Hi Bob, I subscribed to your channel here specifically to say thanks that years ago you took the time to encourage me to copy and keep chats you made in the Ecat world, back around 25 years ago, or so. I had a firm belief that the path to free energy was through the ups and down the good Dokktore went through and with balls of plasma, the ingenuity of chemists and mathamatitions proved to bring to fruition. So here it is, in 2025, things come together to bring a new promise, and new ability for all people to excel. As I listen to the Senate confirmation of the RFK, Tulsi, Kash, Christy etc, the means for the USA tro break out of the prison of control through the free energy soon to proliferate. I just appreciate that you along with the others back then in those old Ecat discussions were my catalyst into knowing this day would come. Keep on being the great scientist, reseacher, and caring person you are. best regards, Alan Schechter, HS61AF91, Chief Master Sergeant, US Air Force 1961-1991, Retired.

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Thank you for your service and thank you for your kind words and attention.

I will do my best to continue doing what I can.

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I’m trying to understand what Trump is up to. I’m thinking he is responding to two things. The globalist attempt to overthrow national identity and form a one world government, and the multi-polar world order promoted by the BRICS block led by Russia and China. Trump seems to be going for an assertion of National - if not imperial - identity at the same time as trying to maintain uni-polarity and American hegemony.

The multi-polar world order envisages a world of regional civilisational centres but governed not by the zero-sum game of hegemony but the win-win of cooperation. Trump with his claims to Canada and Greenland is absolutely serious imho. He would also aim to take in everything down to Panama under some kind of close control and everything in South America under America’s sphere of influence.

This conception of empire requires transitioning America from a sea based power based on the British model to a land based power based on the Russian and Chinese model. The two models bring with them different attitudes to empire. Piracy v productivity, competition v cooperation.

Does any of this chime with you’re way of thinking?

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Hello again, Bob. Just curious if you've seen the Quantum EverSource logo? Yep, a wheel within a wheel within a wheel.....all in the shape of a "Q." How very clever! Or just a co-inky dink? Thanks for crushing it daily, Bob.

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It's ok, not right though.

I do believe that Rossi's device will have FTM structures in it.

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Precisely! Good answer. Semiotics of the logo is my thing. I do wish I could've heard the design chatter/iterations during that QES meeting. It has some traits yet stops short.

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Pseudo-Doc Andrea Rossi, (aka the "Great Inventor") stumbles once again:

2025-01-29 04:25 /P

Dear Mr Rossi,

1. Has the 3rd party safety certification examined emissions of subatomic particles (kaons, mesons, pions)?

2. Do you plan to add some kind of particle/radiation shielding for safety reasons, for a radiation that is unknown in science today?

Best regards


2025-01-29 12:55 Andrea Rossi


I repeatedly spammed this comment of yours to avoid to expose it, but you did not understand, so I have to answer:

1- I repeatedly wrote here that the safety certification confirmed that the Ecat does not emit electromagnetic radiations above the normal background: this obviously implies that there is not emission of virtual particles, for obvious reasons

2- unfortunately it is impossible to measure not existing things and for me it would be embarrassing to ask a certification company if they have a crystal ball to certify if the Ecat emits entities that presently do not enjoy a known existence; as a consequence of this fact it would be bizarre to ask anybody to engineer a protection against something that is unknown

Warm Regards


For the record, "kaons, mesons, and pions" are NOT "virtual particles."

They are REAL particles as described in the Standard Model of Particle Physics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model

Rossi's physics knowledge wouldn't fill a thimble.

And this is the genius who tamed "zero-point energy" for all mankind?!

Rossi is a moron and anyone who believes his E-Cat nonsense deserves their fate.

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Hi Fred Zoepfl, since our last conversation on cavitation, I and my colleagues have really established hard and repeatable physical evidence of what drives the process and that it does indeed transmute matter in an energetically favourable way leading to predictable ways to enhance yield. Knowing your history in US Navy nuclear safety, I hope you have appraised yourself of this ground breaking work. I would have loved the US Navy to have done this work, perhaps it did and did not make it public, regardless, we are living in a different world and at this rate, the world will be dependent upon Taiwan, not just for its microprocessors, but also for the next energy revolution, there focussed action on following the evidence is a sight to behold.

With regards to radiation, I fully agree with you that there needs to be further investigation into the forms of non-typical radiation that could be emanating from these kinds of devices.

There are radiation risks from high voltage, pulsed systems (Which the E-Cat likely contains) that are akin to those observed in the occupations of welding and electrical engineers, particularly those working with switchgear. I personally have worked in the latter field. It is also possible that both domestic microwave ovens and even widely used communication technologies produce this radiation.

See my latest translated work from Alexander Shishkin that speaks to this.


Given the cancers and anomalous deaths in persons I have personally worked with or known in this field and my suspicions that it is of the form that millions of people are exposed to daily, I have spent years trying to get to the bottom of this and look at shielding options (which ARE NOT THICK HIGH Z METAL).


I have personally developed and additionally disseminated techniques to detect this radiation as well as look for signatures of related phenomena.

I welcome having access to any device that could be assessed for the radiation such that early mitigation techniques can be developed and the full and safe potential of the technology be realised for the betterment of humanity and the integrity of the biosphere.

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Hi Bob, are you in talks with Mr. Rossi concerning strange radiation? Is he open for looking into it? If his problem is that other parties just don't know what else to measure, your research might help him to see it more clearly. Best Regards, Laszlo

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Does Mr. Rossi know about your concerns related to strange radiation and the potential need for a silver coating? Here he only talks about the absense of EM radiation, so I am not sure whether they have examined and measured the right kind of radiation at all? It would be very unfortunate, when these devices were produced with such an unrecognized risk on our health - like wearing nice radioactive jewelries back in the day :-).

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Never had as much as even email update on my order for 10 ,way back in different lifetime.When Brian Josephson was 'validating' Rossis work also..Is it time to wake from the slumber?

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Thanks Bob for ROTAS and your fabolus Pyramid O-days. So Bob, what Cat did you view and prEorder?

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Imagine being a person who has worked several years and went to great lenghts to craft a technology that will change the way the world approaches energy extraction, finding a consortium of partners to mass produce it and distribute it, and then being 'debunked' and called a moron in the comment section by a couch-critic potato who is only capable to vomit frustration for his personal stagnation in life and preach on a self-formed image of how the world works.. I wonder if people lack basic humility and intelligence at times. Sorry for this comment, I'll not mention who I'm specifically speaking of here because the dude represents a category and it's nothing personal, it's just that hurts to see positive people being called out by dumb, lazy ones who should work a bit more on themselves before looking at others. That's what's slowing down process for our humanity

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Plug and play with no EM radiation… well what about strange radiation?

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Can anyone can anyone get me up to speed on how legitimate or not this is? It's hard for me to decipher Bob's original in which he mentions 2011 " theatrics"

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Super legit look at Malcom bendell plasmid unification field it has a way cooler engine and that’s open sourced on the internet it’s the zero matter to energy drive we need to have a revolution like NOW JS

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Thanks Anthony. I'm somewhat familiar with Bendall's thunderstorm, but they seem like very different technologies, i.e. gas vs. electric motor and up to 30%-ish increased energy efficiency and 100% reduction in harmful emissions vs. 100% increase in energy efficiency. But the bigger question I'd like to know about is how much independent observation/validation has there been on Rossi's tech. He says their going into production and doing pre-sale which would indicate we are on the precipice of a complete energy revolution. But I saw the other commenter say they preordered 10 but got no email responses. And Bob's original statement mentioned "theatrics in 2011" so I couldn't decipher if he is optimistic or not. Since I know every other free energy breakthrough in history has been a grift, or not panned out, or more likely been suppressed and squashed, and since I'm new to this community and have not been following the various projects for years, I'm wondering opinions on this one. I guess history will show us soon, but I'm too antsy to wait :) Thought anyone? Is this the real deal? Should I pre-order? Cheers

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Hi Jonathan. No penalty if you order. That's clear. What is less clear is how LENR/CF/ball lightning "controlled," etc. can be elicited via one of three pathways all requiring charge separation. Water is easiest as Nature has the charge separation ready to go in H2O. The MFMP archive is rather vast, indeed. Joe Layman here, but Chris at the new ROTAS channel is a civil engineer (and a nice guy as well, hehe) who is walking everyone through his own steps of discovery on how this all works, in Nature, in us, and over time. He has a 10-episode series rolling out weekly. Bob watches with helpful edits as well. I am a professional artist who got hooked on physics and never looked back when I found Bearden and Rossi. Bob made science thrilling again. My 2 cents, as per your request. Peace.

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Thanks Corky. I come from an artists perspective as well, but always been interested in spirituality and most things esoteric. Yes. I've been watching Rotas. I love his videos. Never have I been able to visualize physics concepts as well as when Chris explains them. Like you said, no commitment on the E-cats, so I went ahead and signed up for a 100W and a kW and I'll decide if I want to follow through when the time comes. Mostly I'd just like to be a part of history. Cheers

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