Mar 29, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Bob, one major difference between the big spiral trace in the video and the SR tracs that are observed in many different classes of experiments is the SIZE. The ones you are seeing in the video that are well defined appear to be several mm in diameter where as the SR tracks seen on CDs and other surfaces are typically quite small in the uM size range. Not to say they could be the same structure creating the SR tracks as what is seen in the videos but is it noteworthy of the various sizes that appear in the VEGA chambers vs SR track sizes.

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This is for sure, however, these things appear quantised and self-similar, in the case of strikes on Hutchison samples, where there are D 4D structures, they are still largely Tori but progressively made from the lower scale quanta. The largest size I have observed on Hutchison sample was 1.6mm in mark, pointing to a large actual structure. Similar on 10Yen coin and Matsumoto saw large structures too.

We are seeng far smaller traces that show twisting at various frequencies. Perhaps if we could see these at UHD or 8K or higher (in still frame long exposure shots at extremely high resolution) we would see a similar structure.

The smaller spirals are more common than the biggest spirals and one might expect this.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Bob; What is very interesting is that if some of these are indeed neutral as they seem to be by not being attracted to the anode then what makes them move in a spiral??? This is very strange and suggests that there may be other dynamics in play that govern their motion other than the simple magnetic/electric fields that we would assume initially to be the cause of the spiral motion. Also the charge moving through a magnetic field spiral motion may not be possible to describe the motion of some of these that simply seem to be oscillating along a 2D plane instead of in a spiral motion. Evidence is mounting as well that they may not be affected by a static magnetic field in some cases once they are launched as they do not seem to be affected by the ceramic magnet placed in the chamber when they come close to it. I am beginning to believe that the motion of these things in some situations is only affected by their brethren and the plasmoids on the cathode/anode through some sort of coherent/entangled interaction.

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My thinking is along the same lines. To extend, perhaps there is a another force at play? Localised [anti]gravity? something else?

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Bob, all I can say at this point is that standard EM forces seem to have less effect on these things than what we would expect from a classical charge body and that they ARE affected highly by their kin and the main plasmoids. I suspect some sort of coherent matter forces acting on them as the main effects on their motions once they are travelling in free space.

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Note, there appear to be similar structures (flux loops) emitted from the surface of the sun and these are of the order of the scale of the Earth or large.

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Agreed, look at the slow motion of one section I have added to the article. I will break down the interaction of a number of individual tracks tomorrow.

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Mar 31, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

When you showed a picture of a track on aluminum foil, I remembered that I had seen something similar on the foil I had treated in an ultrasonic cleaner.


On the foil there are also the same cones but they are in pairs and they point the opposite way. I've shown it before.


I am trying to find more signs that EVO also are in an ultrasonic cleaner, then there are more options to examine them.

By the way, if you could take a picture with very short exposure, you might be able to see if the particle has a shape, maybe like a piece of a toroid.

I like this picture


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Thankyou Allan, can you make the drive files available to all please.

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Can you see them and what do you mean by all. Do you mean everyone on the net.

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I have pressed another button so I hope it is better now

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Hi Alan,

This is brilliant, yes, the first track is a good match and the in-out dents are very similar to structures on materials as diverse as LION Jewel and Hutchison "Fracture" aluminium sample.

May I have your permission to share them?

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Apr 4, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Yes that's fine

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Thanks for sharing this Allan! This is truly amazing, they look like moths flying around in there that explode in one direction when they hit the foil. My ultrasonic cleaner arrives tomorrow!

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I want to explore the idea of ordinairy mass. I my tank I have seen particles being blown away. I have not seen so many nice trac's in my tank as Dave does. I still don't know why we have different outcomes. But what if these track's are a combination of spinning matter with an attached EVO. Im my tank we saw the tungsten wire being cut and thrown away in a strange way. What if small pieces of molten brass are 'tumbling' through the tank? We have seen EVO's have strong forces.

For me it is also not clear yet what is glowing. An evo (ball-lightning) can be seen and a piece of glowing metal also. We see some cooling down / fading away track's,

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Hi Henk, see the updated detail from Dmitry Baranov in the article.

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Hi Henk. I must admit that I had the same thought. But it is very difficult to get a clear idea on what's going on considering only the videos/images, without exacly knowing the reactors geometry and operation.

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I agree. What is interesting of course why more of these tracks are in Dave his reactor then in mine. I see other phenomena. We both have a lack of the scientific tools to measure exactly the environment. The geometry and the 'conditions' are all very important. Everything is very subtle. Pressure, gas, distances, elements, current (more than Voltage) shape and size and material of the anode shape and size and material of the cathode. So an infinite number of variations are possible.

We have different PSU's, mine is more a current PSU, Dave his PSU is more a voltage PSU. Maybe I get more vacuum, what I like more while I don't want to have the discarges. I want to create a stable long running process to greate access energy. With all the arching / discarging, the COP goes down (in general sense while measuring the COP is very difficult, not the idea, but the construction of a propper calorie meter)

So trying to make a comparison between the two reactors would be helpfull to start to understand what these track's really are.

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Henk, we are seeing the same squiggles and spirals being emitted from your anodes in your videos as well, I noticed some even before I played it in slow motion, much more going on in there than you may have initially thought! I mostly see the squiggles when I parallel in my aux power supply, my startup and constant run supply is very similar to yours although 60 Hz on the primary side. The aux power supply i use is more low impedance than the normal constant run supply and produces more squiggles when operated in a specific range. I have fully variable controls with variac so it takes some messing with to get it just right and also does depend on the other conditions in the chamber however.

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Mar 30, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Bob I've been waiting to ask your opinion on this one. Maybe you already knew this, but I thought it was worth sharing in either case. A few months ago I realized that the Ken Shoulders image you're displaying at 1:12:04 - https://youtu.be/8a4tnh9yCco?t=4324 - is almost identical to "red sprites" - the immensely powerful plasma phenomenon which occurs above lightning storms. If you're curious, here's an image of red sprites above a storm: https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/paul-smith-red-sprite-4.jpg - unmistakable similarities, imo. Anyway, your content has really informed my understanding of how electricity works in universe around us. Much appreciated, as always.

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Hi ArkMode,

Yes I think this is a related phenomena, just on a different level of self organisation and I think that if we know the altitude and atmospheric conditions that lead to this natural phenomenon it could guide experiment.

Thanks for sharing.

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Just going to throw one more object here that has a place in the open-air LENR laboratory we inhabit. "STEVE" as it was known at one point, has since graduated to the way-cooler name "proton-arc". Anyway, it reminded me strongly of some of the strange radiation tracks from these reactors that we've been peering into, both in terms of the helicity and the periodic tracking. In some photos, you even get a hint of these bizarre direction changes.



The object follows lines of longitude, travelling east/west or vice versa. Anyway, the electric folks of course quickly point to its double-helicity, calling it just another scale of Birkland current. Obviously, the EVO is everywhere electricity is, so EVO tracks should be all over the place.

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Thanks - this is also good data, thanks for sharing.

Yes, they are ubiquitous and work at every scale.

The EU need to consider Cold Neutrinos more/at all

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Mar 30, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Evening Bob I was binge watching videos and I came across a concept from alien scientist that gravity could be a component from quantum entanglement and if you were to turn it off you can effect gravity...podkletnov explained that high speed rotation of a super conductor forms BEC cooper pairs forming a local gravity field .....Marko rodin called his coil a flux thruster atom pulser which was in the shape of a perfect torus that created a electrical venturi or local spacetime implosion...now cooper pairs can also be created by neutron/quark degeneracy which "I think" is happening in the biefield effect through electrokinesis resulting from high voltage...what if neutrinos are singularity particles formed from the quantum entanglement of particle-anti particle pairs maybe they're the virtual particle poping in and out of existence

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I will talk about some entanglement implications in the biography of Johns book.

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Mar 30, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

I'm not known for reading but I'll be waiting for that book will it be released sometime this year? Thanks for the info

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Will do the Kickstarter in the coming months. It will take at least a year to produce.

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Fun fact: Most people dont realize the analogy between inertia and a moving electric charge. Kinetic energy is simply the stored energy in a gravitomagnetic field analogous to the magnetic field around a moving charge. When you try and stop the moving mass the gravitomagnetic field around it collapses and creates a gravitoelectric field pointing in the direction of motion causing the mass to push forward and dump the energy upon deceleration. I think of this like a current moving through an inductor, when you try and stop the flow the mag field starts to collapse and pushes the electrons forward by transferring its energy into an electric field. I think of inertia as a wave in space time that builds up around an accelerating mass upon acceleration then travels with the mass as it travels containing its kinetic energy and only revealing the kinetic energy when the mass is decelerated when it collapses to form the gravitoelectric field to push forward on what ever is causing the deceleration. Most physicists dont think about how the energy is stored in kinetic energy at all, i have never heard one explain this in any science or physics classes. They just receipt its 1/2 mv2!

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What's even more interesting to me are Podkletnov's Impulse Beam and his most recent technology. The impulse beam is basically a very high powered, superconducting version of a classic Kenneth Shoulders EVO generator. Interestingly, Podkletnov custom made the superconducting cathode to give the cooper pairs a direct route to the surface. When the device is discharged, a self organized plasma ball is allegedly produced that shoots across, hits the anode, and produces a beam of force. Also, in his latest technology, he has spinning aluminum discs with concentric gold nano-rings. If you look these nano-rings up, there is literature explaining how if they are exposed to a magnetic field they can have a "persistent current" flowing through them of electrons that are all in the SAME PHASE. Basically, they become superconducting! Also, the smaller they are, the higher the temperature they can remain in this phase! This is why Podletnov can now operate the device at room temperature or higher!

In both of these examples, COHERENT MATTER is MOVED or ACCELERATED. This really seems to be the key for gravity control.

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Do you have a reference to the new Podkletnov work at higher temps you can share? I have not heard of any new work from him on this since the ~2001 Impulse beam publication which is fascinating and very similar to the Claude Poher devices which are extremely similar and on my list of things to try and replicate already.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Haven’t been able to watch it yet but have to say those traces of whatever is being recorded look very impressive in their behavior, was there any special atmosphere in the chamber? Or this is just result of new methods of recording the images?

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This was, I believe, low pressure air. Some recordings at 60fps had auto iris/exposure correct such that there are no gaps in the tracks and combined with new and improved methods I have developed for merging frames and two camera shooting, a far better understanding of their motion is revealed.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Curbina- It was mostly residual air in these experiments however I did introduce some water vapour and ammonia vapor in the form of some injected household ammonia that flashed into vacuum at one point but it was a very tiny amount. Seems like you do not need a special atmosphere to create these traces. Residual air left over from what the single stage rotary vane pump cannot remove is mostly what I have used. Sometimes it is best to not have a very high vacuum but I have seen these produced in a range of vacuum conditions up to the point where the pressure is too great to sustain the discharge.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Thanks for the details. I was thinking in something akin to a cloud chamber but now that I see there was nothing more than a vacuum I am really impressed of the ability to capture the traces, Matsumoto tried this but the video imaging tools of his time did not help much, yet he observed much more than others because he looked, as you are doing now. Amazing!

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I hoping that Matsumoto will pass his critical and experienced ideas over this work when more data is processed and easy to review.

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Jun 12, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

According to current thinking when the universe began, all the four forces of nature were consolidated into a single force, but as the universe expanded, a change of state occurred where these four forces became separate and distinct from each other. The weak force became very short ranged, the electromagnetic force remained long ranged and the strong force became strong. But that change of state added the Higgs field to coordinate the actions of the electromagnetic and the weak force. The Higgs field gave the W and Z boson a huge mass and this make this force carriers very short ranged. But the photon was kept at zero mass as the electromagnetic long range force charrier.

I beleive that the Higgs field can be disrupted and removed at least within a micro sized volume of space time. I call that volume an exotic vacuum object (EVO). With that change in the force structure inside the EVO, what will happen. Most likely the forces of nature will revert back to the way that all of the four forces acted as a single unified force when the universe first began.

The weak force would become strong again. That means that the W and Z boson would become massless again and behave just like the photon. Any energetic excitation of the EVO would not only produce EMF radiation but also long range "weak force" emissions. This new regime in force projection is now electroweak force projection.

Any unstable isotopes far from the radiating EVO would then become stable.

The strong force would now become weak again and any atomic structure that entered the volume of the EVO would revert to its fundamental particle content... "quark soup".

If we can change the modulus of the forces of nature so that they behave like the did before the Higgs field made its presence felt, then some interesting space-time engineering could be done.

The stabilization of tritium contaminate water might be done by placing a EVO source in the center of a stainless steel vessel that supports a flow of contaminate water around that source. The speed of the flow could be adjusted so that all the tritium is stabilized before exiting the vessel.

The EVO source could be a active Parkhomov reactor or a wood pecker.

Parkhomov could determine the maximum distance from his electroweak source that an unstable isotope must be placed to insure that stabilization occurs.

Parkhomov most likely has access to radioactive isotopes that we here in the west do not have.

A not so good alternative for a EVO source would be one that MSMP has access to like VEGA but unit testing and calibrating it with a radioactive isotopes would be impossible.

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Jun 10, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Bob what is going on here.



KCl solution sparking in microwave but nopt with NaCl

Was doing a simple evaporation of about 30ml of saturated KCl (room temp) and 30ml NaCl (room temp) - both in separate beakers. The KCl created little sparks very near the surface (IDK if it was on the wall of the beaker @ the meniscus or in the solution). These didn't look dangerous, but they were very noticeable and about 1-5mm in diameter.

What was odd was that this happened within 5 seconds of turning on the microwave (1000w - on high) while the NaCl did nothing after 30 seconds except precipitate some crystals.

The odd thing is that I evap't a beaker of about 600ml of KCl (heated to boiling for about 10 mins) and I didn't see anything happen then. I stopped before the amount of liquid dropped below 400ml though.

What is happening here. Is it the H2 seperating and igniting or is it K and Cl separating and the K igniting with water?

Very odd from my experience.

Could this be a Vega like production of Bosenova? Any MFMP experimenters willing to duplicate this reaction?

This could be related to the way potassium generates clusters of Rydberg matter as per Holmlid and catalyzes the production of EVOs. The EVOs grow until the point of instability whereupon they explode in a bosenova. If this is happening, there would be X-rays produced by the bosenova as the high energy electrons produce Bremsstrahlung while undergoing thermalization. The use of self developing dental X-ray film would be a proper detection method for those X-rays.

buy self developing dental X-ray film here


The size of the spark looks about right for a 500 Gev Bosenova.

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Hi Axil,

Sounds interesting. Of course, K is very important and I expect to do a video on this today or tomorrow.

Do you have pictures or videos of the events?

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Jun 11, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

I received this message from Michael Foster who tried this microwave experiment as follows

"I tried this and it looks really kewl indeed. The potassium chloride I used was pure enough that if you do a simple flame test, you don't get any of that yellow-orange sodium color. I watched the sparking with a 1500 lpm diffraction grating and the double D lines of sodium are way too bright to be accounted for from the potassium chloride. So it's either transmutation (unlikely), or the energy produced by the sparking is enough to remove some sodium from the wall of the glass container.

I didn't see any of the characteristic hydrino spectral lines :-)"

Some transmutation to sodium might be occurring as suggested by emission spectrum analysis of the sparks. This experiment could provide a low cost reaction demo.

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I got this from link from Jones Beene and that's it. I bet this process is similar to what Holmlid is doing with ultra dense matter using a laser but instead using microwaves.

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Apr 8, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Theres some very similar spiral ejections via electrolysis in this older YT. video..https://youtu.be/BPvocqZlwhA

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Good spot!

These things have been hidden in plain site for all eternity, millions of people will have seen them and not recognised their significance - it is like, when you learn a new word - you will see it everywhere. Only this this case, we are looking at the words of nature that no one recognised but they tell a story, and that story is how so-called 'exotic energy technologies' work.

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Mar 30, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

I have yet to comprehend what bremsstraulung, unruh, or strange radiation are but I did learn radiation is just heat transfer like conductive ive also learn that cherenkov radiation is produced by breaking the light barrier which I think is what a whitehole radiation would form like the big bang ....upon learning that conductive ,convection, and radiation are the 3 types of heat transfer I thought if super conductive is a thing why not the other 2 ...turns out super and sub radiation has been documented but nothing on super convection why is that? sorry if I'm asking all these questions but your the only scientist that I've seen discussing these things, thanks for all the help by the way.

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See above.

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When I see an electron cluster (EVO), in an ultrasonic cleaner, it looks like a gray shadow moving quietly around. This may take several seconds. When it hits the foil, it suddenly moves 10 mm. in 0.03 seconds and make marks in the foil. I think the electron cluster maybe shaped like a toroi is almost invisible before it breaks when it hits something.

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Cool video! I see at least three different phenomena.

1) The large very well organized torus at the top. What do you think that is? Does it appear out of no where?

2) Tiny little gray blobs that move around, hit the surface, and then produce a string of spots on the metal.

3) Tornadoes of little gray blobs that literally eat up the metal.

I know that ultra sound can do damage to aluminum and other metals, but I did NOT know that it could form an organized torus shaped structure!!!

Also, have you attempted to change the viscosity of the water? This will change the size of the bubbles and the energy they have.

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1: I think you are referring to an air bubble that is trapped inside between the plastic plate and the foil

It could be beautiful if it really is a torus that is forming but it is probably not finally proven. The fact that you can see something is it because the light cannot pass through or is it a bit crumbling from the aluminum.

I have not tried with different viscosity.

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I don't think that was an air bubble because it started off smaller and rose upwards. I think that was some kind of torus.

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Do they look anything like what Bob saw in Suhas Ralkar (apologies for my incorrect spelling) lab in india? See the linked video at reference timestamp. https://youtu.be/KOlJwSmjqbs?t=336

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No, what you can see in an ultrasonic cleaner depends a lot on the frequency, the amount of watt, the water level and more. I have previously shown a video on E-cat world that shows it.


You may notice a small round shadow moving downward slightly above the center of the image.

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What is the highest resolution / frequency you have this at?

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I forgot It is 30 frames per sec if it was what you asked for.

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Great, and what is the maximum frame rate and is that what is posted at the drive link

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Apr 4, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer


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Alan, you have done very well with this video, this shows very clearly that a self-organising structure is doing the eating of the aluminium. I think this is a hydrodynamic analogue of what is going on in group electron clusters (which is a magneto hydrodynamic structure). It could be that there is a lot of coherence here as well, but in the sound level frequency rather than light or electron energy level.

This looks like an analogue for how the miners mine the diamonds in LION. May I have your permission to use this video?

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Apr 4, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

What you are referring to is this what is happening at the edges? I find it strange that the small shadows suddenly change when they hit the aluminum foil. Feel free to share the video.

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Apr 4, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Hey Allan, Can't speak for Bob, but when I saw the video I was mainly looking at the "sprites" ,typically one per area being eaten that would jump around the periphery of the area being eaten. I tried to see the shadows you were talking about, that you said would change when they hit the aluminum foil but I just wasn't sure if I was seeing what you were referring too. Is there any way you could give a screenshot at a certain timestamp and just use paint to highlight what you are referring to. I wasn't sure if there were only visible for afew frames and I just missed them or something.

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I have marked one. There is also a clear one about 3 sec before.


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Allan, I believe you have found an even easier way to study these structures then the VEGA experiment and that this is incredibly important first step to being able to experiment with these things in a much easier environment. Congrats on this discovery!!!

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Apr 5, 2021Liked by Bob Greenyer

Thanks, but there may be something different in a ULTR. I just tried with a CD wrapped in aluminum foil. It did not make any marks in the CD.

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Don't feel bad, Al foil stopped appearance of tracks on CDs in Zhigalov/Parkhomov experiments.


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That's really cool, they most certainly appear to be "consuming" the metal foil :) Can you share any information on the foil being used, frequency and solution constituents. They look a little similar to me (just round instead of donuty), the shadowy nature of yours might just be a difference in lighting I guess. I think Suhas Ralkar (excuse my spelling) was using an ultrasonic system, with treated metal foils he prepared earlier, but I'de need to go and re-watch Bob's videos to check and refresh my memory.

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I am most interested in the small shadows that suddenly disappear. What happens at the edges of the foil is hidden by all the small alluminius particles that are held together by something.

The frequency is 40 khz and 50 watts and ordinary clean water and ordinary aluminum foil.

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It is very striking that they can be working in one area, and then, extremely quickly move to a different area. The Suhas 'sprites' were able to move almost regardless of the prevailing currents in the tank.

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Also would superfluidity tie into superconvection because convection occurs through the motion of fluids

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Well, in a superfluid mass, a convective motion becomes permanent because there is no friction to disrupt the motion.

In an off-the-cuff conversation with Alexander Shishkin, he mentioned how torsion fields created by rapidly spinning bodies, persist in an environment and are not good for biology. The only way he knows to disrupt them is to use a high energy small time frame electrical discharge.

The implication of this is that discharges of this kind can interact with the superfluid medium where no other actions can do so.

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To produce a gravitational force it requires a steep gradient in the aether which can be produced by a sharp electrical discharge. I wonder if one reason a macro-EVO keeps spinning for longer than it should is that it creates a vortex of aether that we can't see.

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I think I understand,,would it possible to make a superfluid that not only has permanent motion but really wants to stay in that state in motion like can "hyper fluidity " be obtain ?I'm making up words now

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This is what Shishkin was saying, when the torsion field is made, it only responds to arc discharges.

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Bob: With reference to my post below

Regarding: "The odd thing is that I evap't a beaker of about 600ml of KCl (heated to boiling for about 10 mins) and I didn't see anything happen then. I stopped before the amount of liquid dropped below 400ml though".

The sparking may have stopped because the potassium might have all been transmuted or highly contaminated by transmuted reactants.

Maybe we can get magicsound to do this experiment and use his SEM/EDX to check for transmutation.

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"I appears as if the track is only ‘lit’ when it is in the excited gas area and goes dark when it leaves, is it reflecting or re-emitting the light it is exposed to? Regardless, this recorded behaviour implies that it is not producing its own light."

A few thoughts.

K. Shoulders proved that EVOs are continually absorbing and emitting electrons. My guess is that when it is in a less excited or less ionized area it has fewer electrons to "eat" but is still ejecting them so it goes dark. Also, we know that EVOs are resonance chambers that absorb all sorts of EM radiation. In a dark area, the EVO would have less food.

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Morning..I just came across the concept of synchronization and I thought what if the impulse gravity generator was like a space pendulum that oscillates to the resonance frequency of space time ...also, rpms can be considered like a frequency but for rotation like how planets orbit around the sun and behave with some sort of gravitational resonance and maybe that explains the rodin coil (through its rpm or eletrical resonance/frequency)and what if the neutrino was the medium for zero point energy "the aether"(in one of your previous videos) but for the quantum entanglement how particles can instantaneous send information to there sister particles. Could the graviton be some sort of hyperdimensional vertex/tensor? When your book comes out are you going to read the audio version cause that'll be awesome ,cause I'm lazy when it comes to reading.

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