I wanted to do a look at any potential magnetic anomalies on the main thunderstorm generator (TSG) metal assembly. None of this is conclusive.
In the first video above, which was taken when the 400kW natural gas powered generator was switched off, there appeared to be a minimum field in the first quarter of the sphere into which the hot exhaust from the generator would go.

At the other, mirror end of the main double sphere structure, there was an area that Malcolm said had symmetrically imploded from an equivalent sphere shape to that in Fig. 1. above.
Initially, Malcolm thought there was some magnetic anomalies demonstrated by this magnetic marble.
He thought there were alternating ferromagnetic bands, which he demonstrated with a large high strength magnetic ball he got out of a box. I deduced, almost as soon as this sequence was recorded, that this was actually likely because of the N/S of the high strength Nd based super-magnet flipping from one pole to the other on the ferromagnetic mild steel.
I went to my experimental kit bag to get some magneview film I had brought with me to test my hypothesis and it was confirmed. On reviewing the video, you can see in the first few seconds he slides the magnet - see the clip below, between the 3rd and 5th seconds - this also confirms the hypothesis.Therefore, this was nothing out of the ordinary.
He thought the area that was flatter had a stronger hold on the magnet - it did, I concluded at this time this might well be explained by the tighter magnetic coupling to a flat/concave surface over a convex surface. A less likely hypothesis was that perhaps the metal was thicker or had its magnetic susceptibility changed by whatever distorted it and that could account for the higher attraction also.

That being said, I did want to test the distorted area when the generator was running. (as close as I could get when it was at 300-400ºC!)
Whilst it is not conclusive, the strongest field was right at this point where the sphere had been distorted. It is important to note that this is the point in the device where the water in the incoming air from the bubbler would flash to steam. If the water nano-clusters were travelling balls of water/energy clusters - it would be at this point that they might be released and potentially start to cluster. Could this explain the metal distortion?
See the high field at this point in the video below.
For reference, you can see the inner sphere in this “chimney” here through which the bubbler air travels.
Awesome question Bob get a iPad app the magnetometer drive about with it an record it also stand by a busy street with it or sit in your car and watch the 3 lines how they change x y z axis spikes it fun I have ot been following the Thor stuff but it’s a great interest in Austria cheers
Bob, this interview between physicists Unzicker and Assis provides strong evidence for Matsumoto and Kouropoulis in the idea of dense, mutual electron and particle attraction. Apparently, Wilhelm Weber in 1846 proposed the idea that particles at very, very close distances create negative inertial mass overcoming any repulsion, which in our day leads to superconductivity and, yes, EVOs. I have video starting at around 49 mins and revelation comes about two minutes later. https://youtu.be/vVJ3WHft9d8?si=tef68JVAHPA88PBT&t=2937