Damn, HSBC must've got wind of that gold transmutator you've been working on Bob...Can't have people running amok engaging in their own quantitative easing at home, right? Well spotted with the building geometry!

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That may have been it Mark - Damn it.

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Hmmmm...... bank account frozen and no clear explanation has been given, other than we are now living in an era of government by mandates. Perhaps the MFMP is becoming a little too successful in disseminating information that certain vested interests don't want to be widely known. Take care Bob.

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People don't like their precious becoming ubiquitous.

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"It's all becoming clearer." I'll bet! Can you hint which of "Tesla's evocative live demonstrations" you might be replicating? It sure was a lift watching you working with MB. And the note about large scale manufacturing gets MB way ahead of cranky Rossi. Too slow Rossi! Cheers!

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I need to go on another persons podcast and announce it there first.

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Could be interesting iam sure I lije sharing your videos to friends of mine new ones and old ones

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Very odd about the bank account rules regulations I could o longer sell on eBay rules regulations they want to much personal information but I sell to others by differant means these days support your black market ha ha I might have another client for this piwer cells I made for Germany and japan Canada plus others I did submit one to darpa years ago but it was not accepted asi did not fill out the papers work right it was for miniature sel reactive power cells my worker at the time was dr ,bud Durand if darpa tucker I owe one to major p xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc USA airforce pentagon keep folks posted on the weird bank stuff great presentation in Swiss o thank you

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It is all becoming clearer - I want to replicate Teslas most evocative live demonstrations this year hopefully. We'll see.

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Any help you need let me know I did build to the at the time a number of devices and had some units teslas used as well vancouver was a gold mine of vintage electrical machinery some of it is seen on the news hour demonstration a unit used in his alternating current patens a Westin electric d c motor with a segrated end part for used pulsed circuits early telephone tests tony parsons news hour with alynn edwards who says it’s his live if old ectrcsl machinery as I start the unit cheers john

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Thanks John. Very kind of you.

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Well if you've figured out how to attach man's machines to the wheel work of nature, then I'm going to advocate for your sainthood!

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Happy birthday (tomorrow!)

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Thanks bob it’s was a good one

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Very happy to hear it.

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Bob at the end of this videos shows what tesla used in his patents drawings https://youtu.be/7jgytqyLcy8?si=OV7vFudYvMFM5DkQ I couod not upload the whole vuddonin those days but it’s uploaded full length somewhere

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Does this mean I need to send you gold, Bob for spending money? lol

Bob I need to talk about the thunderbolt generator with you. I understand how it works, but do you still need fuel as well as the plasmoid. As the other 70 per cent or did I miss something.

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Yes - still need fuel.

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So does this improve the fuel efficiency by 70 per cent?

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Not that I know of

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I was thinking could we use the plasmiod to build new metals.

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I assume they at least didn't just take the MFMP funds along with closing the account. Hope this doesn't affect the work you're all doing too much.

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Well we didn't have much - however, we have to find a bank that will give us an account - under the same name, and pay the cheque in inside 3 months - otherwise - the funds do disappear.

Fortunately, we are mostly unpaid volunteers and we register our PayPal account through out accounts, so, as long as they don't come for that, we can still take donations and do work that way.


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The funds just disappear if all those conditions can't be met.....that is so brutal. Would you by chance have some time to discuss the THOR work? I would also like to see if I could be of any help in any of your longer running experiments.

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It is my intent to livestream this Sunday and you can join the discussion there - I will trailer it here in coming days.

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Unfortunately I won't be able to participate in the live Sunday. I'll be doing more generator characterization tests out at Robert Haralick's place that day,

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Well, drop your questions in the blog and I'll try to address them.

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I think I heard you say something about Titanium Dioxide during your Zurich presentation. Did I hear you right? Is the idea to coat the pre-ionizer chamber in TiO2 to have some photoelectric effect? Would this even make a difference being that this isn't in a vacuum environment so the electrons will just be absorbed before making it to the bubbler? I'm not sure I totally heard you right.

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I'm absolutely a huge fan of masonic architecture. It's like reading code.

I've created a couple of calipers for more intuitive searching for golden ratios in architecture for instance.


Pretty slick the FTM template is present in these buildings as well. How much knowledge of this did the architect actually have? hard to say but it's eerie that it's so spot on.

Going all the way back to Egypt, I've found these fractal pillars at the Philae temple complex.

Closeup photo:


(very subtle mirrored sigils with the spiral, the all seeing eye/ eye of Horus and the sothic triangle still visible in the upper right). That 4 petal flower on the bottom of the stems, spirals, triangles, you know the deal.

Another view:


Eight petal flowers



This one has even more symbolism on it:


It has a lot of the same symbolism on it as the Coptic Christian Carving. but in 3D and in a fractal format.



Halfway through the Wikipedia article you'll find a familiar piece of Coptic Christian art chiseled in the Temple wall


I do not own any of these photo's

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This is a great find - very fractal and mushroom like and the Sothic Triangle and the opposing eye of Horus and eye of Ra is where it should be and in line with the derivative Masonic iconography.

There is a PD image here that does all but these finer details. I guess I'll have to do what I did last time and go and do my own photography.


the last one is a later coptic alter - it is clear that I need to visit the coptic museum in Cairo.

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Wonderful sharing Tony. My thanks. I'll be reviewing over the weekend. Perhaps Sunday we will gather over at MFMP. Cheers.

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Nothing done by accident or coincidence. I was talking to my Masonic tattoo artist (brilliant guy) about your find re:pyramid, he already knew the information. My entire family were high level themselves. I find the connection between “the event” and your ‘discovery’ fascinating yet concerning.

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As it seems, we are in revelations, it should not surprise one to see this knowledge come into the open and all the lies and deceit that have kept it hidden to avoid us understanding the truth of how nature works and how we are literally made in God's image.

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The safeguarding rules are there to prevent theft, deception, fraud and money laundering-yet the closing of this account just screams deception and fraudulent activity - specifically, personation. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank certainly have a case to answer…

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Ps my grandad was a mason ut I don’t have any idea on what they do never was interested also there was a aondoned mason building I got permission to do whatever to it it had a vault I had to go threw one foot concete od concrete with stones in it a easy task then got in and removed the tumblers found a ook gaskets compendium o forms and edicate 1850s a beautifull picture framed of the Illuminati with all there names silvery coloured frame , the Lord’s Prayer I kept the b ook and gave the rest to my landlady and my brother beautifull antiqua fir them not fir me I then gave the vault door to friend cliff jahn for his gun coloection last time I saw cliff he was working on importation of my guns

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Does the bank thing bring the threat of being cancelled on other platforms?

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It yins epic film enjoy https://fb.watch/nPFUjoWnrL/

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