I fully agree bob on your findings , seen this on some main media’s fox tucker Carson and many others over the last many months and seen others who got the sniffles and are ok

Now the jab thing must be printed threw the United Nations ?for some reason they want folks to be jabbed how far will this go ? How far did Nazi germany go ? So what’s scary is this restrictions stuff on folks how far will it go need goid hackers to find what is going on

I’ll be with the resistance if there’s one and fight I hate anything like Nazism or racism

I had some sniffles that only lasted under half a day was it C I don’t know is I don’t care

I get messages around the world about this all countries are involved some have downgraded th C to seasonal flu China recovered fast according to my source I say save the children is it something else ? Is it a omega message situation taken from Star Trek voyager the captain got the omega symbol and could not tell anybody what it was why did Canada news say back when there was the last pandemic years ago take horse radish or sourkroute

Main media’s in Canada news about the h1n1 I’ll google search these two thank you for a awesome presentation in this terrible tragity that is going in with leaders

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A friend if mine gave me this information https://divoc.egov.org.in/

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I copy this from a email from my friend in Canada who write me last night


just realised that I've had Covid twice now...the first time was when I had those fits.....it began with me sweating through my jeans and then I had the fits....real fits!. I lived thru it. The second time was after I got the vaccine, and the same sweats happened but the fits were milder and I wasn't scared. At no time did it affect my lungs but I've seen people on TV who have tested positive for it and they've said all they had was 'the runs'...basically. So it's not always the lungs which are affected. I'm convinced I've had it twice. Although you'd be hard pressed to find me get tested for it...why? A lot of people feel this way so the stats they tell each day are not accurate....especially the stats on the daily number of cases. It takes awhile to test properly...can't do it in one day. Or at least you didn't used to be able to...perhaps now you can at great expense.

I should go before I find something even worse to write about. I'm watching too many documentaries on TV....it's depressing to learn about how hard people have it

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