Hi, my name is Bob Greenyer and welcome to RemoteView.ICU
I already talked about the complete failure of vaccines in my Family last month and my personal experience with the infection. Since then, the fully vaccinated teachers at my youngest child’s kinder-garden and her music school have caught it, meaning more days home schooling.
Anyhow, on the 15th of December 2021, I went for a long booked appointment with my general practitioner to ask for a medical exemption certificate, so I could apply to travel to the US, to do research. In anticipation of being shut down, I presented him with a note, laying out my position for him to read first, it read:
I am a research scientist who, along with my family, got and recovered from the Alpha Covid variety in April 2020.
One year later, I had a guest in my house who got an active infection. I tested my antibodies and they were strong on 8th April 2021, as they were in other members of my family. I spent 3 weeks trying to catch it from him, but failed. None of my family got it again either.
In September, I again tested my antibodies, they were good and so I helped a friend recover. I did not catch it again.
In November, I helped another friend recover, and did not catch it again. This was 19 months later.
My grandfather died at 52 from a heart attack and my father at 72 from heart failure.
My father had the auto-immune disorder gout, so do I.
I have been unable to travel to the US for nearly 2 years now to do my work because of restrictions.
Given that I am provably immune from real infection and I have the two major risk factors to adverse events from the experimental therapies and I have young children, I need a medical exemption, so that I can support my family without taking unneeded risks, of leaving them - fatherless.
He read my note and said, “I’m not going to give you an exemption, I recommend you get the vaccine”, when I asked why he took that position, when he was aware of my family history, he said “I have read the research and I recommend you get the vaccine.”
I asked him had he had covid, he said “no”, I said, “well I have and despite trying, I have been unable to catch it again. I believe the immunity is enduring and the risks for me from the therapy identified by the manufacturers and public reporting, as a recovered person, are higher than the risks of re-infection.”
He said, “I am not going to give you an exemption.”
I said, “So, if I was to get the therapy now and be harmed, even permanently or die, I or my family would have no recourse with you, the government or the pharmaceutical company. If you gave me an exemption it would be my risk and I could work, what do you loose by exempting me?”
He replied, “it’s the guidelines.”
I asked, “well if it’s guidelines, can’t you use your discretion?”
He got angry, he was personally affronted and said that he didn’t “like what I was implying.”
I said, “It appears as though it doesn’t matter what your patients individual circumstances are, you would only recommend the therapy. Can you explain why it is, that you are leaving me no options.”
He said “I am not forcing you, it is your choice, I am recommending it.”
I said “Don’t you see though, I can’t do what I need to do without taking what I am confident is an unacceptable risk for me and my family, and the only person that can change that is you.”
He got really angry.
I asked, “How many people have you written an exemption for?”
He said, “I am not going to answer that.”
I asked a lesser question, “Have you given an exemption for anyone?”
He said, “I am not going to answer and I think you should leave.”
I said “What? Aren’t you supposed to listen to the patients needs?”
He suggested more strongly that “I should leave.”
I said, “OK, if you are unable to write me an exemption, can you write me a note detailing on what scientific basis, including references, you are basing your recommendation on, so I know, where you are coming from. Please also detail where I can read these guidelines you are following, that state; that a covid recovered person, with a multi-generational history of heart attacks and auto-immune conditions should be recommended to get this therapy and who wrote the guidelines in order that I may address those people that are making them.”
He was fuming and frankly, I wasn’t happy either, so I said, as I collected my coat and left “It didn’t have to be this way.”
I don’t expect to get any explanatory note, though I will update this blog if I do.
Cui Bono?
I left thinking, why would he recommend, given my risk factors, a therapy he should know by now, if it was possible, without it, would not help stop me get the sniffles? Moreover, I thought, he wouldn’t loose a thing by giving me an exemption, right? - OR WHOULD HE?
Then it occurred to me, perhaps they get paid for injecting people with the therapies? In the UK, I remembered hearing somewhere that doctors got paid for administering jabs. On researching it, I found that a doctor used to get £12.58 for each procedure they did, but from 1st December, that was upped to £20 ($26.53). So, do Czech doctors get rewards for a procedure that can be done by a junior nurse in a few minutes? Looks like they do - they get about 223 Crowns (about $10 for a jab).
The surgery he operates in, might easily have 1000s of patients on its books. For a full 2 jab and booster, they are raking in $30,000 for every 1000 patients that blindly walk in of their own accord or they can recommend, to get the jab. Given my experience, I can’t imagine there is a very big group they are going to not recommend it for. And, if governments make it obligatory every 6 months, then it is another $20,000 a year per 1000 patients. On top of that, Czech monthly payments for health insurance have gone up significantly, so we have the pleasure of knowing we are paying for them to be incentivised to be the delivery agents of corporate pharma.
So if my doctor was to give me an exemption and the word got around, perhaps others would request one, and this potential little bi-annual cash cow might dry up. In America, it’s even worse - there, doctors can cash up to $40 for a single jab!
If the long term effect of these injections are acute medical conditions, guess who gets more money… the medical industry. It would appear we cannot trust doctors any more, as they may be captured - and that makes one think, have they always getting incentives like this?
On the 16th December 2021, I learned from my wife, that dentists and pharmacists are now being co-opted with these cash bribes, to get jabbing. One can easily imagine that these people might start saying "Sorry, you can’t use our services unless you’re jabbed”. It will certainly reduce the potential dissenting respected voices in healthcare - it is diabolical.
If this goes on, statistically, sooner or later, all of these people will have blood on their hands, so it will be in their interest to ignore or fight against acknowledging data that they might have to morally deal with. To facilitate their complicity, expect governments to prevent communication of any data, that shows harm or ineffectiveness, of the only ‘solution’ they are promoting.
I’d be interested to hear if people in your country are rewarded every time they administer one of these experimental products. Let me know in the comments.
On the subject of coercion
In 1957, the sociologist Albert Biderman came up with his “Chart of Coercion” which was based on Chinese / Korean torture techniques used on American prisoners in the Korean War. To psychologically break an individual, one must use the following methods in order. Here I will list these rules and suggest some that you may have witnessed since early, 2020
( like, keeping people away from friends and family, even in death )Monopolisation of perception
( say, controlling the narrative, including banning alternative expert opinion )Inducing debilitation and exhaustion
( perhaps via enforced mask wearing leading to problems with social cues, especially in children and impaired breathing for all )Threats
( for instance, fines for standard life activities or exclusion from services, even medical treatment, if not compliant )Occasional indulgences
( take an experimental therapy and you can have a BBQ with a few friends )Demonstrating "omnipotence" and "omniscience"
( being able to prevent you from doing your job if you don’t comply and not approving effective cheap drugs and not recognising natural immunity )Degradation
( like suggesting someone is unclean and a risk to others )Enforcing trivial demands
( like keeping a set distance apart or wearing masks on a plane )
A real cardiologist speaks
In a Joe Rogan interview, at the 1:42:42 mark, Dr. Peter McCullough, a respected, famous and extremely well published cardiologist, notes, that the upper tail for myocarditis goes all the way up to 50. He also notes elsewhere in the excellent podcast, that upon challenging common claims of re-infections of Covid, no one has shown plausible evidence of it occurring, which confirms the data from SARS-Cov1, that there were no re-infections, it is “One and Done”.
We are all being coerced and the people we should trust, to get objective information from, are compromised. Only the little people, the great unwashed will be able to end this insanity.
In the UK, there is a desperate attempt to ‘boost’ everyone before they can get proper, enduring immunity from ‘omicron’ . If antibodies are low, and you get through the disease, you will have immunity to the whole thing, not just the quickly changing spike protein . By forcing the jabs, they can *claim* that ‘boosting’ worked and was the right choice, it is a straight con. Coupled with this is absolutely no public messaging on taking vitamin D3, zinc and a zinc ionophore like green tea (EGCG) or quercetin - it appears there must only be the option to trust the government and do what it says.

My only choice now, that would enable me to travel to the US given the ‘guidelines’ and rules, is to try really, really, really HARD to get ‘omicron’ and recover. However, given my 3 previous failed attempts to get any other variant, I don’t fancy my chances.
Thank you for listening to RemoteView.ICU

UPDATE 17th Jan 2022
My doctor never sent me any of things he promised, he did not even give me a prescription for my gout medicine.
I’ll be visiting my doctor again with my recovery certificate this week to request he confirm I have recovered so I can travel to US to do my research.
I'd like to add that Pfizer has added an anti-heart attack chemical to its child therapy preparations. Taiwan followed Hong Kong in stopping giving a second dose of Pfizer to children over these risks.
In the US the CDC is advising against use of J&J due to blood clotting issues, the same bases for not permitting Astra-Zenica in US.
Given this, my doctor didn't even attempt to differentiate between the therapies - he just recommended I get 'it'.
Reposted comment
"Pfizer just acquired Arena Pharmaceuticals yesterday. A drug company specializing in cardiac medicines and auto immune diseases, So rest assured. Pfizer caused world wide illness and now will sell everyone the treatment. Big Pharma to the rescue."
A comment sent to me from "Daily Insight" on his youtube channel of the same name
One of my neighbours who is a registered nurse was being paid about $52 / hour to inject childhood vaccines for the local council (non-covid). However, I think with covid, they've opened up who can do the injecting. According to the Queensland Government, "Expressions of interest are currently open for: Senior Medical Officers; Registered Nurses; Pharmacists; Paramedicine graduates to work as COVID-19 Vaccinators; Students in Nursing (2nd year, 2nd semester of study -who have passed their medication module and associated clinical practice requirements - or are in their 3rd year of study); Pharmacy Students (3rd and final year of study); Student COVID-19 Vaccinator (final year an approved Paramedicine program of study or final two years of an approved Dentistry program of study); Students in medicine (penultimate or final year of a postgraduate medical program or third last, penultimate or final year of studies in an undergraduate medical program)
Under the aptly named "Medicines and Poisons Act 2019, Emergency Order, Public Health Emergency – Pandemic Response to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)", it states, "This Emergency Order provides for an authorised person to undertake the authorised activity, scope of dealing and conditions, relevant to the COVID-19 vaccination service, COVID-19 vaccine or related medicine, which would otherwise NOT be authorised under the relevant Schedules of the Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021 (Qld) (MPMR)". It also goes on to mention who can administer the vaccination and in what circumstances.
He added
In answering your question, I searched the Queensland Government's job website (Smart jobs) and found a few positions:
Students in Nursing / Midwifery (COVID Vaccination Clinic): $30.41 - $30.81 p.h.
Undergraduate Students in Nursing (USIN): $37.41 – $37.91 p.h.
Vaccinator / Paramedic (Talent Pool - COVID Vaccination Program): $42.94 p.h.
Pharmacist Covid19 Vaccination Clinic: $42.94-$63.12 per hr
Searched for "vaccination" at
So it looks like it is a "temporary" casual position paid by the hour (which is quite standard in Australia).
More disposable "heroic front line workers".
Looking forward to how Omicron changes the dynamics.
It will be an interesting few months. A few months ago, I heard from an Asian government insider that the operation would all be over by middle of next year. Shortly afterwards Omicron appeared in Southern Africa - it doesn't look related to any other variants - it looks like it is something engineered from something similar to the original release with common cold attributes.
Engineered? I was thinking the same thing myself. Kinda throws a wrench into tow works... or removes one. ;-)
The people profiting from the operation and the people fearing the end of the operation will try everything to keep it going.
They will fail. But the costs will be paid by everyone.
We live in historical times, history repeats again. Mass formation is what happens. Listen very carefully, the Prof Mattias Desmet For me it is 100,00% a conspiracy for sure.... https://www.bitchute.com/video/RIzxcU8nBYQX/
This guy makes a sound point
Hey, Hank! I'd say we live in hysterical times.
Hi Henk.
That's a great point at 47:00+ in the video. People are convinced that they are doing everything for the ommon good, but they aren't doing their own thinking.
Quarantine the HEALTHY ONES? Lol.
I don't have a problem with masks it it makes fearful people less reaked out. I also haven't cut the tyrannical seat belts in my car... yet. But I do hate taking orders from a computer <beep... beep... beeep> [Translation: buckl up!]
Hi Bob. Things may be significantly worse than anythng anyone thought. If my hunch is right.
Ft. Detrick (bioweapon lab in US) was shut down for 8 months due to a breach in safety protocols before the Crimson Contagion pandemic simulation based on the assumption of a pandemic arising from China (also in the US) which preceded another pandemic simulation at Johns Hopkins U. which was concurrent with the international military olympics games (still before the announcement of a pandemic) where French and Italian athletes complained of covid-like symptoms.
Oh. The military olympics? Yeah, you guessed it. They were in Wuhan, China.
Here's a timeline with links to articles.
Time Will Tell? - Time Has Spoken.
But where does the UK fit into this? They also ignored their simulations and warnings (Exercise Cygnus). And conveniently for some the NHS has been under attack since Thatcher/Reagan sold us on Trick-L-Down economics. See The Great NHS Heist of you have time.
Opt out of organ donation. All British subjects are automatically opted in from birth. But why donate your organs to those who can afford them? The way things are going... is what it looks like.
Alms for the rich? Or "your money or your life"? Either way it stinks.
Hmmm. immunity as a service
The more you delve into this the more bizarre it turns. No one should even be discussing making these jabs mandatory, is absolutely against several international treaties, not to mention national constitutions, and in my country there’s a scientific committee “studying of vaccines need to be mandatory”. I can’t believe it. This is a full out war. I am going to end living as an outlaw if things keep this pace. I am already in a minority in my country, we are being called extremists, violent, etc.
We that can, must not comply with insanity.
A bully doesn't stop bullying because you them your sandwich
Exactly, you yield a millimeter and they will take a kilometer, this is already a dystopia, aided and enforced at the street level by the ones that thought that abiding by the restrictions was to get quickly “back to normal”. Surprise, it wasn’t and they have kept tightening the noose and don’t have any plan to stop doing so.
I'm starting to think there are a lot of people that want to live in a prison of their own complicity.
Absolutely. It's your right. I just hope they accept my mom's religious exemption. She is in healthcare and her job is at stake rn.
They should. She might give in and get the jab and then die in 4 months because of it or they make her unemployed because she is sick - or for any other reason.
People need to hold firm. She still has her skill
I've noticed that many nurses, in Austin, are going into private practice. I never knew that was a thing, but it seems to be so, since lockdowns. This may be a thing where your mom is, too?
Truly depressing to hear this, I've had similar experiences with my own doctor. They told me the peer-reviewed literature I was reading had been debunked, but were thoroughly unwilling to share their research which debunked it...
The only silver lining I can think of is that "following orders" has not historically been a good enough excuse to escape accountability.
If you want more info on vaccine safety, efficacy, and early treatments I strongly suggest you check out www.demandthetruth.xyz.
Thanks for the tip, and I am sorry to hear you have had similar issues. I am horrified to learn that they are given easy cash to incentivise them to turn a blind eye. In my case, it is not just third party evidence I am relying it is total failure (including injury to my mother) of the only recommended therapy and total success of simple cheap remedies.
relying on, it is
Sad to read this, but I'm not surprised.
We exchanged some comment about Rossi a few times in the past on ecatnews.
I'm a nurse, in Italy. I'm suspended from my job from August up to March. No pay, of course.
And I'm suspended from my profession too. By law.
There are a 10% of health professional (physicians, nurses, various types of technicians) in the same position of mine. Lucky me, I have enough to last many years, even if I get not income.
The environment is the same here: doctors are richly paid to jab everyone, everytime, everywhere, whatever the reason. The answer is always the same (with very, very, very rare exceptions).
Not only, every adverse reaction is negated. They refuse to report everything, everytime, everywhere.
The few publicly opposing this monstrosity are vilified by the press, shout out when they talk, often their license is revoked.
The data publicized is just FUD, more FUD & bullshit.
If Omicron evolve in a very bening infection, they will continue to throw bullshit around, just because people will continue to die by other illness but "positive" to the tests. And everyone positive is "a case". No matter what.
My opinion is this mess will unravel when the people will start noticing the missing people and the people with severe adverse reactions to the jab(S).
More jabs they do, more the chance and severity of adverse reactions is.
At this point, given what the politicians, the great majority of the healthcare people and the majority of the sheep population did (or did not oppose), I would not cry if half of the population die in the next few years. They deserve it.
They gave up their thinking to other people, their responsibilities to other people, the allowed the government to manage them, trusted the government, bowed to the government.
They will get what they deserve and will not be pretty.
Thankyou for sharing your experience. I was shocked that my doctor did not even differentiate between the therapies. For instance, CDC did no give EUA to Astra Zeneca because of blood clot risk and looks to be close to advising against or de-EUA the J&J for the same reason.
My mother collapsed 3 days after her first AZ shot and was rushed to hospital in an ambulance and has found it difficult to concentrate long enough to read ever since her second dose.
I have a friend in Italy, the colleague of which wanted to take his family on holiday this year and so encouraged them all to get jabbed with the aim of making the paperwork easier. 3 weeks after the second jab, his 18 year old son went to hospital with a severe headache and subsequently died as a result of a haemorrhage. No one wants to suggest it was the vaccine, least of all the father that encouraged his own son to take it. I don't expect that is reported anywhere.
Another case from Italy is a friend of the guy I rent an office with, I have met him, he was a man in his prime. Took the therapy and a few weeks later, woke up, practically paralysed in his bed. After a multi-week stay in hospital, he was diagnosed with a systemic auto-immune condition and told it would be unlikely to resolve and he would likely have to take drugs for the rest of his life. Although everyone thinks that it is due to the therapy, he does not want it to be publicised in any way as he is 'pro vax' though I understand it is being monitored. He would appear to have been crippled for the rest of his life.
The reaction to omicron is absurd - and as a long term sniffles recovered person, I can say for certain that in my family and in all those that interact with my family, 'vaccines' of all types have failed in all ages over 50% of the time in those that had no indications of prior infections. Moreover, no one has caught it again after getting it, regardless of their 'vaccine' status before. For instance, my nephew's Pfizer therapy failed 2 months after his second jab, to Delta. 2 months later, he cared for my brother in law and sister, in their home after their 'vaccines' failed both around the 4 month mark. As I said I have helped 3 people directly with Covid @ 12, 17 and 19 months after I had it with no re-infection.
I can say that every person that had it that I know post therapy suffered with Delta similar to my suffering with Alpha. That being said, only I suffered at all with Alpha in my household, no-one else had any signs they had it at all except my son wanted to go to bed voluntarily a few hours earlier one night. My SPO2 was 94% at minimum and that is when I felt worst - total loss of smell. Only my sister lost her smell also of the people I know, so that may be genetic.
As I said in another comment, and said on one of my live streams BEFORE Omicron, I found out from an Asian government insider that it will all be over by mid 2022. Omicron is certainly a path to get there, however, there is this HUGE money making machine and control structures that have been tasted by those in power and positions of medical 'authority' and that is going to be had to let go even if it wasn't deliberately intended to persist.
I thank you for having the courage and integrity. I walked away from a very good career at the then SmithKline Beecham in early 1990s because I sat round a table with a load of vaccine and antibiotic researchers that said that "there are no profitable diseases to make a cure / therapy for anymore, we need to start inventing new diseases" - when I heard that said, I knew I wanted to play no part in that industry - I decided in minutes I would find other ways to use my life.
If Omicron does not deliver, and I believe it will if it is allowed to, then there are the more standard protein jabs on the way.
These things will pass. Humans take a lot before they break and it is often surprising what tips them out of their trance - I think footballers having to retire, dying or quitting games will be a bigger influence on perceptions than any amount of propaganda.
This is still in animal trials, but looked great in vitro
Benadryl and Lactoferrin, in therapeutic (normal range) doses.
Both over-the-counter in the US.
Thanks George
Hey, Bob, it's me (again.) So, I've tried to find a way for you to get to the States. Your biggest problem may be in leaving, via air travel, the UK. However, if you could find a bureaucrat to take you along, as some sort of attachment, you could board freely (I think you wouldn't even require testing or quarantine!) I'm not sure how they're, "immune", but they are.
If you were able to get out of the UK, you may be able to fly into Mexico, and from there, walk across. That seems to work. Problem, again? Getting out of the UK. Can you ferry to France (wait, that's even worse), or anywhere else? Car-ride to Germany? No, the Germans are in on it, too.
Gosh, I do wish I could help. But, I don't know any bureaucrats...
Thanks for looking.
I'm in Czech. No problem coming back here.
Before the 're-opening for the compliant and the exempt' I really did seriously consider flying to Mexico and walking across, I hear that if you get a free transfer to a city of your choice and a free cash stipend, so it could pay for the whole journey. However, knowing my luck, they'd probably institute forced therapy jabs the day before my arrival.
Now, Bob, the free travel is only for (trafficking) children!
I am kidding. I haven't looked into it, enough, to know what's gone on with that.
Hey, apparently, because Refugees are not bound by any state agreements, the therapy manufacturers will not allow them to be jabbed in case they get sued for therapy related injuries or deaths. Of course, there are only say 2 million in US this year, but obviously the therapy makers consider their product so unsafe they can't take the risk on this relatively small group!
Refugees lack COVID shots because drugmakers fear lawsuits, documents show
Didn't realize you were in the Czech Republic. Hmm. I'll ask my baby brother if he knows how you can get here. In the meanwhile, please do lock down, and mask, stay away from others, and get your therapy. This is why:
You know, Bob, you're treading into the land of conspiracy theories! Careful where you step.
Speaking of step; look up the Rockefeller document, "Lockstep" (it is also in video form), to see how this was planned, step by step. Perhaps it was just usual planning, like they plan for all of their, "terrorist actions", and, "active shooter scenarios", but there may be more to it, than this.
I'm not sure, but, it is something to consider.
I am, however, sure on the manner in which they say they, "isolate virii." That is absolutely not isolation, and if they would like to use the English language, they should learn what the words mean.
The problem is that everything is counter common sense. Why lock down the healthy people? It's the sick ones that need quarantining.
And since the jab doesn't stop infection or spreading infection it really makes it harder to tell where the virus is hiding. But it certainly doesn't protect anyone except the ones getting the jab to claiming this helps others is just nonsense. Or worse.
It is- absolutely goes against all that it rational, but people will do just about anything if they're scared enough.
Hi Anne. Just telling someone not to be afraid doesn't work.
Did you know there's an HIV insert in the covid? It's not like any other corona virus. It's method of attacking cells is like HIV, and that's not something that comes from a "mutation".
Initially we didn't know anything about this. All we knew is that its origin appeared to be a WEAPONIZED virus. Perhaps a little fear, or at least respect for the potential wasn't such a bad idea.
it's pathological not to care about those who died from it. That's another virus that was going around immediatly, and almost mysteriously, from the beginning. And nobody knew what was REALLY going on, doctors v. doctors; scientists v. scientists. Fear and caution are matters of degree or even matters of opinion.
Got anything on that crazy Novichok BS in the UK? Very similar nuttiness. Weapon grade nerve agent - cleans up with baby wipes. 10 times more deatly than VX but kills 4 hours after contact. Where are Sergei and Yulia Skypal? Have they been murdered for their own safety by now?
So here's a question for you? Do you wear seatbelts in your car? Do you have insurance? Any kind of insurance? If so why?
It's just a matter of degree. Masks and jabs - seatbelts and insurance.
But the mandates... that's CLEARLY out of line! Even if you are supportive of social distancing and wearing a mask in crowds. And it's a violation of medical ethics as well as a violation of principles established as internatonal law in Nuremberg.
But your point was a good one anyway. Surry, I just wanted to talk. And False Flags are a tried and true method to scare people into giving up their rights.
With you on that!
I have ME/CFS which is a chronic inflammation of the brainstem that causes dysautonomia. It's hell on Earth. I spoke with another ME/CFS patient from Canada last night who was injured from the vaccine. I'm quite glad I decided not to get it. I'm not glad I got alpha covid in November 2020 though. If we were infected we should absolutely get a vax pass.
Yes, we should. Better than that, no one should need a pass.
My mother has Ankylosing Spondylitis, my sister and younger brother have arthritis and as I have said, I have gout as did my father and he also had arthritis. This is a full-genetic risk of autoimmune disease for me, on top of my male family history of heart issues. My mother collapsed 3 days after her first jab, out cold and had to be taken to hospital by ambulance, of course, they had no explanation.
No way I can risk it.
Oh, Bob, you may be able to bypass your doctor by presenting your case, and your adverse effects after first jab, to WHO. They put out a statement, about 3 weeks back, that this is one reason to be found, "exempt"; negative reaction to first jab. People laughed about it, but, it may work for you.
Personally, I don't think there's any conspiracy; just good old fashioned greed.
On the face of it, that's what it appears, but what about those agreeing the incentives and guidelines?
That's just plausible deniability.
Doctors avoid risk and make cash on the side. It's a literal no-brainer on their part.
Oh, I am pretty sure the conspirators are those some call the global governance. They, however, are not all of them. Many folk, including doctors, are just as vulnerable to the fear-porn, as would be the masses. They may not be, "in on it", but are taking that covid cash, and for a while, that was the only cash some got.
I'm glad I live in Texas, where nobody is actually allowed to mandate anything, in any public business space. However, I also live in Austin, and this town is da'rona central. I've about had enough of people (most newly arrived) in this town. A woman visited me, yesterday, and was thrilled to show me the work of Reiner Fuellmich, in Germany. So, I sent her a presentation by Dr Andy Kaufman, in order that she'd truly understand virology.
Anyone who looks into viral trials understand this is a complete lie.
When you take 'The Red Pill' and dive into the matter you will see a different story, a total different reality. Remember the film The Matrix? The red pill shows you the true reality, the blue pill keeps you in the fake reality. The reality is: we live in The Matrix, when you don't see, you know in which reality you are, the created one!
Oh, I've Astral Projected and seen the amorphous projection we live in, and I can assure you I am fully awake.
The real conspiracy is everyone wearing masks all day and being deprived of Qi.
Yes, especially if stuck indoors
Yesterday was the second vote for presidential elections in Chile, we had a polarized election between a communist and someone that media called extreme right wing. The communist won. He had already said that he wants mandatory vaccinations for everyone. He is also a sucker for Agenda 2030. I am now not only a minority, but at high risk to become an outcast or even worse. Yay!!!!
Hold your ground. I get a sense that a good number of the formerly compliant people (not bought and paid for politicians) are coming to terms with the fact they were lied to. Before they were pitting the jabbed against the un-jabbed, now it is transitioning to the the currently sufficiently jabbed against all the rest. Meanwhile, the overly jabbed are still getting the bug that they would most likely never have died from without any jabbing.
As tyrannical leaders, led by their big pharma sponsors pit the over jabbed against all others, ask yourself, did the WHO really change the definition of "What is heard immunity?" to exclude 'immunity developed through previous infection' (natural/free immunity) less than a month before the first experimental therapies were approved in 2020?
Take it to court, you would have a legal case to make and have them out of pocket on the costs, indeed they would likely fold from the threat.
I have to think where my time is best spent
What I can see is that the judicial system is also 'in on it', in the Netherlands (and frankly all over the world) many court cases, all are 'fake trails', there is no justice anymore!
surely in on the spell
Unbeliable Bob! Amazing! Best to you and your family
I can't help thinking the same game is being played everywhere
It is an evil plan, coordinated all over the world to inject everyone with a very wrong concoction. Omicron=moronic, it is insane
Delta Omicron = Media Control
yes it makes sense if it were to happen like that. I am back in London for Xmas with my family after nearly twenty yeaars not coing for the hoiday, its great! BTW Bob do you know David Godsmark and John Hall, tomtoe growers?
I don't Luis, my dad's business shut in 1979
I do agree with you on the coercion. It's been going on all of our lives. Creating fear, in individuals, causes them to stop thinking rationally. Over the past two years, the fear factor has been deployed, by television presenters, more-so than ever before. Though our dear-leaders talk about the, "pandemic", as a past event, the media continues to yammer on about it being something to be terrified from.
Since people are getting jabbed, ambulances are screaming through the cities, morning, noon, and night. This reinforces fear-data.
I cannot agree with Dr Peter McCullough, as he presents the virus (which I know he has never seen) as real. He has a belief system which belies the factual evidence. I have studied all of these viral trials and can see they have never isolated & purified any virus, ever. I do mean ever. In the whole hundred (plus) years of virology, no virus has ever been identified. Yet, doctors, and others, are told it is real and it is, "real scary".
Most doctors are following google, for diagnosis and treatment, and google tells them there is a virus. If the advice, on diagnosing and treating, is something the doctors find to be fair, they will, and do, believe virology, in toto. I find it sad. Doctors are no longer taught to reason. They are taught to google.
When my doc tried to get me to get the vaxx, I told her science is my religion, and as such, I need an exemption. She wrote down I am allergic. Yet, when I phoned back last month, they only asked if I'd had any jabs (I have had none since 1976, when they made me very ill from the swine-flu thing.) I said, "no", and that was the end of that. I wish your doctor would be more reasonable. But, reason is one of those things; use it or lose it. Most have lost it.
Sorry! Substack keeps not showing my comment, asking if I want to leave the site. That's why it was posted a few times!