds so well with the cosmic plasma / visible matter web) - just as nature abhors a vacuum, nature loves to repeat patterns at all levels we are currently able to observe - and likely the bigger /smaller ones we cannot yet observe - anyway, that’s just my belief system based on what I have learned to date, and while I realise my views aren’t exactly mainstream (ya think!) they do keep being confirmed as yet another “new surprise “ comes in from the mainstream-anyway, right or wrong, that’s where I’m coming from
Yes the now, but I believe the then can be recalled, not just by those related to the recordings, but also those that can intercept them.
With respect to predicting the future, that may rely on perception where a most likely solution to a then and now becomes clear, like pretty much anyone can see a car accident that is about to happen, those able to remote view read forward in the intersectional probabilities of streams of then and nows, get to have insight that allows for "back to the future" predictive capabilities.
I do not believe that time travel backwards is possible, but experiencing the thens is. I have discussed how one can relatively physically go forward in time. But the journey is a pause and returning to the normal timeline only puts one in the current now, one cannot return to the before, and there will be a gap in ones personal Akashic record for the period of the paused timeline.
Now perhaps the tag line for this blog; "Looking back to the future through insight and critical fiction", is clearer for those reading this.
Special relativity is great mathematics, one that uses time as a dimension in a 4-dimension co-ordinate space equivalent to the 3-dimensions of the 3D space that we always experience as NOW, plus time that can be seen as a “real” dimension (so long as you don’t want to move forward or backward along the time dimension, that is) - BUT this is where I have a problem with all relativistic concepts - I can move left and right, up and down, in and out, and do so again and again - I cannot do this in time, however, and the mind boggling fantasies that have been spirited out of thin air (Dr. Who - really!? - or the whole universe dividing at every decision point - to form alternate realities and parallel universes - ugh) which really does show the need to recognise that mathematical models are just abstract models useful in certain conditions given certain well understood and well defined limitations- but they are not reality -and c being the same everywhere in “the vacuum of space” - yet nature abhors vacuums especially a vacuum that has nothing in it nor any physical structure (although it does have characteristics, which makes no sense) - although, admittedly, special relativity does not specifically require c to be a maximum speed limit - but, equivalence does break down if c is variant or a physical object, perturbation or compression/rarefaction is moving faster than c - and the behaviour of gravitational attraction suggests very much information transmission far faster than light - indeed, pretty well instantaneous transmission- so that the Lorentz transformation underlying special relativity becomes suspect at best
I just wanted to point out that the paradox you mentioned has a mainstream explanation. I agree with you on simultaneity and the fractal nature of reality, but I do not believe that space is a fundamental component of reality. It is simply a useful abstraction created by the nervous system of higher animal to maximize fitness payoffs.
Hi Bob, What is the actual equation of van Tassel? Can anyone write it down?
Bob, I hope the 15th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals and CleanHME General Assembly presentation on ULTR went well and was well recieved
Eric Dollard has spoken extensively on this. This will be a huge aid in bridging electrodynamics ( which is purely measurement & calculation, thus, empirical, at least as far as Steinmetz ) to vacuum science, and should provide a basis for derivation of perhaps useful equations. I've been working on an aether model, when not distracted by other things, which might be released in a few weeks.
Thanks Bob!
PS: I spammed your mail with ravings again. Bwaha!