Recorded: Dec 31, 2023 11:00 PM CET
In the below image I captured in the Taiwan National Palace Museum from a small part of an anonymous illustrated manuscript from 1428, Ming Dynasty, I noticed that there were thirty-three light rays. Reading the second line from left from the bottom, it says:
“The thirty-three songs become the door of the thirty-three heavens, millions of billions of stars.”
In the texts (sutras) of the older faith of Hinduism, the word “Dharma” is connected via Dharmasutra writings with the “Rites of passage”.
Of course, the number 33 is, as far as I understand it, represents the highest rite of passage for Free Masons, as depicted in the inner sanctum of the Washington DC, USA, 33rd degree supreme council building. Only, in this case, the beams are coming out of the heavens from the centre of a Yin Yang rather than from the centre of a place in physical reality as in the illustration.
But what does the specific phrase I translated mean in the context of this Buddhist treasure of the former Chinese rulers? Here is what was returned from a quick search on Bing.
“This phrase is related to the Buddhist cosmology, which also includes the concept of thirty-three heavens. In Buddhism, the thirty-three heavens are part of the desire realm, where beings are still subject to attachment and suffering. The highest of these heavens is called Tāvatiṃsa, which means "thirty-three" in Pali. This heaven is the abode of the god Indra, who is also known as Śakra or Vāsava. Indra is the lord of rain and thunder, and he is often depicted with a vajra, a thunderbolt-like weapon.”
Coincidence? Could it be that when we understand what really makes a thunderbolt (Ball Lightning), we also learn how to easily travel to the millions of billions of stars that shine down on us as we sleep.
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Many congratulations on this great achievement! And happy new year to you and your loved ones!
May I wish you and your most noble endeavours all the very best for 2024, Bob.