Its over 2 years since Andrea Rossi first talked of an electrically driven, over unity electricity generator, Well, today, he published a presentation of two claimed inventions, both powered by a mains supply transformer. One is said to be a power source and the other a light.
The tests in the video were apparently done (based on photos in the reports) at the same location where data was gathered for a series of reports by the Italian researcher Giuseppe Levi, an alma mater of Bologna University, Italy. It is not known if Mr. Levi was present at the test site during testing. Below are links to the three reports.
Measurement of the performance of a prototype ’Ecat SKLed’ lamp
Measurement of SK-Ecat performance in a series of sessions from October 20 to November 19 2021
From the images and report, it appears that there is cold blue light emitted in the process, which would be consistent with a fully formed EVO / Plasmoid being involved.
Comments by Mats Lewan
Please comment below.
The light spread of the SKLED and the control LED were very different. I think it would have been better to have a mirrored tube that covered both sources with a diffusor at the end and put the light meter at the end of that.
One also needs to know the spectrum of both lights, it may be that one outputs photons that the light meter is more sensitive to.
Both of these things should have been done IMHO.
If I had not been disappointed before with Rossi (at the point of have a certain PTSD about how much he has disappointed in the past) I would be furious. Now I am mildly sad for the people that fell for it.