Can we just agree now that the masons are at least very accidentally lucky in their craft?
The Brighton, UK Lodge and its Washington DC, US counterpart
On Tuesday the 17th October 2023, I had to go and investigate why HSBC had decided to close the MFMPs bank account. It turns out they can’t say and can’t do anything about it because they were just complying with government mandates in a process called ‘safeguarding’. Apparently, a pseudo private 3rd party contracted entity made two attempts to close the account and pretended to send out a means of redress, but now it is actually closed, they are very sorry they can’t re-open it, but they have agreed to have an 8 week investigation to find out where they went wrong and get back to me. Still can’t fix what they did - them’s the rules!
Anyhow, on the way down from the train station, I passed the Brighton Masonic Lodge.
I was struck by the lead work above the door and the now familiar proportions of the architecture, so I took a picture from the opposite side of the street, again, forgive the off-angle and perspective distortions that makes this less than perfect - still, they clearly knew what they were doing.
I have included the golden triangle as the white semi-transparent area in this overlay.
I like the way they represented the core of the ball lightning here revealing thunderbolts - or Vajra - not by window handles like in the UK Supreme court, but as the main light above the door. This is very similar to the kind of pre-christian Zeus thunderbolt (ball lightning) coinage.
I also like the subtle pyramid atop the column on the right of the building, onto which the name of the building is attached “Sussex House”. This is a far more discrete connection to the knowledge of ancient Egypt, than the hilariously in your face 1733 (it would have been set up in a year that ended in 33 right) temple of Washington DC, directly down the road from the White House - check out the sphinx action!
I discovered this building Thursday 19 October 2023 as I write this blog, from Google maps, one can see the Sanctum Templi - “Holy Temple” - of the Washington DC 33 degree supreme council building, they hold nothing back
At the top, there is the phrase (FIAT LUX - latin for “Let there be light”) that reminds me of the late 1800’s “British order of electrical engineers” coat of arms - that had a Maltese cross on it and the words “out of darkness cometh light” which was the first symbology I introduced into a presentation back on the 9th June 2017 - alongside the Assyrian Stella of the same “god controlled power” cross.
This FIAT LUX is coming from the dead centre (phase singularity producing light in Shakhparonov’s work for instance) between a left and right “auspicious symbol” with right-handed ‘greek keys’ monopoles feeding up on the left pillar (sun/Male/Yang) and left-monopoles feeding on the right pillar (moon/Female/Yin). Note, for some reason, someone who did not understand the meaning has replaced (possibly during maintenance) one section of the glass on the left lower half the wrong way round so in that section the rotation of the auspicious symbols are wrong. This overall stained glass is, in my view, a more accurate representation of the knowledge than the usual 3 masonic pillars.
At the bottom, the latin ORDO AB CHAO - means “Order from chaos” - with this mantra, one might think the creed is to set up two opposing parties, sew the seeds of chaos, and create order (and control) from this action. But could it more simply reflect the notion that Yin and Yang forces create life and order by working together to bring light and life into the world. I’d like to think the latter, but with all that is going on in the world, one is minded to wonder if someone may have latched onto the former interpretation.
Of the facades of the two lodges, I prefer the subtle but precise knowledge in the Brighton lodge - but the very detailed message in the DC lodges “Holy Temple”, deserves credit for how it ‘hides’ the knowledge in pretty stained glass.
Regardless, I think that we have to consider that the masons are, at the very least, very accidentally lucky in their architecture.
Damn, HSBC must've got wind of that gold transmutator you've been working on Bob...Can't have people running amok engaging in their own quantitative easing at home, right? Well spotted with the building geometry!
Hmmmm...... bank account frozen and no clear explanation has been given, other than we are now living in an era of government by mandates. Perhaps the MFMP is becoming a little too successful in disseminating information that certain vested interests don't want to be widely known. Take care Bob.