The light spread of the SKLED and the control LED were very different. I think it would have been better to have a mirrored tube that covered both sources with a diffusor at the end and put the light meter at the end of that.
One also needs to know the spectrum of both lights, it may be that one outputs photons that the light meter is more sensitive to.
If I had not been disappointed before with Rossi (at the point of have a certain PTSD about how much he has disappointed in the past) I would be furious. Now I am mildly sad for the people that fell for it.
Not even close to interesting if you ask me, specially not 10 years later.
I expect everyone still stubbornly refusing to accept they have been had, will focus on reaching the million orders and getting a device to test for themselves.
A sad testimony to extreme human psychology.
We have a lot of ULTR to focus on and forget this sad episode. I was done in 2014, this is just an epilogue.
Given the claimed <1W current draw, he could have replaced the mains attached 12V PSU with 8 x 1.5V AA or possibly AAA batteries, and just left it running with live CNN in the background.
The light comparison was a joke.
We will continue moving forward regardless.
ULTR is a gateway drug to LENR - it shows the principles simply and quickly
If this was supposed to be a sales demonstration, Rossi would do well to study Steve Jobs' presentations of the new iPhone in 2007 and 2008. Few thought Apple could pull it off, competing with all the big wireless services' branded phones, but they did. With all the new evidence presented on this blog and MFMP Youtube, Rossi should have been able to hit a home run and convince us that the future had indeed arrived today.
Off topic, but this did remind me of Leedskalnin stating that we measure current wrongly. If Leedskalnin's theory was correct then we'll never get an accurate account of what's actually happening in these experiments (at least using the tools "currently" available).
I found an EXpensive xenon lamp on search "OSRAM XBO 75W /2, Xenon Short-Arc Discharge Lamp", it has the pointed tip cathode. The cheaper automotive ones, are probably a better choice, with their suboptimal tip geometry. Anyway, Bob encouraged me to post my comments on removeView, but it looks like I can only comment on existing posts. So for Bob, or anyone, here's some oddball questions:
A) when an EVO in water makes HHO, and the water molecules organize around it, does that water cluster have less gravity and will it rise up to the water surface?
B) An EVO can be made along a needle pointed cathode, or the inverse, the inner surface of a hollow cone with a hole at the end. In ancient symbols, a 'pinch point' is like the space between 2 circles side-by-side, almost touching, and it apparently has etheric access. I imagine it in 3D like 2 trumpet bells attached to each other, flaring in opposite directions. My question, I wonder if an EVO was formed from the contracting half of a trumpet bell, would it naturally expand and disapate in the expanding half.
C) I would like an explanation about words like 'cold neutrino' and 'relic neutrino'. I'll explain why after I become familiar with your understanding of these words. In symbolism, rings of energy give etheric access, the ether being depicted as a container of energy or a sea of energy.
D) Bob, I phoned that company Applied Quantum Materials, and spoke to David Antoniuk, CEO, and directed him to your most reccent video. He said they have a polymer that can hold their nano-crystal phosphors onto glass, and they have materials that can work in UV range, and they also have one project underway in the x-ray range. The melting point of their polymer might be a limiting factor. I hope he bypasses me and contacts you directly, after becoming familiar with this project, but if days pass, a follow-up call by you, (or anyone knowledgable) might be fruitful.
Normal spark gaps alone in air do the same effect (the photon energies from EVOs can easily exceed the ionisation energy of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon) so the Automotive ones are fine. Xenon has a lower ionisation energy than the main air constituents.
A) The right kind of water clusters are heavier than air and will stay in an open glass overnight.
B) Ken Shoulders preferred the realtime self healing 'Taylor' cone made by a mercury wetted Tungsten point as his cathode EVO launcher (Tesla used Tungsten wire or mercury in his 1930s 'death ray' through dry water gas). Once launched he would have a dielectric truncated cone to guide and improve the vortex dynamics.
One way to create 'Ball Lightning' in a microwave is to use two grape halves side by side.
And actually photons coherence and electron coherence is forced between nano spheres and structures generally. This is why EVOs form in cracks and inclusions, as found by Mesyats, Matsumoto and ourselves and is why Nickel will melt at 1455ºC but its micro/nano particles will sinter at 450ºC.
Two mating spheres have a range of resonant modes between them, promoting photonics or electron coherence.
C) Firstly, neither are relativistic and are about as similar to a nuclear neutrino as IR is to Gamma rays. Relic Neutrinos may constitute more mass than all the visible matter in the universe and were produced, it is claimed, during the 'big bang' - but that is not a necessity. They can induce inverse beta decays and can have De Broglie wavelengths of the order of microns to millimetres, meaning that in dense matter they can interact with trillions of atoms simultaneously increasing reaction dynamic probability. Relic neutrinos are in sufficient abundance through the entire universe and at the same temperature meaning they can be a single quantum coherent condensate at all parts of the universe. They have different levels of density within this condensate, around matter, such that the sun, moon, earth etc. all have a 'neutrino-sphere'. They may actually be responsible for gravity. Much of this I have discussed over the years but I have a summary in my APEC talk which I have nearly finished editing and hope to publish this week.
Cold Neutrinos are technologically produced Relic Neutrino equivalents. These, according to Alexander Parkhomov can be produced when ordinary particles in dens matter have a collision energy of at least 0.5eV - this is achieved in dense matter and plasma when the temperature is over around 1000ºC.
For all of the steps to discovery and full understanding, it is advised to read this book.
I voluntarily helped translate and produce this updated version of the Russian 2009 original and so know it inside and out.
In my view, the Relic Neutrino condensate is a sea of harvestable energy, available at any point in the universe, which can be captured and converted into other forms of energy including matter using EVOs.
D) I think that having some small 'detectors' made with EUV or Soft X-Ray sensitive phosphors combined with visible / IR filters and a slit may make a simple solid state system to determine when an EVO is in the right zone to do work in the way described and will be important in determining the right driving parameters and perhaps with a CCD, some control feedback.
Yes - I am clairvoyant. I learn't a few years ago this is called remote viewing. The reasons are all explained behind the paywall. It is not my open research, it is just part of me, so no need to confuse easily verifiable facts out here.
Wow! Amazing! That makes sense because I learned about you from Project Unity on YouTube. How much is the paywall? And are you familiar with Stephen A. Schwartz remote viewing research on the year 2050?
The light spread of the SKLED and the control LED were very different. I think it would have been better to have a mirrored tube that covered both sources with a diffusor at the end and put the light meter at the end of that.
One also needs to know the spectrum of both lights, it may be that one outputs photons that the light meter is more sensitive to.
Both of these things should have been done IMHO.
If I had not been disappointed before with Rossi (at the point of have a certain PTSD about how much he has disappointed in the past) I would be furious. Now I am mildly sad for the people that fell for it.
Blue light is interesting - but it is not enough.
Not even close to interesting if you ask me, specially not 10 years later.
I expect everyone still stubbornly refusing to accept they have been had, will focus on reaching the million orders and getting a device to test for themselves.
A sad testimony to extreme human psychology.
We have a lot of ULTR to focus on and forget this sad episode. I was done in 2014, this is just an epilogue.
Given the claimed <1W current draw, he could have replaced the mains attached 12V PSU with 8 x 1.5V AA or possibly AAA batteries, and just left it running with live CNN in the background.
The light comparison was a joke.
We will continue moving forward regardless.
ULTR is a gateway drug to LENR - it shows the principles simply and quickly
If this was supposed to be a sales demonstration, Rossi would do well to study Steve Jobs' presentations of the new iPhone in 2007 and 2008. Few thought Apple could pull it off, competing with all the big wireless services' branded phones, but they did. With all the new evidence presented on this blog and MFMP Youtube, Rossi should have been able to hit a home run and convince us that the future had indeed arrived today.
Such a shame.
He lost me at "AI"...
Off topic, but this did remind me of Leedskalnin stating that we measure current wrongly. If Leedskalnin's theory was correct then we'll never get an accurate account of what's actually happening in these experiments (at least using the tools "currently" available).
With one in hand, I could run all kinds of tests - might just have to do that.
Either an independent lab does the testing or everything continues to be fake vaporware
Agree - a real independent party with no prior affiliation. As things stand, not good enough.
I found an EXpensive xenon lamp on search "OSRAM XBO 75W /2, Xenon Short-Arc Discharge Lamp", it has the pointed tip cathode. The cheaper automotive ones, are probably a better choice, with their suboptimal tip geometry. Anyway, Bob encouraged me to post my comments on removeView, but it looks like I can only comment on existing posts. So for Bob, or anyone, here's some oddball questions:
A) when an EVO in water makes HHO, and the water molecules organize around it, does that water cluster have less gravity and will it rise up to the water surface?
B) An EVO can be made along a needle pointed cathode, or the inverse, the inner surface of a hollow cone with a hole at the end. In ancient symbols, a 'pinch point' is like the space between 2 circles side-by-side, almost touching, and it apparently has etheric access. I imagine it in 3D like 2 trumpet bells attached to each other, flaring in opposite directions. My question, I wonder if an EVO was formed from the contracting half of a trumpet bell, would it naturally expand and disapate in the expanding half.
C) I would like an explanation about words like 'cold neutrino' and 'relic neutrino'. I'll explain why after I become familiar with your understanding of these words. In symbolism, rings of energy give etheric access, the ether being depicted as a container of energy or a sea of energy.
D) Bob, I phoned that company Applied Quantum Materials, and spoke to David Antoniuk, CEO, and directed him to your most reccent video. He said they have a polymer that can hold their nano-crystal phosphors onto glass, and they have materials that can work in UV range, and they also have one project underway in the x-ray range. The melting point of their polymer might be a limiting factor. I hope he bypasses me and contacts you directly, after becoming familiar with this project, but if days pass, a follow-up call by you, (or anyone knowledgable) might be fruitful.
Hi Steven,
Not odd ball, pertinent.
Normal spark gaps alone in air do the same effect (the photon energies from EVOs can easily exceed the ionisation energy of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon) so the Automotive ones are fine. Xenon has a lower ionisation energy than the main air constituents.
A) The right kind of water clusters are heavier than air and will stay in an open glass overnight.
B) Ken Shoulders preferred the realtime self healing 'Taylor' cone made by a mercury wetted Tungsten point as his cathode EVO launcher (Tesla used Tungsten wire or mercury in his 1930s 'death ray' through dry water gas). Once launched he would have a dielectric truncated cone to guide and improve the vortex dynamics.
One way to create 'Ball Lightning' in a microwave is to use two grape halves side by side.
you can also drive a plasma ball globe in a Microwave, this is RF driven ionisation
And actually photons coherence and electron coherence is forced between nano spheres and structures generally. This is why EVOs form in cracks and inclusions, as found by Mesyats, Matsumoto and ourselves and is why Nickel will melt at 1455ºC but its micro/nano particles will sinter at 450ºC.
Two mating spheres have a range of resonant modes between them, promoting photonics or electron coherence.
C) Firstly, neither are relativistic and are about as similar to a nuclear neutrino as IR is to Gamma rays. Relic Neutrinos may constitute more mass than all the visible matter in the universe and were produced, it is claimed, during the 'big bang' - but that is not a necessity. They can induce inverse beta decays and can have De Broglie wavelengths of the order of microns to millimetres, meaning that in dense matter they can interact with trillions of atoms simultaneously increasing reaction dynamic probability. Relic neutrinos are in sufficient abundance through the entire universe and at the same temperature meaning they can be a single quantum coherent condensate at all parts of the universe. They have different levels of density within this condensate, around matter, such that the sun, moon, earth etc. all have a 'neutrino-sphere'. They may actually be responsible for gravity. Much of this I have discussed over the years but I have a summary in my APEC talk which I have nearly finished editing and hope to publish this week.
Cold Neutrinos are technologically produced Relic Neutrino equivalents. These, according to Alexander Parkhomov can be produced when ordinary particles in dens matter have a collision energy of at least 0.5eV - this is achieved in dense matter and plasma when the temperature is over around 1000ºC.
For all of the steps to discovery and full understanding, it is advised to read this book.
I voluntarily helped translate and produce this updated version of the Russian 2009 original and so know it inside and out.
In my view, the Relic Neutrino condensate is a sea of harvestable energy, available at any point in the universe, which can be captured and converted into other forms of energy including matter using EVOs.
D) I think that having some small 'detectors' made with EUV or Soft X-Ray sensitive phosphors combined with visible / IR filters and a slit may make a simple solid state system to determine when an EVO is in the right zone to do work in the way described and will be important in determining the right driving parameters and perhaps with a CCD, some control feedback.
Hey Bob, what's the story behind the name 'Remote View'? Does it have something to do with the psychic phenomenon called remote viewing?
Yes - I am clairvoyant. I learn't a few years ago this is called remote viewing. The reasons are all explained behind the paywall. It is not my open research, it is just part of me, so no need to confuse easily verifiable facts out here.
Wow! Amazing! That makes sense because I learned about you from Project Unity on YouTube. How much is the paywall? And are you familiar with Stephen A. Schwartz remote viewing research on the year 2050?
$7 per month or $70 a year.
Why does he call it an LED if the light is coming from a plasma?
Power is pulsed?
Maybe there is a pulsed Hid > Capacitor > LED