Hi Bob,

First thanks for all hard work you put into finding out what is behind the LENR effect.

Just want to ask your opinion about the video below where there is a Klerksdorp sphere that is cut open.


Could it be that this is the remains after a macro EVO since it has a iron shell and a core of what it looks like "sand", I guess silicon, ... caused by lightning, piezo electric activity or something other thing that made a self organized coherent matter structure?


Tommy Svensson

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Yes, this looks like it was caused by ball lightning.

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You have incredible pictures of surfaces such as the Vega valley. I know you talk occasionally about your dinolite microscope. Do you think it is still the way to go? If you can share the info, what model do you use, and what camera software do you use (EDOF/EDR???) ? I can understand if you can't share.

Doug Lindstrom

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The Dinolite is affordable and the polarisation is necessary to see SR damage clearly in many samples (Perhaps you can guess why now!)

It is good for finding basic structures for 1500 euros, however, I find that I can often get better images by using the $70 dinolite on my old large pix element 12Mpix non-AI sensor on my old samsung S7.

For better colour accuracy and overall image quality, I spent around 7 months, looked at 3 cameras, 5 lenses and ended up with the Sony A1, Laowa 5x Macro.

In all cases I prefer to use Photoshop to merge different focal points or exposures to produce EDOF/EDR - the ones in the dinolite software are terrible.

Once structures are identified - really one then has to look at things with SEM.

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Bob, you wrote: "I find that I can often get better images by using the $70 dinolite"

You mean: Nurugo.

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Yes thanks - too tired!

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Could the triangles be left over where weak composition magnetite 'blocks' are pulled through process as fuel ? ie rapid/volatile oxidation,burning off excess O and the remaining Fe turns to spheres.

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Not entirely got you, perhaps because I am tired.

The triangles tend to cause the fracturing of materials and I have seen those that have formed inside steel and Aluminium (Hutchison samples), SiO2 (LION) and now mostly Cu in VEGA Valley

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Hey Bob!

Thanks as always for a great video, I watch them all (albeit not live).

So the image you put out the challenge for is from an ancient Vietnamese drum surface (it required a bit of googleing) :)




"Such discoveries confirmed that the

origin bronze drums of the Dong Son period can be closely related in basic structural

features and decorative design to the pottery of the Phung Ngyuen culture (5000BCE ~

4000BCE), as well as being reported in South and Southwest China, Myanmar, Thailand,

Laos and Indonesia. "

Also of interest in that last paper is how they compare the gradual decline in complexity of design over the ages.

Also of interest is something called the church of Bethlehem which makes use of the 14 pointed star too.

Now my question to you, somewhere in this video (I don't remember where precisely) you said something to the effect of "This is a north monopole so it will likely be spitting out lighter elements". I've heard you made a remark like this once before without going into detail. Do you mean because it's a north monopole or because it's one particular side of a monopole.

After reading that book quest for zeropoint (at your recommendation), I tend to think these things are fprming a kind of loop through hyperdimensional space (a wormhole?) and perhaps the south monopole is ingesting more and the north monopole is spitting out more (on average). I don't expect you to know the answer to this, but if you feel comfortable touching on the basis for your statement about a north monopole making lighter elements (and what you were comparing it, presumably a south monopole). Are you speculating that south-monopoles make heavier elements?

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Well - done! Though 'artefact' beat you to it in the YT comments.



Matsumoto referred to them as 'black and white holes' or more specifically a point of electro-nuclear collapse (ENC) which then went through a kind of worm hole that spewed out light elements on the outside and heavy element on the inside.

My interpretation (subject to review), is that the N 'monopole' pulls matter apart making lighter elements and dumps it on the S 'monopole' where it forms a spread of elements including heavier elements. one could argue that there is a worm hole between the two. What we see in pairs, is that one one side, there is less material than the other and it looks to be be being shifted from one side to the other and what I consider the south pole has a build up of material.

We are seeing the same thing in LIONs and in VEGA Cu sample.

When these cluster they can lead to proton decay - which then leads to different reactions.

Net result is, a broad spectrum of transmutation up and down the periodic table - depending on how far and fast you drive it and mostly (IMHO) how coherent that driving is.

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Thanks Bob! :)

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