Hope your mom gets better bob sad to hear this hugs brother in willits appears to be a pandemic of influenza a I had 8 days of sniffles coughs yesterday I thought I was over it but last night I got uncontrable shaking coughing I that this was it after some hours I got super hot I found out by posting my symptoms on the willits fan page community a year ago I had Covid but this influenza a is many times worse iam not sure what az is

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Thanks and hope you get better soon.

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Getting there thank you

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Bob Greenyer

Bob, this is such sad news :(. I've heard of so many people have regressions of prior health related issues as well as new cancers. I used to be angry at people who were going along with this, now I'm just so sad about it. Just within my immediately family we know of at least 3 doctors who have taken their own lives. It's unclear why they did it, but it wasn't under suspicious circumstances or anything. I can't help but think, perhaps they started to put 2 and 2 together and got push back, perhaps they were told if they continued they would be shown the door. I think a similar thing is happening in law enforcement, the best ones are retiring early or quitting, I even know of people who were forced out of the military by the mandates, only to start farms and get as far away from society as possible. What you are left with unfortunately is a completely compliant group of people running the control infrastructure that will not question/challenge "authority". I don't see how humanity can possibly walk back from the edge of this at this point. I will pray for your mothers health.

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This is a tragedy all over. Thanks for your kind words.

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Bob Greenyer

I KNOW there are quite a few of us old farts on these alternative energy threads, but it seems so few who actually lived at all during the 1950s remember the polio epidemics or their decades-long aftermath. I DO- so I KNOW that effective vaccines make a BIG difference in the world, the numbers, imprecise as they are, are incontrovertible, and the numbers have become more precise with time for every disease and treatments for them since then, with greater and greater weight. Saying there are NO dangers to vaccine usage is an obvious lie- who does that? Liars and fools. Presenting edge-case dangers of vaccine usage as the general response and therefore inherently unsafe? Same set, different members.

I greatly sympathize with your sadness, Bob, we (my wife and I) just lost our DEAR friend Lilasuka this week after she succumbed finally to the damage from a bleeding aneurism sustained a few weeks ago. It COULD have been the vaccine contributed to that aneurism (I don't know how boosted she had been, but she dealt with the public on a daily basis, people from nearly all over the world as well as locally, so was very early in the line in 2021 and I presume she got boosted promptly for that reason)- but more likely she, along with so many of us, had gotten whatever plague went through in summer/fall 2019 before COVID was ever a thing, and was suffering longer-term effects as so many did. We don't know if there was any in-depth autopsy, we practice detachment from the material body and her ashes will probably go to Mother Yamuna or Ganga if they don't join go-mata here in New Vrindaban, so I wouldn't be surprised if there had been one, and I don't begin to predict what it might show.

Her death could have simply been the toll of losing her husband this year, or just a little too much daily stress of still working most days (with a birth name of Joy, she was just the personification of joyful, but no matter how joyfully performed, hard work can still be hard work)


16 October, 2021

Nearly everyone who dies these days will have died after getting a vaccine, because nearly everyone has been vaccinated for something. That's what VAERS would tell you if it covered all vaccines and went back 100 years. People with political agendas will then lie about it, saying that vaccines cause deaths. The leading cause of death is being born, as all that are born die, eventually.<<

To which I might add, the ONLY over-riding cause of death is being born. The universe, as you correctly point out so often, is showing us The Right Way to do things, but even more strongly it's telling us "Fuck your feelings, DIE!"

The comment above was over 14 months ago, the only data that have substantially changed magnitude are cases, related and excess deaths, immunizations, long-term effects, etc. RELATIVE rates have not substantially since broad distribution of ALL vaccines (Sputnik and the Chinese ones weren't highly effective, but also NOT useless, but they didn't have broad distribution earlier on, either).

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Having travelled to China, India (lived for nearly a decade), Sumatra, ASEAN, Africa 3 times, once for a month, Central America, Venezuela etc. I have had pretty much most of the real common vaccines that have been made.

The ModeRNA and ComiRNAty jabs are misnamed therapeutics at best. Their technology, along with Astra Zeneca, were all defined as gene therapy back in 2019.

I worked for 3 years at the start of my career in the then SmithKline Beecham's research and manufacturing facility in Worthing. I learned a lot about how big Pharma works and its motivations.

The RNA preparations are the first so-called vaccines to have PEG in them, this is a non natural oil derived humactant which has never been used in any real vaccine, around 7% of the population are allergic to it in topical application, I am one of those, many shampoos/conditioners and liquid soaps give me what feels like instant sun burn with rashes and itching, even fabric softeners containing it - god only knows what it would do if it was pumping around my veins. Perhaps this accounts for some of my mothers problems.

Then there is pseudouridine - this is synthetic version of a natural component of RNA and it was used to create fake - not - occurring in nature RNA for the RNA jabs to make them not need to be stored at very low temperatures and make them resistant to decay. This meant that rather than break up at the injection site, it, with the aid of the lipid nano-particles, works its way around the body and has been shown to still be getting the body to produce the toxic spike protein in the Lymph nodes 60days after injection - what could possibly go wrong when an important part of the immune system is spoofed into producing a toxin? A real infection clears quickly, I know I had Wuhan in March/April 2020 for 10 days and Omicron for 3 days in Jan 2022.

The biggest lie for me in this whole disaster, was that they tried to convince people that more antibodies at a later time meant better protection - NO - what it more likely means is the body is wasting immune system resources on an acute infection of cells replete with robust Pseudouridine containing RNA. It is called immune system spreading, it was a technique proposed for bio-warfare during the cold war (Read Tom Bearden's 1980s/90s books) - when you spread the immune system, it cannot deal with latent (but otherwise contained) challenges, such as varicella zoster virus, infectious mononucleosis, cancerous cells - and these things along side any other deseases in the environment pick of people of all ages and no one is able to pin down any single cause, this was literally a proposed warfare tactic 40 years ago.

But the excess non-covid deaths around the world show this is exactly what was happening. In one of my remote viewing sessions, I wrote a blog on this BEFORE the pandemic.


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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Bob Greenyer

My mother has got Raynaud’s and Sjogren’s syndroms, is now undergoing studies because of several anomalies in her inmune system. She had nothing of this before getting two Pfizer “boosters”.

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I am so sorry to hear this. Thankfully there is a good chunk of people that saw through this scam early on.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022Liked by Bob Greenyer

I tried to stop them, my father at least got only chinese jabs, which were as useless but not as harmful (if you don't consider getting a magnetic arm something too concerning), but my mother got the pfizer as her third and fourth "boosters" thanks to the 24/7 scare campaign, that was too powerful to overcome.

The fact that I got hospitalized "with covid" did not help much, as it consolidated on them the fear to the virus (thankfully I survived the hospitalization, even if the protocols and the system tried hard to make me depart this world).

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Let's hope time heals.

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Literally down the road! If you are in Brighton and fancy a pint let me know, I will be there from 23rd to the 26th, and then in Notting Hill till the 3rd Jan. Good luck and best wishes to your mother!

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I don't expect I will have a car, but let's see what happens.

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A Merry and Healthy Xmas to you all!! I will be spending Xmas in your turf Bob, my son now lives in Brighton!

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I'll be just down the road in Worthing.

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I am without a car as well but It would be great! Let me know 😁

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