Dec 21, 2023Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey Bob, you requested I post a reference to the 'Rods' concept.

I'm not sure there has been any actual study on these but here's a link to an old History channel documentary with people who have investigated the phenomenon.


I guess some of the people shown could be a lead into the conditions in which they appear, but even in that video they discuss a large one appearing during a large storm.

I will also state, some are just insects and camera blurring, but the larger ones near thunderstorms and explosions may appear due to conditions being generated in the vicinity.

A trip through YouTube or Google will pop up a few results but there will be discernment required on some.

(Sorry to add another avenue for you to walk down!)

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Oct 17, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Synchronization = Coherence? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-_VPRCtiUg

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Oct 17, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Another aspect of these national security orders, I think that’s what they’re called, is that the inventor can’t mention that they received one, were visited by the government, or even talk about what they were working on. And apparently, at least several thousand of these orders have been issued over the years according to people like Steven Greer who’ve looked into it. Talk about stopping the march of progess!

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Oct 14, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Holy crap it is everywhere, its the rams horn, and the trumpet, and the tree I was just pruning the yard.

Oh a thought when you were talking about a capacitor having reached its limit and then it tears itself apart. A quote I remember that I never 'a capacitor is the electrical equivalent of dynamite'

I wonder if its too soon for you to talk about magnetism? What's the difference between an incoherent lump of ceramic, and a permanent magnet?

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Love this bob I left a comment on YouTube

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Really interesting points made in this video Bob. I’m wondering if the elements transmuted from such cavitation rely solely on the precise localised temperature (or differential temperature bands from absolute zero) which they are at when this occurs. This could explain the localised clustering of differing elements that show up when analysed. This would also mean that if the whole of a target matter were at an equal temperature, (very hard to achieve and perhaps our suns layers achieve this on a gross scale), the result would be transmutation if the whole material to a new element. Could this be how all elements are created from hydrogen?

Just my initial thoughts..

Also, the images you show at minute 23:30 ‘extreme interactions’ appear to have similarities with our suns coronal magnetic activity.

I’ll have to watch the rest later I’m afraid. Really interesting though. Well done again!

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This was very good again. Where can I find the patent pdf?

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