It is probably just a coincidence that the 19 nucleotides that make up the critical Furin cleavage site in Sars COV-2 virus that confers its infective nature and the thing that worried Fauci et. al. at end of Jan 2020 leading to them running the "Nature" not lab hypothesis hit piece....
Were only in patents assigned to Moderna years prior to Covid-19 emerging. Nothing suspicious at all.
Wow bob truly a amazing this should be on world new the real situation , I myself had adventures with Covid and Nancy but I cannot fell you what variant so Nancy found out she had Covid after clever stomach issues as she went yo the hospital and found out myself no temperature no fast pulse just totally tired out I few electrical shocks like when you have a flu so in Socisl medias I put out that I had Covid folks sentbivdtmectine and John hu send a huge amount of of traditional Chinese medicine that used in treating Covid in Asian countries aspirin and zink , d3 vitamin c well we where quarantined for ten days so basicaly ten days layed up many folks have had Covid here and are ok in a week to two weeks awesome writeup bob fantastic
Hi John, I am very glad you both made it through and that is the truth for most - even in it's original version it was mostly mortal for those of very advanced years bearing several co-morbidities with obesity being the biggest factor. The CDC data keeps revising the deaths FROM covid down, it is at or below 6% of the total deaths with.
I will write a blog on a friend who is the father of my sons best friend. He has been permanently injured by the vaccine that he was coerced to take in order to do his job. His injury means that it is difficult for him to do his job and he can sue no-one - he is understandably VERY angry.
Hi bob I had worse then Covid a few times in the last few years it was e Coli type infections high temperature and fast heart rate I wound up in hospital a number of times with I’ve but that does not happen anymore it corrected itself I just felt tired and a dry mouth basicaly asperin worked great Nancy got hit a lot harder she was my concern no I don’t trust doctors as 200,000 die each year in the USA to medical mistakes then the flu and colds plus many other things that plagued North Americans never ever vaccines as well a number of young folks are dying it’s noticeable on Facebook friends iam stocked up on ivermectin and thanks to my Chinese friend a year or more supply of traditional Chinese medicine they use for treating Covid John hu of China is a very rich person building a many actres park for confusicis
Ivermectin is even more effective as a preventative, hoovering around 85% effective, give or take as new studies are added. Dosages typically range around 12 mg to 36 mg. once a month. Higher dosages such as the ones you cited are typical for those already testing positive.
Here's the meta data for the independent studies. The prevention (prophylaxis) data is down the page a little.
At my house we're doing horse paste. :-) It's getting hard to find it without the additional ingredients though. 1.87% ivermectin is what we use. The total for the tube is about 112 mg. for about 10 bucks if you can steer clear of the price gougers. That's between 5 and 10 months of prophylaxis at the dosages we are doing.
Fingers crossed for acceptance in fixing Fukushima. I had thought they had dropped or closed the project in favor of polluting the Pacific. This is great news too!
I find it very encouraging to hear of your stance regarding the "jabathon". Did you know that youtube forbids the use of the words, "the pandemic is over"? You can't even promote the use of alternatives like you have done here without being told it is medicial disinformation! I am deeply troubled by the way the world has become so censored and the media turned into a propaganda machine for the greatest deception we have ever seen. I have likewise chosen to not partake of experimental gene therapy. The gov has annouced happily that I can now have my children experimented on also. Some how we have shifted focus from the "kids aren't at risk", to "jab your way to freedom", with many of freedoms removed only to offer them back to the injected and exclude the "non compliant". The use of the language like compliance, and ridiculous outright lies, and group think like "it's a disease of the unvaccinated", clearly smells like the biggest pile of horse doo ever, with the media now on tippy toes, doubling down on the gene therapy and driving the booster narrative, while watering down data with lies and statistics that shows the vaxed are now the majority of hospital presentations. They have tried to skew data on the adverse events data, doctors are scared to give exemptions, our country is divided by this. I have lost friends over this.
Anyone not paying attention needs to take note of the pre-ordered injection numbers and compare that to your population data. I comes out to 6-10 injections each. If our countries are ordering that many then it is clear we are at this point just pin cushions for their agenda. Insider trading is rife, think tank groups are positioned to influence policy makers. These think tank groups are essentially driving the decisions for governments, and it doesn't alarm anyone that the same big pharma companies that are funding the think tanks are financial donors of the same think tanks. Here in Oz, a group called the Doherty Institute clearly shows on the funding page that Pfizzer and Gates have been signifigant donors. And our politicians stand up there on their podiums spouting "the Doherty Institute modelling suggests our best course of action is....". I feel betrayed by our politicians. A more honest approach would be to say "our pharmaceutical sponsors", but that would be too transparent for the mindless masses that are brainwashed daily with the repeated lies of, "it's safe and effective, and the best thing you can do for your community and to protect those you love".
Breaking down this in light of adverse reactions clearly shows it is not safe, and since the boosters have been brought forward from 6 months to 4 and soon to be 3, it clearly is not very effective. And the last bit, if it stopped transmission we could embrace the "protect those you love", but it behaves like a leaky vaccine at best, and a variant factory (see stories on how leaky vaccines encourage the breakout of new more virulent strains), we can quickly ascertain that none of what we are told is coming from a stance of impartial or unbiased considerations for our health. Medicine is taking a backward step with nurses losing their ability to apply best practise care, and essentially becoming slaves to the operating procedures and dehumanising patients with paranoia of the coof driving fear of the infected. The sooner we expose this rotten apple and start thinking for ourselves, and make this nothing more than a memory, the better.
Our family got sick with most likely the Wuhan strain very early on. Could not smell, didn't want to eat. A deep cough that effected my oxygen saturation. I was at 94% and stuck there. We treated with colloidal silver, high doses of vit C, and lots of garlic. I found an odd benefit from touching the negative post of a battery (discovered at the worst moment of the sickness, and on a hunch, the negative post of a lead acid battery under my kitchen table made me feel instantly better) and I was able to eat my dinner and on realisation of the benefit of negative charge, i took the family to the beach to breathe the negatively charged air and get our feet on the ground.
Note that the ace2 protein is charged 2 plus. Also note that the nano lipids used in the delivery of the mRNA are positive charged. Also note the coin like stacking of blood platelets seen in the vaccinated is driven by the blood platelets losing their negative charge. Our health is measurable with a voltmeter in the millivolts range. Measured against earth when healthy it shows a voltage range of -50 to -200mV. When we start to get sick, our voltage starts crossing the line into positive territory. And when we are properly sick, it maintains the positive voltage. Large doses of vit C will push it back to negative. It is all measurable. Our disconnect via shoes and floors has us removed from the natural sink that removes a build up of positive ions. If we consider this from a biological viewpoint, and the movement of cells via electrophoresis, an obvious mechanism of lung damage can be avoided by earthing. If lung mucous is loaded with positive ions from the proliferation of spike proteins covered in 2 plus charge, and our bodies need a negative charge using the adenosine diphosphate and triphosphate mechanism to create the charge or earthing to remove the opposite charge...imagine a new lung tissue cell trying to land in the repair zone while overcome with plus ions. The action of electrophoresis will push the cell away from where it is needed, creating scar tissue over the air sacs. Dry drowning as a result. Anyone seeking more information about the relationship of health amd charge, see Dr Jerry Tennant's video Voltage is Healing on youtube.
Thankyou m3sca1 for your well reasoned insights. From your experimental work, you are clearly an analytical and critical thinker.
I too lost my smell and taste with the original Wuhan variety as did my sister with Delta (4 months post Astra-Zeneca jab in her case). My wife did not and my sister's husband did now, perhaps there is a genetic aspect to that symptom.
I didn't spend long at 94% with Wuhan version - and as I write above, only down to 96%, Omicold is very much a mild upper respiratory tract condition.
I think more person-years will be lost than real deaths, due to damaged economies, lost education, damage to physical and mental health due to isolation and polarising propaganda and the effect of the failed therapies.
The black death killed 30% to 60% of the world's population.
Smallpox killed 30% of those affected.
The 1918 influenza epidemic made up 0.64 percent of the total population,
Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. Now by comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.
Natural immunity is a blessing for those who have it, but deadly for those who don't. The only way to know where you stand in this lottery of life and death is to take your chances. I beleive that it is smart to not buy a ticket to that lottery.
In every year of human existence, the old and infirm have sadly passed on from a range of conditions. When they did, they may have also had some form or coincident respiratory condition. This is true of this disease.
In Italy, deaths FROM covid alone were revised to around 3% and in US 5%, the others were WITH. That means the actual deaths FROM Covid are at least 1/20th of that reported. Furthermore, the case fatality rate does not capture the VAST swathes of people that had and recovered from Covid but that were never a figure.
For instance, no one in my family was part of the official case figures in 2020 as there were no tests and we did not go to hospital - but all four of us didn't die. The case fatality rate in our family was 0%. This is repeated all over the world - I know many people that only found out they had had it in the past when they took an antibody test - all of those people were not counted.
Omicron is Omicold
Whereas the Wuhan one was not quite as bad as a flu bout for me, it did have the weird dry cough, tight chest and loss of smell and taste. Omicold is so mild it is a complete joke and it will give immunity to the whole virus capsid - only those that enjoy getting jabbed should need to.
For 4 out of 4 members of my family, Omicold was as (me) or much less than the symptoms friends have reported from getting a jab.
Happy new year Bob. Glad to hear you are all well again and have got the freedom of mobility back for afe months! My family had the most bizarre stomach bug with high feavers, that took a 2 week hiatus and came back again stronger a second time. Didn't eat much other than rice and boiled vegetables for 3 weeks. I think it highly unlikely but wondering if I did an omicron test if it might not come back positive, maybe I could swab a mango too for good measure.... Luckily the draconian measures are only starting just this year over here.
Thanks for all your work on Fukushima! It means a lot, living over here in particular! I was talking to someone last week who said their friend (in australia?) had shot ball lightning with a gun and carbon fell out. I was shocked to hear they had time to shoot it, if you want me to ask anything specific I can. I assume the friend may have the carbon, but no idea if they would be willing to lend it. I could ask for direct contact info if you want.
Once again I owe you an apology. I contacted the person again to get specifics and they told me it wasn't a personal friend of theirs (I think I just drew that connection in my mind).
Also it seems they misremembered and they didn't actually say it was carbon but rather a "manufactured" aluminum alloy, with trace elements and non-earthly strontium 87/88 isotopic ratio.
It has some interesting points but it is definitely part of the one-sided fear mongering agenda that is going on right now, and full of what I would consider premature jumping to conclusions.
It may be worth watching from the 32:00 to 38:00 range, but I provided a summary below of some points they mention.
Honestly the way they keep saying his name "Ben Foggin" I'm pretty sure it's an alias they made up for the show so I didn't spend too much time hunting for it in the records of "Hopewell Ohio".
Normally they just wouldn't say the persons name at all, and the quick search I did didn't come up with any results.
Also I'm not sure they are even showing you the real rock, as what they show, doesn't really look like an aluminum alloy to me, but it's a little hard to see.
25:24 "Hopewell Ohio"
25:51 "Ben Foggin"
28:52 "yes with my son. He got a little bit excited and grabbed a shotgun. I wasn't aware of what he was doing. And he went around and start shootin at it..."
29:30 "what was down there that caused you to shoot? The lights cause it was down there at the baseline of the trees...."
30:45 "Terry fired five shells at the ufo, and his father THEN claimed at least one of them hit the target."
30:55 "It was making a noise that sounded like a broken washing machine, and then the noise stopped, and when it stopped, right after it stopped, I thought I heard a thump."
31:09 "Ben claims that Terry's shots dislodged a chunk of material from the UFO."
31:45 [they start to show the material]
32:08 [the best clear shot] (it looks like a normal rock and not anything like carbon, it does look like it might have a pattern, but it could just easily be a chip)
33:00 [sample goes for analysis]
33:08 [another good shot of it, they speculate it has gravel from his driveway embedded in it, this might make sense if the rock had been softened so when it fell out to the ground it could embed material in itself]
34:05 [they show a spectrograph of the material and it shows it does have traces of driveway material silica embedded in it (or so they claim)]
35:37 [finds radation trace with geiger counter where the orbs were seen]
36:22 [they get lab results that show strontium 87 / strontium 88 is out of bounds and not a normal strontium isotope ratio (they don't say if it's high or low, but I'm betting you could make a good guess using Philip powers site)]
37:40 [they actually talk about what the material is, and it's an aluminum alloy (so not carbon, but also not to be unexpected from ball lightning if I understand correctly)
37:55 [they say it contains some very strange trace elements (don't say which ones) and also mention the unearly isotopic ratios]
38:05 [they start claiming it couldn't be of earthly origins and is manufactured, which we know is almost certainly "jumping to invalid conclusions"]
Sorry for the premature excitement, I'll try to more thoroughly investigate potential leads before I bring them up.
Two weeks after I published this article calling the end, other prominent people are agreeing what must be the only conclusion a critically thinking capable person can make.
Since posting this blog, the inventor of mRNA technology Dr. Robert Malone found out about "" as I reported. This is a site where you can compare your batch number to adverse events.
He had Moderna very early on. First dose, no problems. Second dose nearly killed him.
He checked the first batch code - no problems.
He checked the second and there was a large number of adverse events and deaths.
He was saved because he already had a doctors appointment scheduled.
Dr. Robert Malone published a photo of the treatment pack used in Uttar Pradesh which confirms my sources.
It is probably just a coincidence that the 19 nucleotides that make up the critical Furin cleavage site in Sars COV-2 virus that confers its infective nature and the thing that worried Fauci et. al. at end of Jan 2020 leading to them running the "Nature" not lab hypothesis hit piece....
Were only in patents assigned to Moderna years prior to Covid-19 emerging. Nothing suspicious at all.
Commentary on above
The WHO has joined the EU in calling time on the failed jabs.
It's over. Omicron did it.
Wow bob truly a amazing this should be on world new the real situation , I myself had adventures with Covid and Nancy but I cannot fell you what variant so Nancy found out she had Covid after clever stomach issues as she went yo the hospital and found out myself no temperature no fast pulse just totally tired out I few electrical shocks like when you have a flu so in Socisl medias I put out that I had Covid folks sentbivdtmectine and John hu send a huge amount of of traditional Chinese medicine that used in treating Covid in Asian countries aspirin and zink , d3 vitamin c well we where quarantined for ten days so basicaly ten days layed up many folks have had Covid here and are ok in a week to two weeks awesome writeup bob fantastic
Hi John, I am very glad you both made it through and that is the truth for most - even in it's original version it was mostly mortal for those of very advanced years bearing several co-morbidities with obesity being the biggest factor. The CDC data keeps revising the deaths FROM covid down, it is at or below 6% of the total deaths with.
I will write a blog on a friend who is the father of my sons best friend. He has been permanently injured by the vaccine that he was coerced to take in order to do his job. His injury means that it is difficult for him to do his job and he can sue no-one - he is understandably VERY angry.
Hi bob I had worse then Covid a few times in the last few years it was e Coli type infections high temperature and fast heart rate I wound up in hospital a number of times with I’ve but that does not happen anymore it corrected itself I just felt tired and a dry mouth basicaly asperin worked great Nancy got hit a lot harder she was my concern no I don’t trust doctors as 200,000 die each year in the USA to medical mistakes then the flu and colds plus many other things that plagued North Americans never ever vaccines as well a number of young folks are dying it’s noticeable on Facebook friends iam stocked up on ivermectin and thanks to my Chinese friend a year or more supply of traditional Chinese medicine they use for treating Covid John hu of China is a very rich person building a many actres park for confusicis
If the hospitals in the US can have you die 'from Covid' in their care - they can earn a lot of money.
Hi Bob.
Ivermectin is even more effective as a preventative, hoovering around 85% effective, give or take as new studies are added. Dosages typically range around 12 mg to 36 mg. once a month. Higher dosages such as the ones you cited are typical for those already testing positive.
Here's the meta data for the independent studies. The prevention (prophylaxis) data is down the page a little.
Here are details of the studies collected.
Thanks for the info, excellent points made.
At my house we're doing horse paste. :-) It's getting hard to find it without the additional ingredients though. 1.87% ivermectin is what we use. The total for the tube is about 112 mg. for about 10 bucks if you can steer clear of the price gougers. That's between 5 and 10 months of prophylaxis at the dosages we are doing.
Fingers crossed for acceptance in fixing Fukushima. I had thought they had dropped or closed the project in favor of polluting the Pacific. This is great news too!
Buy stock in Vietnamese chalk, lol.
Thanks rainbosally for your important contribution
I find it very encouraging to hear of your stance regarding the "jabathon". Did you know that youtube forbids the use of the words, "the pandemic is over"? You can't even promote the use of alternatives like you have done here without being told it is medicial disinformation! I am deeply troubled by the way the world has become so censored and the media turned into a propaganda machine for the greatest deception we have ever seen. I have likewise chosen to not partake of experimental gene therapy. The gov has annouced happily that I can now have my children experimented on also. Some how we have shifted focus from the "kids aren't at risk", to "jab your way to freedom", with many of freedoms removed only to offer them back to the injected and exclude the "non compliant". The use of the language like compliance, and ridiculous outright lies, and group think like "it's a disease of the unvaccinated", clearly smells like the biggest pile of horse doo ever, with the media now on tippy toes, doubling down on the gene therapy and driving the booster narrative, while watering down data with lies and statistics that shows the vaxed are now the majority of hospital presentations. They have tried to skew data on the adverse events data, doctors are scared to give exemptions, our country is divided by this. I have lost friends over this.
Anyone not paying attention needs to take note of the pre-ordered injection numbers and compare that to your population data. I comes out to 6-10 injections each. If our countries are ordering that many then it is clear we are at this point just pin cushions for their agenda. Insider trading is rife, think tank groups are positioned to influence policy makers. These think tank groups are essentially driving the decisions for governments, and it doesn't alarm anyone that the same big pharma companies that are funding the think tanks are financial donors of the same think tanks. Here in Oz, a group called the Doherty Institute clearly shows on the funding page that Pfizzer and Gates have been signifigant donors. And our politicians stand up there on their podiums spouting "the Doherty Institute modelling suggests our best course of action is....". I feel betrayed by our politicians. A more honest approach would be to say "our pharmaceutical sponsors", but that would be too transparent for the mindless masses that are brainwashed daily with the repeated lies of, "it's safe and effective, and the best thing you can do for your community and to protect those you love".
Breaking down this in light of adverse reactions clearly shows it is not safe, and since the boosters have been brought forward from 6 months to 4 and soon to be 3, it clearly is not very effective. And the last bit, if it stopped transmission we could embrace the "protect those you love", but it behaves like a leaky vaccine at best, and a variant factory (see stories on how leaky vaccines encourage the breakout of new more virulent strains), we can quickly ascertain that none of what we are told is coming from a stance of impartial or unbiased considerations for our health. Medicine is taking a backward step with nurses losing their ability to apply best practise care, and essentially becoming slaves to the operating procedures and dehumanising patients with paranoia of the coof driving fear of the infected. The sooner we expose this rotten apple and start thinking for ourselves, and make this nothing more than a memory, the better.
Our family got sick with most likely the Wuhan strain very early on. Could not smell, didn't want to eat. A deep cough that effected my oxygen saturation. I was at 94% and stuck there. We treated with colloidal silver, high doses of vit C, and lots of garlic. I found an odd benefit from touching the negative post of a battery (discovered at the worst moment of the sickness, and on a hunch, the negative post of a lead acid battery under my kitchen table made me feel instantly better) and I was able to eat my dinner and on realisation of the benefit of negative charge, i took the family to the beach to breathe the negatively charged air and get our feet on the ground.
Note that the ace2 protein is charged 2 plus. Also note that the nano lipids used in the delivery of the mRNA are positive charged. Also note the coin like stacking of blood platelets seen in the vaccinated is driven by the blood platelets losing their negative charge. Our health is measurable with a voltmeter in the millivolts range. Measured against earth when healthy it shows a voltage range of -50 to -200mV. When we start to get sick, our voltage starts crossing the line into positive territory. And when we are properly sick, it maintains the positive voltage. Large doses of vit C will push it back to negative. It is all measurable. Our disconnect via shoes and floors has us removed from the natural sink that removes a build up of positive ions. If we consider this from a biological viewpoint, and the movement of cells via electrophoresis, an obvious mechanism of lung damage can be avoided by earthing. If lung mucous is loaded with positive ions from the proliferation of spike proteins covered in 2 plus charge, and our bodies need a negative charge using the adenosine diphosphate and triphosphate mechanism to create the charge or earthing to remove the opposite charge...imagine a new lung tissue cell trying to land in the repair zone while overcome with plus ions. The action of electrophoresis will push the cell away from where it is needed, creating scar tissue over the air sacs. Dry drowning as a result. Anyone seeking more information about the relationship of health amd charge, see Dr Jerry Tennant's video Voltage is Healing on youtube.
Be well, Stay grounded!
Thankyou m3sca1 for your well reasoned insights. From your experimental work, you are clearly an analytical and critical thinker.
I too lost my smell and taste with the original Wuhan variety as did my sister with Delta (4 months post Astra-Zeneca jab in her case). My wife did not and my sister's husband did now, perhaps there is a genetic aspect to that symptom.
I didn't spend long at 94% with Wuhan version - and as I write above, only down to 96%, Omicold is very much a mild upper respiratory tract condition.
I think more person-years will be lost than real deaths, due to damaged economies, lost education, damage to physical and mental health due to isolation and polarising propaganda and the effect of the failed therapies.
This should be stopped and never allowed again.
The black death killed 30% to 60% of the world's population.
Smallpox killed 30% of those affected.
The 1918 influenza epidemic made up 0.64 percent of the total population,
Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. Now by comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.
Natural immunity is a blessing for those who have it, but deadly for those who don't. The only way to know where you stand in this lottery of life and death is to take your chances. I beleive that it is smart to not buy a ticket to that lottery.
In every year of human existence, the old and infirm have sadly passed on from a range of conditions. When they did, they may have also had some form or coincident respiratory condition. This is true of this disease.
In Italy, deaths FROM covid alone were revised to around 3% and in US 5%, the others were WITH. That means the actual deaths FROM Covid are at least 1/20th of that reported. Furthermore, the case fatality rate does not capture the VAST swathes of people that had and recovered from Covid but that were never a figure.
For instance, no one in my family was part of the official case figures in 2020 as there were no tests and we did not go to hospital - but all four of us didn't die. The case fatality rate in our family was 0%. This is repeated all over the world - I know many people that only found out they had had it in the past when they took an antibody test - all of those people were not counted.
Omicron is Omicold
Whereas the Wuhan one was not quite as bad as a flu bout for me, it did have the weird dry cough, tight chest and loss of smell and taste. Omicold is so mild it is a complete joke and it will give immunity to the whole virus capsid - only those that enjoy getting jabbed should need to.
For 4 out of 4 members of my family, Omicold was as (me) or much less than the symptoms friends have reported from getting a jab.
Happy new year Bob. Glad to hear you are all well again and have got the freedom of mobility back for afe months! My family had the most bizarre stomach bug with high feavers, that took a 2 week hiatus and came back again stronger a second time. Didn't eat much other than rice and boiled vegetables for 3 weeks. I think it highly unlikely but wondering if I did an omicron test if it might not come back positive, maybe I could swab a mango too for good measure.... Luckily the draconian measures are only starting just this year over here.
Thanks for all your work on Fukushima! It means a lot, living over here in particular! I was talking to someone last week who said their friend (in australia?) had shot ball lightning with a gun and carbon fell out. I was shocked to hear they had time to shoot it, if you want me to ask anything specific I can. I assume the friend may have the carbon, but no idea if they would be willing to lend it. I could ask for direct contact info if you want.
Hi Peter, Thanks.
TOTALLY want to have the opportunity to speak with the guy and to test the ejecta would be awesome and might reveal some important information.
Hey Bob,
Once again I owe you an apology. I contacted the person again to get specifics and they told me it wasn't a personal friend of theirs (I think I just drew that connection in my mind).
Also it seems they misremembered and they didn't actually say it was carbon but rather a "manufactured" aluminum alloy, with trace elements and non-earthly strontium 87/88 isotopic ratio.
The link to the video is this one (
It has some interesting points but it is definitely part of the one-sided fear mongering agenda that is going on right now, and full of what I would consider premature jumping to conclusions.
It may be worth watching from the 32:00 to 38:00 range, but I provided a summary below of some points they mention.
Honestly the way they keep saying his name "Ben Foggin" I'm pretty sure it's an alias they made up for the show so I didn't spend too much time hunting for it in the records of "Hopewell Ohio".
Normally they just wouldn't say the persons name at all, and the quick search I did didn't come up with any results.
Also I'm not sure they are even showing you the real rock, as what they show, doesn't really look like an aluminum alloy to me, but it's a little hard to see.
25:24 "Hopewell Ohio"
25:51 "Ben Foggin"
28:52 "yes with my son. He got a little bit excited and grabbed a shotgun. I wasn't aware of what he was doing. And he went around and start shootin at it..."
29:30 "what was down there that caused you to shoot? The lights cause it was down there at the baseline of the trees...."
30:45 "Terry fired five shells at the ufo, and his father THEN claimed at least one of them hit the target."
30:55 "It was making a noise that sounded like a broken washing machine, and then the noise stopped, and when it stopped, right after it stopped, I thought I heard a thump."
31:09 "Ben claims that Terry's shots dislodged a chunk of material from the UFO."
31:45 [they start to show the material]
32:08 [the best clear shot] (it looks like a normal rock and not anything like carbon, it does look like it might have a pattern, but it could just easily be a chip)
33:00 [sample goes for analysis]
33:08 [another good shot of it, they speculate it has gravel from his driveway embedded in it, this might make sense if the rock had been softened so when it fell out to the ground it could embed material in itself]
34:05 [they show a spectrograph of the material and it shows it does have traces of driveway material silica embedded in it (or so they claim)]
35:37 [finds radation trace with geiger counter where the orbs were seen]
36:22 [they get lab results that show strontium 87 / strontium 88 is out of bounds and not a normal strontium isotope ratio (they don't say if it's high or low, but I'm betting you could make a good guess using Philip powers site)]
37:40 [they actually talk about what the material is, and it's an aluminum alloy (so not carbon, but also not to be unexpected from ball lightning if I understand correctly)
37:55 [they say it contains some very strange trace elements (don't say which ones) and also mention the unearly isotopic ratios]
38:05 [they start claiming it couldn't be of earthly origins and is manufactured, which we know is almost certainly "jumping to invalid conclusions"]
Sorry for the premature excitement, I'll try to more thoroughly investigate potential leads before I bring them up.
Thanks Bob for sharing!! Best to you and your family!
Thanks for your kind words. This disease is over, it just takes the will.
In the meantime, I'd encourage everyone to avoid Delta.
Two weeks after I published this article calling the end, other prominent people are agreeing what must be the only conclusion a critically thinking capable person can make.
Since posting this blog, the inventor of mRNA technology Dr. Robert Malone found out about "" as I reported. This is a site where you can compare your batch number to adverse events.
He had Moderna very early on. First dose, no problems. Second dose nearly killed him.
He checked the first batch code - no problems.
He checked the second and there was a large number of adverse events and deaths.
He was saved because he already had a doctors appointment scheduled.
Based of the new Californian data, Case fatality rate is over 43 times lower for Omicron than Delta and it was only 1 in 1213 for delta or 0.0824 %
It is over. Omicron did it.
Hi I would use a monitor overnight up to 20 gighertz