I find it is captivating and presents your work in a pretty honest way, whitout trivializing it. It is one of the few divulgative video that mention most of the past and present contributors to the field (Shoulders, Bostik Matsumoto,...). I hope this video will attract more people into the discourse and push the momentum. In addition it mentions a couple of suggestions that I haven't realized previously: the hypotesis that Hutchinson effect, even if has a ground in "known" physics, is actually tied to mr. Hutchinson himself (PK?). I think it is a plausible hypotesis, alike a lot of anedoctical reports from the supposed Siddhi superpower to the levitation induced by buddist monks, to Ted Ownens "PK man" story, and so on and so on.

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Col. John Alexander (in his book) and George Hathaway (in his book) on Hutchison Effect (HE), both make this PK argument about John being a part of the HE. Even John has taken on board the view.

That being said, Tom Bearden's observers witnessed technological cold metal forming in Russia in 1992, and Tesla was able to 'melt' or 'explode' metal in his hand when holding one of his other devices in the other. Moreover, one anecdote acquired by Dr. George Elegy recalled that Ball Lightning can leave Aluminium finger malleable for 20 minutes or so even cold. This implies there are some parts of the effect that need no John.

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Yes. I believe too that even some people can enhance/facilitate these effects but the phebomena is ubiquitous. BTW, one of the frequent remark of PK researchers is that everybody has these latent ability (=the link evo-or-whatever-you-call-it and consciousness is a fundamental feature) but somebody, for unknown reasons, has a easier access to this capability. Thanks for references

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Trevor Constables work shows cones and cylinders being moved forward into the eather wind that is always coming at us from the east...

Results monitored with radar, weather systems following the ship they had the tubes and cones on. Unpack that🤔

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Just watched. very good video. I have to ask, how do you think it would be possible to focus the beams of coherent matter to the numerous points all over those H shaped blocks or other objects

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It self focusses/organises - space charge


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This is super interesting paper. Thank you

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Interesting thanks

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Yes! This world needs to know about this, perhaps now more than ever. There's so much I could say, but won't here - at ;east for the moment. Here's something you might find interesting, though. When Joseph Davidovits' project analysed the andesite chippings from Puma Punku (their samples weren't actually from the H blocks) they found traces of carbon in the stone. They took this to be remnants of carboxylic acids used in conventional geopolymers, but I don't think that's how the carbon got into the andesite.

Did you know that many of the stone walls in Cusco were covered in huge plates of gold when the Spanish first arrived there? I think that there were once gold, or gold-copper alloy, covering parts of the andesite blocks at Puma Punku too, Look at all of the insets running along the edges of the H blocks and the other insets in the stone. They were probably for gold, or gold alloy,, inlays that were looted long ago.

One final point for now, for the sake of brevity. You mentioned the various points on a sphere where EVOs manifest and wondered if any analogues could be made with the Earth's surface. Well, yes! Take a look at the section of this article called 'A Glimpse into Higher Dimensions' that I wrote a few years ago on Teotihuacan in Mexico: https://grahamhancock.com/trumand5/#sdfootnote10anc

Teotihuacan's latitude at 19.4° N conforms to a hyper-dimensional rotating pattern. A second tetrahedron can be placed inside the globe with its apex at the North Pole, making a star tetrahedron, which is a 3 polytope of a hexagram, which is closely related to the hexagon, which is related to the torus, according to Arthur M Young who thought the geometry of the photon was probably toroidal: https://youtu.be/3_VydFQmtZ8 Am I right in thinking that hexagonally shaped footprints are not uncommon on surfaces where EVOs have gathered?

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That was fun. Rapid fire Bob. Regarding the mind matter stuff, have you ever heard of the inventor and alleged fraud John Ernst Worrell Keely? He claimed to have found in the mid 1800's something very analogue to what is being described in this channel. Using sound and cavitation to separate water and air into etheric matter.

His wikipedia page is rather straightforward on the alleged fraudster part of his career.


But his machines do appear to be finely engineered. If you do a google image search

Here's a nice old video tape presentation on his work by Dale Pond but I don't know about this guy tho ;)


Found this one to be quite fun to read on

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I was given a book on Keely last time I was in US, not had time to read it yet. There was a lot rivalry between him and Tesla as I understand.

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Thank you for your inspiring and groundbreaking ideas and your hard work Bob. And many thanks for share!

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wonderful documentary, need to watch a lot more of your work! With all that material it will be many hours of fun!

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Pleasure - you have done some very nice animations there, however, the one on the torus stones at least needs to be revisited. I will sketch and place that sketch here.

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That would be great. Thank you.

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The "anonymous" physicist at 38:00 in the Versadoco video sounds a lot like Thomas Campbell to me. He worked at the Monroe Institute from its inception. Author of the My Big TOE trilogy.(https://www.amazon.com/My-Big-TOE-Complete-Trilogy/dp/0972509461). Might he be helpful in your research?

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He indeed sounds like Thom Campbell. I listened to his YouTube stories, he has a very distinct voice. So listen very careful what he is saying!

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Robert Monroe left this note before the audio transcript: "This is Robert Monroe. And here's another track from our explorer files. We have coded this one TCA. He is a physicist by profession, and is one of our older team members, older that is, in terms of number of sessions, much of his work with is quite naturally falls into exploration that might relate to our space time technology. Here's an example. He's already well into focus 12 and reporting."

I don't know his middle name but first letters TCA might stand for Thomas Campbell as an option.

Full transcript can be found here - https://archive.org/details/compiled-explorer-series-transcripts-1-32/03%20-%20Consciousness%20and%20New%20Technology%20%28Unedited%20Transcript%29/mode/2up

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Thanks for the tip

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